Element Tree according to Feng Shui: what does it mean in ancient eastern teachings

According to Feng Shui, trees are not just indoor plants, but talismans of special power. All of them, depending on their purpose, have their own different functions.

Plant the tree yourself. Take every step with love. The soil and the plant itself will absorb your location, feel your affection, feel warmth and care. You will receive in return full of joy and happiness.

Surround the flower with affection. Daily watering and dusting should be part of your daily routine.

Money tree according to feng shui

One of the most famous plants in Feng Shui is the money tree. People call it “fat woman”. This unpretentious plant, which has a reputation as a money magnet, effectively attracts the energy of money to its owner.

The appearance of the Crassula has the following differences: a solid and stable trunk, strong branches, juicy round leaves.

Before you ask yourself the question “how to plant a money tree” in your apartment, determine a special place for it. Usually this is a feng shui zone , which is responsible for the financial side of life. It is located in the southeast of the apartment or house.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the money tree must be replanted in time, allowing the root system to fully develop. During this process, you can place a few Chinese coins at the bottom of the pot.

Also monitor the condition of its foliage - without proper purity, energy will not be able to be involved in the process of replenishing your wallet with large sums of money.

Specialty stores often sell small handmade money trees. You can put it at work or in your car so that the symbol of monetary well-being accompanies you anywhere and everywhere.

How to plant a money tree (video)

Magical properties of wood

Myrtle and its magical properties contribute to the accumulation of wealth in the material sense: a dried sprig of the plant is often placed in a wallet to attract good luck in financial matters. Amulets made from evergreen wood (beads, bracelets, rosaries) are in demand among those who want to preserve their beauty and youth for many years.

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Myrtle acquires special magic in the home: the plant has the ability to dispel flows of harmful energy. According to Feng Shui, it is advisable to place a pot of myrtle near the entrance to your home. A decorative bush prevents the flow of energy from other people's evil and envious thoughts, but allows and attracts positive energy and cleanses the house.

Leaves or small twigs, cut and brought with you, also have unusual properties. By placing dried fragrant flowers in a sachet, you can easily get a love amulet. This beautiful pouch is convenient to wear around your neck under clothes or in a bag. The talisman is designed to protect the mistress from attacks on her honor, and when spouses wear identical amulets, it will help prevent infidelity and jealousy.

Sachets with tree leaves are often placed under children’s pillows - the unobtrusive smell helps them fall asleep faster and sleep peacefully throughout the night. For an adult, these same leaves can give prophetic dreams.

Tangerine tree according to feng shui

The aroma of citrus fruits always creates an atmosphere of freshness and novelty. According to Feng Shui, the tangerine tree, in addition to its wonderful smell, will support the relationship between spouses, help a young couple find a common language, and renew the slightly extinguished flame of passion.

If you feel that a period of love calm has come in your life, then place the pot in the Love zone, it is located in the northeast of the apartment.

This magical plant has another wonderful ability: it renews any room. The leaves carefully absorb negative energy and emit positive energy that has already been processed.

Receiving such a charge, your apartment will spread joy. You will receive maximum relaxation, be filled with vitality and feel peace of mind.

Feng Shui tree of happiness

Chinese needlewomen suggest using a handmade “tree of happiness” to change your life for the better. If you purchased such an amulet, you can place it in any area of ​​your home.

The product will help fix problems of various complexity and levels. It can influence your overall health, help you set life priorities, and lead to the right decisions.

The materials for its manufacture are usually precious or semi-precious materials: aventurine, carnelian or crystal.

The amethyst from which the leaves are made makes a favorable impression - the product looks like an original element of the interior. So you will influence not only the energy of your home microclimate, but also create a unique style for your home.

Feng Shui peach tree

This plant attracts wealth to the home, and not only monetary wealth. With the help of a peach tree, you can attract health, parental happiness, and a successful career.

If you are looking for where to put a pot with this unusually useful plant, then choose the east of the apartment. Here the green leaves will be able to perform the tasks assigned to them to the maximum.

Occasionally place the pot in the middle of your home. This procedure should take ten to fifteen minutes. It is needed to regularly replenish positive home energy.

The peach talisman loves abundant sunlight, he loves to simply swim in it. Provide him with such conditions as to allow every branch to work for you.

Place a small coffee table next to the pot and place family photos on it. This action will connect the plant with each resident of the house.

What is a Bonsai tree

A Bonsai tree is a dwarf plant grown under special conditions and with special care, which is an analogue of a real tree. Most often, the art of Bonsai is used when growing evergreen coniferous trees, however, many other deciduous trees are no less suitable for these purposes.

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Bonsai tree

The fashion for such miniature plants came from Japan. Although this art originated in China, it was the Japanese masters who reached the highest level in it.

In appearance, the Bonsai tree does not differ from its “original” (only in size). Most often their height varies between 20 and 50 centimeters, but there are also tiny ones, about five centimeters in size.

Those who want to grow this miniature miracle in their home should remember that caring for it is quite difficult. This is probably why not everyone who wants to actually decides to take it on.

Feng Shui coffee tree

There are legends about this miraculous plant. It has such great powers that they can endlessly bestow its owner with life-changing changes. You will become strong, courageous, and confident if this cute tree appears in your home.

The most successful placement will be the zone that is responsible for love and marital relationships. A coffee talisman will strengthen your trust in each other and bring stability to the family.

The plant exclusively influences the financial issue. It can pull a business out of a seemingly complete collapse.

Tree talismans Feng Shui

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Feng Shui

Do you want to attract wealth and love into your home, improve your health, give birth to a child, and at the same time cleanse the room of negative energy? Use trees! Living and artificial, with various pebbles and coins instead of leaves - small trees are one of the most powerful and effective talismans of Feng Shui.

