How to get the help of a personal angel - a Noble Person

Noble Man in Bazi

In Bazi there is such a thing as symbolic stars.

  • Noble Power of the Sky and Noble Power of the Moon
  • Noble Person (Noble of Heavenly Fortune)
  • Noble under the sign of Taiji
  • Noble man with good luck in his personal life
  • Noble heavenly cuisine
  • Noble of Heavenly Power
  • Noble heavenly fortune
  • Noble literature
  • Noble right size

The characteristics of such stars give a very bright color when reading bazi cards.

These stars help to understand a person's character, his actions and deeds, as well as his level of luck!

Reading a bazi card is impossible without symbolic stars.

Among the symbolic stars of the bazi, some of the most influential stars stand out.

Among them, of course, there is the star of the Noble Man , or also called the star of the Noble Celestial Unit.

Having such a star in your chart is a sign of good luck!

a Noble Celestial Unit star in your birth chart , you are very lucky!

Calculating this star is very simple.

To do this, you need to know the element of the Lord of the day (personality element) - the celestial trunk of the birthday.

With this table you can calculate your Noble Person star.

Nowadays, almost every calculator calculates symbolic stars.

If you do not know how to calculate a bazi birth chart, you can use my video instructions for constructing a bazi chart


If you have the Noble Person (Noble of the Celestial Unit) star in your chart, this means that you have certain advantages.

This star means help and support from other people.

In difficult times, someone will always come to your aid and support you.

With such a star it is easier to achieve goals and get what you want.

It is a sign of a person's financial luck, especially if associated with the money element in the birth chart.

Sometimes this star is called our Guardian Angel .

There is a very strong Noble Man star in my chart.

I constantly feel its effect in my life. For which I am very grateful.

Sometimes my friends say “how lucky are you”...

But I understand that any “luck” has “legs”

There will always be a reason for our Luck or our Luck.

I was once told that I have a strong Guardian Angel.

I think that in bazi we can see this precisely through the stars of Noble people.

How through qi men we can see who we were in a past life and what we came into this world with.

The Bazi card tells us much more than just when there will be money or love.

There are several categories of Noble people stars.

The Noble Person or the Noble One of the Celestial Unit is the most popular and active.

And the good news is that we can use it all in reverse.

For example, when choosing dates, choosing friends, in Feng Shui, etc.

That is, if there is no Noble Man star in your birth chart, do not be upset. It can be brought in through our choices (our actions) and Feng Shui.

For example, choose friends who were born in the year of your Noble One.

And they will never refuse to help you.

This star also promotes career, wealth and prosperity.

She can also endow a person with charisma and noble qualities.

Such people are attractive to others.

After all, in order to be helped, the person must like you.

But the most important thing is the help and support of other people.

You may get help at work with promotions, in finding a job, you may come across the “right” people at the right time.

There may be several stars of Noble people in the chart.

The bigger, the better.

But even having one star is already very good.

If there are two or three stars of a Noble Person in the card, your life will be easy and successful.

Such a star is often found in the charts of politicians, businessmen and successful people.

Found either in the birth chart itself or in the pillars of luck.


For example, a map of Igor Kolomoisky , one of the largest and richest entrepreneurs in Ukraine. A very famous and rich person.

If the star of the Noble Person is not in the birth chart, then usually in the charts of rich people it appears during periods of good fortune when the person is prosperous.

When such a star comes in periods of Luck, it means Wealth!

Selecting favorable dates

When choosing a date, we can also consider this star to get additional help and support from people.

Choose the day of your Noble Person to seek help from other people, in the state. institutions, doctors, etc. And you are more likely to get what you want.

Use the star of the Noble Man in your life: in bazi, feng shui, choosing dates.

This is one of the simple and effective techniques.

And it works very well in practice!

Let's take shortcuts to our goals!

I wish you Noble people in your life!
The article was read by 13,214

There are many symbolic stars in Ba Zi. A significant place among them is occupied by the star “The Noble Man”.

A noble person is a guardian angel, an assistant who always helps to get out of difficult life situations.

The ancient Chinese considered it great luck if a Noble person is in the chart or comes in the strokes of good fortune.

If a Noble person is in the Ba Zi chart, then there will always be people along the way who are ready to help, support, solve problems, or circumstances develop in such a way that the situation is resolved, there are several options for how to get out of a specific problem.

It is believed that the arrival of a Noble person in tact or in the current year increases luck, during such periods one can take risky activities.

