What color should a wallet be to attract monetary wealth?

What color should you buy to keep your money in, and which should you not buy?

One of the most important aspects is cost. Buy the most expensive wallet you can afford. It will not only last a long time, but will also become a kind of magnet for the positive energy of financial resources.

It is not advisable to buy a wallet:

  • with transparent fragments
  • oval, round shape
  • not large enough, from which bills or coins that do not fit peek out
  • with protruding threads, non-functioning zippers, buttons
  • with a common coin and banknote department
  • at the cost of infringing the family budget, to the detriment of other acquisitions

Products with the listed features and models that cause negative emotional experiences repel money.

Optimal product dimensions

In the practice of Feng Shui, exact numbers associated with the sizes of important objects in life are of considerable importance. When choosing a Feng Shui wallet size, you can refer to imperial sizes: eight categories that can be used to calculate the correct length, width and thickness.

The most favorable segments are the following lengths:

  • from 0 to 5.4 cm;
  • from 16.2 to 21.5 cm;
  • from 37.5 to 43.2 cm.

A wallet should be abandoned if any of its sides fall within one of the following intervals:

  • from 5.4 to 10.8 cm;
  • from 10.8 to 16.2 cm;
  • from 27 to 32.4 cm.

Choosing the wrong size can lead to a number of negative consequences, including financial losses, problems with the law, encounters with deceivers and criminals, and deprivation of a social circle.

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It is not advisable to purchase a wallet that is too small, as it will not be able to store banknotes in proper form. Money should be well straightened, not bent. For the same reason, wallets that need to be folded in half are not recommended, because folding can disrupt the circulation of favorable energies.

How to choose the right wallet color to attract money

The prevailing palette has a direct impact on personal financial dynamics.


This shade is influenced by the solar, warm energy of the metal, which contributes to the development of spirituality and the attraction of material wealth. Golden wallets are perfect for Leos and Aries. A good choice of material is patent leather.


Silver tones are suitable for dreamy, spiritually developed, impressionable individuals. The shade of silver is ideal for writers, artists, performers, and representatives of other creative professions. An alternative to a bright, flashy silver color is brushed steel.


The green shade is a universal solution for Gemini, Capricorn, Taurus, Libra and other zodiac signs. The wallet attracts good luck and helps to accumulate capital at a measured, calm pace.


Helps develop professional qualities, intuition, and overcome any obstacles in entrepreneurial activity.


The shade that brings financial success is suitable for people born under the constellation Virgo or Gemini.


Life will be filled with luck, cheerfulness, positivity, and self-confidence. Original ideas regarding self-improvement and increasing profits will appear.

A red wallet, perfect for Scorpios and Leos, can be used to store working capital. To save cash, choose a different color.


A brown wallet made using calfskin is suitable for conservatives who are focused on security, reliability and stability. In such a wallet, money continuously increases. Shades can be any - from beige and coffee to dark chocolate.


Buying a yellow wallet will help you forget about money troubles, negativity, and hard work. The yellow wallet is suitable for people for whom finances are not at the top of the list of life priorities. Choosing from a huge range of fabrics, take a closer look at suede models.


White color is a symbol of comfort, security, satisfaction. To enhance the positive impact of the accessory, use white jewelry.

One of the disadvantages of a white wallet is that it regularly gets dirty. A dirty wallet repels monetary luck.


A black wallet is a timeless classic, symbolizing fertility, constancy, attracting money, helping to increase income. With a black wallet, you will be able to achieve any, the most ambitious goals, accumulate financial resources and skillfully manage them.

If you don't like gloomy black, you can choose a combination of black with pink, beige, white or other shades.

Among the materials, consider models with a smooth, soft texture made from genuine calfskin. Capricorns and Leos, who are stubborn, will benefit most from their use.


The combination of different shades emphasizes the creative versatility, cheerful, positive disposition of the owner, striving to increase his capital.

When purchasing a wallet, it is important to evaluate the harmony and attractiveness of the colors, since each of them affects your financial future.

How and when to buy and clean a wallet

If your wallet has fallen into disrepair, is torn, holes and cracks have appeared on it, the energy of banknotes will be wasted until it is completely exhausted. The product requires immediate replacement. In addition, regardless of the condition of the accessory, it is advisable to update it annually.

Try to plan your wallet purchase for Thursday. This day is patronized by Jupiter, which influences the financial sphere. When choosing from a variety of models, listen to your inner voice.

If the purchased accessory does not attract finances for a long time, replace it with another model.

Energy cleaning of a wallet involves the timely removal of checks, tickets, medical prescriptions, expired cards, and various unnecessary little things, including banknotes withdrawn from use.

