Carnelian stone - meaning for all zodiac signs, magical and healing properties

Carnelian is a stone whose name resembles the word “heart”. The magical properties of the mineral strengthen this association: it is believed that the gem is capable of attracting love. The talisman helps maintain tenderness and purity in relationships, but is not suitable for everyone.

Carnelian is a mineral with magical properties.

Origin story

Carnelian is a mineral that has been used since ancient times. They find primitive tools made from this stone. In ancient times, many peoples associated carnelian with their deities. In Ancient Egypt, it was associated with the goddess Isis, the mother of all gods, who personifies femininity and protects all pregnant women. It is also associated with the prophet Muhammad, who wore a dogwood ring.

In the 5th century it was considered more valuable than opal or diamond. It was worn by priests and used to make religious paraphernalia. He was in great demand in the orthodox world. In Ancient Rus', carnelian had other names - smasena or kadnos.

Carnelian has been known to people since ancient times.

Carnelian in the history of mankind

The importance of the sun stone for humans has been significant since Neolithic times. It was then that our ancestors used hard stone to make tools (axes, chisels). And the first jewelry and amulets were found during excavations of Neolithic settlements. These were animal figurines, pendants, and beads. It is believed that most of these items had ritual significance. The ornamental stone was respected and loved for its magical and healing properties.

Ancient Egypt loved carnelian. He was the stone of the goddess Isis and accompanied the Egyptians from birth, and went with them into their mysterious afterlife - every resident of Egypt from his youth tried to prepare for himself a good place in the country of Duat (as the other world was called). Many sun stone decorations were found in Tutankhamun's tomb.

Ancient China had a clearly defined system for the material of official jewelry. The meaning of the stones, or more precisely, the beads made from them in the tops of the hats of the emperor and officials, was strictly determined by rank. The complete set was called the “seven Buddhist treasures”, and in it “along with gold and silver, lapis lazuli, rock crystal, agate, ruby ​​and carnelian are mentioned.” No official could wear an “extra” bead.

In the “Revelations” of John the Theologian, in the description of the Heavenly Throne it is written:

“...He who sat on the throne shone like a precious stone, jasper or carnelian...”

Carnelian stone was very popular and widely used in the North Caucasus. Jewelry: for the head, arms, back, neck, belt - were made (if possible) from silver, and the favorite precious stone was carnelian. Although, besides this, earrings, beads, bracelets, rings were also decorated with other stones - coral, pearls, turquoise.

For brides, carnelian jewelry was the most suitable, and always large. After all, the bride was being transported to the groom on a horse, and those invited wanted to see all the decorations of the newlywed.

The Karanogais had a curious ritual for women. The midwife, having received the newborn, dipped him in salt water, and according to the custom of “analyk” (motherhood), she passed the breast to another woman from the house or a neighbor to suckle. This woman received a gift from her family - a silver ring with a large red-orange stone (carnelian)...".

Will bring joy to the heart

There are several versions of why the mineral carnelian is called that way. Each nation gave the gem its own name:

  1. Ancient Greek version - the stone is named after the capital of Lydia, Sardis.
  2. Another name for the gem is carnelian (in Latin, cornus means dogwood berry).
  3. In Rus', carnelian had several names. This is the carnelian itself - “a face like the heart”, “delighting the heart”. And also grease, linkurite, sardium, kadnos.

Use of stone in ancient times

In Ancient Egypt, this stone was used to decorate religious objects. It was also used for medicinal purposes. The Egyptians believed that it had a positive effect on the nerves, relaxed the mind and stopped bleeding.

In medieval Europe it was also used as a protective amulet. It was believed that this stone wards off evil spells and temptations. Nobles wore rings and wedding rings made of carnelian. This emphasized status and helped maintain financial stability. In Persia, only women wore such jewelry. For them, carnelian was a talisman that helped preserve beauty and slow down aging.


There are several varieties of carnelian. The classification is based on differences in shades.

  1. Carnelian has a dark red color. Its name comes from the ancient Greek language and means “dogwood berry.” It looks the same as a regular carnelian (large size, elongated shape).
  2. Chestnut or dark brown color is characteristic of sarder.
  3. Striped carnelian. Some stripes are blue, others are pink.
  4. An ordinary stone has an orange tint.
  5. Lincurium is a dark yellow crystal.

