Which wallet attracts money: signs when buying

A wallet is not only a convenient accessory for storing money, but also one of the most important attributes that create the external image of the owner. The appearance of a wallet can tell a lot about the wealth and habits of its owner. No matter how carefully a person treats things, they all wear out over time, including a wallet. It has to be changed about once every couple of years. However, this matter is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. In order to constantly have money in your new wallet, you must follow a number of rules when purchasing it.

What color of wallet matches your date of birth?

It matches the date

That is, the fifth number is code 5, the first is code 1, and so on. If the number is two-digit, you can choose a color
based on
your date of birth
by doing simple calculations.
... How the date of birth
affect the choice
of wallet

1Yellow, orange, gold, bronze
2White and green
3Blue, pink, lilac, purple
4Grey, bright blue

How to choose a wallet and when to buy it. Useful tips


How to choose a wallet and when to buy it. Useful tips. A wallet is an indispensable accessory for a modern person. It is a “timeless” item, emphasizes the status of its owner, and shows a sense of style.

The wallet has always symbolized prosperity, abundance and prosperity. There are many signs and legends associated with this subject. Ancient sages and astrologers knew how to attract money into it, and modern astrologers know about this. Read this article about how to choose a wallet to attract money and when to buy it.

How to choose a wallet and when to buy it. Useful tips

Types of wallets and features of their choice

There are many types of wallets, differing in shape and functionality:

  • clutch wallets;
  • zipper wallets;
  • banknote;
  • a wallet that folds in two or three times;
  • cardholders;
  • clamps;
  • chest pocket wallet;
  • coin boxes.

You should choose a wallet depending on your needs and clothing style.

Small square wallets fit into almost any pocket. Their only drawback is the need not only to unfasten, but also to unfold.

Rectangular wallets are good because they retain the shape of banknotes. To get money, you just need to open your wallet.

Before buying a men's wallet , you need to familiarize yourself with the criteria for choosing a good product. The first thing that distinguishes a quality accessory from a bad one is the material. Unlike wallets made of artificial materials, leather ones withstand any test of time.

To make a purse , crocodile, calf, python, goat, sheep, and deer skin are used. Over the years, they acquire slight wear and tear, adding zest and chic. There are models with interesting leather finishes.

To determine whether a wallet is made of real or artificial leather, you need to touch it.

Natural material leaves

  • feeling of softness and warmth,
  • artificial - hardness and cold.

Textile is another popular material when making a wallet. It has excellent wear resistance. It can be given any look. The design options for textile wallets are eye-opening.

It is worth paying attention to the presence of a second layer of skin.

Since wallets are most often wiped at the folds, you need to buy accessories equipped with additional material. This will ensure that the leather does not crack and the wallet does not wear out prematurely.

The next criterion is the fittings.

Convenience and comfort of use depends on the quality of locks and fasteners. It is better to choose products with metal rather than plastic fittings. It not only looks more expensive and presentable, but also lasts much longer.

The functionality of the accessory plays an important role when choosing. The number of compartments and pockets it has determines how many bills, business cards, cards, and other important little things can fit in it.

It is necessary that all decorative elements be in harmony. The wallet can be decorated with linings with the brand name.

Signs of a low-quality wallet

To determine the quality of the product, you can run a damp cloth over it. If paint remains on it and the product darkens, this is a sign of low-grade material.

A red flag indicating poor quality is the presence of glue. A good branded wallet is stitched with threads. The lines are always even and neat. Although wallets are rarely exposed to rain, it is still worth making sure that it has water-repellent properties. It is worth checking whether cards are easily inserted and removed from the compartments.

You should look at the density and hardness of the wallet. A product that is too soft quickly loses its presentation. If the artificial material is too dense, it may burst at the bends.

Before purchasing, you need to decide whether you need a coin holder in your wallet. If change is almost never used when calculating, it is better to opt for accessories without an additional compartment. They are more compact, look clearer and stricter.

How to choose a wallet and when to buy it. Useful tips

Wallet color according to zodiac sign

To choose the right wallet, you need to consider its color. It must correspond to the zodiac sign of the owner.

  • For Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, wallets in red or orange with a lacquer finish and metal trim, as well as a spacious compartment for coins, are suitable.
  • Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn should opt for a high-quality leather wallet with many compartments for bank cards and other plastic cards in a brown, green or terracotta shade.
  • For Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, wallets in bright, colorful colors made from natural materials will bring money luck. And decorated with ethnic motifs, they will become for representatives of these signs a kind of guide to the world of material prosperity.
  • Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will do the right thing if they choose a purse in blue tones; a good option is crocodile skin. To prevent money from leaking out, the interior trim should be brown or black.

Choosing a good day to buy a wallet

To find out when is the best time to buy a wallet, let's look at the lunar calendar.

  • Astrologers advise going shopping on days when the Moon passes through the signs of Taurus or Libra, since they are ruled by Venus.

As you know, Venus in astrology is responsible not only for love, but also for money, so you can attract monetary profit by choosing the right day when the influence of this planet intensifies.

  • It’s good if the moon is waxing on the day of purchase.

It is this Moon that favors expansion and attraction of material wealth. You want the money in your wallet to multiply and grow, right? Then choose the days between the new moon and the full moon - this is the growth phase of the Moon.