What color should a woman’s wallet be and what color should a man’s wallet be?

For women, accessories in a metallic and earthy tone without sequins, sparkles, or attention-grabbing ornaments are suitable.

Men will be able to improve their financial condition by equipping themselves with accessories made in blue, brown, black, and burgundy tones.

Regardless of gender, remember the basic rule - the product should please, please the eye and inspire confidence.

By date of birth

The breakdown for birthdays from the 1st to the 9th of the month is presented in the table. To decipher a two-digit number, first count the difference between the digits. For example, 29: 9-2=7.

MeaningWallet color by date (day) of birth, attracting money
1Bronze, golden, orange, yellow
2White, grass shade
3Pinkish, purple, bluish
4Light blue, gray
5Sunny, gray, snow-white
6Pink, green-blue, light blue
7Shade of snow, lilac, grass, lilac, pink
8Blue, black, rich green

For those born on the 22nd or 11th, any shade is suitable.

Zodiac sign

The constellation under which you were born is an essential selection criterion. Before purchasing another wallet, pay attention to the information contained in horoscopes.


The most successful one is orange. You can give preference to yellow, pink, green.

Avoid purple-lilac, solid black, burgundy red.


To prevent failures, take a closer look at the red range. Accessorize your wallet with a phone case or handkerchief in the same tone.

The favorable range is complemented by lemon yellow, pink, and white.

It is undesirable to use accessories of bluish, black, greenish shades.


The color of the earth sign is green. Wallets are combined with headphones or green-colored pens.

You can use white and pink accessories, but yellow ones should not be used.


What color of wallet always attracts money? - Yellow. It’s a good idea to complement your wallet with a yellow scarf or business card holder. In addition to yellow, the color of grass, pink, and snow-white are suitable.

Purple and blue wallets should be avoided.


Scarlet and white wallets bring good luck and help increase energy potential.

An alternative to white and red shades is yellow.

Green colors are undesirable.


Leos will be pleased with bright sunny colors, but bluish ones will not.


You will be able to reveal your best qualities with a blue wallet.

You should not count on luck using a red, white, light yellow or green product.


Light blue, snow-white, cream and greenish shades are considered lucky.

It is better to refrain from using purple, gray-black, and burgundy accessories.


You can't go wrong with a red wallet. An alternative is the color of the sky, clouds, chocolate, tangerine.

A bad solution is a pale yellow or green wallet.


The best wallet color to attract luck, money and energy is orange. Good options are dark yellow and green-cream.

Undesirable colors are khaki and purple.


Brown items and khaki-colored wallets will help attract money. The favorable range is complemented by grey, black, blue, and green.

Red or gold are not the best choices.


One of the most favorable shades is light blue. In addition, you can use lilac, red-orange wallets, avoiding black and overly dark wallets.

According to feng shui

What color should a wallet be used to attract money according to ancient Chinese teachings? Activation of financial energy is ensured by accessories of scarlet, snow-white, silver, golden, orange, sunny, green colors. It is allowed to combine these shades with each other. The model must be of high quality, look very expensive and accommodate entire banknotes, without bending.

Money leakage occurs when they are worn in blue, dark blue, lilac items.

According to the elements

Financial savings, stability, reliability, prosperity, and wealth are associated with the elements of the Earth. The wallet can be yellow, beige or brown.

A favorable sign is the presence in the wallet of metal elements of whitish, silver, or grayish shades.

A good shade for the Wood element is green.

For the element of Fire, red products are suitable to help overcome poverty.

Shades of the Water element scare off financial flows.

According to the lunar calendar

Astrologers recommend adhering to the following rules, regardless of the shade of your wallet:

  • on the waxing Moon money is attracted, on the waning Moon it is repelled
  • unfavorable periods for purchasing an accessory - any eclipses, full moon, new moon
  • You should not plan a purchase on the 19th, 26th, 29th day, on days under the signs of Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio
  • the most favorable lunar days are 10 and 14, day of the week is Thursday

How to use knowledge of numerology to determine the most successful wallet color

Add the 8 digits that make up the date of birth until you get the final number.

An example of a calculation for the date of birth February 7, 1980 – 02/07/1980.

Sum of digits: 0+7+0+2+1+9+8+0 = 27

2+7 = 9

What color wallet constantly attracts money by date of birth, depending on the result:

  • 3, 5 or 7 – red
  • 1, 2 or 8 – black
  • 4, 6 or 9 – blue

Tips for choosing the perfect accessory

A wallet, as an object that attracts prosperity, can be improved if you treat it carefully. A shabby, torn accessory with cracks and holes will lose the energy of money. It needs to be replaced as quickly as possible before the money disappears completely.

