Text of the book “Basics of Feng Shui for Everyone”

What to read about Feng Shui?

My library of feng shui books occupies an entire closet; I began collecting it in the 1990s, when the first Russian publications by Richard Webster and Sarah Rossbach began to appear. But only a few of these books are really worth reading for beginners! I am publishing here a list of books on Feng Shui, with which you can start studying this science, or, more precisely, getting acquainted with it, since it is difficult to become a specialist after reading even 20 books.

In order to find out what Feng Shui is and understand the basic principles of this science, start with a book, for example, by the famous Master Raymond Lo

1. “The Golden Rules of Feng Shui” (Astrel, 2009). This book, of course, has technical errors, but Master Ro talks about the basic theories of Feng Shui quite comprehensively.

You can also read Lillian Too . But DO NOT buy ALL her books. Find the first three:

2. “Fundamentals of Feng Shui” (1998 by Lillian Too), published for the first time in 2000, Sofia Publishing House, republished in 2008

3. “Feng Shui and Abundance” (1999 by Lillian Too), appeared in 2000, republished in 2006

4. “Feng Shui using Bagua and Lo Shu formulas” (1993 by Lillian Too), published in Russian in 2002. As far as I know, it has not been reprinted.

In these books, Lillian Tu still adhered to the texts of the ideas that Grand Master Yap Chen Hai, her Teacher, told her. It is in these works that a combination of Lillian’s talent for popularization and information about classical feng shui is observed.

Unfortunately, almost all of her subsequent books are rehashes of the same thing, with an ever-increasing number of pictures and recommended characters. I don’t argue that this helps her sell souvenirs and make good money, but it reduces the informational value of the books. In addition, Lillian became interested in the Blackcap school and also began to divide everything into zones - wealth, fame, etc. (more on this in another post).

Next (or maybe you’ll start with these), it’s worth reading two books from the “Step by Step” series:

5. “Feng Shui”, Elizabeth Moran, Master Joseph Yu, Valery Biktashev . (2002) was published in Russia in 2005. It is successful in its structured and consistent presentation and is written in fairly simple language. Be careful, the theory of flying stars is presented very superficially!

6. “Feng Shui in Russian”, Anatoly Sokolov .:) (2006). The book is notable for the fact that the author sets out the basic principles of Feng Shui, accompanied by a large number of questions and answers on each topic. In principle, if everyone who is interested reads it, half of the questions on the Feng Shui Forum will disappear by themselves.

7. Many people recommend the “Feng Shui Textbook” by Lev Igelnik, but I DO NOT recommend it; such a “textbook” can only confuse beginners. The 2 volumes of the book contain so many different theories, both working and dubious, that it resembles a salad of poorly combined products.

If you have progressed so far that you have decided to study the theory of Flying Stars, try to find the book

8. “Feng Shui Lucky Star. Theory and practice." , Stephen Skinner (2003). It has also not been reprinted since then.

Or a book

9. Anatoly Sokolov “The House Where Wealth and Love Live” (Astrel, 2010)

Both books will give you some idea of ​​the theory of flying stars, but will not make you a practitioner, since some topics important for understanding stars are not covered there.

I would not recommend starting with Lillian Tu's books about flying stars, because there is already a lot of pop feng shui in these books.

If you take on Eva Wang , keep in mind that many beginners find her quite difficult. In addition, Eve Wong's Flying Stars Feng Shui differs from the more common approaches in Russia in many nuances. Don't get confused!

10. On Flying Stars, a book by Lev Igelnik “Feng Shui of Flying Stars” was recently published, Sofia, 2008. As usual, the author is consistent in his presentation. It is told about the technique, about the Masters whose books were published on this issue in Russia, about the nuances of application. There is one small but: the book, in my opinion, is most useful to read for those who have already practiced this technique a little, since the opinions of different consultants are given, which often do not coincide with each other, which greatly confuses beginners. At the first stage of learning, you should start with the classics; innovative approaches will be interesting to you when you have already accumulated your own experience. 11. You can also purchase the book “A Handbook for Practitioners” by Vincent Koch. It will be useful for those who have already studied something, since there is not enough information in it to read. Be careful - there are technical errors in the book!

