Lucky apartment number according to Feng Shui: list of favorable combinations

Recently my family and I moved to a new apartment. It is bright, warm and spacious - I wish I could live and enjoy it! But her number 13, I must admit, alarmed me.

I know numbers affect people. Just remember the Pythagorean system, which, based on the numbers in the date of birth, determines the character and destiny of a person. Or favorable and unfavorable days. For example, I am always lucky on the 8th and 26th of the month.

And here it’s 13. A good number won’t be called a “devil’s dozen”! I decided to figure out whether it was possible to live—and live happily—in an apartment with such an ambiguous number.

The Chinese are very attentive to numbers in general and to the numbering of houses and apartments in particular. After all, these are the numbers under which your whole life passes! I really want to feel good in this life and in this house.

Not just numbers

Feng Shui is the Chinese practice of organizing home space, which ultimately influences life events. It's a whole worldview, if you like. Numbers here are considered as a combination of symbols, and each digit symbol has its own meaning.

There are not so many apartments and houses with a single digit number - only nine. If you, like me, are a happy tenant of an apartment with a multi-digit number, then divide it into separate components. And study the meaning of each number.

Speak Chinese

  • One is considered a good number, symbolizing the balance of the feminine and masculine principles. It attracts good luck to the house, fulfills wishes and enhances the positive properties of neighboring numbers. In Eastern numerology, one means honor.
  • Two denotes lightness and can influence both good and undesirable values ​​of nearby numbers.
  • For the Chinese, three is a very good number that represents development and life itself. It enhances the meaning of favorable numbers and minimizes the meaning of negative ones.
  • They try not to use the number four in Feng Shui, because it symbolizes death, collapse of hopes, losses, and loss of loved ones. In a numerical combination, this figure underestimates the importance of good “neighbors” and increases the influence of bad ones.
  • The meaning of five is revealed in a whole combination of numbers, because it means nothing. Emptiness multiplied by something good will remain emptiness. But it will also make the negative impact irrelevant.
  • Six is ​​considered a symbol of income. It attracts money to the house, with it you will be able to easily accept and give away material wealth.
  • Seven is another number with a neutral meaning, the meaning of which is revealed in combination. In itself it means confidence. Thus, it confirms and enhances the properties of the numbers around it.
  • Eight is the number with the happiest meaning. It symbolizes jewelry and predicts financial prosperity and wealth.
  • Nine is also considered a very good number, denoting longevity, mental and physical health.
  • Zero is a number that has no meaning and does not affect neighboring numbers in any way.

Now it will not be difficult for you to determine how favorable the number of your apartment is according to Feng Shui. Using the same principle, you can view your phone numbers, car numbers and, if you want, a series of documents. In this case, experts advise not reading the meaning of the entire string of numbers, but only the last two, as the most influential.

My 13th apartment turned out to be very happy from the point of view of Feng Shui. And Bulgakov’s “bad” apartment at number 50, where Woland and his retinue settled, really did not bode well. After the antics of the evil spirits, nothing was found there.

Lucky numbers

Feng Shui is inextricably linked with Chinese numerology. In the East, they attach great importance to numbers and believe that they are closely related to human life and have a direct impact on it.

This is why it is so important to find your “lucky” combination of numbers so that when choosing an apartment, car or phone number, you can choose the ideal option.

List of favorable combinations of numbers according to the teachings of Feng Shui:

  • 23 is an ideal combination for careerists, businessmen and anyone who wants to turn work into their life’s work and achieve success. These numbers increase efficiency, give good luck and fortune, and help quickly find solutions to problem situations;
  • 76 is a combination that attracts money into your life. Helps to notice and use the financial opportunities around a person to the maximum, achieve material well-being and stability, forget about need and poverty;
  • 29 is the number of health. Protects against illness and poor health, helps you always feel full of strength and energy. Grants longevity and attractiveness for many years;
  • 21 is a wish-fulfilling combination. If the number is present in your life, you are incredibly lucky. As soon as you think about something, your dream comes true in the most unexpected way;
  • 39 is the number of harmony and balance in everything. Balances a person’s psycho-emotional state, makes him happier, healthier, fills him with vitality and energy for achievements. Protects against diseases.

If you are lucky enough to have some of these numbers in your life, we can only be happy for you. You do not need any additional talismans and amulets, and luck is always with you.

Watch a video about what an apartment or house number can mean in Feng Shui:

Feng Shui house number

In addition to individual numbers on the apartment door, you can also analyze the number of your home using Feng Shui. In this case, you should add all the numbers in the address to a single digit. Alphabetic characters, if any, are also taken into account. For example, the letter “B” is similar in design to the number 8, which is considered favorable. If there is something with a “B” in your address, consider yourself as lucky as with an eight.

So, what do the numbers of our addresses mean according to Feng Shui?