You can choose a wallet based on your date of birth and element. In controversial moments, they listen only to their intuition, without demanding advice from others, so that luck does not go to them. For example, if all layouts recommend a red or white wallet, but you liked the green model, perhaps your intuition was activated for good reason. Probably, financial energy has long been stagnant, accumulated and it needs movement and growth.

The best wallet model is the most expensive and high-quality one you can afford. At the same time, you cannot buy a wallet by borrowing money, on credit, or by giving up something important: unreasonable spending will be written into this accessory as a permanent program.

It is important to remember that money is energy that moves. An element of mischief or spontaneity should be present in any choice: you can find even the most solid and strict model with an unexpected bright lining, contrasting stitching, and a pocket for a cute photo. Joyful emotions will launch the movement of monetary energy.

You should not put natural talismans with money: dry leaves, stale bean pods, feathers, fur and other parts of dead animals and plants. They will repel healthy energies and bring about a state of withering and decline. The exception is seeds and nuts that can germinate.

It is becoming increasingly popular to give various items for a wallet: a symbolic shovel for money, various incomprehensible prayers in ancient African or Viking languages, and other items. Remember that these spatulas will draw money from your wallet to the donor if they were given with envy or irritation.

If during the day at least one event occurs that reduces well-being, the accessory must be openly or discreetly left with the person who gave it so that the loss returns.

Advice can be contradictory or even confusing. There is no need to try to comply with them all. Intuition will tell you what to pay attention to. Any characteristic - length, color or material - will make it clear that the money is under reliable protection. The main thing is that you really like the wallet.

Money talismans

What do they put inside the wallet?Result of action
MagnetAttracting and saving money
Pine nutWell-being and stability
Acorns supplemented with horseradish rootLife in luxury. It’s great if horseradish is grown on the property of a wealthy person. With this addition you will never say that you “don’t have a damn thing”
Three Chinese coins with red thread or ribbonOne of the most effective ways to attract wealth and good luck
Fish scalesQuick earnings
Dry yeast in packagingIncrease in finances
Dollar folded into a triangleStrengthening monetary energy. From time to time you can take out a bill, unfold it, roll it up and return it to your wallet.
Cinnamon stick, mint leaves, grape bunches, green tea leaves, 4-leaf clover, heather leafAttracting good luck and money
Silver scoop spoonTo attract wealth, it must be in a separate pocket, not in contact with other objects, coins, bills.
Mouse figurine with a curved tailThe end of the period of financial failures. A mouse holding a raking spoon in its hands is considered a very powerful money talisman that increases profits and prevents wasteful spending.
Miniature mirrorCapital increase

The list is supplemented by randomly discovered banknotes whose numbers end in the year of your birth.

Natural materials are the basis of wealth

The following principles will help you choose the right wallet, in terms of material and quality:

  1. Money should not be visible when the wallet is closed. Therefore, it is unacceptable to have compartments made of transparent materials (even pockets for coins).
  2. A natural base is the best choice for a wallet, especially if it is genuine leather or suede. It is believed that due to its natural origin it is capable of transmitting energy through itself. If it is not possible to purchase a leather wallet, natural fabric is a good alternative. This option is always better than any artificial materials that can lead to stagnation of energy.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of tailoring: it should be as high as possible. No uneven seams, sloppy threads, loose or crooked elements. The coloring must also be durable. To know for sure whether a wallet has been painted correctly, just rub it.
  4. The wallet should not be cheap; it is better to give preference to an expensive model. Although if it is possible to purchase a high-quality product at a discount, this is not prohibited.
  5. All available fittings must work properly. Before purchasing, you should make sure that all locks and fastenings function without difficulty.
  6. The wallet must be new; you cannot buy or accept as a gift a product that has already been in use, even for a very short time.
  7. Wallets with external trim are not the best option, but are also acceptable.

Is it possible to carry photographs in a wallet?

Images of a loved one in a wallet destroys his aura. If the energies of photography and money intersect, it scares away good luck and attracts misfortune.

Carrying a photograph of a loved one in your wallet increases the risk of separation and disappointment in love.

Carrying photos of the dead in your wallet is not safe. The sign reminds you that the destructive energy of death will block cash flows.

All of the above rules apply to images of pets.


A wallet is a difficult accessory. Following the laws of Feng Shui, when choosing it, you can improve your well-being and financial situation. You can choose this important and already familiar accessory in such a way that it contributes to the enrichment of its owner.

The wallet can be decorated with images of any animals or emblems, printed designs, floral patterns and much more.

All this is important when purchasing an accessory. There are several important and useful tips for choosing this attribute to attract money according to Feng Shui.

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