Each of these varieties has small stripes in its structure. It is impossible to notice them immediately. If you take a magnifying glass and look closely, the monochromatic shade turns into a pattern reminiscent of the color of a zebra. In ancient times, this gem was identified with the sun, which is why the Greeks and Romans called it “July dawn.”

Physicochemical characteristics

Carnelian is a silicon oxide and belongs to the chalcedony group. The gemstone appears as a translucent or opaque mineral. In thin areas it shines through. The luster is resinous or waxy. The color is uneven, there are streaks and inclusions. Shades depend on the concentration of iron oxide.

The hardness of this stone is estimated at 7 points. It is well suited for cutting, but, despite its high properties, it is fragile. Carnelian jewelry must be handled with care, otherwise the stone may break or become damaged.

Carnelian is a hard but brittle mineral.

Carnelian and its types

Carnelian belongs to the group of chalcedony minerals with a layered fibrous structure of thin quartz crystals. It has a texture of concentrically arranged stripes. Hard mineral.

Color varieties of stone:

  • Carnelian is a variety of carnelian that has a rich red color.


  • Sarder has a chestnut, browner hue.


  • Actually, carnelian comes in pink, yellow, and red colors.

Yellow carnelian Lincurium

It is difficult to draw an unambiguous line between them, since there are intermediate shades.

Combining impurities of iron oxides and hydroxides gives different colors:

  • sardonyx – bluish-gray and white;
  • lincurium – yellow and orange-yellow shade;
  • chrysoprase – distinguished by green color;
  • heliotrope is a dark green color with bright red spots.

Mineral value

Among the ancient Slavs, the name “carnelian” meant “face of the heart.” It was used not only as an Orthodox attribute, but also as a love talisman. Jewelry was worn by young girls to help them quickly find their destiny. For married women, carnelian became the keeper of the hearth. This helped preserve the relationship, and they became not only lovers, but also friends: mutual understanding and a deep connection arose. The men believed that their stone would protect them from accidents.

"The Face of the Heart" is used as a love talisman.


In nature, this stone has a very bright color, similar to chestnut. In terms of its energy, it is considered the most powerful carnelian, but also the most dangerous if used incorrectly. This stone protects the family, but too dark stones can have the opposite effect, so not every brown carnelian is considered a good talisman.

Magic properties

Several properties are attributed to carnelian. In India, it is believed that this mineral helps to achieve enlightenment, clear the mind and give up excess energy. It stimulates internal development and makes a person calmer. According to another version, its color is explained by the fact that it absorbed the warmth of the sun and earth. This made the stone a magical talisman capable of imparting clairvoyance.

Carnelian has the ability to attract love and luck. Single people can use it to find a partner.

This stone is also good for career-oriented people: it promotes career advancement. However, the mineral does not like people who are in a hurry. This gradually improves a person's quality of life. When worn for a long time, this stone makes the owner more reasonable and calm, it is easier for him to drive away emotions and make informed decisions.

Carnelian is a good protective talisman. It protects the owner from accidents, black magic and the machinations of evil people. If the owner lives outside the city, having an amulet at home will protect against natural disasters.

You can enhance the effect of the amulet. To do this, place it on the finger of your left hand or squeeze it into a fist, and then imagine how the energy of the carnelian slowly moves in every cell of the body, while covering its aura.

For the person who stole the carnelian, the talisman could prove fatal. This will only bring troubles and misfortunes. This can lead to a deterioration in a person’s position in society or the development of diseases.

For a talisman to be useful, it must be received as a gift from another person, acquired through honest labor, or purchased.

Jem will not tolerate disrespect. It needs to be taken care of properly and not neglected.

Talismans and amulets

Carnelian is a talisman of love, helping to attract warmth, tranquility and peace into the home. To use it as a talisman and feel all its magical and healing qualities, you need to use only natural stone.

Gem amulets promote material well-being, develop hidden human talents, and charge with auxiliary cosmic energy. Carnelian protects against accidents and premature death. This stone is also called the “stone of justice”, which will help resolve legal proceedings.

