Slavic amulet for pregnancy: help from relatives of the Goddesses

A strong talisman for conceiving a child will help families who want to create a new life cope with difficulties. Excitement is typical for every girl who is about to take a step towards a new stage in her life - becoming a mother.

And sometimes the desire to look at a sniffling baby every morning does not turn into reality. Either health problems interfere, or another reason is to blame. Doctors cannot help, they shrug their shoulders.

Where medicine has already said its last word, magic takes its place - good and bright. Since ancient times, in all countries, birth has been considered an event full of mysteries and secrets.

It’s so wonderful when new life bursts into the world! When carrying a child, a woman is endowed with special energy. She becomes more vulnerable, more vulnerable.

There is a legend that the first talismans that were created were those that protected the baby. The goddess of fertility, who was called Lada or Rozhanitsa, patronized all women who wanted to find the happiness of motherhood.

Her face was depicted in the form of embroideries so that she and her help would always remain close. They also painted the holy protector on the wall (usually near the stove).

How exactly does Feng Shui help?

Feng Shui helps to cope with both medical and psychological problems that arise when conceiving a child.

From the point of view of proper organization of space, several factors can hinder pregnancy:

  • coincidence;
  • the place of conception is located in the wrong place - where there are no necessary energy flows;
  • energy of despair due to fruitless efforts.

Pregnancy Feng Shui will help improve the situation by using the correct direction of energy flows.

It is necessary to understand that this practice does not promise something unrealistic, and the way out of the situation may differ from the one initially envisioned. For example, if a woman is missing such an important organ as the uterus, conception will not happen, but adoption may result, which will change the lives of several people for the better.

Using Feng Shui to conceive a child is not just about expanding the family, it is about activating the energy that is responsible for the happiness and good fortune of all the children who will be in this house. In turn, children, according to Chinese teaching, attract precious vital energy Qi into the house.

Reviews of signs to get pregnant

Svetlana, 35 years old

I didn't believe in omens. But in the last month I began to come across double fruits. Whatever I buy - carrots, potatoes, tomatoes - everything is double. And after 4 weeks I found out that I was pregnant with twins. So don’t trust signs after this.

Daria, 25 years old

We've been married for 5 years and haven't been able to get pregnant. They were examined by doctors and no health problems were found. A friend advised me to go to the Intercession Convent. I was immediately skeptical about this idea, but then I changed my mind - I have nothing to lose. If nothing works out, at least we'll get a divorce. After 2 months I found out that I was pregnant. Now I have 3 children 1-2 years apart.

Preparatory stage

To get pregnant using Feng Shui, you need to prepare the space at home by doing a thorough cleaning and getting rid of all the old unnecessary things. If there are dried or artificial flowers in the house, you will have to say goodbye to them, as they accumulate the energy of stagnation and do not miss new events.

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Then you need to inspect the bedroom and check if there are any sharp corners of the furniture directed towards the bed and into the central part of the room. In Feng Shui, such angles are called “poisonous arrows”; it is believed that a narrowly directed flow of negative energy comes from them.

You can get rid of the influence of “arrows” by neutralizing them or moving the furniture. To neutralize it, you need to cover the corners with decorative napkins, hang red threads on them, or simply seal them with tape. The most effective option, from an energy point of view, is a hand-made elongated napkin, and on it a living flower in a decorative pot of white or blue.

Also at this stage it is necessary to replace the mattress if it consists of 2 parts. You can buy a new large one or purchase a special thin orthopedic pad that will combine the two parts of the old one.

Slavic sciences to help!

We’ll also tell you about objects that were more than just amulets.
These are enchanted knots, the weaving of which is a magical rite. We know two things for a successful pregnancy. Nauz Kupala “Conceiving a Child” helps women get pregnant. God Kupalo is asked to give birth to a healthy and happy child, one who will always be loved by the Native Gods and people. This nauz consists of 40 knots, which are tied with a special spell.

Pregnancy test kit

Nauz Zhivy “Easy Childbirth” is knitted for an already pregnant woman, so that she can easily carry and give birth to a child. One such knowledge is left to the woman in labor, while the second one is taken by one of her relatives in order to read conspiracies addressed to the Goddess Zhiva during childbirth.

Kit for easy childbirth

Personal Gua number and its characteristics

In the practice of Feng Shui, Gua numbers are of great importance, which are calculated individually for each person, and each number - from 1 to 9 - corresponds to a direction in space. To get pregnant according to Feng Shui, you need to make calculations for a man and a woman.

