Irises - symbolism, magical properties of the flower and meaning in history

If you live in a private house and you have a place for planting plants, then arrange a flower corner there so that this space has a positive impact on your life.

For example, to enhance passion, peonies according to Feng Shui are suitable, and for well-being, you can plant sunflowers (paintings will be an equal replacement for living plants).

Later in this article, you will learn how to direct your life in the right direction, only by placing a certain plant in the right sector.

Forget-me-nots: symbol of connection

What do forget-me-nots mean in Feng Shui? This is the joining of two halves into one whole, and this can mean both a meeting of true love and true friendship. If you want to find a soul mate in your life, then simply plant a flower in the southwestern sector (or place it in the same sector of the house). After a while you will forget about loneliness.

The flower itself is considered a magical plant, which is also used in love magic. In the old days, girls often put wreaths of forget-me-nots on the heads of their lovers or used fortune telling to find out the name of their betrothed.

Healing properties

Even with modern developments in medicine, the healing properties of iris have not lost their significance to this day.

Its healing potential is used for:

  • As an analgesic and antitussive;
  • Preventing gum infection;
  • Strengthening tooth enamel;
  • Elimination of pathologies in the liver;
  • Fighting fungal diseases;
  • Resistance to malignant formations;
  • Reducing high temperature;
  • Help in the proper functioning of the gallbladder;
  • Increasing body tone;
  • Strengthening weakened immunity.

Lotus: symbol of wisdom and purity

The significance of the lotus in harmonizing home space is very great. The lotus flower is a symbol of the divine principle, so those who strive for spiritual life should have it in the house (it is no coincidence that it is placed in rooms for meditation and worship).

His energy and strength are great, so if a bad streak has come in your life, then place him next to you. It will inspire and give optimism, will help you believe in the best. If you have a wish and you absolutely want it to come true, then inhale the aroma of a living flower and make a wish. It will definitely come true.

Special mention should be made about lotus petals, because they are the ones that do not allow positive energies to leave the premises. They continue to circulate in the house, having a beneficial effect on its inhabitants. Thanks to this, harmony appears in relationships, peace and mutual understanding arise. Old feelings may be revived.

Where to put the flower correctly

Now you know what a lotus means in Feng Shui, and you should consider where to place it correctly. In the western part of the house, the lotus activates the energy of creativity and development, so if you need a muse, be sure to place a flower here.

Where to place a lotus to attract material wealth? The northern feng shui zone would be ideal here. You can activate it, and cash flows of prosperity will begin to be attracted to your home.

It is not recommended to place a lotus on a windowsill, since negative external energies can disrupt the functioning of the flower and it will begin to dry out (if this happens, replace it with a new one). A figurine of an elephant nearby or an aquarium or fountain will help to strengthen the lotus.

Crystal Lotus: a popular talisman

Very often, crystal lotus is used in the interior. It also transforms negative energy into positive energy and is capable of activating any area in the house. It’s very good to put it in the nursery, on the table. This way you will attract creative energy and the child will study better.

In the love zone, it will bring harmony to love relationships and give them purity. It is no coincidence that the lotus is associated with a romantic and slightly sad story about the self-sacrifice of a young girl, Lota, for the sake of her lover, so that he would be happy.

If you place a crystal lotus in your work area, for example, on a table, the talisman will bring good luck into your life and your business will immediately improve. It should be noted that the talisman can be placed in the most visible place, and it will be able to neutralize any negative thoughts and emotions of your guests.

Ships and boats in paintings

The image of a ship sailing on the waves in Feng Shui is a powerful symbol that can significantly increase well-being. But only if the picture shows morning (the beginning of success) or day (the result has been achieved, you can rest). Clear weather, the sun at its zenith, as well as a calm blue sea mean that everything is in perfect order, no failures or stress are expected, all minor difficulties will be easily overcome. The sailboat should have billowing sails, and on its deck there should be a lot of gold bars and treasure chests. But you can immediately understand where to hang the painting “Sailboat”. It is better to place it in the hallway so that the ship seems to move into the room and bring happiness, success, joy and security.

In Feng Shui, the boat of abundance is not a means of transportation on water, but a real cup of wealth. It should be made of expensive metals, wide and slightly tapering at the top. Fill it with valuable artifacts, including:

You can fill the remaining space with precious or semi-precious stones and add personal gold jewelry, and put two expensive chocolates on top as a symbol of the sweet life.

They place this bowl either in the wealth zone, or in the bedroom opposite the bed, or next to it, so that when falling asleep, you can think about this unique talisman. And then the result will not be long in coming.

Peonies in Feng Shui: a symbol of female luck

Let's look at what peonies mean in Feng Shui and how to use their energy for your home. If you have the opportunity to plant them in the southwestern part of your site, then do so. This will help strengthen your marriage and family relationships.