This stone is suitable for people involved in creativity, trade, and commerce.

Healing properties of the stone

Carnelian is associated with blood. It normalizes its chemical composition, accelerates wound healing, improves a person’s overall well-being and increases appetite. This stone also has the ability to calm the nervous system, thereby improving relaxation. It also makes falling asleep easier.

Plates made from this mineral are good for headaches. They are placed on the eyes and left for a few minutes. After this, you feel better. The gem also helps with toothache. It improves the effectiveness of asthma treatment, especially in young patients.

Gems with brighter veins have the greatest healing power. It is believed that they can absorb negative energy. There is evidence that carnelian helps fight cancer.

There is evidence that carnelian helps in the fight against cancer.

Carnelian mining sites

The gem is mined almost everywhere where there are extinct volcanoes. It often happens that unprocessed carnelian is carried by the sea, washed ashore during storms. These rocks are traces of ancient eruptions from a time when the seabed was dry land, millions of years ago.

Among the countries that supply the market with the mineral in industrial quantities are:

  • in South Asia - India;
  • in Latin America - Brazil, Uruguay, Chile;
  • in Africa - Egypt;
  • in Europe - Ukraine, Germany;
  • in Central Asia - Mongolia, Kazakhstan.

Crimean minerals deserve special attention. They are called Karadag carnelian, because it is on the beaches in the area of ​​Mount Karadag that such stones are most often washed up by the sea. These are red gems with very strong therapeutic properties. They can be distinguished by their color and pattern, which resembles cumulus clouds.

Jewelry carnelian, which is highly valued by collectors and craftsmen, is mined in Siberia. The richest deposits are in the Amur region, on the banks of the Zeya River. Primorsky Krai, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and Buryatia also supply gems, but mainly to the domestic Russian market.

Who is Carnelian suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

According to the zodiac horoscope, the stone is compatible with the following signs:

  1. Aries. She often attracts the attention of others, thanks to which she finds not only friends, but also envious people. For Aries, carnelian will become a talisman that will protect him from damage or the evil eye. It can be used as a family amulet. The Aries stone will help you maintain love and respect in the family, learn to understand the point of view of loved ones and gently convey your opinion to others.
  2. Calf. Preference should be given to dark varieties of the mineral, as they have more in common with the earth element. For hardworking Taurus, carnelian is an excellent assistant at work and in relationships. This stone will help strengthen family ties and achieve career growth.
  3. Twins. For this sign, this gemstone reveals its full purpose: to help you find love. Thanks to the mineral, you can not only find a connection, but also not lose it. At the same time, this gem helps improve mental abilities, so it will be good for businessmen.
  4. Cancer. This mineral enhances intuition and helps get rid of unnecessary thoughts. Cancers tend to be overly introspective, so this gem will help them relax. Representatives of this sign will stop doubting and hiding their feelings, they will become more open. This will reduce the number of conflicts in the family, because Cancer will no longer have to endure all the grievances within themselves. He will be able to openly defend his opinion.
  5. Leo. The jewel will be useful to him as a talisman. This amulet will protect Leo from envious and evil people. At the same time, the talisman will help you take a leadership position and maintain a good mood. Carnelian can become a love amulet for Leo. This will attract the attention of your other half and speed up the process of rapprochement.
  6. Virgo. The gem is suitable for representatives of the zodiac sign who are dissatisfied with life, but do not know what to do. The stone will push for changes and give energy to the owner. Hardworking people will help you recover faster, which will help you avoid stress and depression.
  7. Scales. The gem influences the emotional side of life. Libra will become a kind of psychologist. The sight of the mineral will improve their mood. It will be easier for you to let go of emotions and make the right decisions.
  8. Scorpion. This is the only sign for which this mineral is not suitable. The owner of the stone will be too aggressive and cynical. Misunderstandings will arise with loved ones.
  9. Sagittarius. Romantic, but too simple representatives of the mineral sign will smooth out the harsh sides of their character. The owner of the gem will become more tactful and tolerant of other people's mistakes, so it will be easier for him to find a partner.
  10. Capricorn. Carnelian will give the owner enough strength to complete the job. The stone will help you not waste energy, sharpen your intuition and direct your actions in the most productive direction.
  11. Aquarius. The gemstone will support the family’s desire for prosperity, while smoothing out the sharp bends of character. It will be easier for the owner of the mineral to understand others. Carnelian will protect the owner and his partner from infidelity.
  12. Fish. This gem will relieve the owner of complexes and provide moral support. Pisces will find it easier to open up to other people. They will be able to cope with emotional wounds more easily and learn more from their mistakes.

