Pictures that bring good luck, wealth, happiness, money, prosperity, love according to Feng Shui


Lack of money is one of the main problems in modern society. The work goes on, you get paid, but it seems to never be enough. Therefore, we often wonder how to arrange our home and office to attract more positive energy, money, love and luck .

There are many ways to attract wealth and prosperity - from repeating any numbers, mantras, to arranging symbols, photographs and paintings in the correct sectors of the office or home according to Feng Shui.

In this article we will talk about what paintings attract good luck, money, happiness, wealth and love to your home or office and where it is best to place them.

Pictures to attract money and good luck

To attract wealth to your home, determine the wealth zone, because this is where Feng Shui paintings are placed. This sector is located in the southeastern part of the room.

Ship image

If you dream of profit, success, reward, wealth, the picture for attracting money should be like this:

  1. Image of a ship. A talisman with a sailboat will bring success in business matters, but do not forget that the sails must be inflated and the ship must strive forward.
  2. The sea and surf will be favorable for good luck in business.
  3. Hieroglyph "wealth". Place such an image on your desktop, it will attract profit and increase income.
  4. Nature and landscapes activate good luck.
  5. The Dragon. The talisman represents money and happiness.
  6. A castle or palace is an ideal talisman for a family business.
  7. The horse symbolizes the desire for a goal, profit.
  8. Career growth will be ensured by drawings of a horse.
  9. Birds of prey, the image of a rooster brings good luck in business and career.
  10. The owl symbolizes patronage. You will find a sponsor, mentor, and business assistant.
  11. The image of money, coins, gold, wealth will attract prosperity and material well-being.
  12. Reservoirs. The image of fountains and rivers that flow symbolizes financial flow and goal achievement.
  13. Fruit trees also attract wealth.

For love happiness

Harmony in a couple is lured with other pictures. Wallpaper contributes to: improving the current cordial partnership, finding a chosen one by fate.


When there is no room for harmony and joy, you need to take care of it yourself. Let positive emotions into your being - the image of a butterfly creates lightness in your soul and relieves you of painful feelings.

It is desirable that the number of winged insects be even.

Flowers and bouquets

This background will undoubtedly bring harmony to the relationships of single girls and married ladies:

  1. Red peonies promote the expression of passion and strengthen family ties.
  2. Snow-white and pink provoke femininity and true sexuality. The spouse will feel like a real knight and protector.
  3. Blooming lilac is the personification of romance and prosperity.
  4. Lotus - revives fading feelings, protects from troubles.
  5. Lilies of the valley—discovery of talents and self-development in the heart area.
  6. Roses are a sign of growth, renewal and prosperity.
  7. Blooming sakura - affection and loyalty.
  8. Plum - peace in the house.
  9. Lavender - turning friendship into love.
  10. Orchids and lilies are a fiery passion, especially if there is also an image of a heart.

Bouquets of bright flowers - the revival of love, strengthening of inner potential. Field - to marriage and peace.

Swan couple

Do you want to find your true soul mate? Let there be a cute snow-white bird couple on your smartphone. They are associated with affection, love and peace.

Yin Yang

The sign will help in finding your soul mate. Has great strength. Positively affects the energy field. The mental and physical balance of the owner of the amulet will change: he will feel happiness and peace.

The fusion of the feminine and masculine will help you emerge victorious from any complication.

Features of choice

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

A Feng Shui painting to attract wealth should definitely please you. Therefore, when choosing, pay attention to what will bring positivity and lift your spirits. It is very important that the image not only gives an effect, but also fits harmoniously into the interior.

Hang large pictures on the walls or place a framed photo on the table. It is useful to put a photo to attract money on your phone. Since you look at it quite often, screensavers attract luck more strongly. The picture may contain an image that denotes wealth according to Feng Shui or visualizes desires.


It’s not for nothing that we call a million a “lemon.” This slang word energetically connects fruit and money.

To attract financial luck, it is useful to apply a drop or two of citrus essential oil to a “lucky” bill.

The golden color of oranges, tangerines and grapefruits also attracts monetary energy. By installing a picture with a lot of these fruits on your phone screensaver, look forward to imminent joyful events in the business field.

Money colors according to feng shui

The symbol to attract money must have a positive, lucky color:

  1. The most powerful are red shades.
  2. Successful colors are brown, yellow, and orange.
  3. Avoid blue, green, light blue, especially for wallets.
  4. Choose a palette that will harmonize with the interior of your home.

A Feng Shui painting to attract finance will make it possible to find funds to achieve goals. Business contracts, agreements, deals, career advancement, a new job, a family business, and even winning the lottery will seem real, because everything will be accompanied by luck.

What colors of paintings to choose to attract good luck, wealth, happiness

Look for the dominant color in a painting to determine its element.

