Feng Shui: basic concepts and recommendations for beginners

Nowadays there are quite a lot of opportunities for learning Feng Shui, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Depending on your level, you can find Feng Shui courses for beginners or intermediate students.

If you are not at all familiar with Chinese metaphysics or have read several books or articles about Feng Shui on the Internet and the words San Yuan, Flying Stars, San He, Ba Zi, Ba Zhai, Zi Wei Dou Shu and Qi Men Dong Jia are not at all clear to you, then we recommend that you start your training with correspondence or full-time courses for beginners. In the Beginner's School section of this site you will find over 150 free lessons for beginners in Feng Shui that will help you understand the basics.

If you already have some basic level of training from Russian or foreign masters, but want to continue your improvement, you can move on to courses and master classes for professional training.

Which is better, full-time or correspondence course?

When choosing a training option, your personal preferences play the largest role. Some people like to study calmly and leisurely, armed with educational materials in the form of printed text. In this case, correspondence courses in Feng Shui, Qi Men Dong Jia, Zi Wei Dou Shu or Ba Zi are suitable for you.

Other people like live communication so that they can ask questions right away during the learning process. In this case, studying in face-to-face courses or online is more suitable.

In general, it is always better to participate in face-to-face or online courses so that you can discuss any unclear points with the teacher and immediately get an answer to your question. However, full-time feng shui training tends to be more expensive than correspondence courses. Therefore, the choice of learning method depends on your capabilities.

If you do not have the opportunity to attend face-to-face or online courses, then a correspondence course in feng shui will be a good alternative. But direct communication with the teacher is always much more effective.

Feng Shui Basics for Beginners

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui, as many people know, is aimed at harmonizing living space. In a room arranged according to the canons of Feng Shui, an atmosphere is created that has a beneficial effect on the people living in it.

Of course, everyone wants to put their home in order so that “the walls help.” However, before you start renovating and rearranging furniture, you should learn the very basics of Feng Shui. It often happens that numerous tips for improving a space create confusion in the minds of those interested. Feng Shui rules for beginners are designed to help activate positive areas in the home and block negative ones.

Basic drill rules

Feng Shui is based on the fact that a room is divided into sectors, each of which is responsible for its own direction in a person’s life. There are only nine of them. Each has its own color, each has its own amulets and talismans.

In addition, when choosing a house, you must adhere to strict canons, for example, the front door should be oriented strictly to the north. The view from the window, the layout, the color of the walls and the shape of the furniture also matter. But the variety of Feng Shui schools and their approaches can mislead anyone who is interested in this teaching.

Feng Shui rules for beginners, where to start learning?

The first and main rule: do not buy talismans without conducting a thorough diagnosis of the premises. Thoughtlessly enhancing areas of the apartment with figurines, paintings, crystals and bells without first neutralizing the negative aspects can lead to unpredictable results. It's like overusing foundation on problem skin without paying attention to its treatment. Remember, home diagnostics is the first step that should never be skipped.

The second rule: do not mix different schools of Feng Shui. There are several approaches to zoning space, and these approaches contradict each other. Choose the Feng Shui direction that you think is right and stick to it from start to finish. Mixing different techniques without understanding the basic principles can have an unpredictable effect on your life.

Common mistakes made by beginners in feng shui

Feng Shui training is replete with terms and concepts that need to be memorized. It is important not to confuse basic concepts with each other. And dealing with them before starting to work with the space at home is a priority task.

Thus, beginners often cannot distinguish between the concepts of the location of an object and its direction. Remember: the location of an object is determined by its actual location on the apartment plan, and the direction indicates where it “looks”, where its front part is located.

You cannot activate a zone if there is an object of unfavorable Sha Qi energy outside the house in this sector (construction site, hospital, prison, landfill and other negatively colored buildings). The activated zone will attract negativity with double the force, regardless of its value.

It is extremely important to set the right priorities. To do this, you should competently structure your Feng Shui training so that it is clear where to start and where to finish. All secrets, tips and tricks for home improvement are based on the immutable rules of Feng Shui, so studying these rules first of all will help a beginner understand the hidden logic of numerous recommendations. It doesn’t matter how well the bed is oriented to the cardinal points if there is a ceiling beam hanging over it, and the sharp corners of the furniture are pressing menacingly on the side.

It is important to understand what needs to be improved first and what can be postponed until better times.

When harmonizing a home according to the canons of Feng Shui, many beginners try to act in all directions at once, activating each zone. By the way, this mistake also happens due to the inability or unwillingness to prioritize. To get the best response from Feng Shui, you should wisely activate one or two areas that are most important to you. Dissipation of efforts can lead to rapid disappointment in the teachings of Feng Shui itself.