How to fake carnelian

Anyone can try to distinguish real carnelian from a fake.

Most often, pressed plastic is used instead of carnelian. But we know that the hardness of carnelian is 6.5-7. So try running the needle across the surface of the stone. If at the same time thin shavings, like a thread, are removed - our condolences. In your hands is a plastic imitation. The natural mineral will either not be scratched, or there will be no shavings - just a thin line.

Glass counterfeits are rare. The process of "turning glass into a gem" is labor intensive and not worth the effort. But still, take a closer look at the shine of the stone - in carnelian it is soft, matte.

Look carefully at the stone under a magnifying glass. Carnelians always have stripes, but they are not always visible to the naked eye.

Sometimes carnelians are replaced with cheaper agate. The material for imitation is kept in special solutions (for example, iron nitrate). How to spot a fake: put the stone in water for several hours. The water has become colored - this means that you bought a fake.

How to improve carnelian

Many nations have tried to do this, and often successfully. For example, Al-Biruni gives the following recipes for improving the color of a stone:

  1. Red gems were kept in the hot sun, or heated in special ovens.
  2. Very pale chalcedony was kept in iron salts and then carefully heated. The process was under constant control - if you overheat the stone a little or overexpose it in the oven, it will turn white, become cloudy, or even crack completely.

Cunning jewelers of the Ancient East learned to write on stone (as a rule, these were phrases from the Koran). A complex potion was made from sharp substances, and with this solution, like ink, they wrote on stone. Then the gem was heated, and the inscription became white against the background of the dark yellow, red body of the stone.

Who is suitable for the profession

Carnelian can become a talisman for representatives of the following professions:

  1. Drivers. Carrying stones helps to avoid road accidents. With such a talisman it is easier to concentrate. At the same time, the driver reacts less emotionally to unforeseen circumstances, which helps to quickly make the right decision when obstacles arise.
  2. Judges, lawyers and investigators. This gem enhances the desire for justice, so it will be more pleasant to work with such people.
  3. Politicians, writers, poets and representatives of those professions whose activities involve communicating with people. This mineral imparts eloquence and confidence. It will be easier for you to convince people and make agreements.

Birthstone of politicians and lawyers.

The healing power of the gem

Lithotherapists show special interest in the unique carnelian, since it has the power to speed up the healing process.

Natural stone is capable of:

  • relieve headaches and toothaches;
  • increase attention and concentration;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restore the functions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • solve problems with the thyroid gland;
  • cure wounds, swelling, abscesses and other skin lesions;
  • strengthen bones, nails and teeth;
  • increase potency in men and normalize the menstrual cycle in women.

To treat with carnelian, it is enough to wear jewelry with it or apply the mineral to sick and affected areas.

Stone powder helps to achieve a positive effect in improving blood circulation and stopping bleeding.

The healing properties of the mineral have long been known

Application of the mineral

The most common use of this gem is as a jewelry setting, but there have been other uses throughout history.

Talismans and amulets

Not only jewelry is used as talismans and amulets. The mineral is also used to make figurines. If you place it in your home, it will protect tender feelings between people, improve the atmosphere in the family and help attract a stable income.

If you want to make a baby, place the figurine near your bed or in the child's room.

A figurine standing near the door scares away evil spirits and drives away black magic. Often after purchasing a statue, homeowners notice that some people now cannot cross the threshold. This may be caused by impure thoughts. For professional growth, it is better to place the figurine on the desk in your personal account.

