Feng Shui for the expectant mother: planning pregnancy and giving birth to a baby

Have you found the person in your life a long time ago, but you still can’t see the coveted results of a pregnancy test? Don't give up and fall into despair. Experts in ancient Chinese practice claim that Feng Shui can significantly strengthen not only the material well-being of the inhabitants of the house, but also their well-being, and also help in matters of conception. In this article, we will tell you which zones to activate in your home in order to have a successful pregnancy.

It often happens that married couples for a long time cannot acquire children's voices in their home, despite the fact that the parents' health is in perfect order. Time after time, the efforts of each spouse go down the drain and fate still does not provide opportunities to make them happy with the most precious gift of life. Of course, every day you can only hope for the help of the Almighty, but Feng Shui experts recommend not to lose heart, but to check whether the sector that is responsible for the birth of children is activated in your home or not.

Pregnancy planning and feng shui

In the life of every girl, sooner or later there comes that very moment when she seriously thinks about having a child. The appearance of a “little miracle” in the family is a very exciting and responsible moment for the expectant mother, who from the first day is surrounded by a whole “swarm” of thoughts: “How to arrange a room for the future baby?”, “Does my environment contribute to a comfortable pregnancy?” , “How to avoid stress during pregnancy?”

The expectant mother must, first of all, be calm in order to easily become pregnant according to Feng Shui and subsequently give birth to a healthy child. Therefore, the use of Chinese practices in this direction is not only effective, but also very useful.

In Feng Shui philosophy, space is divided into sectors and each sector is responsible for a certain energy: wealth, fame, love and marriage, family, health, wisdom and knowledge, children, helpers, career. First, you need to determine the cardinal directions in your home: north, south, west, east. Now we need to determine where each zone is located.

According to the ancient Taoist practice of Feng Shui, the western sector is especially important for children. This area is responsible for all aspects: from pregnancy planning to raising heirs. Proper activation of the western sector will help fill the house with children's laughter and solve many problems.

Feng Shui color meaning

From the point of view of energy management, Feng Shui regulates each color and element as a certain aspect of human life:

  • Red. It is a violent form of Fire that acts as power, fame and reputation.
  • Green. Promotes prosperity, health, abundance.
  • Yellow. This is solar energy, joy, wisdom, development.
  • Blue. Represents a career, but is not suitable for residential buildings.
  • White. Harmony in the family, comfort, sincerity of relationships.
  • Black. Symbolizes change. It is often used not as a single color, but as an additional one.
  • Brown. Love, romance, balance, stability.

The colors of the elements are well diluted with each other, for example, Fire - Earth, Metal - Wood.

General Feng Shui recommendations for a happy pregnancy

It would be very good if at the time of pregnancy planning the bed was in the area of ​​the family or children. By the bed you can put a figurine of a Satyr, or as he is also called “the gentleman with a big penis”; according to legend, he impregnates everyone.

Under the mattress you can put a symbol of double luck - two drawn fish.

All areas should be clean and free of boxes and clutter. Energy should circulate freely and not stagnate anywhere. But it is better not to clean or vacuum under the bed during pregnancy planning.

Opposite the bed, you can hang the “Happy Children” panel so that the first thing you see when you wake up is it.

Buy yourself a crane medallion with a peach fruit. This is a talisman of new life. It is recommended to wear the medallion during pregnancy; after childbirth, you can hang it in the children's room; it will act as an amulet for the child.

The birth of a new life does not like unbalanced energy, so planning a pregnancy should not be accompanied by repairs.

Don't hold a grudge against anyone. Mentally ask for forgiveness from all your loved ones, especially your mother and grandmothers. Forgive all your family, friends and enemies. Go towards your happiness with a pure heart!

Such recommendations are given to us by the philosophy of Feng Shui. It is your right to trust this knowledge or not. But sometimes the only way to verify the truth of knowledge is to try it in practice.

Source: kotulskaya.ru

How exactly does Feng Shui help?

Feng Shui helps to cope with both medical and psychological problems that arise when conceiving a child.

From the point of view of proper organization of space, several factors can hinder pregnancy:

  • coincidence,
  • the place of conception is located in the wrong place - where there are no necessary energy flows,
  • energy of despair due to fruitless efforts.

Pregnancy Feng Shui will help improve the situation by using the correct direction of energy flows.

It is necessary to understand that this practice does not promise something unrealistic, and the way out of the situation may differ from the one initially envisioned. For example, if a woman is missing such an important organ as the uterus, conception will not happen, but adoption may result, which will change the lives of several people for the better.