Finally, I would like to say that Natalia Pravdina’s books, beloved by many, do NOT belong to classical feng shui.:) This is an excellent example of simple books on positive thinking, imaginative, spiritual, but you should not start getting acquainted with Feng Shui from them. In principle, when you open any book and see a description of the zones of wealth, marriage, career, and so on, you can safely close it and put it on the shelf. Of course, this is only if you really decide to study Feng Shui. Stones, plants, figurines, treasure maps and house cleansing also do NOT belong to Feng Shui.

I would also NOT advise buying feng shui encyclopedias, books by Russian and foreign authors unknown in their practical activities, as well as books that promise you feng shui in 5 days or 5 minutes) Most of these books are shameless compilations, poor translations from English or simply freestyle essays on the topic. A Chinese surname on the cover also does not guarantee you the correct information inside. And, again, books are just the beginning. who wants to become a specialist in the field of Feng Shui, because firstly, none of them will give you deep knowledge, and secondly, only a Master or a teacher-consultant who himself studied with the masters and checked the nuances can teach you the practical application of Feng Shui application in practice.

Happy reading,
Natalya Tsyganova

Daria Dontsova - Feng Shui without brakes

Introductory fragment Daria DONTSOVA


Chapter 1

If children refuse to eat oatmeal, try cooking it with beer.

“I won’t eat the scoundrel for any price on gingerbread,” Kiryushka made a noise, looking at his plate. - What is this?

“Porridge,” I answered cheerfully. – Believe me, it’s a very useful thing – it gives energy, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, improves complexion. Well, come on, no antics!

“He wants caviar for breakfast,” Lizaveta remarked sarcastically. - Not eggplant, but black!

“There are difficulties with caviar,” I retorted, “our personal supplier of delicacies is ill, we’ll have to make do with rolled oats.” In short, choose: either porridge or...

Pug Fenya sighed noisily, got up from the floor and looked at me with a pleading gaze. With all his appearance the dog seemed to be saying: “What, Lamp, capricious children don’t want to eat the yummy food? Throw the porridge into my bowl, I'm ready to help you. Don’t let the goodness go to waste!”

“No, dear,” I said, “at this weight you should refrain from gastronomic orgasms.” You, daughter of the deer, have been bought expensive cans of special food for obese dogs. I think you owe it to me to say “thank you”: despite the financial difficulties associated with our move to a new house, I nevertheless did not skimp on your therapeutic food. By the way, why does food, which, according to manufacturers, contains no fat, no proteins, no carbohydrates, cost unrealistic money, huh?

Fenyusha, hanging her head, crawled under the table. I felt a pang of conscience - pugs can hunch their back so much that the owner, who did not give them a treat, feels like an outright bastard, a greedy bastard, and no reasonable argument that obesity is dangerous for dogs can improve his mood.

- So what choice do I have? – Kirik asked, picking at the oatmeal. – You started saying: “It’s either porridge or...”

“Or you won’t get anything at all,” I summed up.

“I don’t like this alternative,” Kiryusha sighed.

I got up from the stool.

– Do me a favor, look around and tell me: where are we?

“In Mopsin,” answered Kiryusha. – In a wonderful house, which one smart boy traded on the website “Awl-Soap” [1].

My gaze went out the window.

Most of us have a dream. Some people repeat all their lives: “Oh, if my fate had turned out differently, I would have become an astronaut.”

Others, dreaming of flying on a rocket, do not whine, do not wait for gifts from heaven, but stubbornly follow the chosen path: they enter an aviation institute or flight school, strive to get a job in Star City and, sooner or later, achieve their goal. Our family really wanted to have a country house, and we found it almost magically. But, as usually happens, a realized dream does not always suit you.

