Trees according to Feng Shui: what do the inhabitants of the garden symbolize?

When arranging a country house, we pay special attention to vegetation, because a garden and vegetable garden are the pride of every owner.

Let's figure out how to properly plant trees on a plot according to Feng Shui, what bushes, flowers and fruit trees you can “plant” in your home, and where it is best to place them. Plants are always needed because they carry living energy that has a positive effect on the surrounding space and people spending time in the country.

Apple tree

Symbolizes fertility, as well as the feminine principle. It gives women special sensuality and sexuality, awakens the maternal instinct. Girls come to the apple tree to talk about health, love, and ask for happiness. But it’s not worth sharing everyday things with a tree.

Apples in ancient philosophy are a talisman:

  • health;
  • well-being in the family;
  • harmony (with yourself, the world around you);
  • youth.

The tree not only produces a tasty harvest, but also generously shares its positive energy. And it is believed that the older the apple tree, the more magical energy it has.

Planted in the southwestern sector, which is responsible for family and love. In this case, select a seedling:

  • with a crown resembling an umbrella (safety and protection);
  • so that the branches stretch upward (feed energy).

According to folk signs

Since time immemorial, people have noticed how trees planted near a house affected its well-being. We observed, found patterns and drew conclusions. Now the signs of our ancestors have partially been confirmed in dendrotherapy. Therefore, some site owners prefer to focus on them.


According to popular belief, you can plant:

  • cherry - a kind of talisman that brings happiness and prevents losses and adversity;
  • juniper - protects against evil spirits and the evil eye;
  • rosehip - strengthens relationships between spouses, protects against betrayal;
  • larch - relieves heavy thoughts, bad mood, negativity;
  • acacia - children's laughter cannot be heard in the house near which it is planted (since ancient times it was believed that it helps childless couples become parents);
  • viburnum - performs a protective function, preventing illness from entering the house;
  • maple - promotes material well-being, provides the family with prosperity;
  • rowan - eliminates negative energy, reconciles quarrels, and gives women over 40 a second youth;
  • apple tree - helps young girls get married quickly.

It is believed that all these trees will bring happiness and prosperity to the house.

It is forbidden

The list of prohibited trees includes:

  • oak - takes the life of the most important member of the family, who may die very soon;
  • birch - is a vessel for spirits, and not all of them are peaceful towards people;
  • willow - according to legend, whoever plants it near the house dies the same year;
  • aspen - brings with it betrayal, betrayal, resentment, quarrels, discord;
  • willow - the one who plants it on the plot will doom his family to a joyless existence, will cry a lot and suffer;
  • poplar is a home destroyer in the literal and figurative sense: its powerful roots break the foundation, and its energy separates lovers;
  • pine - too selfish to tolerate neighbors next to it: not a single plant will get along with it, only it will reign on the site (the sign has a scientific explanation: pine gives a lot of shade, and its henna is not suitable for humus and does not benefit the soil) ;
  • thuyu - carries with it the crown of celibacy, preventing the creation of a young family.


Pears in Feng Shui are a symbol of prosperity and longevity. The reason for this is that some trees grow for centuries, and some even longer.

The flowers of this plant in China mean not only beauty, but also separation and impermanence. For example, it is not recommended to cut fruits for friends and family members, as this can sow discord.

To activate positive energy, Feng Shui philosophers advise planting a tree in the southeastern sector.

It’s good if the windows of your office or work area look out onto the pear. The tree will attract cash flow.