Using Feng Shui to conceive a child is not just about expanding the family, it is about activating the energy that is responsible for the happiness and good fortune of all the children who will be in this house.

In turn, children, according to Chinese teaching, attract precious vital energy Qi into the house.

Other methods for determining the onset of ovulation

The most effective way is to do an ovulation test. They are sold at any pharmacy and are test strips. Since ovulation begins after a surge in luteinizing hormone, the test reacts to its content in the urine and displays whether ovulation has occurred or not.

The second method is a consultation with a gynecologist with ultrasound detection of ovulation. After an ultrasound, the doctor can tell you within two days when the favorable days for conceiving a child will arrive.

The third way is to monitor the quantity and quality of cervical mucus that is released every day:

  • After ovulation or 2 days before the onset of menstruation, there is no or very little discharge.
  • On normal days, mucus has a sticky consistency.
  • The most favorable time for conception is when the mucus is colorless and slippery.

You need to collect this information after the end of bleeding, so you can determine in advance that favorable days for conception have arrived.

Preparatory stage

To get pregnant using Feng Shui, you need to prepare the space at home by doing a thorough cleaning and getting rid of all the old unnecessary things.

If there are dried or artificial flowers in the house, you will have to say goodbye to them, as they accumulate the energy of stagnation and do not miss new events.

You can get rid of the influence of “arrows” by neutralizing them or moving the furniture. To neutralize it, you need to cover the corners with decorative napkins, hang red threads on them, or simply seal them with tape. The most effective option, from an energy point of view, is a hand-made elongated napkin, and on it a living flower in a decorative pot of white or blue.

Also at this stage it is necessary to replace the mattress if it consists of 2 parts. You can buy a new large one or purchase a special thin orthopedic pad that will combine the two parts of the old one.


Before directly implementing Feng Shui recommendations, you first need to go through the preparatory stage.

  • First, carry out a complete cleaning of the apartment, getting rid of all old and unnecessary things that have not been used for a long time, as well as cracked dishes and artificial or dried flowers.
  • And secondly, inspect the bedroom for “poisonous arrows.”

This is the name given to the sharp corners of the furniture, which are directed towards the matrimonial bed and towards the center of the room opposite it.

If you find such corners, they must be neutralized, as they will interfere with conception: you can simply stick tape or decorative paper on them, or cover them with a beautiful napkin, placing any living plant in a pot on top.

You can also get rid of the negative energy of such “arrows” with the help of a canopy, screen, picture or any other object that resembles a screen. You definitely need to put a new mattress on the bed, and this is especially important if the old one consisted of two halves - for successful conception it must be one.

After preparing the bed, you need to cut the length of your hair to the so-called “imperial size”.

Translated into a language that everyone understands, Feng Shui for conceiving and giving birth to a child is from 16.2 to 17.5 centimeters; it is this value that is responsible for the joy that children fill our lives with. If your hair is already short, you can use a value from 2.7 to 4 cm, which brings good luck in all areas of life.

When and how to start preparing?

Reproduction specialists advise couples to begin preparing for conception at least 6-3 months in advance. Spermatogenesis lasts on average 72 days, that is, before the start of this period, a man must be fully examined. If necessary, it is worth undergoing a course of treatment for chronic pathologies, correcting the body’s condition with the help of vitamin complexes, and lifestyle changes.

Sometimes doctors advise completely eliminating unprotected sex until the couple has been fully examined, and negative factors that adversely affect pregnancy and the health of the baby cannot be ruled out.

Setting up a place for pregnancy according to Feng Shui

You need to arrange Feng Shui space in the bedroom: this is where the sacrament of conception will take place. The first thing future parents need to do is place photographs of their children in the room. Moreover, if you want to give birth to a little princess, choose a photo of girls, and if you want a future protector, choose a photo of boys. If there are no such photographs, pictures drawn by small children are also perfect. They contain a large amount of positive energy, which will promote pregnancy according to Feng Shui.

You can buy pictures with hieroglyphs in the store, just make sure you have complete information about what exactly each of them means. And if you buy a painting of 100 children, it can help you choose the sex of your unborn child in advance. If you want a girl, hang her in the west, a boy in the northeast.

Try to provide light in the room so that the lamps illuminate the pictures. There should be 5 of them, according to the number of elements, and each lamp has its own color. According to Feng Shui, red represents fire, yellow represents earth, gray or white represents metal, blue represents water, and brown or green represents wood.

