Numerology: which license plate number will bring you good luck

Tips for purchasing the right car

When purchasing a vehicle according to Feng Shui, the following are taken into account:

  • car release date;
  • date of the purchase and sale transaction;
  • car status (new, used), etc.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, it is necessary to take into account the production date of the vehicle: the date must have the meaning necessary for the owner.

It is recommended to calculate favorable lunar days for buying a car. According to 2021 data, the following days are optimal for acquisitions: September 5, 21; December 11, 12, 17. It is recommended to refrain from large purchases during periods of solar eclipses, retrograde movements of Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The 5 days before and after a solar eclipse are unfavorable.

It is optimal to buy a car without a car race, because... the equipment will not retain the energy of the previous owner. If you buy a used car, you need to find out the mileage, the presence or absence of accidents. According to Feng Shui, space is cleansed.

Letter meaning

What do the letters of the car number mean? Every car owner wants to have a memorable sign. Therefore, in addition to numbers, it also contains letters. There are only three of them.

They are a series of a car plate, and the numbers are its registration number. But when constructing a new combination, not the entire alphabet is used, but only part of it - 12 letters. They are needed in order to correlate the owner’s affiliation with his status or profession.

For example, the value of a car number that contains the letters MMM determines that the driver is a police officer or private citizen, and UMR is most often the government. There is such a trick that if a person with an ordinary profession can acquire a badge that indicates an important state status, then traffic police officers will stop him less often, or at least not ask him unnecessary questions.

Selecting the color of transport according to Feng Shui

It is necessary to choose the optimal color for the car according to Feng Shui for the future owner. When calculating, the element to which the person belongs is determined based on his birthday and eastern horoscope. From the proposed shades, a color is selected that harmonizes with the owner’s internal state.

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According to the eastern horoscope, there are elements:

  • Metal
  • Fire;
  • Earth;
  • Water;
  • Tree.

Representatives of the Wood element are recommended to wear green cars. Shades balance the mood, give confidence and courage in solving business issues. Green tones are suitable for intellectuals, because... color enhances concentration and improves memory.

Representatives of the water element are recommended to wear black, dark blue and light blue shades. Black, according to the rules of Feng Shui, is suitable for people striving for professional achievements, increasing income, and with large-scale plans for business development. Color is associated with authority, power, strength, and helps protect the car owner from negative influences and gossip. The blue color gives prudence and restraint to the car owner, harmonizes the internal state, and gives confidence.

For people whose horoscope belongs to the fire element, red shades (scarlet, burgundy) are recommended. The colors symbolize strength, courage, and give the owner confidence in solving business issues.

For representatives of the metal element, white and silver colors are suitable. Snow-white color symbolizes beauty, naturalness, purity of thoughts. The silver shade (metallic) is optimal for introverts, calm and balanced people. White and silver are considered universal and are suitable for representatives of other elements.

For people belonging to the Earth element, beige, yellow, and orange shades of the car will be supportive. According to Feng Shui, the color yellow improves mood, imparts calm, and harmonizes the atmosphere.

Orange tones suit optimistic people. The shade gives self-confidence, brings financial stability and success in business. For married women, the color brings good luck, promotes the harmonization of family relationships, and attracts financial wealth.

Rich pink and crimson shades are recommended for active people in creative professions. The energy of flowers helps to enhance the imagination and activates creativity.

Brown shades give the car owner stability, balance, calmness, and confidence. Dark brown is similar in quality to black.

Purple shades, according to the rules of Feng Shui, are recommended for people with high social status. For those who dream of developing a professional career or increasing material wealth, color will help them find success in business.

Harmony is necessary in the shades of the car body and interior trim. For a car in a light color scheme (white, metallic, blue), the interior trim should be done in pastel shades.

If the colors do not match, covers and capes, which are chosen in accordance with the element of the car owner according to the eastern horoscope, will help balance the design of the car.

Jupiter. Number 3

Such a car brings good luck to its owner. But it does not accept fast or quiet driving. It is noticeable on the road, more suitable for large, heavy cars, since Jupiter is the largest planet of all. Promotes the arrival of money or useful contacts. In such a machine it is especially good to plan your expansion in different areas. The driver is always in a good mood while driving.