A noble person is always Earthly Branches. Calculated relative to the birthday Heavenly Stem . In some schools, Ba Zi is calculated relative to the Heavenly Stem of the year of birth.

Thus, for each person there are at least two Earthly Branches represented by a Noble person.

There are several types of Noble people, who are each responsible for their own sphere.

The Noble Person of the Heavenly Unit, presented in the table, is considered the strongest.

Noble People Calculation Table

In order to find a Noble person for your Daytime Dominant, you need to build a Ba Zi card.

We take the Heavenly Trunk at the birthday as a reference point.

For DD Yin Water, the Noble ones will be the Snake and the Rabbit. In the example given, these Earthly Branches stand in the pillars of the month, day and hour.

The strongest position is considered to be the presence of the Noble One in the pillars of the month and year of birth.

But there are Ba Zi maps where the Noble Ones were not in the map.

Then we look at the beats. In this case, for the Day Dominant Yin metal, the Noble ones are the Earthly Branches of the Horse and the Tiger. These Earthly Branches are not in the map. But there is a Tiger in the first beat.

In this case, Noble will not always work, but only one clock cycle. Only during the tact will defenders and patrons appear, ready to provide support.

But what to do if there is no Noble Person in the nearest tact, or such a tact has already passed?

In this case, there are still current years, months, days, hours of the Noble Ones that can be used.

How you can use this information:

1. When choosing favorable dates. All other things being equal, we give preference to days and hours with the Noble Ones.

At this time, it is good to schedule important meetings, make calls, and resolve important matters.

2. It’s good if there are people around us whose birth year pillar includes those who are Noble to us .

The subtleties of communication depend on the compatibility of Ba Zi cards. But such people will provide support, or communication with such people will lead to a positive result for us.

3. Use the sectors of your Noble Ones for activations .

4. Some masters recommend wearing figurines of your Noble One in the form of a keychain or talisman.

That is, you can use your Noble Ones at all levels. This is especially important for people who, at the moment in their lives, are in bad luck when they need to attract help from outside.

Write your stories of using Noble Ones!

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Which Noble to choose?

The Noble Helper rightfully leads the hit parade of the best and most beloved symbolic stars in Chinese metaphysics, because he is truly capable of working real miracles.

We can use the Noble One in dates, activate his sector in the house when you and I need help. The Noble One in the Destiny Cards creates powerful protection and helps a person throughout life...

Noble guys are cool and necessary!

And at the same time, like many other things in metaphysics, the Noble Ones raise many questions, and the most popular of them is: “Which Noble One should I choose?”

The question is quite logical, because a person can have as many as FOUR Noble options. Two for the day and two for the year.

It would probably be right to pause at this point and remind you how we find Noble Helpers.

To do this, of course, you and I need to build a Map of Human Fate. This can be done on the websites,

Once the map is constructed, we should look at the Day Heavenly Stem and the Year Heavenly Stem:

And then look at the sign:

Heavenly Stem of the day (year) of birthNoble Helpers
Yang treeGoat, Bull
Yin treeMonkey, Rat
Fire YangRooster, Pig
Fire YinPig, Rooster
Earth YangBull, Goat
Yin EarthRat, monkey
Metal YangBull, Goat
Metal YinTiger, Horse
Water YangRabbit, Snake
Yin WaterSnake, Rabbit

If, for example, you were born on the day or year of the Yang Earth, then your Nobles are the Ox and the Goat. If on the day of Fire Yang is a Pig and a Rooster

If a person was born on the day of Yang Water and the Year of the Yin Tree, then according to his day the Noble Ones are Rabbit and Snake, and according to the year Monkey and Rat.

The first question that arises is which Noble Ones work harder, by day or year. There is no clear answer here and the opinions of the Masters differ. It is generally believed that for selecting dates and analyzing cards, those noble by day work more powerfully. For Feng Shui activations - by year. Other Masters recommend using Nobles of the Day even for activations.

We recommend that our students stick to the second option, and if possible, activate the nobles by day. If it is not there, then look at the year.

When choosing one of the four noble ones, it is definitely better to avoid the one who collides with you.

If you were born in the year of the Horse, and your noble one is the Rat, it is better not to use it (and vice versa). Just like if you were born in the year of the Ox, and your Noble One is the Goat (and vice versa). As is the case if you are a Tiger, and your Noble One is a Monkey, or you are a Rabbit, and your Noble One is a Rooster.