Energy useful for conception is also well attracted by figures of elephants with lowered trunks. In Chinese culture, Feng Shui is a symbol of fertility. Elephants line the road leading to the ancient Ming Tombs in China. Today, women with fertility problems come here from all over the world. There must be two figures.

Unlike other flowers (especially artificial ones), in the matrimonial bedroom you can and should place a live ficus near the bed.

It is best if someone gives it to you with good intentions and wishes. But you can also buy it yourself. Carefully care for the flower - a wilted plant will only take away your energy. As soon as pregnancy occurs, put him in another room.

Another representative of the flora that will help you hear children's laughter is the pomegranate. Feng Shui for future parents welcomes it both in its natural form and in its artistic form, in the form of images in paintings.

Personal Gua number and its characteristics

In the practice of Feng Shui, Gua numbers are of great importance, which are calculated individually for each person, and each number - from 1 to 9 - corresponds to a direction in space. To get pregnant according to Feng Shui, you need to make calculations for a man and a woman.

Then, before conception, the bed is turned with the head in the direction corresponding to the man's Gua number. After pregnancy occurs, the bed is turned again, but this time in the direction corresponding to the woman’s gua number.

If a woman does not have health problems, and has not previously had miscarriages or related problems, it will be enough to position the bed in any direction favorable to her.

Find out the Gua number and use it

In the teachings of Feng Shui, numbers are also of great importance. Your Gua number, as well as that of your spouse, will be needed to determine the correct position of the head during sleep. It is calculated differently for men and women.

For men, you first need to add together the last two digits of the year of birth, and if the result is a two-digit number, then add them again. This is how the intermediate number needed for further calculations is calculated.

For example, for a spouse born in 1974, the intermediate number is determined as follows: 7+4=11=1+1=2.

To get the Gua number, you need to subtract the intermediate value from the number 10. In our example, the calculation will be as follows: 10-2=8. The Gua number of this man is 8. Remember that from 10 the intermediate number is subtracted only if the year of birth is before 2000, but if the man was born in 2000 or later, instead of 10 it should be subtracted from 9.

For women, the formula will be slightly different: the intermediate number is found in the same way as for men - by adding the last two digits of the year of birth, and bringing this number, if necessary, to a single digit.

But the female Gua number itself is determined by adding the number 5 to the intermediate number.

So, for example, for a woman born in 1988, the intermediate number is: 8+8=16=1+6=7.

And the formula for the Gua number will be as follows: 7+5=13=1+4 (any two-digit numbers obtained are always reduced to single-digit numbers).

Now that you know your couple's Gua numbers, you need to look at which directions they correspond to:

After this, you need to take a compass and determine the location of the cardinal directions in your bedroom. After you have done this, you need to rearrange the bed so that your heads are directed in the direction of your spouse's Gua number when sleeping.

It is in this “male” position that the marital bed should be in until the moment when conception occurs.

And only after pregnancy has occurred, you will need to move the bed again so that your heads are now in your “female” direction. The bed should remain like this until the baby is born. For our example discussed above, the marital bed should be turned “head” to the northeast before conception, and to the southeast after the woman becomes pregnant.

After rearranging the bed, do not move the compass far away - we will still need it to identify and properly design the remaining parts of the apartment. This is exactly what we will do now.

Source: ezoterika.ru

Factors influencing the conception of a child

Every couple sooner or later thinks about children. If you dream of a child, then in order for the pregnancy to proceed safely from the very beginning, you need to prepare in advance for conception. Experts believe that it is better to start preparing for pregnancy three months before the expected pregnancy. There are several important factors that affect your ability to conceive a child. Let's take a closer look at them.

Age factor

Doctors believe that it is better to give birth to children at a young age, when the body has maximum strength and stable immunity. From a medical point of view, the optimal reproductive age of a woman is 25-35 years. At an earlier age, a woman’s body cannot yet be considered fully formed; it is not quite ready to endure the global hormonal and physiological changes associated with expecting a child. In addition, psychologists believe that a woman should develop as an individual capable of experiencing a deep sense of motherhood and passing on life experience to her child.

The ideal age to conceive a child varies from 22 to 30 years. Starting from the age of 35, women begin to experience a decline in reproductive function. The ability to conceive naturally at this age decreases, since genetic defects accumulate in the eggs, and the woman’s body is designed in such a way as to prevent pregnancy with a sick child.