And, of course, you should not place excessive expectations on the Feng Shui system. Yes, you can structure the space around you in the best possible way, and the effect will not take long to arrive. However, you should not limit yourself to rearranging furniture if your goal is career growth or creating a strong family. Feng Shui favors any endeavor, but the first step towards a dream is always taken by a person.

Useful tips on Feng Shui:

  • For money
  • For love
  • Workplace
  • Manicure

How to choose correspondence courses in Tsi Wei Dou Shu, Feng Shui and Ba Zi?

Today there is a fairly wide selection of courses for distance learning. However, the choice of such a course must be approached responsibly and carefully, because unfortunately, many correspondence courses are written by their authors not for training, but only for sale.

Since correspondence education in Feng Shui is in demand, the Internet now offers many correspondence courses for beginners who themselves have a rather mediocre understanding of Feng Shui and Chinese astrology. These “specialists” rewrite other people’s courses with minor editing or make text copies of audio recordings that they sell in their own name. Since the pseudo-authors of such courses do not particularly think about what they write (their task is to sell), then usually such courses do not contain high-quality information and contain a lot of significant errors.

Therefore, before purchasing a correspondence course, we advise you to inquire about the qualifications of its author. Find out where the person trained, call them to ask a few questions about their training, and listen carefully to what they tell you. If the author of the course cannot clearly and clearly answer the question about the content of the course, then most likely he is simply selling someone else’s knowledge or knowledge that he has not yet mastered. This means you won’t gain knowledge from such a teacher either.

Learn more about choosing a consultant >>

Feng Shui Forecast for 2022 Year of the Tiger Using Ancient Prophecy and Flying Stars

Fortune planning for the 2022 year of the Tiger using ancient prophesy and modern Flying Stars numerology.

Apart for the more well-known yearly predictions using Flying Stars and the 12 Zodiac Animals, the Chinese in the past have a few more traditional ways to make a yearly prophesy, written up in books, they included:

  1. "Notes from the Pillow of Sage Confucius"
  2. "The Yellow Emperor's Mother Earth Classic"
  3. "The Valued of Yearly Trigrams", form Saho Yong's "Book of Supreme World Ordering Principles"

In the coming Zoom course I will go through what the 3 ancient books mentioned would say about the Year of the Tiger, then I will show what has in store for us next year by looking at the Yearly Stars and interpret their meanings using the principles from the Xaunkong Mingli (Principal patterns (underlying) space, time in (human) life), applied to the Yearly Stars.

In the end I will summarize the 3 ancient books and the comparatively modern Flying Stars way of doing a prediction, so you have all the information in your hands to forward-plan and to organize the new year, in order to hasten the auspicious and avoid the harmful, in the best way you can.

It is worthwhile for you to spend a few hours with us, for opportunities are wasted for those who are unprepared.

Mini-courses Qi Men

  • 3 generals - 4000 rubles

Higher activations in Qi Men bring wealth, help, support and good news. Using the activations of three generals, you will magically enhance your luck, because 3 generals are something supernatural, mystical, and unusual. That’s what they call them: 3 mystics or 3 miracles.

  • Noble helpers of Qi Men - 4000 rub.

These activations are calculated taking into account the person's birth chart. They bring help, support, promotion, wealth and other good things.

  • Noble helpers of Qi Men with the Helpful God of man - 6,000 rubles

These activations are not just calculated based on the person's birth chart, but also take into account the person's Helpful God (the most useful element in the Ba Zi). Due to this, such activations are considered the most powerful.

  • Bird and dragon — 2000 rub.

The two most powerful and popular structures in Qi Men. Thanks to the activations of the bird and the dragon, you can fulfill your dream, get a job, launch a project, win a court case, pass exams, etc.

  • Activation of 3 Sha by Qi Men - 4000 rub.

This method is used when money is urgently needed, for example, for surgery, treatment, training, etc.

  • Triangles of elements - 1600 rub.

We add useful elements to the birth chart by selecting the date according to Qi Men.

  • Activation of receiving help from the place of sleep or work - 1600 rubles

In this case, you will learn to receive useful energies from the place where you sleep or work.

  • Activation of energy improvement in an apartment, house or office - RUB 1,600

These activations remove stagnation in business, make energies move, as a result, the flow of customers increases, orders increase, etc.

As you can see, there are a lot of methods, choose what you need, and we will study it.

You can sign up for mini-courses through the site’s contact form

About living areas

Let's look at the most significant aspects of human life. How to harmonize them using Feng Shui practice?