Jewelry with mineral

Despite the low price, your gemstone jewelry will always look stunning. It is used as an insert in rings, brooches, earrings, pendants, etc. The mineral can also be used as an addition to beads, pendants and rosaries. The latter are undesirable, since such a combination can give the jewelry an aggressive look. To enhance the effect of the stone, it is better to choose products with a silver frame.

Other uses of stone

Ancient people made primitive tools from semi-precious stones, but they were not strong enough. The stone is used not only for decoration, but also for making furniture, decorative items, souvenirs and church paraphernalia.

Carnelian is used to make jewelry.

Name compatibility

Many people choose a mascot by name. This way the properties of the crystal are revealed to a greater extent. Carnelian is suitable for men with the following names: Ilya, Stepan, Igor, Vladimir and Nikita.

Its significance for a man lies in the development of responsibility, self-confidence and masculinity.

Among female names, the stone is suitable for Valentina, Anastasia, Yulia and Veronica. The meaning of the gem for women is enormous. The crystal makes them more faithful. In addition, for the bottom it is a stone of passion and sympathy. As a result, girls are more easily attracted to the opposite sex.

Price and how to care

Carnelian is one of the cheapest semi-precious stones. Minerals without settings and processing cost no more than 700-800 rubles. Stones that share common colors will have a lower price. The cheapest stones are opaque minerals with a large number of inclusions.

Maintenance should be limited to washing with a soft brush and soapy water. We do not store the stone together with other minerals that are harder than the stone itself, as this may cause scratches. It is not recommended to store it in the sun for a long time.

Production and field

Carnelian production on an industrial scale is carried out in various places on the planet:

  • India.
  • Brazil.
  • USA.
  • Bulgaria.
  • Madagascar.
  • Mongolia.

Of particular value is Indian red carnelian with an orange tint.

Also, unique stones of good quality are found: in Buryatia, Yakutia, Chukotka; in the Chita region. And unique specimens of gems are concentrated in Crimea in the Kara-Dag region.

Carnelian is mined in many places

What stones does it go with?

Carnelian should not be combined with other stones, as it is difficult to find a neutral or positive combination. This is due to the fact that the gemstone belongs to two elements simultaneously: fire and air. Even in the case of hematite, small inclusions of which occur in the rock, the mineral is controversial.

It is not allowed to wear jewelry with stones belonging to the water element. This applies to pearl, alexandrite, topaz, aquamarine, opal, emerald, etc. Combinations with earth signs can be unsuccessful, but this also depends on the individual characteristics of the person. It is not recommended to combine carnelian with malachite, jasper, chalcedony, agate, jade and morion.

Stones compatible with the same elementalists as them. These include charcoal and amber. Minerals go well with semi-precious stones belonging to the elements of fire and air: heliodor, amethyst, tourmaline, pyrite, garnet and rock crystal.

How to wear jewelry?

Ring Carnelian
Thanks to the reasonable price of chalcedony, jewelry with them is available to everyone. Any talisman is worn next to the place that needs to be influenced. This rule also applies to carnelian stones.

Women usually wear beads and bracelets, while men wear rings and rings. For a girl looking for a partner, earrings with a stone will suit her.

Carnelians are not worn on the ring finger. If you put the jewelry on your middle or index finger, it will become a sign to attract good luck and love.

The gem is not used in an ensemble with malachite or beryl, as then it loses its magic. Frequently wearing carnelian products is not recommended for all representatives of the zodiac signs. This also leads to a weakening of magical powers.

A mineral set in gold completely loses its ability to emit radioactive radiation. Although it is present in quantities that are safe for humans, it is better to eliminate it altogether. This increases the healing ability of the stone.

How to distinguish from a fake

This gemstone is rarely counterfeited because it is impractical. The price of the stone itself is low; sometimes the imitation technology is more expensive. You can distinguish a fake by the following signs:

  1. There are no bright stripes.
  2. There are many scratches on the surface. This happens if the imitation is made of plastic.
  3. An unnatural shine appears. The natural mineral has almost no shine, so it looks matte. A waxy sheen is allowed.
  4. There are no flaws on the stone. Natural gemstones most often have them. For example, coloring may be uneven.
  5. The stone is too fragile. If handled carelessly, a natural gemstone will break, but this requires a strong blow or repeated blows. Glass can also break if dropped.

