Red color in Feng Shui: meaning and practical application

Do you want to change something in your life, eliminate problems, improve relationships? Use the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui! According to fans of this theory, color is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. If you're looking to adjust your life, you might want to first reconsider the color schemes in your home and office.

In this article, "Belshazzar" will explain what each color represents, according to ancient design philosophy. Using this information, you can decorate the interior of your home in accordance with your inner worldview.

Red color in feng shui

The color red and its shades represent the element of Fire. Due to its intensity, it is considered a lucky color in Feng Shui. But in the design of living spaces, use it sparingly to properly distribute energy throughout the home. It is best to introduce red “spots” - in the form of pillows, individual design elements, decorations and small rugs.

In the interior of non-residential premises, red will be more appropriate. For example, in combination with white or black, it looks good in boutiques, entertainment venues, bars, restaurants, cinemas, hookah bars, and night clubs.

Basic meanings of red in Feng Shui :

  • Hot
  • Brave
  • Bold
  • High
  • Lucky

When should you avoid:

If you suffer from mental anxiety or insomnia, you should not overuse red in your design. Give preference to light pink or pastel shades. Red color also attracts money and prosperity, so it should be used in the workplace area.

Feng Shui pays great attention to creating the color scheme of a room. When choosing a color for your rooms, consider the following emotional, but proven by thousands of years of historical experience, characteristics below.

White color in feng shui.

White is a synthesis of all colors, the ideal color, the color of dreams.

In Feng Shui, this color belongs to the Metal element, the cardinal direction is West. Therefore, feng shui beginners are not recommended to paint walls facing west only white. The point is that if you don't have enough knowledge in applying Feng Shui techniques, you run the risk of stimulating the energy of Western rooms too much. The ideal feng shui combination would be a combination of white with yellow tones, and the brighter the latter, the better.

Its impact on our lives is reflected in divine self-realization, humility and creative imagination. This is the color of purification. White color leads us to a higher spiritual mood and divine love. Symbolizing purity, it can be a great healing color as it contains energy and the power of transformation.

White can be successfully used in any room of the house. However, if you have a completely white room with a completely white interior, then it will not be cozy or attractive. Always add colored decorations and paintings, or complement white with apricot, gold or blue shades.

Black color in feng shui.

Black is the opposite of white. It symbolizes a difficult perception of life. Black color absorbs other colors. It also symbolizes efficiency, seriousness, and closeness. Black color focuses attention on the experiences of the inner world.

In Feng Shui, black belongs to the element Water and represents impending power. Black color is focused on the inner world, while white is focused on the outer world. Black is the end and the beginning. In the darkness new life is born. The day ends and begins with darkness. Using black as the main color in a room can be depressing or even overwhelming. A black room interior, however, can add drama and dynamism to a room and can highlight and give it special meaning.

Gray color in feng shui.

The gray color in the interior of a room evokes sad thoughts. You will not get relaxation in a room with gray walls.

Gray is a passive color, joyless and boring. It does not have strong radiation, i.e. it has a weak effect on people. It restricts and slows down both emotional and mental activity. In private houses or apartments, gray is used only to highlight and draw attention to bright color accents.

Golden color in feng shui.

Golden can hardly be called a color. However, in color therapy, this color is successfully used to treat physical and mental ailments. Golden smoothes out stress. It helps with spiritualistic sessions and meditation, strengthens self-confidence and charges with positive energy. In practice, gold color should never be used in large quantities.

In Feng Shui, this color belongs to the Metal element. It strengthens a person's physical and mental strength and also increases his wealth.

Green color in feng shui.

Green is the color of nature, of life itself. Green color has a calming and harmonizing effect on the entire body and promotes internal harmony. It leads to internal stability and calms the nervous system. If you suffer from frequent mood swings or want to concentrate better at work, introduce more green color into your interior.

Green color in Feng Shui belongs to the Wood element, the cardinal direction is East. Walls facing east should not be painted entirely green. Otherwise, you risk overstimulating the energies of the eastern room. According to Feng Shui, green is a symbol of peace, harmonious relationships and numerous offspring (including in a figurative sense).

Green is absolutely suitable for the bathroom. The green color you use in the bathroom should be either bright green, like spring, or even and clean, like tree foliage, but not khaki or dirty green.