A man's age is a much less significant factor for conception than a woman's age. Nevertheless, in men, as in women, with age, a natural process of withering begins, which is expressed in a gradual decrease in the content of male sex hormones, primarily testosterone. The natural rate of decline in testosterone synthesis is approximately 1% per year. By the age of 80, testosterone production decreases by an average of 20-50% compared to 25-40 year old men. The chances of paternity in men decrease with age, and the likelihood of conceiving a child with a particular genetic pathology also increases, although not as significantly as in a woman.

Many couples are concerned about the question: does the likelihood of having a healthy child decrease when there is a large age difference between the parents? According to doctors, the age difference as such does not play any role in this case.

How different methods of contraception affect the conception of a child

It has been reliably proven that conventional birth control pills (oral contraceptives), regardless of the duration of their use, are not any convincing factor affecting a woman’s fertility (ability to bear children). After stopping taking oral contraceptives, most women regain their ability to conceive a child fairly quickly.

A necessary condition for successful conception is to stop taking contraceptives 2-3 months before pregnancy. After using long-acting contraceptives - injectable drugs, subcutaneous implants, etc., restoration of the ability to conceive may occur only after several months (up to 1.5 years). Therefore, these contraceptives are recommended only for women who are not planning a pregnancy in the near future.

If a woman used an intrauterine device (IUD) as a means of contraception, then after its removal, the ability to conceive a child is usually restored very quickly. However, it is recommended to refrain from planning a baby for 2-3 cycles to restore the function of the uterus and fallopian tubes and reduce the risk of spontaneous miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

Often, single-acting contraceptives (creams, tablets, gels, etc.), based on spermicides - substances that cause the death of sperm, are chosen as a means of protection. Such contraceptives act for a very short period of time and do not affect a woman’s ability to further conceive. Pregnancy can occur the very next time you have sexual intercourse.

Taking antibiotics

If for some reason a woman is taking or has recently taken antibiotics, they can cause disruption of the bacterial flora in the vagina, which can prevent conception. In other words, taking antibiotics is undoubtedly a significant factor influencing the conception of a child.

Workplace factor

Your ability to conceive a child can be affected by such seemingly insignificant factors as the nature of your work and the substances you encounter in the course of your work. For example, contact with pesticides such as aldrin, dieldrin, dioxin, and furan compounds negatively affects fertility. They have an estrogen-like effect: the result of their effect on the body is similar to the effect produced by excess estrogen (an imbalance of estrogen-progesterone prevents ovulation). Therefore, all these substances (especially in combination) can lead to infertility.

In addition, contact with toxic substances such as oils, gasoline, herbicides, pesticides, lead, mercury, cadmium, etc. can disrupt the process of spermatogenesis in men. If you are regularly exposed to ionizing radiation at work, this leads to disturbances in the genetic apparatus of cells and can cause both the death of eggs and disturbances in the development of the child.

The main source of ionizing radiation is radioactive isotopes and their decay products, the scope of which is quite wide: the nuclear industry, industries that use X-rays (medicine, X-ray diffraction analysis, flaw detection, etc.), radioactive waste storage enterprises, etc.

Fertility is also negatively affected by increased levels of vibration, high temperature and toxic substances. If you are planning to conceive a child, and your work is related to one or more of the listed factors, then you need to choose a different place of work.

Sexually transmitted infections

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are diseases transmitted primarily during sexual contact. Modern medicine knows more than 40 different diseases and syndromes that fall under the category of STDs. Among them, the most serious are chlamydia, papillomas, genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea and, of course, HIV. Speaking about STDs, it is necessary, first of all, to remember that sexually transmitted diseases often do not manifest themselves in the form of any symptoms in the early stages. However, STDs can cause very serious health consequences and even be life-threatening.

Advanced forms of STDs are significant factors that can lead to infertility, causing adhesions in the fallopian tubes in women, and inflammation of the prostate gland, epididymis and seminal vesicles in men. The indication for testing for STDs is a persistent, untreatable inflammatory process, which is reflected in smears for flora and the degree of purity in the form of an increased content of leukocytes.


The effect of smoking on fertility has not yet been studied, but there is evidence that nicotine can reduce spermatogenesis. Statistics show that pregnancy from a smoking man occurs later than from a non-smoker, and the delay is longer the more he smokes. In addition, it is believed that a woman's smoking can hinder fertilization and egg implantation, which generally prevents the conception of a child.