Sometimes fakes are made from striped agate. It is colored orange-brown. This imitation can only be recognized by splitting the stone and seeing the cut.

What kind of carnelian is he?

One of the varieties of chalcedony. It is either called by the common name “carnelian”, or by color it is divided into:

  • carnelian (brownish-red, brown, red stone);
  • sarder (brown, brown with reddish hues);
  • carnelian (pink, orange, red);
  • sardonyx (fiery, dark red, almost black with pronounced banding).

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Chalcedony is generally rich in beautiful varieties. In addition to carnelian, these are also green chrysoprase; blue, different shades of sapphires; variegated red-green heliotropes; yellow, like chickens, lincuria.

The mineral chalcedony itself is colorless or gray. And the variety of colors is given to varieties of chalcedony by impurities of carbonates, hydroxides, silicates, and iron oxides.

And all these chalcedony have one chemical formula - SiO2, silicon dioxide.

Now dry information. Physical characteristics of carnelian:

  1. Color ranges from pink to brownish, including all shades of yellow and red.
  2. The gloss is matte, waxy.
  3. Hardness 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale.
  4. The color of the dash is white.
  5. In thin sections it is transparent, the body of the stone is opaque.
  6. Density 2.58 - 2.64 g/cm³.
  7. Refractive index 1.530 - 1.539.

The variety of color of the stone is provided by impurities (mainly hematite).

Carnelian, carnelian, sardonyx - one family

From a mineralogical point of view, carnelian is quartz with a high content of impurity hematite. The solid solution of iron in silica is, by its physical nature, dense, opaque to light, characterized by a brown color and a chaotic distribution of the metal in the stone mass.

Women's Generosity bracelet

Mineral: carnelian

Price: 8,000 rub.

More about the bracelet

Precipitation of silica from highly mineralized hydrothermal waters produces quartz with a more or less uniform dispersion of oxidized iron molecules throughout the mass of silicon dioxide. The heat of the heated depths dehydrates the mineral, changing the charge of the atoms and improving the optical properties of the stone. The brown mass brightens, turns red, and takes on a golden hue. This is how carnelian is born!

The less elegant predecessor of the luxurious gem is called “carnelian”. Carnelian is the same carnelian, only it has not experienced prolonged heating in the natural environment. Indian carnelians, waiting for their prospectors, lie in mountain screes for hundreds of years under the scorching sun - as a result of which they also turn into carnelians...


Sardonyx is a carnelian with white veins of pure quartz. In the last century it has become the subject of biological research and has been used as a tool for restorative therapy.

Wearing rules

If you decide to buy a carnelian ring, wear such jewelry on any finger except the ring finger. The amulet on the index finger has the greatest power.

When choosing a bracelet, give preference to a silver or bronze cut. Gold can contain energy. You can wear such a gem at any time. There is no need to take a break from it. The main thing is to monitor your health.

If you notice that you have increased headaches and fatigue, stop wearing jewelry for a few days. At this moment, they should be “charged” so that they better absorb your energy.

Where is carnelian mined?

Varieties of agates and chalcedony are found everywhere throughout the planet, which cannot be said about carnelian, despite their relatedness. Its deposits are very rare. Natural untreated stones are mined in Gujarat, India. Agate carnelians are commonly found in Montana, USA.

Stone deposits are also located in Crimea (Karadag). Crimean or Karadag carnelian can be purchased in the city of Rossosh, Russia. Its characteristics are not inferior to stones from other regions.

Today, carnelian reaches jewelry counters from Botswana, India, and Uruguay. In these countries, various types of precious chalcedony are mined and used to make rings, signets, pendants and other jewelry.


To ensure that the appearance of the talisman does not deteriorate over the years, it is necessary to properly care for it.

  1. Store this variety of chalcedony where there are no temperature changes, high levels of moisture and direct sunlight. Use a box made of thick material for this.
  2. For cleaning, choose gentle materials, not soap or powder.
  3. It is better to remove dirt using a flannel cloth soaked in warm, clean water.
  4. In summer (once a month) place the talisman on the windowsill. It must be “charged” by solar energy in order to serve its owner again.
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