At the same time, even the colliding Noble still helps you and weakens the collision. But it’s better not to use it on purpose.

And when choosing a Noble One, you can refer to the 12 stages of life of the elements.

Absolutely every element goes through certain stages, and some of them give it special power.

The stages of Birth, Hat and Belt, Entry into Service and Peak of Prime are considered the best and strongest. And if, for example, your Noble One is in one of these stages, it will be very cool! It will be very strong and the effect of its use will be many times higher.

Withering, Disease, Conception and Gestation are considered weak stages. The remaining stages are unfavorable.

How do we use this plate?

For example, a person was born on the day of Yang Water and the year of the Yin Tree, then according to his day the Noble Ones are Rabbit and Snake, and according to the year - Monkey and Rat.

In the top line of the table we find Yin Water.


We always start from the birthday,

and we always look for it in the table.

Then we go down and find the Noble Ones. And then we look at their stages

In the table we see that the Rabbit is the “death” stage (don’t be alarmed, this does not mean that when using it everyone will die, these are Chinese :)). The snake is in the “break” stage. These are not very good stages. The Monkey is in the “birth” stage, and the Rat is in the “peak of its prime” - this is very good. Therefore, we can recommend using them. They will bring more benefits and good luck.

At the same time, this does not mean that the Rabbit and the Snake will harm. They can also be used wonderfully, because the stages of life are only one of the ways to understand which Noble to choose. Build your bazi map, find your nobles and try to determine for yourself which nobles are the strongest for you.

Have a nice day!

Charisma. Heavenly Grace and Lunar Virtue are the stars of charisma.

  • Meryl Streep

  • Serge Gainsbourg

  • John Lennon

Sometimes you communicate with a person and cannot forget this meeting.
There seems to be some kind of magnetism emanating from him. And this is explained by the simple word charisma. Let's turn to Wikipedia. “Charisma is a special talent, the exclusivity of a person in an intellectual, spiritual or some other respect, the ability to appeal to hearts.” What unites Merrill Streep, Serge Gainsbourg, John Lennon? They all had incredible charisma. And also in their bazi chart there is the star Heavenly Grace or Lunar Virtue. But everyone evaluates charisma in their own way.

There are people for whom charisma is a calm, confident and piercing look with a twinkle, as well as fortitude imbued with harmony. There are many who are verbose and emotional, but few are confident in their words, gestures and actions! Someone likes the voice, timbre, manner of speech.

A woman I know said: “Charisma comes naturally to those people who do not pretend to be someone in their lives and do not deceive themselves. You should always be yourself." I think it's said very accurately.

For me personally, first of all, charisma is self-acceptance and natural manifestation. Surely you have heard the phrase: “She is so real and that’s why I love her.” Genuine emotions are worth a lot. Secondly, strength of personality, self-confidence in one’s actions and words. And only then the other components - for some, sexuality and sensuality. But sexuality does not mean that a person is depraved or vulgar. And sexuality from the point of view of energy flow. You feel that the person is alive, he is somehow whole. He gives off a pleasant aura. You want to touch him, touch him. For some, charisma is willpower and the ability to take responsibility, for others, for example, wisdom. But none of these qualities will work without the ability to express them naturally, that is, by listening and accepting yourself.

Charisma is beauty. But, alas, beauty does not last forever. And self-realization is cool! Charismatics are very lively and real. Disadvantages fade when a person is charismatic. Individuality is a gift from God.

Is it possible to determine a person’s charisma from a bazi map? To do this, you need to go to the site and build your map. Next we find the symbolic stars of charisma - Heavenly Grace and Lunar Virtue.

Heavenly Grace in Bazi

In the bazi chart, the symbolic star Heavenly Grace is responsible for charisma. It is also called Heavenly Virtue. This star can be found in the Four Pillars of media personalities, film and pop stars, popular leaders, politicians, celebrities.

Let's look at a table that can be used to determine the presence of the Heavenly Grace star in the bazi.

Earthly branch of the monthHeavenly Stars of Virtue
BullMetal Yang
TigerFire Yin
The DragonWater Yang
SnakeMetal Yin
GoatYang tree
MonkeyYin Water
DogFire Yang
PigYin tree

If the Star of Heavenly Virtue is located in the Heavenly Stems, then the person’s charisma is manifested more obviously and openly. The earthly branch with the charisma star is more hidden.