Moreover, smoking also includes so-called passive smoking. Scientists believe that smoking can create a critical situation when conception is difficult due to other objective reasons, for example, pregnancy is planned at an advanced age. In addition, it reduces the chances of success in infertility treatment. Both partners should limit smoking and, if possible, give up this habit if they are planning to have a child.


As for the proven effect of alcohol on conceiving a child, only the consumption of large quantities of alcohol by a woman after conception can have a direct damaging effect on the fetus. Alcohol consumption by the father can also be a factor affecting conception, since the entry of any toxic substances into the man’s body impairs the quality of sperm, primarily by increasing the proportion of sperm with chromosomal abnormalities. Moreover, alcohol has a negative effect not only during the conception of a child, but even three months before it, since sperm are formed within 82 days.


Drugs have an extremely negative effect on the reproductive system of men and women. Thus, the sexual desire of women who use drugs weakens as a result of nervous and hormonal disorders, as well as failures in the complex coordination between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. It is these parts of the brain that are responsible for sexual function.

Under the influence of drugs, a person’s level of sex hormones in the blood plasma decreases, mainly testosterone, which is a substance that increases the sexual sensitivity of the nerve endings of the skin and mucous membranes. In sexual partners, sexual reactions may be dulled or completely absent. People who regularly took hard drugs are more likely to have children with drug addiction or various developmental disabilities.

The ability to conceive a child can also be affected by the so-called soft drugs of the hemp group. As scientists have found, the sperm of men who regularly smoke marijuana may lose the ability to fertilize an egg due to premature combustion. The study shows that such sperm moves too quickly towards the egg and reaches it prematurely. In addition, marijuana users have a significantly lower total sperm count than men who do not use cannabis, and the ejaculate contains a large number of pathological forms of sperm.


The dependence of the ability to conceive a child on weight is a factor characteristic mainly of women. Try to get your weight back to normal before you get pregnant. It is known that a woman's lack of weight (especially weight less than 50 kg) can interfere with ovulation. Excess weight often causes an increase in estrogen levels, which leads to cycle irregularity and ovulation problems.

Normal weight is a very important condition for conception. If the weight of a woman who cannot get pregnant is significantly less than normal, it makes sense for her to “go on a diet.” It is better to increase weight with the help of high-calorie (but not flour) foods: meat, legumes, nuts, dried fruits, and to reduce it - not by starving, but by combining a low-calorie diet with exercise. It is worth noting that excess weight also negatively affects male fertility.

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The concept of “quality of life” also includes the aspect of conceiving a child. And in order to be able to analyze the influence of the feng shui of your home on the possibility of conceiving and having a child, you need to have a detailed house plan in your hands, which will indicate all the compass directions. It is necessary to make sure that the western sector of the house is favorable. According to BaGua's theory of 8 life aspirations, it is the Western sector that is directly responsible for the construction and implementation of all our projects and plans.

It is the western sector that is responsible for the possibility of having a child, as well as for its favorable development and future success. The Chinese even associate the Western sector with the youngest daughter (under 15 years old). But a sector like the Northeast is responsible for younger sons.

If these sectors are absent in your home, and, on top of that, the Ba-Tzu card indicates possible problems with conception (regardless of the presence of health problems), then the cause of all your evils is clear as day. By the way, in addition to the absence of the sector, its suffering is unfavorable.

If the sector you need is cluttered, there are Sha-objects outside, or the sector requires immediate repair, it is considered damaged and requires immediate correction or restoration of order.

If the required sector is missing, you can conditionally supplement it with the help of mirrors or paintings.

If the sector is present and not suffering, you can activate it with the help of appropriate accessories and talismans that symbolize motherhood and children. These could be children's or family photographs, metal bells, mobile phones, striking clocks, a music center, icons (symbols of motherhood), a figurine of a deity with children.

If the presence of a sector and the presence of the necessary accessories in it did not help you, you should check the theory of Flying Stars, which can also spoil the overall picture. Flying Stars can form an unfavorable combination, especially in your bedroom. This occurs over a certain period of time, which is calculated by an analytical method. Alternatively, the cause of problems with conception may be the lack of a private sector in your home.

If for some reason you cannot contact a professional in the field of Ba-Tzu and Feng Shui, or cannot draw up a natal chart at home with your own hands, or cannot interpret star combinations, then we recommend that you temporarily change the “matrimonial” room.