  • The house under the total number 1 is patronized by the Sun. Creative individuals feel good here: writers, actors, painters. This apartment will contribute to their self-development and implementation in the profession. It is advisable to emphasize belonging to the Sun in the interior of the apartment: let it be light and bright here.
  • The house-two is guarded by the Moon, which endows the residents with intuition. This apartment is suitable for teachers, musicians, specialists working in the food sector or associated with water bodies. When decorating your home, use mirrors and calm blue and green shades of wallpaper and home textiles. Monitor the condition of the bathroom and toilet. It is contraindicated for people with unstable psyches to live in a double house.
  • An apartment with a numerical value of 3 is suitable for those “perpetual motion machines” who find it difficult to sit in one place. This is how it should be, because Mars, which patronizes the troika, gives endless energy. It’s a good idea to use red in the design of the front door, hallway and restroom. In such an apartment, you should not swear, so that scandals do not lead to something more. It will be difficult for calm people in a house or three to live. You can try to curb the overflowing activity with neutral tones in the interior.
  • The house-four is favored by Mercury. Travelers and speakers will coexist here. At the same time, they must be extremely honest in order for them to be lucky in life. Blue, gray, yellow and blue colors in the interior are suitable for such a house. The information centers of the apartment should be arranged as conveniently as possible: TV, computer, telephone, radio.
  • The house with number 5 is guarded by Jupiter. Politicians, collectors, scientists and those who like to be the center of attention will love this place. The decorations of such an apartment will be purple decorative elements, a globe and bronze dishes. It is advisable that each resident of house five has his own corner.
  • Apartment six is ​​under the influence of Venus and is simply created for a woman. Usually in such a house there are comfortable armchairs, soft sofas and many flowers. The beige and brown color scheme, which is recommended for the house of six, should be diluted with bright accents so as not to fall asleep while relaxing in comfort.
  • Housing with the number 7, ruled by Saturn, is suitable only for persistent people making a career. Living in such a house can be successful, but it will definitely not be cloudless. Through financial difficulties and difficulties in relationships there is a path to the stars. In the interior, pay attention to dark blue tones.
  • The house of eight is ruled by Uranus. People with non-standard abilities can breathe well here, but realists most likely will not like it here. Pay attention to the condition of the windows, handle appliances with care and decorate the apartment in sky blue or rainbow colors.
  • Apartment nine is owned by Neptune. This energy is suitable for sailors, priests, mystics, oil workers and musicians. It will be so hard for others here that they may become addicted to bad habits.

Full calculation of numerological indicators of a home

Anyone can calculate the numerology of an apartment without the help of a specialist. The main thing is to remember the principle of calculations. Much depends on how many digits the number consists of:

  1. Single digit numbers are the best option because the house is influenced by one number.
  2. Double digit numbers. It is necessary to take into account not only the vibrations of the first and second numbers, but also the total indicator of the address of the house or apartment. In many ways, their effect depends on the state of mind of the owner.
  3. Three digit number. Each number affects a specific area. The first is health, the second is feelings, the third is mind. The events that happen around them depend on their amount.

To calculate an apartment number using numerology, you need to add up the numbers that make it up. For example, 111(1+1+1)=3.

If, after all the mathematical operations, a result consisting of 2 numbers remains, then you need to sum up the numbers that make it up: 999 (9+9+9) = 27. So – 2+7=9.

Calculate house code

If a person lives in a high-rise building, then he is influenced not only by the apartment number, but also by the house number. In this case, the numerology of the full address is calculated. The number affects all residents.

It is easier for residents of private buildings to determine the “signs of fate”. Their life is affected only by the numerology of the home.

The number of the house is calculated according to the same principle by which the apartment code is determined. The numbers that make up the number are added together until a single digit number is obtained. For example, 33(3+3)=6.

Sometimes, in addition to the number, a letter is also attached to the building: 13 A. In this case, all the components of the number are added up: 13(1+3+1(A))=5.

Table of correspondence between numbers and alphabet:


This is interesting! Knowing the meanings of the letters, you can calculate the number of your name. It also needs to be brought to an unambiguous indicator.

Address code

The opinions of esotericists on how to correctly calculate the numerology of a place of residence do not always coincide. Some of them think that house, apartment, entrance and street numbers need to be interpreted separately. But most agree that it is more correct to look for the total number.

To make a complete calculation of address, apartment and floor, you need to find each value separately and then sum them up. For example, apartment code number 6, in building 22 “A”, in the 3rd entrance on the 6th floor:

  • room – 6;
  • building – 2+2=4;
  • entrance – 3;
  • landing – 6;
  • general address code – 6+4+3+6=19=10=1.

There are online calculators that can also be used to make the necessary summations. You just need to enter all the parameters, after which automatic calculation will occur.

We fix it

Is there an unfavorable number on your apartment door? You can and should get rid of its influence.