Bazi cards of charismatic people

Lyudmila Gurchenko. Date of birth: November 12, 1935. She was born in the month of the Pig. The Yin Tree is located in the Heavenly Trunk of the year. This is the Star of Heavenly Grace.

Marilyn Monroe . She was born on June 1, 1926 at 9:30 am in Los Angeles. The earthly branch of the birth month is Snake. According to the table, we find her Star of Heavenly Virtue - Yin Metal, which is her Lord of the Day.

Lunar Virtue or Virtue Star of the Month

The Lunar Virtue or Virtue of the Month star is also a charisma star. And that’s why it can often be found in the bazi charts of famous people and celebrities. Let's look at the table for determining the Star of Virtue of the month.

Earthly branch of birth monthVirtue Star of the Month
Tiger-Horse-DogFire Yang
Monkey-Rat-DragonWater Yang
Pig-Rabbit-GoatYang tree
Snake-Rooster-BullMetal Yang

Queen Elizabeth II (date of birth April 21, 1926) was born in the month of the Dragon with Yang Water in the Celestial Trunk of the month. This is both Lunar virtue and Heavenly grace.

Calculate your bazi chart using a calculator and see the presence of charisma stars in the Four Pillars. Don't be upset if you don't have Heavenly Grace or Lunar Virtue in your chart. These stars can come in the beats of Luck or the year.

At this time, a person becomes quite successful. In this case, you need to pay attention to the qi phase. It must be at a high stage. But it should be remembered that charisma stars are greatly weakened by collisions. Read about collisions here.

In conclusion, I want to wish you to be natural and alive. Stop being perfect, stop being like everyone else. It’s cool when you have something non-standard, extravagant, there’s no posturing. How often do you allow yourself to be free? How often do you post selfies without makeup or Photoshop? Allow yourself to be a free and real person. We will not always rely on the crutch of beauty. After all, it’s difficult to compete with young girls if you’re over forty. Beauty is not eternal. But finding and realizing yourself in this life is what you need to strive for. Good luck in everything!


Of course, it manifests itself differently depending on the strength and usefulness of the elements, but it is one of the few stars that always works.


The Noble One is the symbolic star represented by the Earthly branch. In other words, one of the 12 Chinese animals.

A noble person is, in a way, a guardian angel, an all-powerful helper, ready to help in difficult times. The ancient Chinese believed in the exceptional power of this symbolic star, and it was considered great luck if it is in the chart or comes in a ten-year period, because it is with this star that invisible and, sometimes, such necessary help and support in all matters comes to a person.

There is an opinion that if this star is present in the Bazi chart, then such a person will make a good career, has an extraordinary mind, a pleasant appearance and has worthy and correct guidelines in life, endowed with noble impulses and purposeful. With all this, he can also show stubbornness and arrogance.


The Star of the Noble Man is located according to the correspondence of the Earthly branches to the Heavenly pillar of your dominant of the day. Each Heavenly trunk corresponds to two Earthly branches, i.e. Every person has 2 noble ones. How to find your noble ones, look at the table below:

In some schools, the noble ones look like the Heavenly Pillar of the Year.


It is believed that if a Noble person is represented by a useful element in the chart, then he is able to protect and prevent troubles. If a Noble person has unhelpful elements, then, as a rule, he comes into play in the finale and is able to save the situation at the last moment. One way or another, he always helps.

If this star is found in one of the pillars of Bazi, then such a person will always come across people on the way who are ready to help, and circumstances will develop in an unexpectedly successful way. It is also believed that noble protects against clashes and conflicts, but at the same time, unfortunately, loses its power.

If the Noble One comes in ten years of good fortune, then this is a great sign. You need to try to make the most of this period, because it is during this period that you will be the luckiest. The Chinese believe that the noble star adds up to 50% luck.

It is also generally accepted that for people doing business, clients are considered noble people, so when communicating with clients, it is good to choose dates with this symbolic star.

  1. Select dates
    The Symbolic Star of a Noble Person can also be used in smaller units of time, such as year, month, day and even hour.

    It is good to choose dates and hours with Nobles for important matters, calls, meetings, etc.

  2. Noble people
    It’s good when your colleagues, subordinates or superiors, friends, etc. are also your Noble people, i.e. in the Earthly branch of the year the animal we need is present.
  3. You can wear your Noble figurine as a keychain or talisman.
    In this case, the influence of the Noble One will not be so strong and, despite the fact that this is, of course, symbolism, you need to pay attention to how this talisman will relate to the Bazi card.