Then, before conception, the bed is turned with the head in the direction corresponding to the man's Gua number. After pregnancy occurs, the bed is turned again, but this time in the direction corresponding to the woman’s gua number.

Signs for pregnancy that will come soon

Most women have well-developed intuition. Long before pregnancy, women often have prophetic dreams or smell the baby. Changes in well-being and home environment will tell you about an imminent pregnancy:

  • flowers bloom in the house
  • pets show affection and care to the expectant mother
  • storks on the roof or near the house
  • frequent sneezing at night
  • night snoring
  • increased salivation and iron taste in the mouth

Harbingers of pregnancy are dreams in which a woman sees fish in clear water. In dreams are:

  • Pets
  • treasure trove
  • rich harvest of vegetables, fruits and nuts
  • buying eggs

Western sector of housing - children

The sector of children and creativity in the practice of Feng Shui is considered to be the Western direction. The zone is determined using a compass; it can be identified either in a single room or in the entire house or apartment. Once the right place has been found, it needs to be activated, attracting the energy of happiness and creativity, which will contribute to the harmonious development of the individual.

For the zone to be active, a lot of light is required, so the western direction should be equipped with table lamps, lamps or sconces. In the evening, bright light should be on for at least 3 hours in a row to attract the required amount of necessary energies.

Properly selected colors are excellent activators; they attract, enliven and enhance the flow of energies. The children and creativity sector should be decorated using metallic shades - gold, steel, copper and silver. Earth tones work well - ocher, yellow, brown, orange and brick. It is recommended to use white or pale blue as primary colors.

You need to be careful with the color red. On the one hand, it is not needed in the western sector, and on the other hand, pomegranate is considered one of the best talismans for pregnancy. You can avoid the negative influence of red color by choosing a garnet image in red-brown and burgundy tones, avoiding scarlet and classic red.

The energy of creativity is perfectly activated by images of children. A western wall decorated with children's photographs will bring great luck to the child and his parents, and if the family is childless, it will speed up the birth of a new family member.

In addition to pomegranates, figurines of elephants with lowered trunks, paired fish, metal coins and “wind” are used as talismans. The Western sector loves metal, here you need as much of it as possible, but not aggressive (no knives, swords, etc.).

As for the bed, it should be made of natural wood, even if it stands in this sector. You can use metal decor.

The finishing touch will be the right scents. Scents of geranium, grapefruit, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, mint and rosemary are suitable for activating the children's zone.

Setting up a place for pregnancy according to Feng Shui

You need to arrange Feng Shui space in the bedroom: this is where the sacrament of conception will take place. The first thing future parents need to do is place photographs of their children in the room. Moreover, if you want to give birth to a little princess, choose a photo of girls, and if you want a future protector, choose a photo of boys. If there are no such photographs, pictures drawn by small children are also perfect. They contain a large amount of positive energy, which will promote pregnancy according to Feng Shui.

You can buy pictures with hieroglyphs in the store, just make sure you have complete information about what exactly each of them means. And if you buy a painting of 100 children, it can help you choose the sex of your unborn child in advance. If you want a girl, hang her in the west, a boy in the northeast.

Try to provide light in the room so that the lamps illuminate the pictures. There should be 5 of them, according to the number of elements, and each lamp has its own color. According to Feng Shui, red represents fire, yellow represents earth, gray or white represents metal, blue represents water, and brown or green represents wood.

Energy useful for conception is also well attracted by figures of elephants with lowered trunks. In Chinese culture, Feng Shui is a symbol of fertility. Elephants line the road leading to the ancient Ming Tombs in China. Today, women with fertility problems come here from all over the world. There must be two figures.

Unlike other flowers (especially artificial ones), in the matrimonial bedroom you can and should place a live ficus near the bed.

It is best if someone gives it to you with good intentions and wishes. But you can also buy it yourself. Carefully care for the flower - a wilted plant will only take away your energy. As soon as pregnancy occurs, put him in another room.

Another representative of the flora that will help you hear children's laughter is the pomegranate. Feng Shui for future parents welcomes it both in its natural form and in its artistic form, in the form of images in paintings.

South - love

The south is also considered a favorable direction, the activation of which should be given special attention. This sector is responsible for the depth, strength and purity of feelings, and the child should be born where there is true love.