Blue color in feng shui.

Blue is the color of the sky, symbolizing spiritual sublimity and purity. Blue color belongs to the element Water. It harmonizes the flow of energy in the body, calms tense nerves and erases aggressive thoughts, and helps to focus on internal experiences.

Blue color is ideal for use in rooms where residents are passive. However, you should not make plain blue walls. It is better to use shades of blue as color spots on wallpaper of a different color.

According to Feng Shui, blue color belongs to the sky and Water, the cardinal direction is north. Therefore, walls facing north should not contain blue.

A bedroom in blue tones will be very good at calming a hyperactive child. Blue is also a great color for a meditation room or bedroom, or any other room where you would like to feel a sense of peace.

Yellow color in feng shui.

Yellow color symbolizes calmness, ease in relationships, and intelligence. In general, yellow is the color of the sun, good mood and positive, cheerful people. This color symbolizes joy, spiritual harmony and cheerful thoughts.

Yellow color stimulates creativity and even helps with physical ailments. It is especially useful for those recovering. Yellow color stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands. Yellow is a Yang color. Yellow objects will activate the energy of creative people.

According to Feng Shui, the color yellow belongs to the element Earth, the best place to place yellow objects is in the center.

Yellow color is great for a home office. It is desirable wherever you want to experience thought-boosting and stimulate conversation. Yellow kitchens are more likely to be social gathering spots for family and friends and usually evoke a sense of affluence. Yellow will also be good in a room where the whole family usually gathers to discuss pressing issues. It encourages people to open up and at the same time promotes spiritual uplift and optimism. A smooth, bright yellow color is suitable for a nursery, as it gives positive emotions and at the same time normalizes mental activity.

Red color in feng shui.

Red is the color of passion. Red activates blood circulation, hematopoiesis and heart function, increases blood pressure, warms and enhances energy flows. But use this color sparingly in the interior, because... red evokes aggression.

An abundance of red in the bedroom leads to nervousness and insomnia. The Red Table will whet your appetite, but if you're on a diet, it may not be the best option. The color red in a study or study room or even a living room encourages movement and activity.

Feng Shui considers red to be a very powerful color. It belongs to the element Fire, its cardinal direction is south. The color red in Feng Shui also symbolizes joy and happiness. In China, red has always been considered the color of good luck. That's why there are so many red and gold colors in the interior of Chinese restaurants.

Orange color in feng shui.

Orange is the color of happiness and communication. This is brightness and kindness, tolerance and sociability. Orange is suitable for any room where you will organize meetings of friends or fun holidays; This color is especially good for a party atmosphere.

Orange is a very strong color because it is a mixture of red and yellow. It activates vital energy, stimulates the start of new things, drives away sadness, melancholy and depression. Orange is not suitable for the dining room and kitchen; it stimulates appetite and leads to excess weight. In addition, orange visually reduces the size of the room.

Pink color in feng shui.

Pink is the color of spring and all living things.

Pink is the color of little girls. According to Feng Shui, it emphasizes their future femininity and programs dedication in love and the ability to evoke positive feelings in others.

Pink color drives away aggressive moods. If you paint the walls of a small room pink, it will appear larger. Pink color is also good for work spaces where there are a lot of different people.

Purple color in feng shui.

Purple is a serious, festive and mysterious color. This color strengthens harmony and eliminates disharmony in all areas of human life. The color violet can enhance the ability to concentrate, it calms the nerves and relieves insomnia. Like blue, violet color calms, pacifies, and comforts. Very often, purple is associated with inner insight and intuition.

Purple is a very powerful color; too much of it in your home is not recommended. A splash of purple is good for decorating a white, green or even yellow room. Purple can be mixed with white to achieve a soft shade of lavender and lilac - great for a room where you practice spirituality.

Brown color in feng shui.

Brown and all its shades are preferred by those who stand confidently on their feet. People who have a soft spot for him value traditions and family.

However, in a house with brown walls there is not enough air; it has a depressing effect on the psyche. It is ideal to choose light brown colors for furniture. Dark brown evokes negative thoughts and blocks positive ones.

Brown color belongs to the element Earth. It evokes a feeling of security and inner peace, relieves fears, stress and anxiety, under one condition - choose light shades!