Just remember that it’s not enough to just buy them and put them in a free corner, forgetting about them forever. They must not only be placed in the right place, but also carefully looked after. Make sure that your trees are well lit, that dust does not accumulate on them, so that the artificial tree shines like new, and the living one is strong and healthy. The guarantee that your talisman will work is the general cleanliness in the activated sector. Then, in addition to its main function, your talisman will also improve the overall atmosphere of the house.

And don’t forget to talk to your talisman and thank him for everything you receive.

Tree of Happiness

Traditionally, a tree of happiness is called an artificial tree with pebbles instead of leaves. Such a talisman attracts into your life a feeling of joy, favorable circumstances, everything that makes you prosperous and happier, and your life more harmonious.

But decide for yourself what stones your tree will use. If you purchase it exclusively for yourself, then choose the mineral that suits your zodiac sign. And if for the whole family, then give preference to amethyst, rock crystal, carnelian or onyx - these stones are quite universal, they are suitable for almost everyone, so they will help and not harm.

You need to place the tree of happiness in the sector that is “responsible” for what you lack in life for complete happiness. If you crave money, put it in the zone of wealth; if you dream of love, put it in the zone of love and marriage, etc. And if you just want the relationships in your family to be happy and harmonious, for your home to breathe easily, and for everyone to treat each other kindly and with love, then place the tree of happiness in the central sector of the room where you most often gather the whole family.

Money Tree

It is generally accepted that the money tree is exclusively Crassula, which, in fact, is called the money tree. However, this is not quite true. Any plant with rounded, fleshy leaves - some types of ficus, cyclamen, arrowroot - can become a tree that lures stable material well-being into the house. And also an artificial tree with coins or jade stones instead of leaves.

If you are using a live plant, be sure to place an odd number of coins in its pot. This ensures that your income will increase as your tree grows. Once every six months, coins should be taken out and washed under running water, so that in addition to existing income, new ones appear in your life.

Naturally, such trees and plants should be placed in the wealth zone - in the southeast of the room. And running water will enhance the effect of the talisman. That is, if you want your financial situation to improve, then go to the store - be sure to be in a good mood, tuning in to the fact that golden rain is about to literally pour down on you. And buy not only the tree itself, but also a home fountain.

By the way, your money tree can become not only a talisman for attracting wealth, but also a kind of detector of what is happening in the financial sphere of your life. If, for some reason unknown to you, your money tree begins to shed its leaves, get sick and die on the root, then this means that you are in for some major financial losses. And we urgently need to do something to somehow protect ourselves.

For example, start creating some kind of “stabilization fund” in case of sudden dismissal. Or don’t take a plastic card with you with large savings in the near future. Or transfer your savings to another place.

Tree of health and longevity

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a peach tree brings health and longevity, and it should always bear fruit. But, as you understand, it is difficult to grow such a tree at home, much less keep peaches on it. Therefore, you can easily use a trick, and even more than one.

The first trick is to buy an artificial tree - the peaches on it can be either plastic or made of agate, a stone that symbolizes health.

And the second trick is that you can replace the real tree with a painting or photograph, but only the peaches should be bright, and the image itself should be sunny.

The peach tree not only helps maintain and improve health, it also promotes childbearing. If you really want a child, but are still having problems with it, then place a peach tree in the children’s sector - in the west, and next to it put a figurine of a stork, a doll or a photograph (painting) depicting children.

Another tree “responsible” for health and longevity is bamboo. It makes an excellent bonsai, so you can grow it yourself. Just remember that the number of stems in one pot must be odd. By the way, bamboo helps in other matters - it helps increase income and fertility in every sense of the word. Therefore, you can place it not only in the health zone, but also in the zones of love, wealth, and children.

The health tree should be placed in the eastern sector. And you can strengthen it with figures of a crane or deer, an image of a waterfall or an aquarium.

Trees of love and fertility

The tangerine tree is considered the tree of love. Here, as with the health tree, you can buy a living tree, or you can use a tree with artificial fruits or its image. This tree is “responsible” not only for love, but also for sex, for mutual understanding between partners, for healthy offspring.

Another tree of love is the plum. Plum blossoms have a particularly beneficial effect on attracting mutual love into your life and maintaining marital happiness. Or, as a last resort, her image.

The vine, as well as the grape tree with fruits made of jade or onyx, is a talisman of fertility, longevity, and abundance. It helps in conception, brings children's laughter into the family, and helps children grow up healthy and happy.

The tree of love should be placed in the southwest of the bedroom or the room where you spend the most time. In order to enhance the influence of this talisman, place some paired objects next to it - two mandarin ducks, two dolphins, two boots, kissing doves or a figurine of a couple in love.

And you can place a grape tree both in the love sector and in the children’s sector.

By the way, not only the money tree, but also all the others, can be a clue about brewing problems in one or another area of ​​your life. Living ones, as already mentioned, begin to get sick or drop leaves, and artificial ones tear off pebbles, coins or fruits without outside help. Don't ignore these signs, and then everything will always be fine with you.

Author Nadezhda Popova

tree of love sector of happiness tree tree health health zone promotes talisman


Lemon tree according to feng shui

The lemon tree will help you gain a craving for new knowledge and impressions. Therefore, it is no wonder that it needs to be placed in the room where a schoolchild or student lives.

In addition, the plant encourages one to make independent decisions and increases physical and mental activity.

Schisandra fruits protect against negativity from the outside: your home will be surrounded by invisible protection, inaccessible to bad energy. And inside there will be an abundance of joyful atmosphere, happy mood and smiles.

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