What is the correct name for the back of the building?

Where is the rear?

Rear - the back side, part of something or someone. Rear is the side or part of the formation, battle formation, operational formation of troops (forces), opposite to the front (that is, the side towards which the military personnel are facing, and the vehicles are facing with their frontal part).

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What is the back side of a building or house called? What is the antonym for the word façade?

The reverse side of the building is called the rear facade :))))) In general, the meaning of the word facade is the front (outer) part of the building. The facade can be main, rear, side, street, courtyard. So there is a façade and there is a façade at the back.

This is not such a simple question. Yes, initially the origin of this word indicates something frontal, facial:

The word façade has several meanings, therefore this word has several antonyms: rear, back, back, but if we talk specifically about buildings, then the facade is not only the front, front part of the building, there are also rear, side facades, and you can also say - garden facade, courtyard facade, even sea facade, if we are talking about the side of the building facing the sea. It is also possible to distinguish the facades of buildings by parts of the world, for example: the western facade or the eastern.

So, in answer to the question posed, we can say that the reverse side of the building is called either the rear facade, or the courtyard facade, or it can be called after the part of the world to which this facade faces. I wrote about antonyms in my answer above.

What is siding?

Siding is a material for cladding a building. The material is presented in the form of horizontally arranged panels. They are fastened together directly on the wall of the building. Siding is a very versatile and attractive cladding element:

  1. With the help of siding you can achieve variety in creating shapes.
  2. It is very easy to operate.
  3. It can be made from a wide variety of materials.

Types of siding

  1. Made from vinyl. Siding made from this material is quite strong, durable, and practical. The building becomes attractive due to the brilliant properties of the material.
  2. Made from polystyrene foam. The heat transfer of the building decreases. This is of great importance for buildings located in harsh climatic zones. The advantages of foam siding are also an increase in the vapor permeability of the building, moisture does not accumulate on the walls.
  3. Made of metal. It is the metal finishing that will add durability to the building and resistance to adverse environmental factors.
  4. Of steel.
  5. Made of wood. The main façade with such finishing looks aesthetically pleasing and provides excellent thermal protection for the building.
  6. Made from cement.

Thanks to all these advantages, siding is gradually replacing many of the listed materials (in particular, plaster).

Plaster, as a material for cladding the outer part of a building, is also used very often and tries not to lose its position. The following types of plaster have been developed: mineral, polymer, mosaic, structural, pebble.

The main side should look attractive, since it is the “face” of the building.


The front side of the building is called the facade; it is where guests are greeted. But it should be borne in mind that other sides of the building are also facades. However, they are not front, but side, back, and so on. All of them are divided by design features:

  1. Stone, brick.
  2. Concrete, monolithic.
  3. Translucent.
  4. Hinged ventilated structures. They differ in cladding. The cladding can be made of: porcelain stoneware, aluminum panels, fiber cement, metal cassettes, siding, blockhouse, decorative boards, stainless steel.
  5. Media façade. This is the most modern version of the front side of the building. In this case, screens are installed. Together, these screens form a video image. As a result, the front side of the building looks like one large screen. It looks very fashionable and modern.

To beautifully decorate the main side, some professionals advise using stucco and tiles. You can use ordinary plaster or paint.

Additional classification

Today, the division of this building material into the following types is known:

  • ventilated options;
  • non-ventilated options.

The technology of ventilated systems is based on the formation of a gap for ventilation, which is located between the wall and the facade material.

Air begins to circulate freely in the gap, thanks to which moisture and dampness evaporate. And the material itself qualitatively protects the floors of premises from all kinds of atmospheric influences.

Building's facade


(French façade, Italian facciata from faccia - “face, front side”)
in architecture
- a view of the external walls of a building at right angles, without angles: exactly from the front, side or back.


– (from Italian faccia – face) the outer side of a building or structure. Depending on the configuration of the building and its surroundings, there are: - main facade, - side facades, - street facade, - courtyard facade, - park facade, etc.

The proportions, tectonicity and decorativeness of the division of the facade are usually determined by the purpose of the structure, the features of its stylistic, spatial and constructive design.


- any external side of the building, regardless of the location of the main entrance and decoration elements. According to the architectural plan and the location of the building in the surrounding space, the facades are divided into main, rear, side, courtyard and others. This is the face of the building...


