Psychologists have linked the color of the car with the character of the driver

According to statistics, for more than 50% of car buyers, color is no less important than its technical characteristics. The market currently offers a wide range of shades. It is generally accepted that men more often choose classic colors - black, blue, gray, white, and women - shades of red, yellow, green or blue. But gender is far from a verdict on the choice of “swallow” color. We will tell you about other criteria that can help you answer the question of what color of car to choose.

Car color and driver’s psychotype

Psychologists have found that the choice of car color is directly related to the psychological characteristics of the owner and his driving style and have given several recommendations.

  • White color symbolizes a bright dream. It is believed that white is chosen by fair but emotional drivers. Their driving style is calm and balanced.
  • Black is chosen by people who crave attention to themselves. One can say about the owner of such a car - confident and purposeful. Their driving style is harsh.
  • Shades of red express passion as well as love of power. Owners of red cars are impulsive and hot-tempered; they can ignore the rules on the road.
  • Blue is preferred by people who choose a friendly environment around them. They are humble and thoughtful. This is the color of restraint, attention to detail and calm. It is rare to find aggressive people among owners of blue cars. But they are always ready to provide assistance on the road.

  • The yellow car and its owner definitely stand out from the crowd, which is what they strive for. Such people, as a rule, are sociable and calm, both in life and on the road.
  • Green is the color of independent people. It is believed that owners of green cars claim the title of “Troublemaker,” because their actions on the road are difficult to predict. At the same time, these people constantly strive for something new and are distinguished by loyalty and even a degree of shyness. Owners of cars in light green shades, like owners of red ones, are distinguished by aggressiveness on the road.
  • Pink shades give off a dreamy feel, but only when in moderation. An excess of pink signals that a person is not serious. However, owners of marshmallow-colored cars drive on the road with respect towards other road users.
  • Silver is more often chosen by rational people who think through every step and do not want to attract a lot of attention to themselves. Gray or silver will not suit people with an active lifestyle who want to stand out.

It follows from this that it is better for hot-tempered people to choose a car whose color has a “cooling” effect - dark or silver. But, one way or another, the color scheme should be based on your feelings of comfort and safety.

Silver: Futuristic, Prestigious, Elegant

On the one hand, this is the color of a noble metal. But it still has a cool futuristic feel to it. The owner of a silver car is almost certainly not satisfied with a simple gray color and likes to be treated with dignity by others. After all, in fact, “silver” is the same noble, expensive and precious metal as gold. In the metal market, the only difference is price. Same goes for body colors. The personality of the owner of a “silver” car speaks of a love of elegance with certain ambitions. In the photo, the Nissan Teana is an excellent car for a person with a not very easy character who loves cars in silver color.

Practicality of the car

When purchasing a car, it is not enough to pay attention to its shade from an aesthetic point of view. The color of a car has different effects on traffic situations, the rate of accidents, and also has a bearing on its practicality.

  • White. In a thin stream, such a car stands out among others, but if the density of white cars in a small area is high, the color can merge together. During the snowy season, the accident rate of such a car increases significantly. White does not require special care, because dust and scratches on the canvas are insignificantly visible.
  • Black. Such a car often blends in with the color of the asphalt, and in the dark it becomes completely invisible. Owners of black cars become involved in road accidents more often than others. As for practicality, dirt on such a car is immediately visible, and in summer the temperature in the cabin rises every minute.
  • Red. The car undoubtedly attracts attention, and they try to avoid it - the owners do not have a calm driving style. Red shades tend to fade quickly in the sun.
  • Blue. It is safe to be with the owner of a blue car on the road due to his psychology described above. Dark shades of blue require slightly less maintenance than black cars. Light shades (blue) are considered “feminine”; dust is less visible than on a dark car. However, the blue color of the car reduces concentration on the road if you drive behind it for a long time.
  • Yellow. By itself, it activates the activity of the brain. The dirt on such a car is noticeable, but if you approach it from a humorous point of view, it even looks interesting - you can only let your imagination run wild. Due to its distinctive shade, owners of yellow cars rarely become involved in accidents. However, the risk of incorrectly assessing the distance between road users increases.
  • Green. Along with blue, dust is clearly visible on dark shades. In addition, during the blooming season, a green car is less noticeable against the background of bushes and trees. The light green tint is a stimulant of the immune system, and the dust on such a car is only slightly visible.
  • Pink. Definitely a feminine color. It's rare to find a car dirty. On the road, road users on pink iron horses are treated with caution - there is an opinion that instead of taking the traffic situation seriously, car owners are “flying in the clouds.” But, probably, such a relationship develops only because an associative connection is triggered.
  • Silver. Practical color in terms of care - dirt and scratches will not be noticeable. In summer, by reflecting the sun's rays, the body prevents the car interior from overheating. But at night, a gray car is hardly noticeable on the road, so it is recommended to take measures to avoid an accident.