Pink and white peonies are flowers for tender romance and just new acquaintances, but red peonies are the color of strong passion and sexual attraction.

Since ancient times, the meaning of peonies has referred to them as symbols of royal power, masculinity, and the ability to move upward. Therefore, they are good to use if you want to change something at your job.

Where to place peonies according to Feng Shui in the house

Peonies can contribute to the revival of old relationships between spouses. If you place freshly cut flowers in the bedroom for a while, the energy of passion and love will be activated in the life of the couple. However, you should not use peonies often, because they can create an excess of sexual energy (especially red ones), which will lead to possible betrayal.

Feng Shui paintings with peonies

A picture of peonies for the marriage of a free girl should be hung in the living room or opposite the bedroom. It is not recommended to hang it in the bedroom itself. For this purpose, use the image of red peonies. After the girl gets married, the painting needs to be removed

Where to hang peonies to improve business? The ideal place would be your office. Place the image on the north wall. Choose flowers in soft colors (pale pink or white) so as not to provoke sexual relations in the workplace.


Lilac: October 14 – October 23
The lilac flower stands out among others for its strong aesthetic qualities. Lilac is characterized by its secular manners. Whoever was able to address the lilac in an uncivil, rude tone became an enemy of the lilac for the rest of his life, and may also pay for it. The vindictive nature of the lilac makes itself felt at the sight of her offenders; she will never forgive them. Does not like celebrations; an interesting book in a cozy, quiet room is preferable for lilacs. The lilac spirit is always hungry for intellectual food. Lilac has the ability to be a diplomat. At any moment she can come to the aid of a friend, and she will do it as tactfully as possible.

Latin name: Syringa. Categories: Ornamental trees and shrubs.

Family: olive (Oleaceae).


Asia, South-Eastern Europe. Under natural conditions it grows exclusively in the mountains of Eurasia.

Form: woody shrub.


Lilac flower is a multi-stemmed shrub, with many branches and shedding its leaves in the winter. These leaves have a simple ovoid oval shape, as well as a pointed end. Sometimes you can find lilacs with dissected, feathery leaves; the latter can stay on the plant for quite a long time. Lilac flowers have a wonderful scent, are small, and collected in paniculate inflorescences. Active selection work has led to the fact that modern lilac, in addition to lilac flowers, can have purple, pink, blue and yellow flowers.

Growing conditions

Protection from winds and open spaces are what lilacs primarily love. Also, it does not like to grow in wetlands, as well as those that are flooded in the spring or autumn season. Soil drainage must be very good; in addition, the plant prefers neutral or slightly acidic soils, with moderate humidity and high fertility. The tree trunk area of ​​the plant should be mulched with peat. Planting is best done from the end of July to the beginning of September, in cloudy weather, or in the evening.


Lilac flower has been successfully cultivated since the 16th century, and during this time it has become one of the most popular shrubs for planting in the garden and for other decorative purposes. This is largely explained by the fact that it is very beautiful and blooms for a very long time. In garden landscaping, this plant is used in group plantings, as well as in tapeworms. In addition, lilac is a very frequent guest in bouquets, and the most popular for this is the terry variety of the plant. Huge collections of lilacs are widely represented in botanical gardens in our country and around the world. Plant varieties such as common, Chinese and Persian are very often used in forcing. Lilac blooms can be achieved at any time of the year. Care As soon as the lilac is planted, the soil is mulched with humus or peat, and before that it is watered abundantly. Several times a season, the ground around the plant needs to be loosened, as a rule, this is done in the spring and during weed control. Nitrogen fertilizers begin to be given in the second year, and potassium and phosphorus fertilizers must be given in the fall, once every 2-3 years. Organics are also extremely effective. While the shoots are in the flowering stage, the lilac is watered very well, and in the summer, watering is only necessary on hot days. To make flowering more abundant, pruning is done. In early spring, and sometimes throughout the entire growing season, it is necessary to do sanitary pruning and thinning.


If the lilac is wild, then it must be propagated by seeds; in all other cases, this procedure is carried out using grafting and cuttings. If you need to collect seeds, this is done in October, and you can sow them immediately after cleaning, or wait until spring. In the latter case, the seeds are stratified. If propagation is carried out by cuttings, then this is necessary during the period when the plant is going through the flowering stage. The place for cutting cuttings is annual shoots. Cut cuttings are planted in a substrate, which can be perlite, sand (only if it is clean and river), as well as a mixture of sand and vermiculite. To graft lilacs, a cutting or a dormant bud is used; common lilac, Hungarian lilac, and common privet are suitable as a rootstock. Typically, grafted plants go through the growing stage in the form of bush, standard, or semi-standard forms. Usually, the trunk itself is formed in the second or third year, after the grafting has been carried out, and it can reach a height of up to 1.7 meters. You need to take care of the trunk, making sure that there is no overgrowth on the main shoot. It is worth noting that standard lilac looks very beautiful and neat. If you buy lilac seedlings, you need to make sure that they have a closed root system.

