Totem - butterfly: magical and mystical abilities

The butterfly is one of the most magical totem animals, symbolizing personal transformation. If you see a butterfly often, it is currently your totem or spirit animal. Pay attention to areas of your life or personality that need deep change or transformation. Perhaps this totem is leading you to sensitivity to your personal cycles of expansion and growth, as well as the beauty of life's continuous evolution. The important message conveyed by the butterfly spirit is about the ability to navigate major changes with grace and ease.

Butterfly totem and transformation

The butterfly is a symbol of powerful transformation. By analogy with the development of this animal, the meaning associated with the butterfly emphasizes the ability to move from one state, perspective, way of life to another.

When a butterfly enters your life as a mystical signal, you can expect important changes in your life. Personal transformation symbolizes the magical powers of the butterfly.

What types of compositions are there?

Talismans in the form of these insects can be very diverse in shape, color and material. According to Feng Shui, every little thing can matter. For example, wind chimes with butterflies placed in the southwest bring happiness to the family. Metal butterflies, decorated with crystals or rhinestones, symbolize the fire of passion and enhance success in your personal life with their brilliance.

Elegant butterflies made of silver or gold will help fulfill your most cherished desires related to love relationships and family. A brooch in the form of such a talisman will give confidence and charm to its romantic owner. Ceramic butterflies, painted in bright colors, attract a festive mood to the house, creating a feeling of magic and impending positive changes. Wooden moths symbolize the well-being of the family and harmony between spouses.

Magical Feng Shui compositions with butterflies are distinguished by their diversity. This is a butterfly sitting on a flower, pollinating it or hiding in the reeds. A gift box with a bow, on which an elegant insect has perched, is also good.

Along with such a gift, wishes for happiness in love affairs are also presented. With butterflies you can buy or make beautiful jewelry with your own hands. Clothes with the appropriate print will also work in favor of its owner. Butterflies on bed linen are equivalent to talismans located above the bed. A couple in love may have no time to sleep in such a bed. And lamps and chandeliers with aerial insects will provide graceful shadows and add romance to the bedroom.

If desired, you can make a powerful talisman of well-being in love affairs with your own hands. It won't take much time or money. All you need is paper, butterfly stencils and thread or double-sided tape. Having traced the contours of the butterflies on paper, they should be cut out and, secured with threads, hung from the ceiling or glued to the wall with tape. It is fashionable to make compositions from a flock of butterflies of different sizes. By placing them in the form of a vortex above the head of the bed, you will be able to literally depict flows of energy of love and joy and invite prosperity into your home.


Butterfly is a totem symbol of joy and lightness of being.

When a butterfly appears in your life as a totem, it may indicate a need to look at a conflict situation with greater ease and a different perspective. This totem animal symbolizes the lightness of being and the exaltation from the heaviness of tension.

This magical insect invites those associated with it to bring joy and bliss into their lives. Butterflies often have bright colors. By extension they are associated with liveliness and brightness. The message of this spirit animal is to brighten and add more color to your life. Perhaps it's time to express yourself more fully and show your bright personality.

Why are moths so attractive to people?

Butterflies have evoked admiration and affection for many thousands of years. This is all due to their appearance, as well as the way they were born. In the autumn, an unremarkable caterpillar turns into a pupa, and with the arrival of spring, a beautiful moth emerges from it. Each stage of transformation has its own symbolic meaning:

  • Doll. Has a direct association with the caterpillar's shroud, which directly means death;
  • Butterfly. In many cultures, it is described as a soul that has departed from the dead body and flown upward to an easier life.

Moths spend their entire existence fluttering and making love; they do not need water or food at all.

Butterfly and the world of the soul

In many traditions around the world, the butterfly is a symbol of peace of the soul. For example, in Chinese symbolism it can represent immortality. For the Japanese, a white butterfly symbolizes the soul of the dead.

The butterfly is a powerful mystical and magical symbol. For the early Christians, she was the personification of the soul. In China, butterflies symbolized marital happiness and joy. Among the Hopi Indians, an unmarried girl from the butterfly clan wore her hair in the shape of her wings. There is an Indian story about how butterflies came whenever they were called. For American Indians, the butterfly is a symbol of joy and change for the better.

In Ancient Greece, butterflies represented the soul or the attribute of immortality.

Where do ordinary people post images?

The choice of place for tattooing depends on the person’s preferences and his desire to highlight some part of the body. But not all sketches can be reduced to miniature sizes. This point must be taken into account.

Butterfly tattoo in prison

In the world of crime, tattoos in the form of butterflies are applied by pickpockets, regardless of gender. Such images are found in serial killers and maniacs, as well as drug addicts. But the level of skill of specialists in prisons is not as high as in professional salons. This allows you to distinguish a drawing made by a good craftsman.

Butterfly tattoos in prison are done by pickpockets.