There is every chance to increase the favorable moment of conception in a new room, in which there is no influence of unfavorable stars. If Flying Star analysis is available to you, you need to carefully track the monthly and annual stars.

Star 9, which has a special energy, is considered the most favorable for the process of conception. If the marital bed is located in the room where the yearly nine is currently located, the possibility of conception reaches its maximum. For example, in 2011, the nine was located in the western sector.

Keeping a calendar to determine ovulation and calculate the favorable time for conceiving a child

The egg retains the ability to fertilize for only 2 days, so for pregnancy to occur, sexual intercourse must take place during this period. In order to accurately calculate the favorable time period for conceiving a child, a girl must keep a calendar to track her cycle.

It is necessary to mark your period on the calendar from the first day until the end of the discharge. A favorable period for fertilization of an egg can be determined by monitoring the cycle for three to five months.

After you set the cycle duration, you can use an ovulation calculator or calculate the cycle phases yourself:

  • Follicular phase - from the first day of menstruation. The stage of growth of the egg and the follicle in which it is located begins. The duration of the period is from 11 to 21 days.
  • Ovulation - during this period of time the content of luteinizing hormone increases, as a result of which the egg is released from the ovary. Ovulation lasts up to 48 hours.
  • The luteal phase lasts from the end of ovulation until the next menstrual cycle.

Important: The highest chance of conceiving is in the middle of the cycle. The first day of menstruation is the beginning, the onset of the next menstruation is the end.

Western sector of housing - children

The sector of children and creativity in the practice of Feng Shui is considered to be the Western direction. The zone is determined using a compass; it can be identified either in a single room or in the entire house or apartment. Once the right place has been found, it needs to be activated, attracting the energy of happiness and creativity, which will contribute to the harmonious development of the individual.

For the zone to be active, a lot of light is required, so the western direction should be equipped with table lamps, lamps or sconces. In the evening, bright light should be on for at least 3 hours in a row to attract the required amount of necessary energies.

Properly selected colors are excellent activators; they attract, revitalize and enhance the flow of energies. The children and creativity sector should be decorated using metallic shades - gold, steel, copper and silver. Earth tones work well - ocher, yellow, brown, orange and brick. It is recommended to use white or pale blue as primary colors.

You need to be careful with the color red. On the one hand, it is not needed in the western sector, and on the other hand, pomegranate is considered one of the best talismans for pregnancy.

You can avoid the negative influence of red color by choosing a garnet image in red-brown and burgundy tones, avoiding scarlet and classic red.

The energy of creativity is perfectly activated by images of children. A western wall decorated with children's photographs will bring great luck to the child and his parents, and if the family is childless, it will speed up the birth of a new family member.

In addition to pomegranates, figurines of elephants with lowered trunks, paired fish, metal coins and “wind” are used as talismans. The Western sector loves metal, here you need as much of it as possible, but not aggressive (no knives, swords, etc.).

As for the bed, it should be made of natural wood, even if it is located in this sector. You can use metal decor.

The finishing touch will be the right scents. Scents of geranium, grapefruit, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, mint and rosemary are suitable for activating the children's zone.

In this sector it is good to place a metal figurine of an elephant, or better yet a couple - after all, an elephant brings good luck. You can also place Hotei with children, an egg figurine (hatching chicken) or Shausin with a peach.

It’s good to have a panel of the Goddess Guan-yin in the children’s area - she acts as a “great sadness”, grieving for sinners, as a protector of women and children.

You can also hang a picture with a fruiting pomegranate tree and place a ficus Elastica Robusta in the children's area.

West - Children

In Feng Shui, the western sector of the home is considered the most important for the birth of a child, since it is associated with children and procreation. It is best to decorate it in light colors - white, silver and gray, and, if possible, avoid red and its shades, since they neutralize the energy necessary for conception.

In this part of the apartment you can and should place items related to children and fertility. A good solution would be:

  • Frames with your children's photographs and your family's babies;
  • Paintings depicting children;
  • Any living, fast-growing plant in a pot, such as ficus;
  • Books and magazines for children and parents;
  • A figurine of the god Hotei, surrounded by children;
  • An image of either a stork or a crane carrying a peach;
  • Crystal egg framed in marble, metal or malachite;
  • A figurine of an elephant or a composition of them, but always with trunks tucked down (you can also place two elephants on both sides of the entrance door to the bedroom, if it is not in this sector);
  • Images of pomegranate or peas;
  • An amulet or a picture with two fish (they can also be left not in the “children’s” sector, but simply placed under the mattress on the marital bed).