When choosing the shade of your car, you should set your priorities correctly - do you need a bright car to attract attention, which plays into safety and beauty, or are you a supporter of practicality and do not have a great desire to spend every evening with a rag.

White: Pure, Transparent, Perfect

White car owners are hard to please. They have a high degree of disgust. Basically, owners of white cars like everything around them to be clean, transparent and perfect. The woman who bought a white car, most likely, in order to keep it constantly clean, often coming to the car wash. This means that in everyday life she loves perfect cleanliness everywhere. The photo shows a Ford Escape - for those who like their car to always look clean and new.

Choosing a car color based on your zodiac sign

The stars can help you choose the color of your car. Astrology has not been canceled! This, of course, does not mean that you need to blindly trust the advice of astrologers, but you can listen to their recommendations.

  • Aries. Active and stubborn individuals. The choice is given to high-spirited engines. They often act childishly on the road, which increases the risk of creating an emergency situation. The color that suits your temperament is red, but taking into account your driving style, you can take a closer look at a yellow car. Blue shades are more suitable for women.
  • Calf. Calm, balanced type. In cars they prefer reliability and comfort. Taurus can safely choose any color from light to dark shades, excluding irritating red, which is directly related to the zodiac sign.
  • Twins. Great connoisseurs of “wind in your hair.” They are fickle in their mood, their duality also manifests itself on the road. As representatives of the air element, they often buy cars in “heavenly” colors, but do not neglect bright colors - orange or yellow.

  • Cancer. Drivers who tend to worry about their iron horses. Supporters of comfort, practicality and reliability. For representatives of this sign, the car is a second home. Therefore, the color should be just as comfortable. Cancers often avoid flashy colors, preferring calm shades of green, blue, yellow and gray.
  • A lion. A representative of the fire element, who likes to stand out from others. The car should match its owner, and its color should emphasize personality traits. Leos often exclude black from their choice, but do not neglect dark blue or burgundy. It is better for the sign to buy a car in bright colors - red or yellow.
  • Virgos. They take a very responsible approach to choosing a car, which is subsequently kept clean. The choice of color is based on practical considerations - white, gray, blue or burgundy.
  • Scales. Representatives of the zodiac cycle are balanced by nature. They value the aesthetics of a car, which is why they spend a lot of time searching for the perfect one. On the road, they strive to carefully evaluate everything, but in a critical situation they do not always have time to make the right decision. Shades of green are most often chosen.

  • Scorpion. They tend to choose a car that can reach high speeds. However, they also know how to get out of an accident with minor scratches or completely intact. This sign chooses colors to match the racer’s temperament - all shades of red or yellow, but they can also take a closer look at black.
  • Sagittarius. Lovers of travel and space. This zodiac sign, as a rule, is knowledgeable about all the new products on the automobile market. Sagittarians buy cars that look menacing in appearance. The chosen colors highlight such a car - yellow, purple or green.
  • Capricorn. Chooses a practical, no-frills car that can overcome difficult obstacles. They don’t like to attract attention, and therefore the color of the car is chosen from a wide range of dark or gray.
  • Aquarius. A lover of comfort, he loves a large number of buttons and displays. The color of the car should match the interior contents - bright shades are perfect.
  • Fish. Unpredictable zodiac sign. Speed ​​helps them relax, but due to their high emotionality, they often become involved in road accidents. Pisces should take a closer look at the shades of their element - blue or green.

Of course, each person is unique; the zodiac sign only indicates general character traits. The recommendations given above give you direction for reflection - choose the color of the car according to your zodiac sign or choose another criterion.

Red: Sensual, Dynamic, Outgoing

There are only two colors that express the same human characters. This is a bright red and dark red color. But owners of bright red cars are bolder than those who own dark red cars. Owners of red cars are more sensitive to events in life. They value dynamism and high energy. They always want to stand out from the crowd and be noticed. With increased attention to them, they do not distance themselves from it, but rather encourage excessive attention to themselves. Ferrari California perfectly emphasizes the personality of the owners of red cars.

Choosing colors according to Feng Shui

Choosing the color of your “horse” according to your zodiac sign is not the only way to turn to astrology. The elements identified by experts will help determine what color to buy a car. Each of the five elements has its own shades. Determining your element is simple - by the last digit of the year of your birth.

  • Metal element (0 or 1). Shades of gray, gold or white, similar to the color of the elements, are best suited.
  • Water Element (2 or 3). It is better for representatives of the elements to buy a car in black and blue shades, which will add restraint and prudence.
  • Car owners of the Wood element (4 or 5) will choose green cars, which will reassure the driver and give a feeling of perseverance, characteristic of representatives of these signs.
  • Element of Fire (6 or 7). The choice is in red shades, which give confidence to car owners.
  • Earth element (8 or 9). Take a closer look at a beige, brown or yellow car.