Garden of Power: Tree Energy + Feng Shui

Tree therapy From time immemorial, people have known that trees have special energy: some give vitality, while others help get rid of negative emotions. Many centuries of observations have helped people find out that acacia, birch, oak, cedar, maple, linden, rowan, pine, apple, and ash charge people with energy. And spruce, willow, chestnut, juniper, alder, aspen, fir, poplar, bird cherry, all fast-growing trees and climbing plants take away negative energy and cleanse. Modern scientists discard theories about the magical power of plants, explaining the effect of the latter on humans by the fact that there is an electromagnetic field around them. If the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation of a plant coincides with the frequency of a person, then due to resonance there is an increase in energy activity. But whatever the explanation, it must be recognized: trees are endowed with a certain power that has an impact on humans, and it should be taken into account when landscaping the site. Acacia is a tree that symbolizes continuation of the family, nascent life. It will be the best friend in the garden of a young family who wants to have a child . But a couple must definitely turn to acacia together. Birch is a tree of life; it will always help sick or weakened people: it will return lost strength, speed up the healing process, and relieve depression. In addition, a birch tree on the site will drive away bad dreams from the owners. It is especially good to plant it near a house where small children live. Elm is the tree of a real man, supporting all his endeavors. However, the elm will not help losers and lazy people who are not ready to complete the task. This tree will be useful in the garden of a strong man ; it will always share its energy with him. Oak is a mighty tree of health and longevity, giving vitality to a person. It is worth noting that it is preferable for oak to share its energy with warriors, strong-willed people. In modern society, this tree will become the best assistant in the garden of a lawyer, journalist, politician and other fighters for justice . And walks through the oak forest are very beneficial for the heart and nervous system. Spruce is a tree that will help control emotions. She is not gifted with particularly high strength, but she is ready to share her energy even in winter, when deciduous trees are sleeping. For harmony, this tree will be useful in every garden , but especially for those owners who feel an acute lack of strength in the cold season. Willow is a tree of female magic that brings the energy of balance and justice to the site. But the modern concepts of good and evil are indifferent to willow, because it recognizes only the laws of nature. Chestnut is a very strong tree that cleanses a person from many ailments. However, it does not know how to share energy. Chestnut is best suited for active choleric people who sometimes need to get rid of accumulated negative emotions. Cypress is an exclusively masculine tree; it not only helps to cure diseases, but also gives strength to achieve your goals. Cypress brings harmony and newness to the family through a man . Maple is a tree of inner strength and balance; it brings people peace and self-confidence. The energy of maple will help a person not to worry before an exam, performance or making an important decision. Larch is a calming tree that reveals to its owners the positive aspects of life. Larch will bring relief to people suffering from fears , doubts, causeless anxiety, and melancholy. Juniper - a tree, like chestnut, cleanses of negative energy, but not people, but the things around them. Alder is a family tree that will help strengthen family ties or resolve relationship problems. Moreover, the larger the family, the more energy it gives it. It is this tree that should be a constant companion in the garden, where both children and adults love to gather . Hazel is a tree of objectivity, helping a person to consider a situation from different angles and make the right decision. The hazel tree will be the best friend in the garden of a judge or a person in a managerial position. Aspen is a tree that absorbs negative energy. Frees a person from causeless fear and obsessive thoughts. In return, it requires special attention and faith in its life-giving powers. Rowan is the tree of femininity. It will give a feeling of spiritual harmony to a successful businesswoman who, in pursuit of career growth, often forgets about herself and simple female happiness. Pine is a tree of peace of mind. Helps a person get rid of stress and anxiety. Communication with this tree is especially recommended for people who must give themselves answers to life-changing questions. Pine will be useful in any garden . Poplar is a sponge tree; it not only absorbs negative energy, but also cleanses the environment. Bird cherry is the tree of youth and romantics. Helps heal the emotional wounds and disappointments of young people . Rosehip is a symbol of love, responsible for its emotional side. In the garden of any couple, it will bring tenderness and mutual understanding to its owners in relationships . The apple tree is the tree of feminine power. It gives them sensuality. The main thing is not to overdo it in communicating with the apple tree, because it obeys only the laws of nature. Ash - the tree of the world axis, symbolizes the divine nature of humanity. It helps a person understand his purpose. However, even under these conditions, you need to think carefully before turning to ash for help, because you will have to pay for the opportunity to look into the future. The price may be loss of mental strength, enormous physical fatigue, and a feeling of emptiness. In order to “recharge” with energy, you just need to lean against a tree, and this is so easy when a “natural battery” grows right under the house. But knowing about the properties of trees is not enough; you also need to choose the right corner in the garden for each.