Suitable for bankers, lawyers, judges, realtors and lenders. The machine requires special attention and care. Great for long-distance travel, especially abroad, but check everything carefully before doing so. The more good deeds you do with this car, the more joy and luck it will bring.

A teacher teaches his owner at the most inopportune moment, either through some unpleasant situation or a breakdown, when the owner is too proud, and according to Jupiter, superiority must be kept in check. It is recommended to communicate more often with others and be easier for them. Remove the desire to teach others about life until asked to do so. Choose foreign-made flavors.

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What is the lucky number of a car?

According to Feng Shui, the car number is important. According to Eastern teaching, the meaning of the numbers is calculated:

  • 1 symbolizes independence and inner strength, energy;
  • 2 means tenderness, softness, calmness;
  • 3 indicates activity, energy;
  • 4 symbolizes transformation;
  • 5 is a neutral number;
  • 6 – symbol of wealth, prosperity, prosperity;
  • 7 means uncertainty, doubt;
  • 8 symbolizes prosperity in all areas of life, acquisitions;
  • 9 is a symbol of longevity, wisdom, knowledge.

Using the digital number, you can determine the meaning of the car and select a combination that will bring prosperity in the desired area of ​​life. It is recommended to avoid negative numbers on the number.

Triplets numbers

Combinations such as 111, 777 have the strongest energetic impact. This number attracts the attention of other people, and the owner himself is called a major.

It is believed that the combination of three numbers will bring good luck to a person, but in reality this is not entirely true. It is necessary to proceed from its meaning:

  1. 111 is a fairly good combination that attracts good luck and wards off accidents.
  2. 222 - the car is very easy to drive, but it often causes accidents.
  3. 333 is a car that is distinguished by convenience and comfort. Even an inexperienced driver can handle it.
  4. 444 is a loyal car that will only work properly in the hands of an experienced owner.
  5. 555 is a car for beginners, careerists and businessmen.
  6. 666 is a wayward vehicle that always gets into accidents. You need to be patient to deal with him.
  7. The 777 is a car that is its own boss, because it decides where and how to go.
  8. 888 is a car for family trips. Preferably a female driver.
  9. 999 – the only whim of this car will be constant care.

The importance of keeping yourself and the “iron horse” clean

Keeping the interior clean will help maintain good energy in your car. It is important to regularly carry out general cleaning, take out trash, old things, and broken appliances. Cleanliness in the salon will help attract business success, prosperity, give peace and confidence.

A positive sign will be the cleaning of the car from negative energy. After general wet cleaning and removal of old things, the interior is treated with sea salt. Minerals must be scattered at the bottom of the machine, then removed. In addition to general cleaning, it is important to maintain cleanliness and order in the salon every day, remove publications and empty containers.

Saturn. Number 8

Outwardly, such a car smells cold, but it is not so. Practical and slow. But as they say: “Slowly but surely”! But there is a real invincible motor hiding inside, although this is not expressed in speed. Excellent and stable grip on the road. Not considered a luxury, more like just a reliable means of transportation.

By working on such a machine, the owner can provide himself with a good, stable income. It will help in concluding transactions, especially if they are related to real estate or the construction of premises. Demonstrates high endurance where it would seem the mission is impossible. The car is a workaholic, which does not distinguish it from its owner, who achieves everything on his own. Often sells quickly, as it does not become very attached to the owner.

In order for it to serve you faithfully, strictly monitor your punctuality. You can’t be late on it, but it’s better to arrive at the point a little earlier. Plan your route in advance, which street you will take, what time you will leave, and all your plans for the day. Then you will save yourself from sudden hassle and troubles. She doesn’t require any special care, so you don’t have to worry too much. Flavors that are preferred by older people, notes of oak, are suitable.

Numerical talisman by date of birth, or Luck is always nearby

A numerical talisman can help in making important decisions.
If a person in a difficult situation accidentally sees his lucky number (a passing bus, ticket or house number, and much more), a favorable combination of circumstances awaits him. Any dispute will be resolved, the envious person and the enemy will lose power. It is advisable to always keep your amulet with you in numerical form. You can draw a number on paper or embroider it on clothing.