All the best!


Series of messages "Bazi":
Part 1 - Symbolic stars of Bazi Part 2 - Flower of romance ... Part 10 - Golden carriage (Bazi) Part 11 - Bazi Part 12 - A NOBLE MAN FOR THE BAZI CARD Part 13 - Several Demons of failure in Bazi Part 14 — Correlation of the elements in the Ba-Tzu chart with the 5 life aspects. Part 15 - Model of your ideal relationship according to Bazi

Personal noble feng shui

The symbolic star Noble Man is the strongest spirit of good fortune in Ba Tzu. This star is determined by the element of personality (lord of the day) - the celestial trunk of the pillar of the day in the baz-zi chart. And also according to the heavenly pillar of the year of birth.

ELEMENT OF PERSONALITYYang treeYin treeFire YangFire YinEarth YangYin EarthMetal YangMetal YinWater YangYin Water
Noble manOx, GoatRat, MonkeyBoar, RoosterBoar, RoosterOx, GoatRat, MonkeyOx, GoatTiger, HorseRabbit, SnakeRabbit, Snake

One Noble person in the card is luck, two is great luck. But if you don't have the Noble Man star in your bazi chart, look for it in the bars of luck. If the Noble One’s luck is not foreseen both in the chart and in the beats of the Noble One, use the energies of the Noble Person in the coming years, months, days and hours (you can find this information in the Chinese calendar for every day, for example here Calendar)

Also, using the star of a Noble person, you can find in the map the Star of a Noble assistant of 6 alliances. This is a special pair of celestial trunk and earthly branch, where the celestial trunk sits on the earthly branch which is combined with its usual noble assistant stars. What does the Symbolic Star of the Noble Helper give to its owner of 6 unions in the birth chart. This becomes especially important when it comes to wealth or good fortune in middle age, since the pillar of a person's birthday shows his luck at this particular time. To feel the influence of the star of the Noble Helper of the 6 unions, the star must be in the pillar of the person’s birthday. This star will not work in all other pillars.

In Bazi we use such a concept as the Star of a Noble Person.

She is also called Heavenly Noble. This is one of the most favorable stars. When we see such a star in a chart, it is a very good sign; it shows that a person on his life’s path meets reliable helpers, people who can support him in difficult situations.

A noble person is calculated by the Heavenly Stem of his birthday.

The most wonderful property of a Noble Person is that we can use it in several ways.

Using the Noble Person.

Time. Days with a Noble Man. We choose the days whose Earthly branch is your Noble man. For example, if your Personality element is 乙 Yin Tree, then the day of 子 Rat and 申 Monkey will provide additional support in business.

Clock with a Noble Man There are 12 two-hour clocks in the Chinese calendar, each of which corresponds to a specific Earthly branch.

Find and remember the time interval when your Noble rules. For example, for a person of Personality 丙 Yang Fire, such hours will be: 酉 Rooster hour 17.00-19.00 and 亥 Pig hour 21.00-23.00 * These hours should be used to start important things, to make a call, send a letter, publish an advertisement and much more . Especially if the situation is stuck and you can’t achieve a result or resolve the issue, you should use a noble watch.

*Time can be used with or without adjustments. The table shows the true solar time of each two hours. We live according to artificial time, so we need to make time corrections. Numerous online calculators do an excellent job of this, saving us from the need to make time-consuming calculations.

Space. Using Noble Man indoors. You can activate the Noble One in space. The Noble Man star is the Earthly branch. And the Earthly branches in Chinese metaphysics connect time and space. Each Earthly branch corresponds to a specific sector, expressed in degrees.

Correspondence of Earthly branches to sectors

We need to find the sectors of our Noble people. There are two of them. For example, a person of Personality 庚 Metal Yang. Its sectors CB1 are the 丑 Ox sector and SW1 are the 未 Goat sector.

We find these sectors in the apartment and see if we can accommodate ourselves in any of these sectors. Accommodation means placing a bed or desk or chair. That is, it should be a place where you will spend a lot of time while at home. If you can’t place yourself in the desired sector, you can also put a symbol. For example, an image of an influential person or an image of a guardian angel. But the use of symbols is much weaker. The difference between the fact that you yourself placed in a sector and the fact that you put a symbol there is the same as the difference between a real orange on your table and a picture of an orange. Both are pleasing to the eye, but you can only eat a real orange.