Love zone

The love zone, located in the southwestern part of the house, regulates relationships between people: primarily between spouses (or sexual partners), parents and their children, as well as relatives.

Since the love zone significantly affects the sexual relationship between spouses, it is very important to avoid mistakes in the process of its activation:

  • The love zone should be kept perfectly clean, then you can be sure that the relationship between marriage partners will remain just as pure, and discord and betrayal will not creep into it.
  • All objects placed in the love sector must be in good working order and strong, because they symbolize the strength of the relationship. The presence of breakages or cracks on the surface of objects located in this sector can provoke the appearance of “cracks” in intimate life.
  • Items placed in the love zone should only be personal and carefully selected.

How to properly activate the love sector

  • Be sure to place candles (red and white) in it, personifying the masculine and feminine principles. Tying them with a red thread will help strengthen marital relationships.
  • The love zone should be filled only with paired items. Single figurines and even photographs or portraits of lonely people who find themselves in this sector of the house can cause discord in the relationship of spouses, leading them to divorce. They can also hinder your search for a life partner.

Which paired symbols are best suited to activate the love sector?

According to Feng Shui, favorable symbols for the love sector are:

  1. Dove figurines.
  2. A pair of beautiful butterflies.
  3. Figures of mandarin ducks.
  4. Swans figurines.

Single people who want to find their soulmate need to place heart-shaped objects in the love zone: jewelry boxes, soft plush hearts, valentine cards.

Source: ladyliga.com

Family zone

The family zone, located in the eastern sector of the home, is considered in Feng Shui practice as an additional zone that strengthens the wealth sector. Designed to ensure the material well-being of the family, it can have a beneficial effect on the financial situation of all its members.

To stimulate the family zone, the following conditions must be met:

  • In an effort to maintain order in financial affairs, it is necessary to maintain the same order in the eastern sector of the house, regularly cleaning it and getting rid of unnecessary things. Plant a tree symbolizing it in the family sector, involving all your household members in this process.
  • In the family sector, they must post a photograph depicting all its living members (the image of deceased relatives is extremely inappropriate here).
  • The family sector should be brightly lit.
  • Believers should install their altar in the family area: this corresponds to all the rules of Feng Shui.

Wealth Zone

The wealth zone, as required by Feng Shui practice, should be located in the southeastern sector of the house. The element of this sector of the home is wood, and the traditional color is green. How to activate the wealth zone?

  • Attracting wealth and good luck to the home begins with the use of symbols of abundance: figurines of a laughing Buddha, half-dragon-half-turtle, and three-toed toad have been used for centuries to attract money to the home.
  • A figurine of a turtle with two small turtles on its back, placed in the wealth sector, can also serve as a bait for money to come into the house.
  • In the wealth zone, you can place an aquarium or a fountain, which will symbolically replenish the tree, its main element, with water.
  • A traditional attribute for attracting money is the ancient Chinese symbol of three coins tied with a red ribbon. It can be stored not only in the wealth sector, but also in a purse, as well as under a telephone or computer keyboard.
  • The successful activation of the wealth zone is facilitated by the use of mobiles, wind chimes, and vases filled with sweets and fruits.

Source: kapushka.ru

Feng Shui Master Howard Choy

Howard Choy (Cai Hong) is a practitioner and teacher of Feng Shui, Qigong and Taijiquan with more than 40 years of experience behind him, he is a practicing architect and also an author and a presenter of articles and books on Feng Shul and Qigong. Howard Choy is a director of ar-qitektur, an office specilises in Feng Shul architecture in Berlin and the Principal of European College of Feng Shul (ECOFS). He teaches Feng Shui, Qigong and Taijiquan in Germany, Australia, Great Britain, France, Italy, Finland, Switzerland, Poland, Austria, Belgium, USA and Russia.

Feng Shui school Feng Shui horoscope for June 5 - July 6

Hello! On June 5, according to the Chinese solar calendar, the month of the Fire Horse begins. And we have prepared for you a forecast for the sectors of the house, and also calculated activation dates that will help attract money, romantic luck, improve health and attract new clients to the business. You can read the forecast and find out the activation dates at the link: https://www.magicwish.ru/publ/fehn_shuj_prognoz_na_ijun/4-1-0-3596 With love, Tanya Urban...

2017-06-06 11:18:05 + Comment

Organization of training:

  • Master class “Feng Shui Forecast for 2022 Year of the Tiger Using Ancient Prophecy and Flying Stars” December 18-19, 2021 in Zoom
  • Teacher: Howard Choy
  • Language: English, translation into Russian
  • Study materials: PDF file in English
  • Video recording of the course in Zoom
  • Schedule Zoom sessions: 8:00-11:00 Central European Time
  • Discounted price until December 12: 200 220 euros

Feng Shui Dream House

Practical online seminar by Feng Shui master Howard Choy on creating a Feng Shui house. In this workshop, Howard Choy will do a Feng Shui analysis of a real project and show you how to create a Dream Home to support wealth, health and relationships with Feng Shui methods.