Diseases and pests


Sakura - the tree of love and youth

The importance of sakura in Eastern culture is very great. This tree always blooms with beautiful pink flowers and that is why it is a symbol of beauty and youth, love and good luck.

Sakura also has a special Feng Shui meaning for lovers, as it symbolizes inseparability and fidelity. If you plant a tree in the southwestern zone of your garden, your marriage will be stronger and more harmonious.

A picture with sakura placed on the southwestern side (the zone of marriage and love) can attract happiness and love to the house, and also make the owners more attractive. So, now you know what sakura means in Feng Shui, as well as how it affects the lives of the inhabitants of the house where it grows.

What should the picture be like?

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the symbol depicted in the picture, but also to the color, as well as the emotional sensations that arise when looking at it. The latter is an important component, since one of the main tasks of the picture is to create the right atmosphere in a certain area and the right emotional mood among the inhabitants of the house. The image should evoke positive feelings: joy, inspiration, dynamics, freedom, light, love, development, well-being, protection, etc.

You should not hang pictures with gloomy subjects, made in dark colors, with images of battles or other bloody events. Animals depicted on the canvas should not be aggressive, sick or dying, flowers should not be withered or withered, houses should not be destroyed, etc.

A painting should not be hung if it evokes negative feelings: sadness, loneliness, fear, poverty, aggression, etc. Even if an innocent-looking painting reminds you of something painful and this causes discomfort, do not hang it in your home.

Do not overuse abstract subjects: even if you like this genre and the painting evokes pleasant feelings, limit yourself to it alone, let the rest of the paintings in the house be clear and unambiguous, not burdening the imagination. Observing only abstractions day after day, you risk getting confused in your own unconscious.

Tulips: a symbol of pure and devoted love

In order for true and pure love to appear in your life, you need to put tulips in your house. It could be freshly cut flowers or a picture of tulips. In any case, the most suitable room for this is the bedroom or living room. They can also be placed in the southern sector.

Red tulips can increase the fame of people with their energy, attracting fame and fortune to him. But yellow tulips (despite their sad fame) are a symbol of friendship, as well as the sun. White flowers symbolize purity and innocence, as well as forgiveness. The most suitable place for planting tulips in the garden is the eastern or southwestern sector.

What does a tulip symbolize in different cultures?

The Middle East is considered the birthplace of the flower. Archaeologists found its first images in the 11th century. The plant combined simplicity of form and refinement of lines, modesty and a simultaneous riot of colors. This contrast embodied the key ideas of Eastern philosophy. The flower has become a symbol of spirituality, harmony and growth.

Later, his image appears on the coat of arms of the ruling dynasty in the Ottoman Empire. The spiritual interpretation fades into the background. In its place comes the understanding of the tulip as a symbol of power.

When tulip bulbs are brought to Europe, primarily to the Netherlands, the era of tulip mania begins. The Dutch grow flowers en masse for sale; their prices go through the roof and reach incredible sizes. The price of a bulb is equal to the cost of a house. The meaning of the tulip changes again. Now it symbolizes wealth and luxury.

In the USSR they did not think about luxury, but the early flowering and unpretentiousness of the plant made it a popular gift for International Women's Day.

At first he gave in to mimosa.
The yellow balls were much cheaper. But gradually the mass forcing of bulbs began before March 8th. Every year the popularity of the bouquet of primroses increased. So it became a symbol of the first days of spring and female beauty

Lily: symbol of love and abundance

The meaning of the lily in Feng Shui is to attract abundance into the home, as well as a symbol of purity and innocence. If you place a picture with lilies or fresh flowers in the southwestern sector of your home, then be sure that your table will always be full of delicious dishes. In addition, you can acquire high patronage.

Also, the meaning of a lily flower depends on its color. A yellow lily speaks of gratitude, and a white one speaks of purity. And although there is an opinion that this flower has negative symbolism (this began with the European custom of branding criminals with lilies), it is often present in our gardens, bouquets and just in the house.

Magic properties

On a holiday dedicated to boys, in Japan a magical talisman is prepared from irises, instilling indomitable courage in the soul of its owner. The drink, which was prepared in ancient times from the inflorescences of iris and orange, was called May pearls and saved people from a considerable number of serious ailments.

The divine aroma and special atmosphere that forms around the iris flowerbed concentrate a person’s attention and composure and help to understand the essence of life’s phenomena. The plant contains valuable iris oil and a unique iron substance with a delicate violet scent.

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