Real Noble people.

Some people can act towards us as Noble Helpers. If a person was born in the year of your Noble Person, then it will be easier for you to interact with him. Such a person will, willy-nilly, provide assistance: with deeds, advice, or even money)) For example. If your Personality Element is 甲 Yang Wood, then people born in the 丑 Ox or 未 Goat years are your Nobles. It’s good if these are the people you deal with when solving important problems.

The reverse option also works. You, too, will be a Noble person for someone. It makes sense to pay attention to whether you are hiring an employee for whom your year of birth is his personal Noble. For example, if you were born in the year of 午 Horse, then for people with the Personality element 辛 Yin Metal you can act as a patron. And without noticing it, you will provide such an employee with more preferential working conditions.

Watch the video How to get help from a Noble person on my Youtube channel

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to seek help from a Noble Person. The more options you use, the calmer, more harmonious and more successful your life will be.

Ask any Feng Shui, Ba Zi, Qi Men master what is the best thing to do to solve any, even the most difficult issue, they will answer you, activate the Noble One. What date or hour to choose for an important action, when there is no way to wait, and especially if there are no good dates - the day or hour of the Noble One. What kind of person should you build a relationship with (business, personal, it doesn’t matter) - with the one who has your Noble One in his chart. Even to reduce the influence of negative energies, use the Noble sector.

So what is Noble? This is a symbolic star in the art of Ba Zi. It may already be built into your birth chart, and then this is considered a great success, a priori you will be helped in life.

And you can additionally attract the Noble One through Feng Shui and Qi Men techniques. After all, by activating the energy of helping and supporting people, we can solve any issue. I think everyone will agree that people and the right contacts play the greatest role in our lives; our successes and achievements often greatly depend on the right people along our path.

So the star of the Noble is number 1, everything begins with it, you need to remember it first of all. Not everyone understands how cool it is to turn to the Noble One for help, and not to chase complex techniques and activations. After all, this is one of the simplest and most effective techniques. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that it is better to activate the Noble One more than once, but do it systematically, at least several times a month. And, of course, when you need to solve something urgently, find the right person, before an important call, meeting, exam, trip, when you need emergency help, feel free to contact him.

• If you need finance, activate the Noble One, there will definitely be a person who will either give it to you, or tell you where and how to get it, or tell you the shortest path to what you want. After all, if we activate money, it still needs to be earned, and the Noble One can bring it to you himself. • You need to solve a health issue - there will be a doctor who will help you, or a person who knows such a doctor. • It is the Noble Star, and not the Peach Blossom, that needs to be activated if you want to arrange your personal life. Then there is a big chance to meet not just some unknown person, but a very good person. Or this person will introduce you to another worthy person.

There are many types of Noble Ones. The main one (who is most often talked about) is the Noble One of the Celestial Unit. It is determined by the person’s birthday, this is YOUR personal Noble One. Each person usually has two of them and they are the strongest. There are also general noble years - Noble Dragon (financial assistant), Great Yang (male power), Great Yin (female power) - also very strong with their specialization. There is a Noble clock for every day.

There are many different activation techniques, they are all great, but it is enough to use the simplest one to get excellent results. It's easy to do it yourself. To do this, you need to identify your personal Noble One and, having found the desired sector in the apartment (big Tai Chi), activate it with a fountain or a bell on a good day and hour (you can choose the days and hours of the Noble One). If the apartment is large and you have your own personal room, it is better to use small Tai Chi and find the necessary sectors in your room.

At a minimum, these sectors need to be kept clean, cleaned there more often, not set up as a warehouse there, and not put cabinets there. You can put a desk or bed there (provided there are good energies in this sector).

If one of your Nobles ends up in a bathroom, dressing room, storage room or balcony, use the second one. If that doesn’t work, then activate the common ones depending on your goals. And HELP will definitely come!

I’ll tell you about the Nobles of the Year in a separate article.

Feng Shui forecast for November - the month of the earth pig

From November 7th to December 7th we will be living through the month of the Earth Pig according to the solar Chinese calendar.


In terms of energies, this will be a month similar to 2021 - a clash of the elements of Earth and Water, as well as the absence of the element of Fire. All this will give some passivity, despondency, lack of internal discipline or practicality. There may be confusion in thoughts and deeds, it will be more difficult to come to mutual understanding - such is the influence of the energies of November.


YANG TREE - Lunar Virtue, Star of Education. Study well, speak publicly, work hard for results.

