How to choose and arrange turtle symbols according to Feng Shui?

What does a turtle mean in Feng Shui?

In addition to the fact that the turtle is a symbol of health and longevity, it is also a symbol of moving forward. The main advantage of such an amulet is that it is able to attract good luck to the house in which it is located, improves the standard of living, and helps in solving any business or problem that arises. A turtle shell means stability and reliability, therefore the image of this animal will most help the owner of the house, the main person in the family. It is also believed that anyone who has a turtle-shaped talisman will always be protected from the effects of negative energy.

But we should not forget that the turtle is also a symbol of hard work, which, of course, is well rewarded.

Therefore, you don’t need to hope that such a talisman will bring you much benefit if you yourself do nothing to achieve your goals and make your life better.

Turtle in the beliefs of peoples

In the beliefs of many peoples, the turtle was given a fairly important place in the universe. It was even believed that our Earth is located on the back of a huge turtle, which constantly swims in the World Ocean.

Much of the culture of Ancient China was borrowed from the mythological images of India, where, in particular, there was an ancient legend about one of the greatest battles of all time. This story tells how the mighty giants rebelled against the gods, but suffered a crushing defeat.


By the will of the gods, the shields thrown by the giants on the battlefield grew paws, heads and tails and spread throughout the world. This is how the first turtles appeared in the world. There was a legend in the Middle Kingdom that said that the ancient columns of the Heavenly Temple, located in Beijing, were originally installed on the backs of living turtles. The Chinese believed that these majestic animals could live for many thousands of years, that they did not need food or water, and that they were endowed with magical powers that could protect wood from aging and rotting.

Where is it better to place it in the house?

The turtle is placed in the northern sector if improvements are needed in the work sphere. For this reason, the office should be located in the northern sector.

We must try to ensure that the turtle provides rear protection, that is, it is behind the back.

A pyramid of turtles is placed in the east. If there is a confrontation between fathers and children in a family, and household members cannot find a common language with each other, then the turtle family will smooth out all conflicts over time. It is better to purchase a pyramid made of metal. It should not stand on coin bars.

The dragon turtle is placed in the sector where the Grand Duke of the year Tai Sui flies. In 2021 it is the northwest. But the location of this sector changes every year, so you need to make sure that the dragon turtle “crawls” from place to place. The reptile must face west, then it will protect its owner from troubles.

The drawing of a turtle is hung in the north sector. In the image, the animal should be crawling upward, symbolizing the upward path of your family.

It is good when the figure is on some kind of elevation, and not on a horizontal surface. A turtle that climbs up helps its owner overcome obstacles.

It is advisable that she looks out the window and not at the door. The talisman is able to remove negative energy, for example, if an acute angle or other unfavorable signs are visible through the window.

Outside the house, turtles are placed in the southeast or south.

There should be only one figurine or pyramid of a turtle.

What material is the most effective talisman from?

The material is important for a turtle talisman, but it cannot be said that the effectiveness or reliability of the amulet depends on the material; rather, the main working orientation of the magical item depends on it.

In order for a talisman to help in work and bring financial well-being for the whole family, it must be made of some kind of metal. It is best if such an amulet is covered with a layer of silver or gold.


A figurine of a turtle made of ceramics can impart wisdom to its owner and help in the development of talents. This amulet is suitable for you if you need a faithful assistant in moving up the career ladder and in developing your own abilities.

DIY work mascot

You can make an effective turtle mascot yourself. To create the simplest amulet, print or cut out an image of a turtle from a magazine, draw a blue triangle on its shell, which will symbolize the element of water, and stick your photo into this triangle. The resulting image must be placed on the northern wall of the office in which you work, and the turtle’s head must be directed upward.

Such a picture will symbolize that the turtle lifts you up, leads you to growth, promotion at work, and improvement of your own work skills.

When using this talisman, you must remember to work in the right direction. Strive for your goal, and the turtle will help you with this.

It is important to remember that turtles are solitary animals, so you cannot place more than one image or figurine in one room.

Types and colors of turtles

The turtle symbol is very multifaceted in Chinese culture. People called her a black warrior; she personified an all-conquering force that, without haste, moves towards its intended goal.

Its unusual structure symbolizes the Universe. The shell is a symbol of yang, and the body located under it is yin. In the Chinese worldview, an amphibian is an ideal combination of two energies.

In classical feng shui, the turtle symbol guards the back of a building. That is, behind the house there should be a natural hill or a larger structure. If there is no protection, then the house was considered to be built in a not entirely favorable location.