My friend Lesya Kurkina, who passionately wanted to become a mother, painted a picture in her mind: a touching baby, dressed in a blue suit, babbling sweetly, sitting in a crib. In the end, the Lord took pity on Leska. True, she gave birth to a girl; the color blue didn’t work out, but Kurkina bought pink dresses and cried with happiness in the first days of motherhood. Then Leska began to make not entirely pleasant discoveries: her Natasha did not sleep at night, spat out food, constantly screamed, broke toys... The only thing Natuska never did was that she did not babble in her crib. In my opinion, Nata was a very healthy baby, because if a child does not play pranks, he is sick. Passionately dreaming of offspring, Lesya somehow did not take into account that the period of infancy is short - the child will grow up, turn into an independent person who will grow up and mature.

Yesterday Leska called me and cried:

- I am terrified!

- So what this time? – I asked.

“I received a reprimand from the teacher in kindergarten,” my friend sobbed. – Do you know what Natka did? She played mother and daughter for money.

“Cool,” I laughed. - How did this happen?

“I don’t know,” admitted Lesya. – Natka is only four years old! Why does she need money?

It is useless to explain to Leska that children are supposed to play pranks. If the super-exemplary boy had not lived in her dreams, Nata’s upbringing would not have seemed like a disaster to her friend—the boys are even more outrageous. Lesya was lucky to give birth to a girl, but she is not able to appreciate her happiness. Such is human nature.

And I, Romanov’s Lamp, am no exception. Having owned a house in Mopsin, I am worried about the lack of furniture in it. I shouldn’t be glad: it’s June, the weather is good, and we are not in stuffy Moscow, but in the forest, among greenery and bird chirping - but no, all the thoughts are that we have nothing to sleep on. The only furnishings so far are a rickety table and stools. But sofas, armchairs, etc. are a real deal! But I digress...

“There is nothing more disgusting in the world than Hercules,” Kiryusha insisted.

“So that’s it...” I said sternly. – You know: Katya went to Orenburg to earn money; Seryozhka and Yulechka wander around the province - conducting a PR campaign for an elderly pop diva and enduring the whims of a granny who dreams of regaining her former popularity; I'm leaving for work in twenty minutes. Let me remind you: I refused to take vacation this year. In a word, everyone is trying to quickly furnish the house and are ready to make sacrifices, and you...

“Okay, okay,” Kirik muttered, “don’t get excited.”

“The kitchen will be delivered today,” I decided to change the subject, “you need to accept the cabinets, count them, check the availability of the necessary fittings, screws, nails, and other fasteners...

- We are not small! – Lizaveta lifted her nose. – But why did you start from the kitchen? It's not that fun to sleep on an air mattress.

“We’ll gradually solve all the problems, but we have to start somewhere,” I promised optimistically. - Bye then! I'll go get dressed.

The children sniffled resentfully. I, not paying attention to their sour faces, quickly went to my room, pulled on jeans and a T-shirt and went down to the yard. The breath was taken away with delight. Here it is, happiness!

The gentle sun warms the lawn with its rays. On the grass, among yellow dandelions and small white flowers unknown to me, there is a cot covered with a blanket, on it, belly up, with all four crooked paws outstretched, Mulya and Ada are sleeping. Kapa, ​​squealing joyfully, rushes around the couch, Fenya, who never managed to beg porridge from me, sits on the porch with a dreamy look. Rachel walks along the fence, pretending to be a stern guard dog.

When we moved to Mopsino, two migrant workers doing repairs at their neighbors were horrified at the sight of the staff. I tried to calm the builders down and told them the absolute truth:

– Rachel has the appearance of an animal, but the character of Snow White.

But the poor Tajiks didn’t believe it; Reichukha seemed to them like a character from another fairy tale.

- Why are you lying, huh? - said one. - The ears are big, the eyes are burning...

“Big teeth,” added the second.

Then Rachel barked out of place, and the guys were blown away by the wind. The staff thought their escape was funny, she immediately appreciated the new wonderful game and now wanders along the fence, waiting for the two “brave men” to come out of the neighboring house. As soon as the builders appear in the yard, Reichukha lets out a deafening “woof-woof!” and watches with a smile as they race inside the building.