YIN TREE - Star of Abundance, Heavenly Grace, Heavenly Seal. Good earnings, career advancement.

FIRE YANG - Noble person. Help and support from other people, creativity, but also pressure, conflicts.

YIN FIRE - Noble Man, Flying Knife, Star of Joy. Help and support from other people, creativity, increased status.

YIN EARTH - Flying knife. Accidents, operations, conflicts - take care of your health.

YANG EARTH - All month Robber of wealth. Conflict of energies, be attentive to health, do not conflict. Charity is useful.

YANG WATER - Star of prosperity, earnings and good luck.

YIN WATER - Robber of wealth, aggressive sword. Charity is useful.

METAL YIN - Aggressive sword, Noble of heavenly cuisine. Irritation, anger.

METAL YANG - Noble Tai Ci, Heavenly Emperor, Academician's Star, Noble of Heavenly Cuisine. Help and support, training and communication.



Star - Angel of Death. It is important to take care of your health, not to sue, not to conflict. Donation is useful.


Star - Horse of Travel, Angel of Danger. Activity, communication, new connections, inspiration. But watch your health.


Star - Star of Intrigue, Demon of Robbery. Do charity work, help others more.


Ally of the Pig. There may be irritation and dissatisfaction. Choose time for yourself, relax more, devote time to hobbies.


Star - Angel of Death, Red Luan, Star of Inspiration. It is important to take care of your health, you can meet people and start new creative projects and studies.


Star - Horse of travel. Tryout for a month. It is important to take care of your health and not take risks in business.


Star - Demon of Plunder, Source constellation. Do charity work, help others more, and take care of your psychological state.


Star - Extreme Star (Fifth Spirit), gives injuries and health problems. The Pig is an ally of the Sheep, and the Rabbit is also useful to her.


Star - Lonely planet for men, Star of difficulties, Star of intrigue, Angel of death. Difficulties with money, stagnation, intrigue and gossip, illness.


Star - Lonely Planet, Crime Star, Difficulty Star, Travel Horse. It is important to live according to the law, to be careful with money and spending.


Star - Lonely Planet, Star of Positivity, Heavenly Joy, Demon of Robbery. Quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings - you need wisdom in life. Charity is useful.


Star - Injury Star, Damage Star. Monitor your health, be careful, avoid extreme sports.


Pig (in the month) + Pig (in the year in your chart) in the Ba Zi chart. It gives laziness, apathy, and you give up.

Pig (in the month) + Pig (in the month in your chart) in the Ba Zi chart. Gives problems in career and with parents.

Pig (in the month) + Pig (in the day in your chart) in the Ba Zi chart. Gives problems in health, marriage and relationships and also in your home.

Pig (in the month) + Pig (in the hour in your chart) in the Ba Zi chart. Gives problems with children, as well as difficulties with new projects.

What to do if there is a Pig in the card? Distract one Pig from Self-Punishment! This can be done with the help of a jade Rat - wear the talisman on yourself or place it on the table.


On such unpredictable days, it is recommended to postpone any important matters:

NOVEMBER 17, 29 – days of Monthly Breakdown.

This is the moment in time when the Energies of the Day are in collision with the Energies of the month. Therefore, if we start any important business on such a day, we risk getting ourselves into trouble for a whole month!

NOVEMBER 7, 19, DECEMBER 1 are the days of the Annual Breakdown.

This is the moment in time when the Energies of the Day are in collision with the Energies of the Year. The main thing is that if we start any important business on such a day, we risk getting ourselves into trouble for the whole year! In other words, we trigger the further development of events in our lives according to a negative scenario for the whole year.

NOVEMBER 19 - lunar eclipse, DECEMBER 4 - solar eclipse. Both lunar and solar eclipses are a shake-up, a way out of your comfort zone, and an aggravation of problematic situations. Since the Moon is about emotions, our inner satisfaction with life, during a lunar eclipse people may be more emotional, irritable, lose control, feel spiritual emptiness or internal discord. The sun represents our mind, so during a solar eclipse there may be problems with attention, concentration, memory, discord in business, at work, in the outside world.

FROM NOVEMBER 19 TO DECEMBER 4 - the eclipse corridor is a special time when energies work for change, transformation, and deep cleansing of our lives. But what the results of this transformation will be depends on us! It is during the eclipse corridor that there is a high probability of dramatically improving your life if you know what to do and behave consciously.