  • Avoid buying on the 19th, 26th and 29th lunar days, so that this useful item does not become a cause of concern and a source of financial problems.
  • Also, days are not suitable when the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, whose ruler, the planet Saturn, symbolizes obstacles and restrictions.
  • If the “house for money” is purchased during the period when the Moon passes through the fiery signs of the Zodiac - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the owner of the wallet can safely enjoy the joys of life, saying goodbye to honestly earned bills without regret.

You won’t have to worry about the money spent on entertainment for a long time - just as easily and quickly, new financial receipts will fill your empty wallet with order.

  • It is recommended to give the most convenient place in a wallet purchased during the stay of the Moon in Gemini and Aquarius to bank cards.
  • If the owner is inclined to save money, astrologers advise first stocking up on plastic bonus and savings cards. After waiting for the moment when the Moon is in Virgo, select the appropriate wallet.

“Bait” ​​for money

It’s not worth throwing away your old wallet after buying a new one, because having two is an excellent indicator for multiplying cash flows .

Moreover, the old one can be a good “bait” for money.

After waiting for the first lunar day to arrive, all the contents are taken out of it.

With the onset of the second lunar day, money should be gradually thrown into the bait, one banknote at a time, regardless of the denomination.

The main thing is to stretch this process over the entire lunar month.

On the waxing Moon (3-7 lunar days), put a silver coin in an old wallet. It energetically activates the magical influence of the Moon. The coin can be replaced with a small silver spoon or jewelry.

This simple ritual carries the energy of attracting and increasing savings.

When to take out a loan according to the lunar calendar April 2021?

Lunar money calendar for April 2021

  • Lending: April
  • Do not lend: April
  • Borrow
  • Do not borrow
  • Pay off debts: April
  • April
    10, 18 .
  • Count money: April
  • Buy a wallet: April

What to do with an old wallet

It is best to get rid of a wallet that has lost its appearance as soon as possible. Its shabby appearance is unlikely to please the owner. The function of raising funds will also not be guaranteed.

But there is a belief that a wallet in which money was constantly kept should not be thrown away. The main thing is not to make a tragedy out of this. Each item has its own service life. And you need to be able to part with them without regret.

When choosing a monetary accessory, it is important not only to choose good quality, but also a presentable appearance and functionality.

How to attract money to your wallet? Rituals

When buying a wallet, you need to take the thing with your left hand, whispering (or mentally pronouncing) a short spell: “I give money an excellent home.
May they quickly multiply in it! Lord, bless, Guardian Angel, help! Amen". Then go home silently, not boasting about your acquisition to anyone. At home, you can continue the process of connecting to cash flow. You can apply a drop of mint oil to the lining. An effective formula is written on a domestic banknote or on beautiful paper: we multiply the required amount by twenty-seven and after the equals sign we put an infinity sign.

A silver coin or a tiny spoon is good for attracting funds: by putting such items in your wallet from the third to the seventh lunar day, you can “connect” to the source of the Moon’s energy, so to speak, “charge” your wallet with wealth.

The secret pocket can be “fed”:

  • thin crust of rye bread;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • a few beans.

Abundance will also be attracted to objects in red tones hidden under the lining (carefully undo it, put an amulet and sew it up). The most accessible means is an irredeemable ruble coin, which is never used for payment.

Modern magicians even manage to use mobile phone chargers to recharge their wallets, especially on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Some plants and stones have been tested for centuries for their ability to attract money:

  • St. John's wort: a wallet smoked with it on a new moon will become significantly fatter;
  • horseradish root: we hide it in one of the pockets in a tiny bag made of green or red natural expensive fabric;
  • heather: proceed similarly to the previous method;
  • sage and rosemary;
  • chrysolite: real salvation in lack of money;
  • tourmaline (preferably black);
  • Tiger's Eye;
  • pomegranate;
  • malachite or any green stone.

Many symbols are also powerful, for example, four-leaf clover . Made of gold and silver (these metals themselves can attract wealth), such a wallet amulet will help increase wealth.

Caution must be exercised with coins made of gold, silver and copper - their ability to store and transmit energy has often been used in the past to spoil trade.

When enhancing the energy capabilities of your wallets, you need to understand why this is being done. If this is difficult, it is better to make do with the simplest objects. And we can say with confidence that this will help!

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. Read this amulet to help relieve lack of money. Read here

A wallet is a house for money. In order for money to flow, it is necessary to create comfortable “living conditions” for it, and this is done already when purchasing a wallet. There are simple rules for this, invented in ancient times.

The well-known wisdom that money loves counting also applies to spending planning . The more order there is in the distribution of funds for various needs, the sooner these needs will be satisfied. It is also worth knowing for sure the amount of funds you have.

Talismans to attract wealth and good luck

To attract wealth and financial well-being, you should put Chinese coins tied with a red thread in your wallet. You can put one dollar, it is a symbol of prosperity and good luck. You can put cinnamon sticks in your wallet; this plant attracts good luck and prosperity to your home.

You can drop a little mint essential oil, add a pinch of green tea, a wheat ear, dried geranium leaves, lavender or a small mirror, which will double your money luck.

Before the New Year, you can buy a new wallet or put a figurine of the symbol of the coming year in it.

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