Staffyha is just joking! Rachel does not know how and does not want to bite, but the guys are just cowards, they are afraid even of our court terrier Ramik, who does not pay any attention to people and sleeps on his steps. Obviously, the dog has oxygen poisoning - the air in Mopsin is completely different from the Moscow cocktail of exhaust gases and toxic emissions.

Feeling at peace, I got behind the wheel and drove to work.

My parents tried to give their daughter a good education - I have a conservatory behind me, I have a diploma as a harpist [2]. Great, right? Especially considering that I hate string instruments. All her life she dreamed of becoming an investigator, but only her mother, an opera singer, and her father, an academician, could faint if their daughter had the courage to express her desire out loud. Sometimes it seems to me that there is confusion in the heavenly office. I should have been born into a family of law enforcement officers. And, probably, somewhere near mom, the prosecutor, and dad, the operative, there lives a woman yearning for a harp. She's good at catching criminals, but she has to continue the dynasty. I repeat: we are mixed up, and I am persistently trying to change my fate. Several times I found myself working in detective agencies, but they, as a rule, closed because they could not withstand the competition. Now I have a new place: Nina Kosar, an experienced employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, has founded her own business. Unlike many private investigators, Nina is a strong, well-connected professional, and she went all-in. Kosar sold her dacha, rented out an apartment to foreigners and opened an agency with the proceeds. She herself, along with the children, moved to her mother, endures, gritting her teeth, the daily nagging of her mother and really wants to get out of the financial hole. Nina has no one to count on, she is the only one raising her sons (her ex-husband shows no interest in the heirs, he is an alcoholic with all the ensuing consequences).

Text of the book “Basics of Feng Shui for Everyone”

Natalia Pravdina Basics of Feng Shui for everyone

From the author

Hello, dear Feng Shui lovers and those of my readers who are just beginning to get acquainted with this ancient and ever-young science!
Feng Shui has been known since ancient times and continues to bring great benefits to people around the world today. In order to change your life and start living a full life, which you certainly deserve, it is enough to know the basics of Feng Shui and ensure the flow of favorable vital energy Qi, which nourishes all life on this planet. When we remove obstacles in the way of this energy and allow it to flow freely, the quality of life changes simply beyond recognition!

I present to you a book that contains effective practical tips and recommendations for using Feng Shui in everyday life. For me personally, Feng Shui is a good old friend, friendship with which has stood the test of time. You just never tire of being amazed at how quickly the simple rules of applying Feng Shui work!

In this book you will read about how to:

• develop the ability to recognize sources of harmful and positive energies in and around your home;

• choose the most favorable place to work, sleep and eat;

• clean the space of your home;

• attract money, love and luck into your life;

• use Feng Shui talismans correctly.

And very important - how to start enjoying life when you have created good Feng Shui in your home!

This book was created for those who live a busy, dynamic life and want not vague theoretical reasoning, but specific practical advice on applying the laws of Feng Shui.

The most interesting thing is that sometimes the simplest changes in your home are really enough to get great results!

Enjoy using Feng Shui!

Wish you luck!

Your Natalia Pravdina

Chapter 1 Create Good Feng Shui!

My friends, if you want to change your life for the better, I am glad to inform you that the changes have already begun! For now you are discovering a new page of amazing, magical knowledge - Feng Shui. And Feng Shui is the main assistant in fulfilling desires and transforming life.

Every Feng Shui practitioner can tell you a lot of amazing and instructive stories that happen in the process of learning and applying Feng Shui. Well, if you, dear reader, are just discovering Feng Shui, for now just take my word for it. Confirmations will soon appear. Be sure that everything will work out for you, but don’t be surprised when you get something that you were even afraid to think about, but wanted in the very depths of your soul! Because our deepest wishes come true!

In this book, I want to present to you the basic materials from the vast practice of Feng Shui, so that any practitioner, even a beginner, can competently assess the nature of the energies living in his home. Everything that seems most important to me is concentrated here. I also tried to give brief and clear recommendations on how to use Feng Shui as effectively and at the same time simply. Result? Qualitative life change!