When choosing a particular color for your room, remember that color is very individual and carries personal characteristics. A lighter or darker shade of a particular color can significantly change your perception of that color.

Harmony and prosperity with Feng Shui! Natalya Titova, Feng Shui and Chinese astrology consultant.

Orange (orange) color in Feng Shui

Orange is considered a “social” color – happy, bright and attractive. But, just like red shades, it should be used sparingly in the interior of your home. However, orange shades will look good in a nursery, hallway, kitchen or bathroom (if the room is not too small).

Basic meanings of orange in Feng Shui :

  • Creative
  • Vigorous
  • Alive
  • Funny
  • extroverted

When should you avoid:

If you create a space of silence and reflection. Orange is inappropriate in the study area, office or sleep. But in the living room or in the spacious hall of the living space, it will create a lively atmosphere. Lamps in orange cases, textiles or floor coverings are especially good.


When analyzing the meaning of shades according to Feng Shui, it is impossible to ignore silver with its adjacent gray. They are considered an intermediate link between white and black. The scope of appropriateness of silver extends only to the coloring of neutral non-residential areas - corridors, foyers.

Its shades are unacceptable in the interior of rooms where they engage in intellectual activity (no matter work or creativity), as it suppresses creativity and develops unhealthy self-criticism.

Yellow color in feng shui

Yellow color uplifts the mood, creates a cheerful, cheerful, sunny atmosphere. It can also activate the intellect as it stimulates mental activity. Use it in your office, kitchen area or bathroom. Yellow colors are also well suited for creating children's interiors.

Basic meanings of yellow in Feng Shui :

  • Funny
  • Solar
  • Cheerful
  • Powerful
  • Active
  • Cheerful

When to Avoid:

If you are prone to stress and want to calm your nerves. In this case, it is better to resort to green. Don't get carried away with sunny colors if you need to concentrate. To concentrate mental energy, use blue or purple shades.

Yellow is the color of luck; it attracts luck and stimulates cash flows. In addition, yellow curtains or curtains additionally create the presence of sunlight in the room, even if it is cloudy outside.

Color combinations

Colors are related and may or may not go together. Sometimes their union is favorable and positive energy arises from it, sometimes, on the contrary, negative energy.

Favorable combinations

  • Gold and red are a successful union, promising money and good luck. To activate the zone, you can use gold coins tied with a red ribbon.
  • The combination of green and blue can bring harmony and happiness to your home. It is this color scheme that is recommended to decorate the eastern or southeastern part of the apartment.
  • Green and red - an unusual combination of colors will help you achieve fame and popularity.
  • Red and yellow are a powerful combination that can attract good luck. This color scheme is recommended for the southwest or northeast direction.
  • Yellow with white. This combination symbolizes the desire for power and control. Sometimes gold is chosen instead of yellow. When designing sectors in such a combination, it is necessary to maintain balance, listen to yourself and look for a different color scheme for any discomfort that arises. You can use other shades of these colors. If you feel great, you can, on the contrary, try to enhance the golden or yellow tones. After all, these colors attract good luck.
  • Purple shade with silver. An interesting design option can be obtained by combining them. In addition, such a neighborhood promises material well-being. In a similar way, it is better to arrange sectors related to the element of Water.
  • Black and white represent yin and yang. Water corresponds to black, Metal to white. This combination is ideal for decorating sectors of the water element. With its help you can activate money energy.

Green color in Feng Shui

The color of grass, first greens, pistachios or ripe avocados represents balance, growth and abundance. In the chakra system, it belongs to the heart zone. Green, like yellow shades, is associated with youth and joy. There are about 370 shades of green in nature. The brightest and most popular intonations are salad, pistachio, olive, mint, pine and emerald.

Green color calms and harmonizes space. However, its excess in the interior is harmful. If the room is decorated only in dark green gloomy tones, the space of the room will create a depressing mood and can cause depression.

Basic meanings of green in Feng Shui :

  • Healing
  • Balanced
  • Balancing
  • Expanding
  • Alive
  • Prosperous
  • Fresh

When should this color be avoided?:

If a room or some space is reserved for vigorous activity that does not allow for relaxation, it is better not to use green when decorating the interior. This color is not welcome in gyms (promotes relaxation instead of activity), in meeting rooms (prevents you from defending your position), and is also not suitable for indecisive people with low self-esteem.