Seminar program:

  1. Feng Shui theory. How to use the Feng Shui Form and Compass School at the same time to build a Dream House. Step-by-step technology for creating a Feng Shui project for a new house.
  2. Traditional ritual for laying the foundation of a house . How to harmoniously connect Human Qi with the place and receive the support of Heaven and Earth.
  3. Feng Shui practice. Feng Shui analysis of the site and territory. Determining a favorable place for planting a house on the site. Determining the direction of the facade of the house and choosing a Flying Stars chart. Practical issues of using Flying Star charts in Period 8 and 9 for house design. Feng Shui recommendations for the location of buildings on the site and the location of the premises in the house.
  4. Answers to questions. You can send your questions in advance so that we can include them in the main program.

What is the Bagua symbol

The Bagua grid is a key tool in the practice of Feng Shui, which is a regular octagon consisting of 8 trigrams (according to the number of parts of the world) and a central sector.

Each sector of the Bagua grid corresponds to:

  1. A certain element.
  2. Emotions.
  3. Seasons.
  4. Number.
  5. Blossom.
  6. Direction.

It is with the help of the Bagua grid that the space of the house is divided into zones (we have already talked about them). Each zone is responsible for a certain area of ​​human life.

For example, if the wealth zone is not located in the southeast, a person will experience a chronic lack of money, and placing the love and marriage sector in the southwestern part of the house will speed up the attraction of a soul mate if its owner is not yet married.

Feng Shui School Flying Stars 2021

Dear friends! Just recently, on February 4, 2021, there was a change of energies, a change of annual flying stars that visit every home. In order for 2021 to be successful, to avoid problems and attract financial luck and health, use our recommendations for each sector of your home. Read more about favorable and not so favorable sectors in the article: https://www.magicwish.ru/publ/letjashhie_zvezdy_2016_goda/4-1-0-3469 All the best! ...

2016-02-08 11:38:12 + Comment

Xuankong Mingli Flying Stars Forecast for Period 9, 2024 - 2043

We will be in Period 9 by February 2024. We are in a time of transition from one Period to another, it will be helpful to look at what Period 9 will bring us. In this Zoombinar, we show you how to do predictions, using the Xuankong Mingli Flying Stars method for Period 9. On to of this, we highlight the special characters in the Period 9 charts and show you how to select the most auspicious orientations, to maximize your wealth and health potentials, in Period 9.

Course is full of useful information for you to prepare for the future and for you to help others to plan and to take advantage of a change in the cycles of time from one period to another. We try to help further your knowledge in Flying Stars.

Howard Choy reviewed several practical examples of Feng Shui for homes and offices and answered questions from Period 9 course participants.

Zone of marriage, family and children

Next, we will consider zones related to such areas as marital relations, family and children.

  1. Marriage zone. The zone is located in the southwestern part of the apartment. Do you dream of a happy relationship with your partner in every sense, full of love, respect and understanding? Then keep this area clean. You can also place a bowl of fruit in the bedroom, this will add a touch of passion to your love relationship.
  2. Family zone. Located in the eastern part of the apartment, ideally this is the living room or kitchen. If it is cluttered, do not expect that there will be mutual understanding, participation and support between household members. An unactivated family zone threatens that everyone will demonstrate their own independence from other family members. As a result, the family as a whole will simply cease to exist. This zone can be activated through order, elimination of any problems and breakdowns, increased lighting and ventilation.
  3. Children's zone. Usually this is a children's room. It is difficult to maintain this area, but it is necessary. The child must put away toys on time, put things in order in the closet, on the study table, each thing must take its place. The relationship between children and parents depends on this.

As you can see, following the main rules not only attracts happiness, wealth and love to the house, but also makes it clean, cozy and comfortable, and this is the kind of house you want to go to as soon as possible.

Feng Shui school Feng Shui bed linen

Sleep is a magical kingdom, a sweet gift from the Universe for all living beings inhabiting our planet. During sleep, we not only relax and fill ourselves with energy, the land of dreams can heal, improve tone and even suggest answers to the questions that concern us most. What does your dreamscape look like? Which bed do you prefer to fall asleep in day after day? In fact, this point is very important! After all, it is in bed that we spend almost most of our lives. It is the bed that…

2013-04-23 10:44:14 + Comment

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