It's all about the squares Ancient Chinese sages, studying human life, found methods for harmonizing space and called them Feng Shui (literally from Chinese - “wind and water”; according to Taoist beliefs, these are the main engines of development of human life). The popularity of this ancient teaching in Ukraine is beyond doubt; moreover, many insist that it really works. When planning a garden, the main task of Feng Shui is to attract positive energy into a person’s living space and neutralize negative energy. The basis in this matter is called the Bagua magic square. The Bagua grid consists of nine identical squares that are responsible for certain aspects of human life. Using the diagram is very simple: you need to overlay a proportionally enlarged Bagua square on the site plan so that the cardinal directions on the grid correspond to the compass directions. Regarding the location of individual cells, it is better to plan the zoning of the site. At the same time, Feng Shui is also a teaching that is based on human perception of the world and intuition. It is very important how the owner perceives the zones of his site. If the entire estate is his only garden, then the Bagua square must be placed on the entire plot, especially if the house occupies most of the territory. But if a person is accustomed to considering certain groups of functional zones as separate spaces, the Bagua square will influence each separately. For example, a plot of land is divided into two parts by a house, and the owners perceive them as two separate gardens: the entrance area is a formal public garden, and the courtyard behind the house is a private space, a place to relax with loved ones. Moreover, this perception of a person is fully consistent with Feng Shui. To improve well-being, yellow and orange plants should be planted the wealth zone Golden or silver decorative elements would also be appropriate here. Blue flowers will fill this corner with shades of water - the element that brings money and vitality. Positive energy in the wealth zone is activated by everything that the owners intuitively associate with luxury. The main thing is not to overdo it, because an excess of unnecessary trinkets can only do harm. The fame zone is responsible for a person’s position in society, reputation and popularity. Here it is advisable to grow tall plants of red or orange color. It is among their riotous colors that it is best to receive guests on whom you want to make a good impression. The glory zone should reflect the image of the owners. Elm and cypress will be excellent energy helpers. The love zone is, first of all, the kingdom of roses, the white and scarlet flowers of which will bring good luck to the owners in romantic relationships. Already established couples are recommended to plant flowers here that the young man gave to his beloved on dates. Rose hips will bring irreplaceable energy to this zone. For the family area , flowers of different colors are preferable, because each person has his own character. The main thing is that the flower beds look harmonious, uniting the family. The family zone is also responsible for the health of the household. Therefore, it is advisable to arrange a flower bed with medicinal herbs here. The best energetic accents will be birch and alder. The playground, of course, must be placed in the children's area. Tulips, a symbol of motherhood and fatherhood, will be an elegant and appropriate decoration. But in addition to the well-being of the younger generation, this part of the Bagua square is also responsible for all endeavors and creativity. A riot of bright colors should reign here, bringing inspiration to the owners. Acacia will harmoniously complement the positive energy needed in this zone. The orchard activates the knowledge zone . The best accessory here would be a cozy bench or gazebo, where household members can retire and read their favorite book. If the orchard has already been established in another part of the estate, then pine, maple, ash and other trees would be appropriate in the knowledge zone, helping the owners to discard negative emotions and broaden their horizons. To advance in your career, you need to activate the career zone with bright colors that attract attention. This part of the garden should be elegant and not closed off from people passing by. In an estate properly planned according to the cardinal directions, the quarry zone covers the main entrance, so the owners should not fence the area off from the street with blind gates. The energy of hazel will help you make objective decisions at work. In order to surround yourself with true friends, to win over fair, talented leaders and mentors, the teachers’ area must be decorated with white flowers. A useful accent in this part of the garden would be a rock garden or rock garden. Here you can also set up a barbecue gazebo for relaxing with friends or create an area for active games. The best final energetic touch in this corner will be a New Year's tree. Regardless of what plants and accessories you place in a particular area, the garden must be carefully cared for. Each cell in the Bagua square is very important for a person’s happy life; neglect of any of the zones entails negative consequences.