Your personal lucky number is calculated by summing your date of birth and the birth dates of your parents, for example:

  1. Annushka was born on August 15, 1988;
  2. her mother - January 7, 1964;
  3. and father - September 29, 1962;
  4. add up all the numbers – 1+5+8+1+9+8+8+7+1+1+9+6+4+2+9+9+1+9+6+2=106;
  5. the result must be divided by three - 106/3 = 35.33;
  6. Fractional results should be rounded to the nearest whole number – 35.

With these simple calculations we got the talisman number for Anna. If you add these two numbers together, you can get the second important amulet number for a girl (3+5=8).

Classic version of numerological calculation

To do this, you need to add up all the numbers that make up the car number. Consider the resulting result as two digits and add them again until a prime number is reached.

For example, the number has a sequence of numbers - 234. Let's add it up: 2+3+4. Result: 9. This number 9 will be the number of the destiny of your car. The characteristics of each number can be carefully studied below.

If the total is 11 or 22, then there is no need to add their numbers. This is a sacred number, which is interpreted as strengthening the meaning of “one” or “two”.

What's in a name…

One of the most famous ways to calculate your luck code is to add up all the numbers of the first name, last name and patronymic (each letter has its own digital value), for example:

  • the letters A, I, C and B correspond to 1;
  • B, J, T and S – 2;
  • B, K, U and L correspond to 3;
  • G, L, F and E – 4;
  • D, X, M and Yu – number 5;
  • E, N, C and Z – 6;
  • Yo, O and Ch correspond to the number 7;
  • F, P and W – 8;
  • Letters З, Р and Ш – 9.

Now you need to perform all the necessary manipulations:

  • the girl wants to know her lucky number, her name is Anna Vitalievna Golovina;
  • substitute the digital values ​​of the letters – 1+6+6+1+3+1+2+1+4+3+6+3+6+1+4+7+4+7+3+1+6+1;
  • we add up the numbers and get the name number for Anna – 77;
  • after which we add the resulting numbers until we get a single-digit number - 7+7=14, 1+4=5.

So, the girl’s lucky number is 5. It is advisable that Annushka schedule all important meetings on the fifth or at five o’clock in the afternoon.

In addition, each name number carries certain qualities to its owner:

  • 1 – leadership . The unit helps its owner develop leadership qualities and determination. Lucky numbers for people-ones: 1 or 10, 19 or 91, 28 or 82, 37 or 73, 46 or 64, 55, 100 and 109;
  • 2 – partnership . For luck to follow two people, they need to start any business in the company. Lucky numbers: 2 or 20, 11, 29 or 92, 38 or 83, 47 or 74, 56 or 65, 101 and 109;
  • 3 – nepotism. Holders of three can always count on the support of family and higher powers. The following numbers will bring happiness to triplets: 3 or 30, 12 or 21, 39 or 93, 48 or 84, 57 or 75, 66, 102 and 111;
  • 4 – restraint and integrity . People-fours do not waste words and rarely deviate from their goal. To achieve good luck, the owner of a name with a value of 4 should get rid of tediousness and meticulousness. Lucky numbers for fours: 4 or 40, 13 or 31, 22, 49 or 94, 58 or 85, 67 or 76, 103 and 112;
  • 5 – love . As a rule, the owner of the five is lucky in love and study. On any Friday, five people can make a wish that will definitely come true. Lucky numbers: 5 or 50, 23 or 32, 41 or 14, 59 or 95, 104 and 113;
  • 6 – easy-going . Six people never get offended. Their lucky numbers are 6 or 60 or 51, 24 or 42, 33, 69 or 96, 105 and 114;
  • 7 – complete luck . Sevens are the happiest among other numbers. This is especially true for women. Sevens will not be betrayed by friends or lovers and will not be unfairly fired from work. Numbers that bring happiness to sevens: 7 or 70, 16 or 61, 25 or 52, 34 or 43, 79 or 97, 88, 106 and 115;
  • 8 – infinity . Eight people will always be lucky in everything related to the number 8, except conception. Lucky numbers: 8 or 80 or 71, 26 or 62, 35 or 53, 89 or 98, 107 and 116;
  • 9 – summing up . People whose name value is 9 will have good luck. But only if the owner of the nine will carry out all important and responsible events (except for “new” things, such as a first date, vacation, etc.) on the 9th, 18th or 27th. Good luck will come from: 9 or 90, 18 or 81, 27 or 72, 36 or 63, 45 or 54, 99, 108 and 117.
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