Three turtle mascot

The slow-moving amphibian was credited with miraculous properties. They believed that it could live three thousand years without water or drink. It was used as a disinfectant: the animal supposedly helped rid the house of mold and rot.

The turtle really helps its owner. In Feng Shui, a living turtle helps create a healthy atmosphere in the home, as well as moving forward. But not everyone has the opportunity to have a living creature; it requires care. In addition, it will be a Feng Shui pet, not its symbol.

The figurine in the house can be made of any material except wood. You can choose metal with gold or silver plated, glass, jade, marble, ceramics. There are turtles made of stone, but such figures are designed to protect houses from the outside.

The heavier the material, the better. The optimal choice is a metal turtle with gold plating or its imitation.

The turtle has the following actions:

  • Helps you move up the career ladder.
  • Promotes spiritual growth if a person feels “inhibited.”
  • Protects the owner of the house from all kinds of adversity.
  • The turtle shell protects if a person feels that he is in danger of trouble.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

It is important to choose the right figure. After all, the fulfillment of desires depends on what type of turtle it will be.

Turtle on coins

Promotes financial prosperity if income flow has decreased or stagnated. It is best to find a figurine where the turtle stands on coins and silver (gold) bars.


You can find a figurine of three turtles standing on each other’s shells. In China, such figurines are bought by childless families who dream of having offspring. They acquire a similar symbol if the family already has children. The talisman promotes the health of family members. Three turtles symbolize three generations and provide their protection.

Dragon turtle

A mystical animal with the head of a dragon and the body of a turtle. This figurine contains the power of two celestial animals at once. She combines the wisdom of an amphibian, has absorbed longevity and patience, and adopted ambition from the dragon.

Mantras and signs are engraved on the shell, the meaning of which is better to find out before purchasing a talisman. A mantra with alien thoughts will only do harm.

The dragon turtle can be placed not only at home, but also in the office.

It promotes your career and helps you decide on unexpected actions. Like all turtles, it is held behind its back. But it can be placed on a table, for example, as a paperweight.

Don't put coins in the dragon turtle's mouth, otherwise it might do the exact opposite.

Black turtle

One of the four celestial animals. Symbol of winter and north. Gifted to the head of the family. It symbolizes the inviolability of faith and a calm march along the path of life. Must bring stable income and prosperity.

Black turtle


To achieve the goals in which the turtle helps, you need an image of the animal or shell. Materials of manufacture do not matter. This can be cardboard on which they paint with watercolors or gouache; the shell can be cut out from a magazine.

A blue triangle (symbol of water) is placed in the center of the shell. They hang their photograph in it. Such a talisman should provide protection to the turtle.

Turtle symbolism

As already mentioned, turtles occupied an important place in the beliefs of various peoples. The Chinese considered turtles to be animals with strong magical energy. In this country, people have been telling fortunes on turtle shells for a long time and preparing medicinal tinctures. And today in China the turtle is considered a symbol of the Universe. According to legend, the shell of a turtle is the sky, and the belly is the earth.

The turtle is an ancient and highly respected symbol.

In Taoism, this animal is a symbol of the Great Triad; it symbolizes simultaneously water, sky and earth.

The turtle is often called the Black Warrior. This nickname appeared due to the fact that the turtle represents all life on this earth. This animal is leisurely, but very consistent. The turtle moves slowly, but does not deviate from its chosen path in life and always reaches its destination. It is these properties that can appear in a person if he uses a talisman in the form of a turtle.

Dragon turtle as a Feng Shui symbol for home decoration.

Dragon turtle as a Feng Shui symbol for home decoration.

The dragon turtle for Feng Shui is a special symbol, a fictional animal that took the head from the dragon and the body from the turtle, the dragon's head symbolizes ambition, and the turtle's body symbolizes wisdom, and the dragon turtle symbolizes protection and courage. This is a turtle that turns into a dragon, but not the other way around. Both animals, as you know, carry positive qualities in Feng Shui, and if you buy a dragon turtle as an amulet or accessory for your home, then your business will definitely go uphill, and your career will grow and bring you good money. The dragon turtle's shell is usually marked with signs or texts. Also, one, two or three baby turtles are allowed on the back of a turtle; such a symbol will help those who want to conceive a child. The dragon turtle sitting on coins is a symbol of wealth and material abundance.

