Pets according to Feng Shui: which pet is right for you

A pet can not only fill a home with joy and lively energy, but also save a person from loneliness and cure diseases of the soul and body.

According to Feng Shui, a cat in a house is a powerful living energy charge that can strengthen the bio-field of all family members and bring happiness, prosperity and prosperity to the home. However, not all pets have a similar effect, and not every person can coexist harmoniously with them.

Feng Shui: pets

According to Feng Shui theory, many warm-blooded animals have powerful Yang energy. They are able to treat people from diseases, give positive energy, and even improve our body’s defenses. A pet inevitably affects both family members and the general energy background of the house, since any living creature in the home has its own invisible force, and it interacts with all other energy flows.

A healthy and happy animal is a kind of amulet for your home and apartment. The word itself comes from the form “belly,” which in the ancient language meant “life.” In ancient times, humanity was heavily dependent on livestock and wild animals - they helped feed people, protected people's homes, and performed important work (for example, horses and mules plowed the field). Without animals, the life of modern people would be completely different.

Having warmed or sheltered a pet in one’s home, a person begins to receive powerful energy replenishment from it. Even aquarium fish or a turtle in a terrarium placed in a certain area can have a pronounced protective and beneficial effect on all family members, as well as contribute to the growth of financial well-being or health.

Medicine has long proven the fact that pets have a good effect on a person’s well-being. Such people are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, they practically do not experience depression and insomnia, they are more balanced and calm.

The Chinese believe that warm-blooded pets should be raised and loved in the same way as small children. A cat, dog, rabbit or ferret is a full-fledged member of the family, and not a fun or whim. In order for your pet to protect your home and always radiate positive energy, you will have to care about it no less than about another person.

Therefore, it is better not to have a pet in the house if you are not going to take care of it, give it proper attention and care for it. The pet must be fully and efficiently fed and cared for so that it remains healthy and vigorous.

A sick animal in the house is a sign that there is a problem in the energy supply of the home or some family member. Most often, animal diseases (especially recurring ones and leading to the death of the pet) indicate that the main owner or mistress also has a disease (sometimes not even physical, but mental or mental).

In this case, the pet, entering into energy exchange with all family members and with the energy of the house, begins to suffer and lose health. First of all, apartment owners are obliged to deal with their own problems, recover from illnesses, and put their lives in order so that their pets do not get sick or die before their time.

Feng Shui always names the cause of diseases in domestic animals as a person - the owner of the house and owner, less often - some less significant member of the family.

And, on the contrary, a healthy and cheerful animal is a sign of family prosperity and well-being in the house, this means that under your roof there is peace, comfort and positive energy circulating, and you yourself are healthy and happy. With such an owner, pets often live much longer and become real long-livers.

Before getting a smart animal (for example, a dog or cat), think about whether you can fully shower your pet with your love and care. It is believed that it is the pet that begins to be the first to pay for the flawed energy of its owner. This is due to the fact that pets act as a kind of closing link in the energy flow, passing the energy of all family members and the entire residential building through themselves.

If the owner loves his animal, then the pet will be devoted to him, and this will have a positive effect both on their mutual energy and on the background of the entire house. Otherwise, as mentioned above, the animal will inevitably suffer and get sick, and the blame for such phenomena will fall on your shoulders.

How to choose the right pet

From the theory of Feng Shui we know: everything affects everything. The world around us, and we ourselves, are energy. In this world of energies, all living and nonliving matter continuously interact. Therefore, the question whether pets influence us or not is irrelevant. But what is this influence, what are its pros and cons, we have to figure this out. So, what mark do our beloved pets leave on the energy of our homes? How do they affect us? Could their presence be destructive to the Feng Shui of our home and us?

If you think that by sheltering an animal at home, you have benefited it, you are deeply mistaken. Rather, it’s the other way around. After all, from such a neighborhood, first of all, we benefit. But let's start from the beginning...

When should you not have a cat in your home?

  • If you are not ready to spend time and effort on caring for him, maintaining him and treating him in case of illness;
  • If you simply do not have the resources or finances to provide your pet with a normal life;
  • If you do not realize the degree of responsibility that will fall on you when a new resident appears in the house;
  • If you are not ready to accept a pet as a new family member, if you belittle the importance of animals in the house;
  • If you do not want to raise animals and be patient with them (especially cats and dogs);
  • If you are cold, cruel, arrogant or selfish. In this case, the animal is unlikely to help you become better, but will suffer because of you;
  • If you live alone and are going to leave your pet alone all day long.

If you are currently unhappy, depressed or empty. Sometimes in such cases the animal is able to cure the owner. But this only works if you yourself are open to your pet, otherwise he will get sick and may even die.

Don't be discouraged if for some reason you can't have a pet at the moment. In Feng Shui, even images and figurines of animals have a positive influence.

For example, you can place a photo of your desired pet in your home, but make sure that the photo evokes only positive emotions in you, and that the animal in it looks healthy, happy and joyful. Such a technique will fill your home with bright energy, and you yourself will gradually prepare mentally to become the owner of a real and living creature in the future.