Wearing special stones around the neck that help to conceive and bear a child will also help to activate the positive energy of this zone. Such stones include amber, carnelian, garnet, emerald, diamond, malachite, topaz, rock crystal, lapis lazuli and amethyst.

If you are not used to this kind of decoration, just leave such a magical pebble in the “children’s” sector - the western part of the apartment.

South - love

The south is also considered a favorable direction, the activation of which should be given special attention. This sector is responsible for the depth, strength and purity of feelings, and the child should be born where there is true love.

All shades of red are well suited for this sector, symbolizing the ardor and brightness of emotions. In addition, as in the western sector, earth tones are needed here, which are responsible for fertility.

In the love zone there must be a common photograph of a loving couple; family archives and various memorabilia can be stored here.

Antiques, even the most exquisite and expensive ones, are a bad solution for the southern sector. These things carry foreign energy, which, even if it is positive, should not interfere with the energy flow of the couple.

There should be as many paired items as possible. These could be, for example, figurines of doves, mandarin ducks, butterflies, or just sofa cushions. They don't have to be the same, but there should be no doubt that they are a couple.

In this area it is good to place paired figurines of doves, hearts, and angels. Family photos and photos of children will also be good symbols.

North-West - patrons

If a couple is faced with problems conceiving, it would not be a bad idea to ask for help from patrons. Here you can hang photographs and portraits of your relatives and teachers, people who deserve respect and whose advice deserves attention. Believers in the northwestern zone can place icons, prayer texts or holy books.

If there is a bedroom in the patron sector, according to Feng Shui it should be decorated predominantly in white, it is advisable to add silver decor, and avoid sharp objects and weapons.

Patrons can also help in the financial sphere, which becomes especially important when children appear in the house. To activate this energy, you need metal coins; you can make a small panel out of them.

You can hang a panel or fan with images of Deities, mother’s netsuke, as well as figurines of angels in silver or gold colors.

East - family relationships

The best location for the eastern sector is the living room, the room where all family members gather. It’s good if the nursery’s wall is combined with the living room, then the children will feel protected by the energy of the family and part of it.

Wooden objects are considered favorable for this zone. This could be furniture, various figurines or frames for photographs and paintings on the wall.

The color that will help activate the Chi energy in the sector of family relationships is green, but you should not make it too active; soft, pleasant shades are preferable. There should not be too much green, although it should not be lost. An excellent solution is a green sofa where the whole family gathers.

There is no need to make frequent changes in this sector; if everything is fine in the family, it is better to simply maintain the existing order. And if problems arise, something needs to be changed. An effective method is to place a fast-growing plant (such as bamboo) in this area and care for it. Its growth attracts the necessary energy of change and the problem in most cases is solved in the best possible way.

Feng Shui experts recommend paying special attention to this method when planning to conceive a child, because he shows good results.

Here it is good to place a fountain or a water picture, a panel depicting cranes, three branches of living bamboo or a green dragon with a pearl.

Source: pofenshuyu.com

East – Family

This direction is responsible for family relationships. There should not be an overabundance of symbols in this area, so it is better to limit yourself to minimalism, for example, place here bamboo or some product made of natural wood and a painting or photograph depicting water. Just let it be a beautiful lake or a dawn over a calm sea, and not a swamp, a storm in the ocean or a stormy waterfall.

And most importantly, remember that feng shui for conceiving and giving birth to a child will definitely work only if you sincerely believe in its power. Get rid of negative thinking, believe that everything will work out for you and then everything in your life will definitely fall into place.

Favorable days

There are days that are absolutely unfavorable for the process of conception. We are talking about lunar days or lunar days. Also, days of lunar and solar eclipses, days of the full moon, personal days of an unfavorable orientation are considered unfavorable, in accordance with the data of the Ba-Tzu map.

This chart is compiled based on the date and time of your birth, for which you can use a special calculator. As for lunar days, not all of them are unfavorable. But this topic requires more detailed study on your part.

Your children will be indicated by the Hour Pillar in the Ba-Tzu chart. An analysis of this area of ​​life, based on the study of the map, can only be carried out by a professional Ba-Tzu specialist. You can use the obtained dates to exclude unfavorable time periods that are not recommended for planning and conceiving a child.