These colors work well for the body. The interior of the car must be chosen so that the colors are harmoniously combined with each other.

Determination of Gua number

In Feng Shui, for the correct use of color therapy, the Gua number is calculated. It is also called the number of fate. It determines a person’s compatibility with their living space, place of work, and car. For each, the Gua number is determined individually.

Gua number is not related to numerology.
It describes the energies considered for a positive combination. First, determine the Gua number of the individual. It gives an idea of ​​the suitable color of the car. This is done using a table that correlates the years of birth and the corresponding Gua value. Important!
According to the Chinese calendar, New Year begins on February 4th. Therefore, for people born before this date, the year of birth preceding it is taken as the year of birth.

Calculation of Gua number depending on the year of birth

Year of birthGua Number (men)Gua Number (women)
1935, 1944, 1953, 1962, 1971, 1980, 1989, 199824
1936, 1945, 1954, 1963, 1972, 1981, 1990, 199915
1937, 1946, 1955, 1964, 1973, 1982, 1991, 200096
1938, 1947, 1956, 1965, 1974, 1983, 1992, 200187
1939, 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984, 1993, 200278
1934, 1943, 1952, 1961, 1970, 1979, 1988, 199733
1940, 1949, 1958, 1967, 1976, 1985, 1994, 200369
1941, 1950, 1959, 1968, 1977, 1986, 1995, 200451
1942, 1951, 1960, 1969, 1978, 1987, 1996, 200542

After this, the resulting value is used to determine the shade that enhances positive energy:

  • 1 – blue or black;
  • 2 – yellow or brown;
  • 3 – green;
  • 4 – light green;
  • 5 – yellow or brown;
  • 6 – silver, white or gold;
  • 7 – silver, white or gold;
  • 8 – yellow or brown;
  • 9 – red, orange or pink.

In addition to the main color, which enhances the overall positive energy, you can choose a successful color combination to activate a certain area of ​​life. For example, drivers who use a car as a source of income need to strengthen the aspect responsible for material well-being. For people who consider their family to be their main achievement, it is necessary to activate the “family” aspect.

Color to enhance the spheres of life according to Gua number

Gua NumberMaterial well-beingBuilding a careerRomance and family valuesFeeling better
1Greens are light.Blue, blackRed, orangeDark greens
2Yellow, brownBrown, yellowWhite, silver, goldWhite, silver, gold
3Red, orangeDark greensGreens are light.Blue, black
4Blue, blackGreen light.Dark greensRed, orange
5Yellow, brownBrown, yellowWhite, silver, goldWhite, silver, gold
6White, silver, goldWhite, silver, goldYellow, brownYellow, brown
7White, silver, goldWhite, silver, goldYellow, brownYellow, brown
8Yellow, brownBrown, yellowWhite, silver, goldWhite, silver, gold
9Dark greensRed, orangeBlue, blackGreens are light.

What is the lucky number of a car?

According to Feng Shui, the car number is important. According to Eastern teaching, the meaning of the numbers is calculated:

  • 1 symbolizes independence and inner strength, energy,
  • 2 means tenderness, softness, calmness,
  • 3 indicates activity, energy,
  • 4 symbolizes transformation,
  • 5 is a neutral number,
  • 6 – symbol of wealth, prosperity, prosperity,
  • 7 means uncertainty, doubts,
  • 8 symbolizes prosperity in all areas of life, acquisitions,
  • 9 is a symbol of longevity, wisdom, knowledge.

Using the digital number, you can determine the meaning of the car and select a combination that will bring prosperity in the desired area of ​​life. It is recommended to avoid negative numbers on the number.


This color is a symbol of youth, life and nature. If you see a person driving a green car, you know that he is some kind of altruist, environmentalist and, most likely, a vegan. They are pleasant and easy to talk to, so getting through a crowd of friends will not be easy. Also, the owners of green cars are calm, reasonable and will not once again sort things out.

Light Blue: Calm, Loyal and Dark Blue: Confident, Authoritative, Trusting

There is a significant difference between light blue and dark blue. Those who own blue or slightly lighter cars are calm, unshakable people. The owners of these cars are the most faithful friends in life. Owners of dark blue cars are confident in themselves and want to look authoritative and trusting in the eyes of others. Pictured is Scion IQ.


“All or nothing” is a phrase that perfectly describes the owners of gold cars. Judging by the color of the precious metal, one can already understand that such people strive for luxury and wealth, for which one cannot blame them. At the same time, they value friendship and sincerity, although they may seem unapproachable. The only problem with them is that they don’t know how to compromise at all.

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