This technique will also help those who do not have a great love for animals or are overly callous and selfish. It is better to start small and act gradually than to bring a defenseless creature into your home and then abandon it to its fate or get annoyed every time because of the need to care for it.

You can use this little trick not only with pets. In fact, in Feng Shui, animals act as a powerful source of energy, including their images, paintings, photographs or figurines.

For example, according to Feng Shui, elephants in a house are a source of prosperity and financial well-being, and a white elephant is a powerful talisman and amulet against negative energy. Of course, no one will be able to have a live elephant in their home, but this is not required - as mentioned above, even photographs of animals are capable of projecting and exuding living and strong energy.

But beware of decorating your home with parts of real killed animals, do not wear ivory jewelry, and do not buy tusks, skins or horns to hang on the wall.

No attributes of a dead animal will bring happiness or health to your home; it is also prohibited to place stuffed pets in your home, even if it was very dear to you during its lifetime, and you cannot say goodbye to it.

What animals should you not have?

Feng Shui advises people to avoid having rodents in their homes and apartments. Rats, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs and other pets are the focus of negative energy, therefore they have no place in the human habitation. If you do have rodents, it is better to provide them with maximum comfort and keep them properly.

A cage with a rat should be placed on the north side of the house, with a hamster - away from heaters and drafts, and a guinea pig can bring favorable changes to your home if it is placed in the so-called “Flying Stars” zone.

Some Feng Shui experts are confident that rats can slow down the process of financial growth and strengthening, so they are brought into a home in China with extreme caution. However, if both you and your rodent are comfortable in such a neighborhood, the animal looks healthy and has an excellent appetite, then most likely you have nothing to fear.

Green Dragon

The green dragon is a very powerful feng shui symbol. He brings people power, prosperity and is the personification of the ebullient masculine energy of Yang. Its place is to the left of the house in the form of tall bushes, a green hedge or a small hill.

In urban areas, you will have to limit yourself to paintings with his image or a figurine. However, when purchasing the latest items, it is very important to ensure that there are 4 claws on his paws. In addition to him, there is also a dragon with five claws, called the imperial one - it should not be placed at home.

Where to place the animal

It is believed that each animal is protected by a special element and the corresponding direction of the cardinal direction. And therefore, houses or cages are often placed in these areas. For example, cats most often prefer to nest in the eastern zones of the home, and dogs in the northwestern zones.

But if your pet is more comfortable in some other part of the apartment, then let him personally choose a suitable place for himself.

Here it is more important to listen to the wishes of the pet and be guided by intuition. If a cat or dog stubbornly refuses to spend the night in the “correct zone,” then there is no need to insist on this and force the animal.

For less intelligent creatures who are not able to choose a comfortable place for themselves, this important task rests with the owner. Make sure your bird, amphibian, reptile, fish or rodent is comfortable in their home. If they sleep peacefully, eat well and look healthy, then you have chosen the right place to place them.

If the fish often die or the animal begins to get sick, then move the cage or aquarium to another place. Most often, this problem is quickly solved using the “from the opposite” rule. For example, if your pet is uncomfortable in an open and sunny place (for example, on a windowsill near a south-facing window), then simply place it where there is less sunlight and a lower temperature.

Direction and zone in the house for placing a pet

AnimalElement Direction

Dogs should be given a place near the hallway, but in no case near the front door. Most often, these peaceful and friendly creatures get along well with other pets. If you have another dog or cat living in your home, then make sure that each of them has their own separate place to sleep and enough personal space. Then the pets will not conflict with each other, and harmony and peace will reign in the house.

But it is impermissible to allow a dog to share the marital bed and sleep with the owners of the house. This will disrupt the energy of the married couple and bring problems and turmoil into the union of two lovers.

Also, the dog does not like negative energy and does not tolerate it well. If a dog stubbornly refuses to sleep in a certain place and leaves it, it means that there is an accumulation of negative force there.

Toads, frogs and newts should be placed in the living room or study, but not in the bedroom. It is best to place an aquarium with fish in the wealth zone, as water will enhance energy and attract financial well-being.

The ideal aquarium is round in shape; it should also be cleaned regularly and the water in it should be changed, since stagnant and cloudy water has the opposite effect. Nine fish is the optimal number according to Feng Shui for one aquarium.

For those who keep spiders in a terrarium, it is important to know that the place in which the arthropod pet is located is everything. If you place your pet in the east or southeast, and equip the area with living vegetation, this will contribute to rapid personal growth. Also, spiders in this area of ​​the home support the eldest sons in the family. A spider in the west in a round terrarium promotes creativity. The spider in the northwest supports the owner of the house and father, and will also help you find a reliable friend or patron.

The snake is a powerful source of Yin power, it represents longevity and true wisdom. It is best to keep snakes in a separate room or back room of the house. It is believed that the snake is a mystical and strong animal that is best never to be offended. You should be very careful when starting such a pet as a talisman.