9.15, 27 NOVEMBER - money haircuts. Get a haircut these days and attract money! It is good to recite special affirmations and mantras for abundance and prosperity. All this will make the “money haircut” more effective and targeted!

NOVEMBER 15, 27 - digging days. Go outside and dig snow, dirt, sand - anywhere! When digging, make a guess, think about your material or monetary desire - what you want, what you need right now.

NOVEMBER 14 - Devutthana Ekadashi, fast for pulses. This Ekadashi is also known as “Vishnu-Prabodhini” or “Dev-Prabodhini Ekadashi”. Brahma said: “...everything that is difficult to achieve in all three worlds can be achieved by observing only one Prabodhini Ekadash.”

NOVEMBER 30 - Utpanna Ekadashi, fast for pulses. “Whoever follows the vow of Ekadashi will be freed from all the consequences of his sinful activities and will achieve heavenly happiness.”


Let's consider what the influence of flying stars will be in November and how it can be corrected.

NORTH (annual 2/monthly 1)

Unfavorable combination. Gives dominance of women, disharmony in marriage, difficulties in business, illness. Possible problems with the kidneys, stomach, abdominal cavity. Important! Do not activate this area with loud noises, keep it quiet and avoid at all costs construction work, wall drilling or noisy renovations.


This is a very favorable combination of Stars, active. Great for a workplace, front door, office! Stars bring advancement, fame, wealth and prosperity. They bring success in business, mean rapid growth and success in business.

EAST (4/3)

An unfavorable combination of Stars brings loss of money, quarrels and lawsuits, immorality, unemployment due to one’s own laziness, and the desire for easy money. Gives problems with the liver and gall. Talismans - Kalachakra, red color.


This is a strong negative energy that is destructive for most people. It brings failure, illness, quarrels. It is better not to sleep here, not to work, not to stay for a long time, not to make noise, not to make repairs. Correction - Metal element, salt remedy, pagoda of 5 elements.

SOUTH (1/9)

A very favorable combination of Stars. Symbolizes academic achievement, success through mental strength and hard work. Promotion, high position in society. Make active use of this sector!


Unfavorable sector! This combination of Stars causes disputes, quarrels, swearing, disagreement and confrontation. Energy gives tension and constant irritation, and also provokes diseases associated with the stomach. Talismans - Wu Lu pumpkin made of metal, blue.

WEST (8/7)

Conditionally favorable combination of Stars. Gives development, creative work, progress in business, joyful events. But some aggression is possible, it is worth supporting the immune system. Talismans - Pi Yao, blue color.


Metal collision. The combination of these stars brings competition at work, rivalry, and a lot of controversy. There is a danger of injury from sharp metal objects, tension and jealousy, as well as skin diseases. Talismans are blue.

CENTER (6/5)

Unfavorable combination of Stars. Brings problems with money, depression, stagnation, anxiety and mental pressure, difficulties in moving up the career ladder for men, layoffs at work. Talismans - salt remedy, pagoda of 5 elements.

You can always choose talismans for each sector in our online store. Come in, we’ll help you choose!

Let's summarize:

The most favorable sectors in November will be south, northeast, west.

The most unfavorable are the north and southeast, southwest.

How to use favorable sectors? The easiest way to use the power of favorable Stars is to spend as much time as possible in the part of the room where they arrive. You can also use activators and talismans to strengthen them.

What to do with unfavorable combinations? In order to avoid the impact of unfavorable Stars on health and luck, you must, first of all, minimize activity in unfavorable sectors, and also use protection and talismans there that neutralize unfavorable energies. It is very important not to make repairs in unfavorable sectors, not to destroy, not to drill walls, not to make noise!


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What does a symbolic star represent?

The stars in Ba Zi are not celestial bodies, they are symbolic. These are virtual stars that a person calculates based on the year of birth, the animal's birthday and the trunk of the birthday. According to the formula, a person will be able to connect the energies of life and the surrounding space. If you live in accordance with the stars in your chart, you can harmoniously manage the areas of your life and avoid some problems with work, finances and family. Knowledge of the Ba Zi technique helps you make the right decisions and not make a mistake in choosing the path. The meaning of each star consists of many characteristics.

Personality analysis according to Ba Zi

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

It is important to understand that several stars correspond to the same person, and this leads to a complex character and a very difficult fate. People with the most difficult combinations do not make decisions easily, but are easily confused in their loyalties and cannot decide on the purpose of life.

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