Combinations to avoid

Cannot be combined:

  • red with blue (Water and Fire elements conflict);
  • white-green (wood is hostile to metal);
  • blue with brown (water is opposite to earth);
  • blue and yellow (Earth and Water do not get along);
  • pink with blue (fire is hostile to water).

Color combinations

Blue color in feng shui

Blue symbolizes calm, clarity of mind, the desire for order and precision. It is a cool color of the sky and ocean, so it gives a feeling of space and air. Blue-blue tones used in the interior reduce aggression, calm and calm. For people prone to sadness and melancholy, deep blue shades are associated with anxiety and can have a depressing effect on the psyche.

Basic meanings of blue in Feng Shui:

  • True
  • Communication
  • World
  • Calm
  • Spiritual mood

When to Avoid Blue Shades:

If you tend to feel sad or lonely, do not decorate the room in blue tones. This color scheme is not suitable for those who are not self-confident, unsociable and reserved by nature. For a person with a calm, and even more so melancholic, character, such a coloristic solution will be excessive.

How to choose colors: three principles

Usually, when deciding on the choice of room decoration, they are guided by the following rules:

Darker shades are used for the floor, lighter shades for the ceiling. These colors correspond to Earth and Sky. So let's take their interaction into space.

The main shade for decorating the room is selected based on recommendations for the cardinal directions, however, other colors should also be partially present in the interior. This is necessary to achieve harmony in space.

When combined, it should be assumed that yin or yang predominates. For the latter, brighter shades are chosen, for yin rooms, calmer shades are chosen.

Violet (purple) color in Feng Shui

Purple is a noble royal color, a symbol of wealth and high spirituality. By using this color palette wisely, you can create a magnificent interior. Violet (magenta) goes well with white, blue, brown, gray and yellow shades.

Basic meanings of purple color in Feng Shui:

  • Rich
  • Noble
  • Deep
  • Quiet
  • Wise

When to Avoid:

Residential interior designers say that using purple is not advisable when decorating living rooms and hallways. However, purple details - sofa cushions, decor, miniature rugs will well dilute the interior in gray, expressionless tones. It is also undesirable to decorate the interior of your office in purple tones: such a palette can negatively affect the mental abilities of the owner.

The influence of color on a person

Colors influence human life. One brings wealth, fame and success, while the other seems to require full mental strength.

The influence of color on a person

You must learn to understand the meaning of each of them. By applying this knowledge in practice, you will be able to shape your own destiny.

White color in Feng Shui

White represents a new beginning, purity and innocence. Creates a feeling of air, spaciousness, chic and presentability. However, so that the predominant white background does not completely fill the entire space, you should dilute the interior by introducing colored details. White goes well with almost all colors.

Basic meanings of white color in Feng Shui:

  • Cleansing
  • Purity
  • Light
  • Ease
  • Integrity

When should this color be avoided?:

If you tend to feel overwhelmed. In this case, the resting place should be decorated in a different color. Also, white should not predominate in the kitchen, since the energy of this place requires completely different color solutions.

The effect of red on the psyche

This energetically powerful color has the following effects on our mental and physical state:

  • tones and stimulates;
  • makes you blink more often;
  • sharpens the sense of smell;
  • warms;
  • inspires optimism and confidence in the future;
  • helps to cope with life's troubles;
  • increases mood and optimism;
  • helps with nervous and physical exhaustion;
  • helps overcome the blues.

Complex and contradictory color simultaneously arouses interest and signals danger and prohibition. So, red dishes suppress appetite. Although previously it was common to think the opposite. So if you want to lose weight, get a plate and cup in this color.

Black color in feng shui

Black is introspective and represents emptiness. This is a color that is used to decorate nightclubs, restaurants, meeting rooms or entertainment venues. In such rooms it balances the space. Of course, the interior should not be a single color - black also includes colored notes, for example, red, purple or white inserts.

Basic meanings of black in Feng Shui:

  • Protective
  • Secretive
  • Mysterious
  • Separated

When to avoid black in the interior:

In living spaces, black does not harmonize the space very well. It is practically not used in bedrooms, children's rooms, small and cramped residential spaces. If you really want to bring black into the interior, then it is recommended to use only details - small furnishings, figurines, vases, carpets and rugs. However, they should also be used in doses.