All shades of red are well suited for this sector, symbolizing the ardor and brightness of emotions. In addition, as in the western sector, earth tones are needed here, which are responsible for fertility.

In the love zone there must be a common photograph of a loving couple; family archives and various memorabilia can be stored here.

Antiques, even the most exquisite and expensive ones, are a bad solution for the southern sector. These things carry foreign energy, which, even if it is positive, should not interfere with the energy flow of the couple.

There should be as many paired items as possible. These could be, for example, figurines of doves, mandarin ducks, butterflies, or just sofa cushions. They don't have to be the same, but there should be no doubt that they are a couple.

Treatment methods

If an extensive examination confirms that the cause of infertility in a man is a varicocele, the patient is recommended to surgically eliminate the defect.

The best results in the treatment of varicocele are demonstrated by the Marmar microsurgical operation, during which the varicose vein is intersected, which leads to rapid normalization of blood circulation. The advantages of the Marmar operation include its low morbidity, short postoperative rehabilitation periods and a low number of relapses - 3-4%.

Conservative methods of therapy (taking venotonics, physical therapy, hirudotherapy) do not eliminate varicocele completely and can be considered solely as ways to temporarily curb the progression of the disease if surgery is impossible for some reason.

North-West - patrons

If a couple is faced with problems conceiving, it would not be a bad idea to ask for help from patrons. Here you can hang photographs and portraits of your relatives and teachers, people who deserve respect and whose advice deserves attention. Believers in the northwestern zone can place icons, prayer texts or holy books.

If there is a bedroom in the patron sector, according to Feng Shui it should be decorated predominantly in white, it is advisable to add silver decor, and avoid sharp objects and weapons.

Patrons can also help in the financial sphere, which becomes especially important when children appear in the house. To activate this energy, you need metal coins; you can make a small panel out of them.

The beginning of summer is the best time for fertility rituals!

In spring and early summer, the Slavs honor the Goddesses and Gods of fertility.
Here is Yarilin Day (April 22), a holiday when men sow grain for the first time of the year. Zhivin Day (May 1) is the time when the Slavic Goddess of Summer takes power over the world. And the name day of the Mother of the Raw Earth (May 9) is the holiday of the Goddess, who gave life force to everything that exists in the world of Reveal. And the day of Kupalo (June 21) is also associated with fertility. But after Kupala Night, which is otherwise called the “top of summer,” nature begins to prepare for autumn, which means that it is not time to sow a new crop - it is time to cultivate what was sown earlier. Therefore, it is at the beginning of summer that it is best to carry out rituals and cast a Slavic amulet to conceive a child. Men make requests for the appearance of an heir to the Gods Yarilo and Kupala on their holidays. Women ask for fertile power from the Alive Goddess and the Mother of the Raw Earth. Although on the day of Kupalo, women also perform rituals for fertility - this is such a powerful time.

Men make requests for the appearance of an heir to the Gods Yarilo and Kupala on their holidays. Women ask for fertile power from the Alive Goddess and the Mother of the Raw Earth. Look and choose:


Mother of Cheese Earth



East - family relationships

The best location for the eastern sector is the living room, the room where all family members gather. It’s good if the nursery’s wall is combined with the living room, then the children will feel protected by the energy of the family and part of it.

Wooden objects are considered favorable for this zone. This could be furniture, various figurines or frames for photographs and paintings on the wall.

The color that will help activate the Chi energy in the sector of family relationships is green, but you should not make it too active; soft, pleasant shades are preferable. There should not be too much green, although it should not be lost. An excellent solution is a green sofa where the whole family gathers.

There is no need to make frequent changes in this sector; if everything is fine in the family, it is better to simply maintain the existing order. And if problems arise, something needs to be changed. An effective method is to place a fast-growing plant (such as bamboo) in this area and care for it. Its growth attracts the necessary energy of change and the problem in most cases is solved in the best possible way.

Feng Shui experts recommend paying special attention to this method when planning to conceive a child, because he shows good results.

What herbs will help talismans for conception?

Our ancestors always protected themselves with the energy of natural elements. The influence of herbal amulets on the human body has been noted for a long time.

It was believed that the collection of previously dried plants gives a very powerful result. A woman who could not conceive put herbs in a self-sewn bag. And such a talisman was always next to her.

Commonly used chamomile, cumin, juniper and verbena. During the day, a bag of herbs was worn around the neck, and at night it protected the expectant mother, being under her pillow.

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