Neck and head

Small designs are placed on the neck or head. An interesting option for ladies would be a butterfly behind the ear. The image may be hidden by hair if the girl has long curls. A short hairstyle will make the moth visible to others. Images with a lot of detail don't always look good when scaled down. Lines located close to each other blur over time, turning the picture into something vague. Therefore, sometimes it is worth choosing black flat images.

A butterfly tattoo on the head symbolizes freedom.

Minimalist butterflies around the neck look elegant. They are suitable for ladies with a risky and independent character.

Paired images on both sides are often used. Neck tattoos are typical for creative people.

body frame

An image of a larger insect can be applied to the lower back to add mystery. The drawings are made in color using additional elements. A tattoo on the side of the abdomen gives a girl a sexy look. It will attract attention in the warmer months on the beach or when wearing short tops. However, a drawing in such a place will force the owner to watch her figure, otherwise the silhouettes will blur into an indefinite image.

A tattoo on the abdomen makes a girl sexy.

Intimate tattoos include the image of a butterfly on the butt. Such designs are hidden by clothing, so only a loved one will appreciate their beauty.

The lower back is the most popular part for getting an insect tattoo. Previously, the butterfly in this zone was stuffed by girls of easy virtue. Now this tradition has been lost. The tattoo only speaks of the desire to achieve a lot in life and stand out in the crowd.

Arms and legs

The image of a moth on the leg is in demand among ladies. Typically the design is placed on the instep of the foot. Sometimes the insect is depicted as a bracelet around the leg.

A body pattern is part of a person’s image, so it can be applied to the thigh. A piquant accessory will peek intriguingly from under a miniskirt. A tattoo on the ankle looks beautiful if the lady wears high heels. It makes the wearer more sophisticated.

Butterfly tattoo is one of the most popular motifs.

Sometimes a moth is applied to the hands, wanting to show that a person is attentive and controls his own destiny. But more often the image is hidden in the sleeve area if there is no desire to put it on display.

The shoulder blade is the most convenient place for a tattoo. The large space and lack of unevenness makes the surface convenient for applying the butterfly. Even small details can be depicted on the shoulder. The procedure is the least painful, since the skin here is different in density. The pattern in a prominent place adds charm to the wearer.

Miniature images are placed on the wrist.

Summon a butterfly totem for support

The butterfly is the magical insect to call when you need support during a period of transition, whether at work, in a relationship, or when you are doing inner work. A great ally during intense periods of personal transformation, she will add ease and ease to the process.

This energetic insect is a good inspiration for adding color to your life and self-expression. Those who have the butterfly as their spirit animal naturally tend to express themselves openly, reflecting their colors in the environment.

Butterflies make our lives brighter and more colorful. When the butterfly becomes your totem, pay attention to how many reasons for joy there are in life. Feel light. Hope for change and don’t be afraid to change your life at the first convenient opportunity. Don't forget that change always happens for the better. The magical powers of the butterfly help us understand that transformation is inevitable, but it does not have to be traumatic. She will make the process of change in your life pleasant and joyful.

Dark side

However, in art history, butterflies have also been warning and cautionary symbols. In European culture they continued to represent the human soul, but their meaning and significance became deeper and more complex during the Renaissance and Baroque era (1450-1700).

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One of the greatest masters of still life in the Netherlands was the artist Maria van Oosterwijk, and butterflies often appeared on her canvases.

In 1668 she created a bright still life “Vanitas” (“Vanity of Vanities”).

The red admiral (Vanessaatalanta) on the book in the center of the picture again symbolizes the human soul, and also carries a message that is relevant in our time.

Under the butterfly is a piece of paper with a handwritten quote from the Book of Job (Old Testament):

“A man born of a woman lives only a few days and is full of disasters.”

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All objects in the picture emphasize the inexorable passage of time, as well as the fact that everything worldly and material is transitory. The butterfly reminds us of the transience of life and the ephemerality of luxury, which we mistakenly consider an important component of life.

The painting actually talks about the fragile beauty of the natural world, embodied in flowers and butterflies. She encourages the viewer to live in harmony with nature, be responsible and avoid excesses.

A small white butterfly immediately attracts attention in Thomas Gainsborough's painting The Artist's Daughters Running After a Butterfly (1756).

The butterfly seems to be about to be caught, but it lands on a thistle, which will inevitably injure the delicate child's hand reaching for the butterfly. This winged creature still remains a symbol of vanitas or vanity of vanities.

Photos of tattoos

Photos of butterfly images on the body will help you make your choice. When choosing a design, be guided not only by the meaning of the tattoo, but also by its attractiveness to you.

Butterfly tattoos suit people with a certain character and life goals.

A butterfly tattoo is predominantly for women.

Butterfly tattoos look feminine and attractive.

There are many variations of butterflies.

Butterflies are beautiful creatures whose lives are so short.

A butterfly tattoo has multifaceted meanings.

A butterfly tattoo adorns the body.

Butterfly is a universal design that looks great on any part of the body.

The art of tattooing is improving more and more every day.

A butterfly tattoo shows sophistication in a woman.

Butterfly tattoos are more popular than flower tattoos.

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