Color by gua number

The gua number is determined by the year of birth - the last two digits are added until the result becomes a single digit.

In addition, the calculation is made based on gender and age:

  • men subtract the resulting value from 10;
  • women add 5;
  • for children born after 2000, the resulting value is subtracted from 9;
  • girls born in 2000 (and later) must add 6 points to it.

If the result is 5, then the number of gua for women will be 8, and for men - 2.

See the results in the table.

Gua numberFavorable colors
1All shades of blue, black
2; eight Beige, yellow, pink, red
3; 4Brown, green
6; 7White, metallic, silver
ninePink, purple

Pink color in feng shui

Pink is the color of femininity, love, softness and receptivity. It harmonizes the space that belongs to a subtle nature with a refined intellect. Pink relaxes, makes your character softer, more romantic and more pliable. They are preferred by women and young girls to decorate their premises. A rich palette of shades allows you to create very interesting interior options.

Basic meanings of pink in Feng Shui:

  • Love
  • Care
  • Romance
  • World

When to avoid it:

If you are timid and want to be more assertive. Pink color indicates weakness and lack of leadership qualities. If you want to cultivate firmness in yourself, choose the “stronger” colors of this spectrum - blue, purple, burgundy.


The discreet, restrained color of a cloudy sky is preferred by distrustful and detached logicians. Lovers of gray tend to think long and hard and do not make hasty decisions. Preference for a dim tone is also given by those who unconsciously or quite consciously do not want to attract unnecessary attention to themselves.

In the interior, the shade is neutral and can serve as a basic background. Needs bright accents and additions. A completely gray room evokes melancholy and sadness. You won’t be able to relax in such an environment, but it’s easy to get depressed.

Brown color in feng shui

Brown is an earth tone, it is nourishing and grounding. The interior in brown tones speaks of the practicality of its owner and his ability to make informed decisions. This is by no means a boring color, as it might seem at first glance. Brown has a lot of shades, and you can experiment with them, creating interesting and bright compositions.

  • Basic values:
  • Rooted
  • Quiet
  • Caring
  • Grounding

When to avoid it:

If you want to develop creatively. For people with a creative bent, brown will not give room for imagination; it will constantly ground and force you to think practically. You should not decorate a recreation area in brown intonations - in such an interior thoughts will revolve around household or work matters.

Conscious use of color can improve your life. Remember that different shades in Feng Shui have their own meanings, this must be taken into account when decorating rooms. And remember to set your intentions when working with color to activate its energy and potential even more. And most importantly, have fun with it: after all, you are working with a rainbow!

Each element has its own color

Each of the five elements has its own color scheme:

  • The water is blue or black.
  • The soil is brown and peachy.
  • The tree is green.
  • Fire purple.
  • Metal: silver, gold, white.

The interaction of elements is extremely important to consider when choosing the color scheme of a room. You must begin by creating a Circle of Wu-shin, consisting of five elements. In it, each element is endowed with the power of the previous one: wood feeds water, fire feeds wood, the earth element is strengthened by fire, wood influences the earth, fire controls metal, earth controls water, wood is destroyed by metal.

When decorating an apartment or house, you must take into account the influence of elements on each other. This impact is based on three principles.

Principle of birth

From one element another is born:

  • from the ashes that Fire leaves, Earth is born;
  • Earth forms metal;
  • thanks to Metal, Water appears;
  • The tree feeds on water.

Principle of destruction

One of the elements suppresses the other, maintaining a natural balance:

  • Metal has a detrimental effect on wood;
  • The Earth is destroyed by the roots of the Tree;
  • The Earth stops the flow of Water;
  • Water extinguishes fire;
  • Fire melts metal.

Weakening principle

The element that nourishes another, gives him strength and weakens him:

  • The tree feeds on fire;
  • Earth takes from Fire everything it needs;
  • Metal is powered by the Earth;
  • Water is born thanks to metal.


According to Feng Shui, the color orange emits exclusively positive energy - it is the tone of creative inspiration, love of life and a smile. He delicately encourages a person not to sit still, but to do something useful for his life, to develop intellectually.

Theoretically, orange can predominate in design, but in practice - on a purely psychological level, outside of feng shui, many people find it too bold. But it is very desirable that it be present in the kitchen, including because it can stimulate the appetite.

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