  • Paintings and photographs with red, orange or purple enhance the element of fire .
    Paintings and photographs with these flowers reflect joy, vibration, passion and warmth.
  • Paintings and photographs in brown or green enhance the wood .
    Paintings and photographs containing these colors are considered the colors of prosperity, change for the better, and renewal.
  • Paintings with blue or aquamarine colors enhance the element of water .
    They are associated with calm, comfort and peace in your home.
  • Paintings and photographs with brown, beige, yellow and earth tones enhance the earth .
    Earth elements are associated with stability, grounding, nurturing and receptivity.
  • Paintings and photographs of brown, black, white, gray and metallic colors enhance the metal .
    Metal represents inward moving energy, productivity, rational thinking and intelligence.

Use paintings with these colors to help soften areas where you have too much of a certain type of energy, using a cycle of destruction with water weakening fire, fire weakening metal, wood weakening metal, earth weakening wood, and water weakening earth.


There is such a belief: whoever finds a four-leaf clover will have great luck and success in life.

Flowers and trees symbolize prosperity, abundance and well-being.

Put an image of a clover, a lush bouquet or a blooming apple orchard on your phone, and good luck will be with you.

moving water

A turbulent river flow, sea waves, a waterfall - all these Feng Shui images symbolize cash flow. In Chinese practice, water itself signifies wealth and money.

By setting a picture of a pond as your desktop wallpaper, you will attract enough Chi energy to strengthen your well-being. Images of water are only slightly inferior in strength to real bodies of water; they can be safely used to enhance monetary luck. Every time you look at a river or waterfall, imagine that it is streams of money flowing into your life.


Flowing water symbolizes the movement of the energy of money. This is why the Chinese are so fond of paintings and embroideries depicting waterfalls.

A waterfall is a sign of wealth and financial independence.

For the screensaver, it is better to choose an animated picture, so the effect will be even better.


Such a screensaver on a mobile phone will easily get rid of troubles and will become a real talisman for those who, due to circumstances, have to communicate with people who have negative energy. According to ancient Chinese teachings, a fan is capable of transforming negative energy into positive energy. Therefore, his image will serve well those who communicate day after day with a large number of visitors or subordinates.

Of course, everyone decides for himself whether he should be a follower of the ancient Chinese teachings. But experts are confident that Feng Shui will help anyone. Thanks to special talismans, each of you will be able to attract good luck and change your life for the better.

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Useful tips

Feng Shui recommendations for wealth should be used in combination. You can maintain cleanliness in the house, place talismans correctly, but the material flow is not activated, because, for example, the taps at home regularly flow. The water element plays a big role in gaining wealth, so it is necessary to monitor the serviceability of all pipes and valves.

Please note: Baba Nina’s amulet for wealth.

Any room needs regular ventilation. Fresh air will clean your home or office and allow good energy to circulate freely in the space.

The right attitude towards money

Attracting material wealth to your home largely depends on a person’s mood. Money Feng Shui will only work if a person feels deserving of wealth. It should be remembered that any monetary values ​​require respect. Banknotes and coins must be counted. You should know the sources of income and expenses, so it is better to keep a special notebook in which to reflect these transactions.

Using symbols in the home

Numbers are given great importance in the Feng Shui system. So, for example, the number 6 can bring wealth to your home. Lucky numbers can form combinations, for example, the number 78 is a symbol of wealth. These symbols can be applied to various objects.

Thoughts on ways to make money

Attracting a flow of monetary energy must be accompanied by a change in a person’s internal attitudes. You should set yourself up for new ways of earning money, look for ways through which you can improve your financial situation.

Successful environment

If you want to achieve financial well-being, you need to change your environment. You should spend more time around successful people who deserve respect. The energy exchange will lead to the activation of cash flow. If it is not possible to communicate with rich people in person, you can hang their photographs in prominent places.

Rules for purchasing a wallet according to Feng Shui

Don't underestimate where your money is stored. Banknotes and coins should be kept separate from each other. In this case, paper money should be stored unfolded.

The wallet is also an amulet for attracting money, so what it looks like is important. A monetary accessory should be associated with luxury and beauty. You should quickly get rid of old worn out wallets.

It matters what the wallet is made of. It is better to use leather items.

Hard work is the key to wealth

Even taking into account the implementation of all the Feng Shui recommendations that have come down to us from ancient times, we should remember that they will not work if a person does not take any action. Financial stability is guaranteed to people who are not afraid of work and know the value of money.

gold fish

People whose zodiac sign belongs to the water element are especially recommended to use a picture of a goldfish as a screensaver.

Once you place the fish on the screen, activate it. To do this, make a simple wish, for example, “I want chocolate.”

It is better to do this on the waxing moon. Chocolate must be bought and eaten. And you will have fun, and the fish will start working.


The mill has long been attributed magical properties. Of course, because grain was ground there - a symbol of abundance and prosperity.

The building itself with a constantly rotating wheel symbolizes perpetual motion and the wheel of fortune.

If you are attracted by beautiful village landscapes with mills, then feel free to place them on the main screen of your smartphone.

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