On the other hand, a healthy and calm snake can attract wealth and financial success to the home. If you put a piece of shed snake skin in your wallet, it will ensure that there will always be money inside it.


These animals are associated with the element of fire. Their beds should be located in the eastern part of your home. Affectionate and playful furry animals help improve relationships between family members. Place your cat in a room with windows facing east to enhance this effect.

Cats are independent and freedom-loving creatures. They prefer to choose their own place to sleep. But in the western part of the dwelling the element of water predominates, which means that the fiery creature will be uncomfortable there.

If the cat's choice falls on the children's sector, this may introduce some difficulties into relationships between representatives of different generations. In this case, properly selected lighting will help weaken the effect of negative energy.

Cats have one very valuable quality in terms of energy - they take away negativity, giving their owner strength and performance. They improve the circulation of Qi, where its flow is disrupted, and relieve high blood pressure and migraines.

Cat in the house according to feng shui

Cats and cats are the personification of the feminine principle and Yin energy. This type of pet is the most unusual and plays a special role in the energy of the house.

The best place to place a cat is considered to be the eastern zone of a house or apartment. However, there are times when cats occupy the western side of the home. In this situation, experts say that the cat takes on the role of protector of the house.

You should not try to somehow force this freedom-loving animal to take a certain place in the house; accept the fact that the cat walks on its own and will always do so. This pet perfectly captures energy flows in the house and finds the weakest point.

Cats are very fond of those areas in which the energy flow is disrupted. In these areas they feed on energetic forces and bring the circulation of Qi in order.

Cats treat not only their homes, but also their owners. The same phenomenal ability to capture the flow of Qi helps them act as healers for people. The furry pet quickly finds a place on the human body where the circulation of energy is disrupted and lies down on him. After just a few sessions of this cat therapy, the disease will subside.

It is important to remember that the cat’s essence is very proud and does not tolerate competition. Therefore, do not get two or more cats; such an act will deprive you of almost all the positive qualities of this animal. The cats will simply engage with each other, and they will not pay any attention to you.

Depending on the color of the furry pet’s fur, it will have one or another effect on your life:

  • A tricolor cat in an apartment will help to establish harmony in all areas of life and balance the flow of Qi in the house.
  • According to Feng Shui, a ginger cat in a home is necessary for those who want to start a family and find love. An animal of this color helps to meet a lover.
  • A gray cat will help in the fight against negative energy. If your activity is somehow connected with danger and constant risks, then you need a pet of this particular color.
  • A black cat in a feng shui house is an amplifier of any energy. Is there a lot of negativity in your home? With a black cat in the house there will be even more of it. Are you pursued by success and wealth everywhere? With such an animal in your home you will multiply them.

How and how pets affect the energy of your apartment

Pets not only give you the best emotions and improve your mood, but also create comfort in your apartment and neutralize negative energy. Animals also relieve their owners from insomnia and take away the diseases of their mistresses and owners. But the most important thing is that they give you love without demanding anything in return. Now we need to find out which pet is best for you according to the teachings of Feng Shui.


The cat, unlike the others, has the strongest energy. She can cleanse the house of negative energy, protect it from evil spirits and other mystical creatures. Cats seem to be quite calm and even lazy animals, but they are always on the alert.

When they feel that their owners are in any danger, they turn into the best defenders. People who have cats at home have noticed many times that their beloved pet can quickly wake up and run to a certain room in the house. This means that mystical creatures and evil spirits have entered the house, and your pet is trying to drive them out and protect the owners from their influences.

Cats can take away trouble from their owners and save them from death. Cats have well-developed intuition, and they can sense danger long before it arises. If your cat is very restless all day and comes to you very often, do not ignore her. She is trying to notify you of impending danger.

Birds in the house according to feng shui

Birds as pets are suitable primarily for creative people. Feathered friends easily fill the entire house with powerful energy. That is why they should only be kept in quiet and secluded homes. If you bring a bird into a densely populated apartment, it will create unnecessary energy chaos in the already crowded room.

You should not get birds if you already have a cat or dog in your home. The effect of both is neutralized when they are under the same roof.

Talking parrots are considered one of the most successful feng shui bird species. Their fussiness very quickly fills the home with streams of Yang energy, and also enhances the flow of general positive energy Qi.

Few people can afford to have such a luxurious bird as an owl. This bird, depending on the room in which it will be placed, is capable of producing various effects. A cage with an owl in the office guarantees career growth and financial success. In the room where the books are located there is boundless wisdom and a rapid process of learning.

According to Feng Shui, an owl in a home is the embodiment of wisdom, knowledge and financial well-being.

If you want the bird in your home to act as a protector and guardian, then you should place the cage with it in the southern part of the home. The main thing you should remember is that no matter what kind of bird you get, the room for it should be spacious and bright. Birds spend most of their time in the sky, and confining a bird in a dark closet is tantamount to killing it.

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