Patron plants The ancient Celts believed that each person, depending on the date of his birth, had his own plant that could heal diseases, relieve fatigue or lift spirits. Observing the stars, the “behavior” of trees and flowers, the ancient civilization created the Druid horoscope and the flower horoscope. Plants that protect people are best planted in the central cell of the Bagua grid - the luck zone.

Author: Galina Terletskaya Source: LANDSCAPE. design

dwarf pine

This plant not only has an unusual shape, but is also a symbol of longevity in Chinese wisdom. It is best to plant only one, or an odd number. It is believed that the coniferous plant transforms negative flows into positive ones.

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Plant dwarf pine, like other evergreen trees, behind the house. In addition, this small plant, thanks to its unusual shape, will become a real decoration of the garden.

Philosophers regard pine as a tree that can protect a house and its inhabitants from negativity. For this:

  • it is not planted close to the house and other buildings; they retreat at least 5 m;
  • they carefully plan the remaining plantings, since it is impossible to replant this tree.

It is strictly forbidden to cut down or cut down a healthy plant - this will upset the energy balance.

Beliefs about the plant at the entrance to the yard

If growing juniper in an apartment often has bad consequences for the inhabitants, then growing it in the country is quite acceptable.

The local area often falls under the influence of negative forces. To protect their home from the outside, people have long grown coniferous plants on their property. If you plant juniper in the ground at the entrance to the yard, you can neutralize the negative energy that comes from ill-wishers or evil spirits.

The signs note that the witch will be able to enter the home only when she has counted all the needles on the bush. By planting juniper near a gate or gate, people protected themselves from the evil eye, damage and other types of witchcraft.

Those who have purchased a house with evergreen shrubs growing on its territory should treat the plant with caution. If you believe the signs, there is no need to rush to dig up the bush, so as not to bring misfortune to all the new inhabitants.

If a coniferous plant is in the wrong place, you should carefully dig it up without damaging the roots and replant it.

You cannot break branches or cut down juniper. Superstitions claim that this threatens a person with troubles and even death.


It has very complex, heavy energy. Since it has a very developed, powerful root system, it sucks all the moisture and nutrients from the ground. Leaving nothing for other trees.

Therefore, in Feng Shui philosophy, spruce symbolizes death. You should completely abandon its placement on the site, or plant one, maximum three trees.

A spruce tree is planted behind the house, as far as possible from buildings. Often used as a hedge to screen an area from the road.

The magical power of plants

Since ancient times, people have known that all plants have special energy. They are able to give vitality and relieve their “owners” of negative emotions. Many trees and flowers even act as talismans, allowing you to bring your wishes closer to fulfillment.

Scientists explain the magical power of plants by special electromagnetic fields emanating from them. In their opinion, these fields come into resonance with human biofields, due to which his energy is strengthened.

That is why not a single summer cottage can do without vegetation. Mighty large trees, lush bushes, bright flowers - all these plants will protect your country house, fill it with energy, cleanse the surrounding space and create comfort in your quiet abode far from the city.


According to Feng Shui, this tree is a talisman of family happiness, protection from negativity. They plant it in the southern sector, preferably in front of the entrance. At the same time, they choose a low-growing variety, since it is unacceptable for the tree to be taller than the house. Because this is a bad sign.

The appearance of the plant is carefully monitored while forming the crown. A neatly trimmed, well-groomed thuja protects the family hearth, protecting it from everything bad.

With its rich, coniferous aroma, the tree drives away people with bad intentions and protects family happiness from envious people.

From a landscape design point of view

If you want your site to be a real work of art, use the tips of landscape design. It will create harmony in the yard, because its main task is to smooth out the conflict between urbanization and nature. The tips can also be applied to the courtyard of an apartment building.