(French façade - front, front side of the building) - outer, front side of the building. Also called a facade is a drawing of an orthogonal projection of a building onto a vertical plane. The shapes, proportions, and decor of the facade are determined by the purpose of the architectural structure, its design features, and the stylistic solution of its architectural image. There are main, side, rear facades, as well as street and courtyard facades.


– the external vertical surface of a building or structure, formed by the external structure, horizontal and vertical divisions, the rhythm of openings (balconies, loggias), architectural details, the texture of building and finishing materials, color scheme, etc., depending on the type of structure and the shape of its plan, The locations distinguish between the main, side, and courtyard facades.


(French Façade, Italian Fronte) - the outer side, in the strict sense the front, the front side of the building, richer than others, decorated and in which the main entrance to it is located. The other sides of the building are called the rear, outer and side facades. The architectural division of the façade must correspond to the character of the building and be distinguished by the harmony of its lines. It is necessary that the facade, both in the horizontal and vertical directions, expresses the location of the internal premises of the building, designates its floors with more or less wide and protruding cornices, has a base at the bottom commensurate with its height, and at the top, at the transition to the roof, more more massive than the others, the “main” cornice. Significant surfaces of the F. wall should be enlivened with pilasters, niches, stucco work and other decorations in accordance with the general style of the building.

Images of the exterior of a building projected onto vertical planes are called facades


Translation of “Facade” from Russian into English:


1) (external, front side of the building) facade [-'sɑːd], front
facades of shops - shop fronts
2) (external visibility) facade, disguise, (false) appearances pl
he hid fear behind a facade of confidence - he put up a facade of confidence to hide his fear

noun, fr.
1) facade (of a building) facade architecture - facade architecture, design of the front part of a building Synonym: front 2) external side (of a building, etc.), visibility

In accordance with current legislative standards, the front facade of the building

is the façade that is visible from the roadway.

What is the side of the building: (definitions are given in the nominative case)

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Thank you!

I will definitely learn to distinguish widely used words from highly specialized ones.

is clear : smoked:

Associations to the word “side”

Associations to the word “building”

Synonyms for the phrase “side of the building”

Sentences containing the phrase “side of the building”

  • Mom covered the wound with her hand, trying to stop the pulsating dark blood, and Tato ran to the pharmacy opposite in the hope of reaching the pharmacist, who lived with his family in the rooms on the back side of the building

Quotes from Russian classics with the phrase “side of the building”

  • In the middle of the courtyard stood the main idol - a rather spacious building, open on all sides, under three or four roofs, all with curved corners.

Meaning of the word "side"

SIDE, -y, wine.

sides, –ron, –am,
1. Space, place located in some place.
direction from something, as well as this direction itself. Sides of the horizon.
From the field side. Towards the forest. Go in different directions. (Small Academic Dictionary, MAS)

The meaning of the word "building"

BUILDING, -i, cf.

Structure, architectural structure, construction (usually large in size).
New building.
High building. (Small Academic Dictionary, MAS)

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Meaning of the word "side"

SIDE, -y, wine.

sides, –ron, –am,
1. Space, place located in some place.
direction from something, as well as this direction itself. Sides of the horizon.
From the field side. Towards the forest. Go in different directions. The meaning of the word "building"

BUILDING, -i, cf.

Structure, architectural structure, construction (usually large in size).
New building.
High building. Sentences containing the phrase “side of the building”

Mom covered the wound with her hand, trying to stop the pulsating dark blood, and Tato ran to the pharmacy opposite in the hope of reaching the pharmacist, who lived with his family in the rooms on the back side of the building


The groups were located on both sides of the building

so that when you look into the central middle corridor, it seems that there is no end to them.

They tolerate very well the proximity to the chimney, and coniferous trees located on the north side of the building

, will prevent wind squalls and thereby further protect the area of ​​the chimney.

What is the back of the yard called?

Answers from forum users and experts to the question: What is the back part of the yard called?

If you are a manufacturer and you can’t find buyers or want to learn about the rear end of a cardan transmission for export, read it, you will learn a lot of new things.

The rear, in general, can be called a hacienda, a garden and whatever.

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