  1. You can paint over the “bad” number in gray.
  2. Paint the door where the bad number hangs green.
  3. On the back of the door, add the number missing to the lucky number.

To my 13th apartment, which in total gives the same four, you can add +6 to get a lucky one. You can add up to 8 or 88, whichever is closer.

Compatibility of date of birth and address

In numerology, significance is attached not only to the apartment number. Date of birth and name play an important role.

People who have recently begun to study numerology are often interested in the question of whether the date of birth of the apartment owner should influence the choice of home. The answer to this question is ambiguous.

The fact is that the address of the apartment must correspond to personal qualities. The date of birth partly determines the character and temperament.

People who cannot understand themselves should familiarize themselves with the name and date of birth code. This will make it possible to identify strengths and weaknesses and use the housing code that will develop only the necessary traits.

So, let's summarize

All numbers according to their meaning and influence on a person can be divided into three groups:

  1. Neutral. 2, 5, 7 - enhance any value of neighboring numbers, both bad and good. Well, 0 (zero), like neutrality itself, does not affect anything.
  2. Positive. 1, 3, 6, 8, 9 - most numbers have definitely good meanings.
  3. Negative. 4 - just one. The Chinese are so afraid of this figure that in some elevators there is no button for the fourth floor and there is no fourth apartment.

The negative meaning of a number can always be corrected!
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How to calculate the numeric address code?

If you work in an industry where you often use a personal address, then its numeric code can set the tone for business. Finding a numeric address code is a little more difficult than a regular house number, since in this case we need to convert letters into numbers. Let's look at how to find out the address code.

  1. Write your address so as not to get confused.
  2. From the tables below, select a language and assign each letter its own number; you do not need to assign anything to the words street, house, building, etc.
  3. Add all the numbers and bring them to one number. The final single digit is the digital address code. If in the intermediate calculations the numbers turned out to be 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 or 99, read their meanings, they will also carry their own vibrations.

Let's look at the algorithm using an example. Below are tables of the Russian, English and Ukrainian alphabets with their digital codes.

Let's say our address is st. Dostoevsky, 39. We get the following: d – 5; o – 7; s – 1; t – 2; o – 7; e – 6; at 3; s – 1; k – 3; o – 7; g – 4; o – 7. We get: 5 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 4 + 7 + 3 + 9 = 65 = 11 = 2.

In this case, we get the number 2 - this is the numerical code of the house, we got the two from the number 11, so we also look at the value of this number.

Translation of letters from the Russian alphabet into numbers

Translation of letters from the English alphabet into numbers

Translation of letters from the Ukrainian alphabet into numbers

Interesting facts about the number 101

This number is a mixture of the energies of the numbers 1 and 0, and when it is reduced to one digit, it becomes the number 2.

This is why this number contains the energies and attributes of the numbers 1, 0 and 2.

The energy of the number 1 is enhanced because it appears twice. The number 0 amplifies the energy of other numbers, so it amplifies the energy of both 1 and 2.

Number 1 stands for self-determination, ambition, finding new ways to deal with things and people and independence.

Further, the number 0 signifies infinity, wholeness and infinite potential.

Number 2 stands for teamwork, diplomacy, relationships and partnerships.

As a mixture of these energies, the number 101 generally signifies romance, coexistence and camaraderie.

People who resonate with the number 101 recognize the need to coexist with other people, such as their romantic partners, friends, team members or part of other relationships.

These people enjoy the company of others and do not like to be alone. They are very diplomatic and level-headed in their approach to others.

If 101 is your destiny number, then you are most likely a person who enjoys being involved in romantic relationships. You also enjoy interacting with others and constantly strive to improve your relationships with others.

Meaning of number 101 angel numerology

Number 101 is a combination of the energies of number 1 and 0. The energy of number 1 is amplified because it appears twice in this number.

In fact, its energy is tripled because the number 0 tends to amplify the energy of other numbers.

Number 1 represents new beginnings, creativity, creation, ambition, progress, success, motivation, intuition, inspiration, initiative, self-affirmation, personal fulfillment and happiness.

Next, the number 0 represents the energy of the universe and God, eternity, infinity, wholeness, unity, cycles, beginnings and infinite potentials, as well as the development of spirituality.

Number 0 signifies the beginning of your spiritual journey. It encourages you to listen to your inner guidance for the help and answers you are seeking.

The meaning of number 101 is romance, exploration, endless potential, self-determination, teamwork, camaraderie, relationships, diplomatic cooperation and achieving common goals.

It also indicates sensitivity to other people.

The meaning of number 101 in love relationships

Number 101 asks you to maintain a positive attitude towards matters of the heart. Try to look on the bright side in every situation.

This angel number may indicate difficulties in your current relationship, but the angels ask you not to give up too soon.

Try to focus on the good parts of your relationship and your partner.

Challenge your partner to the problems you have and solve them together. Your relationship can be saved; this requires only a small amount of force on both sides.

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