The first rule of landscape design is that it is better to plant low-growing varieties of trees in the local area. They will not create strong shading, but will provide an island of freshness. Which ones to choose:

  • acacia;
  • catalpa bignoniiformes Nana;
  • some varieties of maple: field maple, Acer campestre Rozi, Nanum, Acer campestre Elsrijk, Acer platanoides Globosum;
  • Robinia false acacia;
  • nosy stewartia;
  • ash.

Fruit trees are often planted, which does not contradict the recommendations of landscape design. They will be especially pleasing in the fall, as the bright fruits will be a delight for the eyes, and their use in the kitchen will only bring health benefits. The main thing is that they are short. Which ones you can choose:

  • compact crabapple John Downey (this is an ornamental apple tree);
  • bush cherry Umbraculifera;
  • apples of paradise;
  • Slavic hawthorn Paul;
  • bird cherry;
  • Japanese quince.

However, landscape designers do not recommend planting fruit trees near apartment buildings. There is a risk that their fruits will be picked before they ripen. Also keep in mind that you will have to constantly fight pests and remove fallen rotten fruits. Low-growing conifers will also fit well into the local landscape:

  • cypress (emphasizes the high status of the owner of the site, looks great in alleys);
  • bonsai-style larch (in nature its height reaches 40 m, but it can be easily trimmed on site);
  • juniper;
  • fir (suitable only for rural and dacha areas, as it does not tolerate city air);
  • yew (it is better to plant it among other low-growing trees, as it reduces the risk of their freezing);
  • hemlock;
  • Thuja columnar or spherical.

If you want your area to sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow in the spring, you can choose lilac or sakura.

It is forbidden

From the point of view of landscape design, it is not recommended to plant wild tall trees with a spreading crown near residential buildings:

  • elm;
  • oak;
  • spruce;
  • willow;
  • aspen;
  • pine;
  • poplar;
  • bird cherry.

On the other hand, now almost every tree is cultivated and has decorative varieties. As a rule, they are small in height and look neat and attractive.

Landscape design is good because, in addition to the aesthetic pleasure of the beauty of trees, it also considers the practical features of planting them near residential buildings. This takes into account the radius of root germination, which is usually equal to the height of the planting (the exception is coniferous species, in which they go deep). This is necessary to know so that the roots do not reach the foundation and destroy the building. Therefore, it is worth considering the maximum “growth” of the trees that you plan to plant near your house:

  • elm - 27 m;
  • willow - 24 m;
  • maple - 24 m;
  • linden - 30 m;
  • poplar - 30 m (the growth of its roots exceeds the height by 1.5 times);
  • ash - 27 m.

So keep these options in mind to avoid destroying your own home.


This is where the teacher and travel area is located. This is the “male” sector. He must be distinguished by restraint and severity. No flowers, only trees and bushes. Plants with a masculine name, such as peach, apricot, jasmine, are suitable for this zone. To enhance the possibility of travel in this zone, you should plant a plant that is associated with the place where you want to visit. If you need help, advice or a patron, then in this sector you need to build a bird feeder. Metal products, for example, forged gratings, would also be appropriate here.


In the western sector there is a children's zone. There are no barriers to the flight of fancy in this section. The brighter and more intricate the place, the better. Since this zone is located not far from the marriage zone and, accordingly, from the place of family recreation, it is necessary to build a playground here, or simply install a swing. White and yellow colors are most suitable for this zone. There are no special requirements for the shape of plants, the main thing is that it is fun and fantastic, like in a fairy tale. If the spouses have planned a replenishment, then mallow is necessarily planted in this zone - a symbol of fertility and procreation. A pond placed in this zone will have a beneficial effect on the formation of a calm character in children.

Where to start designing a vegetable garden according to Feng Shui

Naturally, you can’t just come to your plot and simply move the carrots to the place of the onions, and the onions to the place of the eggplants, plus lay out stones and make paths. Redevelopment of the site must begin before the summer season begins.

And it’s better even in the fall, when the harvest is harvested and there is enough room for maneuvers. And in the spring, all that remains is to make the final touches, and the garden will be arranged according to the rules.

A gardener can decide what is good for carrots, but no one can decide for another what is good.

Jean Paul Sartre

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