Pay attention to which Animal is comparable to a particular Hour Pillar. The day or year of the Animals that collide with the Animal of the Hour Pillar is considered unfavorable for conception. By the way, all of the above applies not only to natural, but also to artificial insemination. For example, if the Animal of your Hour Pillar is the Rooster, then looking at 2011 (Rabbit), we see that this year is not favorable for conception. Well, in general, it will be necessary to exclude those days that correspond to both the Rabbit and the Rooster, regardless of whether insemination is natural or artificial. The compatibility and collision of certain Animals can be checked in a special table. Conflicting signs in such tables are usually designated "antagonists."

Here's another piece of advice that has nothing to do with Feng Shui. You need to dream about a child, want him as sincerely as possible, ask the Higher Powers for such a gift, and do this often.

Your child must be truly desired, and you, of course, must be prepared for the fact that he will appear in your life. A child should not be a means to achieve certain goals. Your only goal is to make both yourself and your spouse happy. Then the children will be happy and healthy.

Source: domisad.org

Feng Shui during pregnancy

Feng Shui techniques for pregnant women are based on harmonious communication between mother and baby. It is a well-known fact: a child’s character is formed in the womb, so the unique abilities of your son or daughter can be developed already in the first months of pregnancy.

Go to the theater and music concerts more often, preferably classical ones. Enroll in an art studio - this way you will not only find harmony with the world around you, but you may even discover hidden talents in yourself.

To understand how well your treasure is, whether he is calm, whether he is happy to grow under your heart, conduct a special test. Relax, close your eyes for 20 seconds, and then try to see a spot or balloon of the color that first comes to your mind. Up to 20 weeks, this test is the only way to find out how your son or daughter is feeling right now. The emotional state of the child directly depends on your well-being.

So if you presented:

  1. Blue color - you and your baby are calm and happy with everything that happens around you.
  2. Red - you are experiencing hidden aggression.
  3. Green - you want to assert yourself in something.
  4. Yellow - you strive to communicate.
  5. Gray - you don’t care, you are indifferent.
  6. Brown - you are stressed.
  7. Black - you are scared.
  8. Mixed colors - try to highlight the main one and use it to determine the child’s condition.

If you use this simple test to discover that your baby is worried about something, the Chinese technique of Feng Shui has a great way to restore peace of mind.

To do this, relax again, close your eyes and repeat the following phrases out loud:

  1. Everything around is completely calm (5 times or more).
  2. Breathing is even and deep (5 times or more).
  3. The abdomen is relaxed (5 times or more).
  4. Everything around is completely calm.

Don't just say these words, but feel them. After the exercise, again draw a colored ball in your imagination and analyze the color that you saw this time. Try to also imagine the color that comes from your belly. If the colors match, it means that the baby is experiencing the same feelings as you. Talk to him, reassure him, tell him that you love him very much and are waiting for him. After 1.5 hours, look at the color again. If both you and your tummy are blue, it means everything is fine and your relationship with your child is harmonious and balanced.

If you see different colors, then there are problems communicating with the baby. Give him more time. From the very moment of conception, the baby should know that he is loved and feel his mother's care.

At first, these conversations with an unborn person may be difficult for you and seem strange, because he is still very young, but over time you will begin to enjoy them greatly. In the future, mutual support between mother and child can even significantly facilitate the birth process.

What diseases reduce reproductive function?

Diagnostics will make it possible to find out whether the future father has pathologies that significantly reduce the number of sperm and negatively affect their quality:

  • Varicocele;
  • Neoplasms in the genitourinary system and nearby structures;
  • Bacterial, fungal, viral infections;
  • Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • Inguinal hernia;
  • Hydrocele;
  • Obliteration (narrowing) of the vas deferens.

Urologists advise seeking professional help for any unpleasant symptoms. You should be wary if the amount of sperm has decreased, problems with erection have begun, or pain has appeared during or after sexual intercourse. It is much easier to cure pathology at the initial stage of development.

Chronic diseases also have a detrimental effect on the quality of sperm:

  • Obesity;
  • Metabolic syndrome;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Diabetes;
  • Arterial hypertension and others.

HIV or hepatitis A, B, C are often asymptomatic, and the risk of conceiving a sick child is more than 85%. Therefore, it is extremely important to undergo diagnostic measures on time. Sometimes it is enough to take a course of antibiotics to completely restore reproductive function. Treatment often lasts up to six months, which delays the dream of becoming a father.


Klokov Andrey Nikolaevich

Urologist-andrologist, doctor of the highest category

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