But initially, a turtle with a dragon's head was a symbol of longevity, peace and tranquility. Maybe in truth you shouldn’t focus only on monetary symbols. For this, there are such effective things as the money tree and the money toad. Although such strong symbols as the dragon turtle can help in any area of ​​yours that needs to be strengthened, in this case the dragon turtle should be placed in the sector where you need help. In general, images of both simple turtles and turtles with a dragon’s head are best placed behind the back as a symbol of protection and support.

In order to be successful in business , place a dragon turtle on your desktop; a dragon is also an ambition, which is very important for achieving financial plan goals and for a career. They also say that it is very important for the dragon turtle to be in the sector according to the Tai Sui year, its position changes every year, and therefore the dragon turtle figurine must be rearranged every year according to the year.

If you bought or were given a figurine of a dragon turtle sitting on coins, then do not put a coin in its mouth, and do not buy such dragon turtles, it is not a toad. Also, you cannot place the dragon turtle on the floor, and you cannot place it on the work table directly in front of you. In general, the dragon symbol is very specific and should only be used following all the rules. If you are not sure that you can do it, buy something else, more specific and something that suits the interior of your apartment better.

Dragon turtles are usually made of bronze and ceramic. Large dragon tufts, which are custom-made for palaces and parks, are made of stone or metal.

Whether it's a sculpture, a small figurine, or just a pencil drawing, the dragon turtle symbol is said to always work.

Turtle dragon

In the Feng Shui tradition, there is another amazing symbol - the dragon turtle. This is a magical animal with the body and shell of a turtle and the head of a Chinese dragon. According to legend, this ancient animal protects people from the wrath of the terrible Prince Tai-Sui. This talisman must be placed in such a way that the dragon’s head is directed to the West, where the prince’s house is located. It is believed that if the turtle dragon follows the prince, then he will not be able to bring misfortune into your life, and you will receive not only protection, but also other benefits from the turtle, in particular, good luck and longevity.

Meanings and properties of the talisman

According to Feng Shui, the turtle represents a long happy life, health, wisdom, patience, endurance and the ability to see opportunities where others do not notice them. The animal helps hardworking and persistent people to slowly but surely and systematically advance in their careers. But the turtle will not help the lazy and weak-willed.

In addition to helping in business, the symbol also:

  • Attracts good luck to the house.
  • Prevents any kind of conflicts.
  • Strengthens relationships between spouses, relatives, friends and colleagues.
  • Promotes gradual and stable growth of well-being.

The image of an animal is of particular benefit to the head of the family. A home amulet attracts monetary luck to him and provides support in all endeavors.


  1. A talisman ring with a turtle image is worn in two ways, depending on the purpose being pursued. If you are in the mood for active communication with others, put on the ring with the turtle tail towards you and the head outward. The talisman will help effective and fruitful interaction. And if you have a not very pleasant communication (a reprimand, litigation, trial, conflict situation, etc.), turn the turtle’s head towards you - the talisman will protect you from negativity.
  2. When choosing a souvenir or gift with meaning, choose a turtle - you can’t go wrong. This is a universal talisman that serves both career, family, and material well-being of a person. If you want to give something more practical (wallet, bag, clothes, etc.), you can choose something with a “tortoiseshell” pattern - a pattern similar to how a turtle’s shell is decorated. This pattern with “eyes” tends to protect its owner from the evil eye.
  3. If you are worried about a feeling of guilt in relation to a situation that can no longer be corrected, a black turtle made of stone will help you. Place it in the western part of the house and wash it with running water once a month.
  4. If you have nightmares during your sleep, place a jade turtle figurine under your pillow. A talisman made from this stone also needs water - put it in a container with water a couple of times a month.
  5. If, when fortune telling, you saw the outline of a turtle on coffee grounds or on the ashes of a burning splinter, this means that the main thing in your business is not haste, but a focus on success. If the question concerned the fulfillment of a wish, the plan will come true, but one should not rush things.
  6. According to the Zoroastrian calendar, for people born in 1946, 1978 and 2010, the turtle is a totem - a special fateful creature that endows a person with its properties. If you were born in any of these years, be sure to buy yourself a turtle talisman to enhance the positive influence of the totem.
  7. Of all the cardinal directions, the turtle prefers the north, and according to the calendar, it is assigned the cold winter months. Don’t put aside your talismans and jewelry amulets in winter - wear them more often, wash off the dust, put them in water, talk and share your emotions. The turtle will help you stay healthy and prosperous, no matter how cold it is raging outside.
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