Unfortunately, many people have the impression of Feng Shui as something either very complex, or, on the contrary, insignificant - a kind of newfangled hobby for frivolous ladies. Both are wrong.

Firstly, Feng Shui is not so complex that its basics cannot be understood by anyone. And secondly, it is very, very, very deep.

The curious thing is that he works both at the first, entry-level level, and, of course, at a highly professional level. Only the scale is different. And the more you know, the more secrets are revealed to you on your way...

What is Feng Shui?

What is Feng Shui? To be brief, this is the ability to capture, accumulate and activate life energy - Qi. And also - to recognize the quality of energies in and around the house, neutralize negative ones and activate favorable energies for your own benefit and the benefit of everyone around you. Feng Shui is working with the energy around and inside your home.

A person who practices Feng Shui begins to live in harmony with the flow of vital energy. Therefore, his life changes beyond recognition for the better. It's that simple! You just need to learn to be attentive, observant and use your imagination. Then mastering the wisdom of Feng Shui will become pleasant, fun and truly inspiring for you!

The range of means and methods in Feng Shui is huge and inexhaustible. So use, apply what you like and what you have. This will definitely help, because Feng Shui really works, and it works great!

Feng Shui relates to absolutely all aspects of human luck and is therefore universal. Therefore, I am convinced that knowledge and application of Feng Shui is completely natural for those who strive for happiness, well-being and prosperity. The most important thing, my dears, is that you can do everything yourself, especially in your own home! Who knows and feels all the strong and weak points of your home better than you?!

From the moment you begin to realize that your home is not just a place where you sleep, eat and watch TV, fine-tuning of the energies of your home begins. A home is a living organism, and it is directly connected to both you and the whole world. A home, just like your clothes, is an intermediary between your inner personal world and the outer world, which includes the entire Universe. If the house performs its mediating function well, your needs, desires and dreams enter the world around you without distortion and are quickly fulfilled. This is good Feng Shui!

To begin with, I will tell you about elementary ways to improve Qi energy in the house. They will help you get out of a stagnant period in life and bring long-awaited changes. In order to apply these methods, you don’t even need to delve into the theory of Feng Shui, just do everything with a calm heart and pure intention.

First you need to look at your home with the observant and insightful eyes of a person who practices Feng Shui. This look will help you see much that is hidden from the eyes of an ordinary person. See if there are any blockages that prevent energy from flowing freely, if external adverse influences are threatening your home, if the doors are creaking. And only after cleansing and harmonizing your living space can you begin to activate energy to attract money, success, love and all the other benefits and joys of life.

Attention! I keep saying that change takes time! Not everyone has such crystal clear karma that what they want comes true as if by magic. Yes, the better the karma, the faster and better the results. Sometimes a person's life changes dramatically within a month! But it also happens that a person waits a month, two, three, and then begins to be disappointed in Feng Shui. Patience, my dears, patience. Life changes gradually, step by step, day by day. It is naive to expect instant miracles from Feng Shui, but a great treasure awaits a comprehending, inquisitive and patient person in the end, and this is true!

So, let's get to work!

Simple ways to improve the Feng Shui of your home

It often happens that the simplest measures for applying Feng Shui turn out to be the most effective. Try to put into practice five simple ways to improve Feng Shui - and see for yourself!

The old goes away - the new comes

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of clearing space. By releasing stagnant energy, you clear space for favorable changes. I never tire of singing a song of praise for clearing debris, since this simple action can help get many long-standing life problems off the ground, including health problems.

Sometimes even just clearing the rubble, without using other Feng Shui methods, brings the desired result. And in any case, it greatly enhances the effect of all other methods. Therefore, I remind all Feng Shui practitioners again and again: first - cleansing, then - everything else!

By the way, space cleansing is so effective that it helps to cope with some diseases, for example, frequent colds, depression, and allergies. And in some cases, cleansing is simply vital:

• after a serious illness, death of someone living in the house;

• after a long absence of owners;

• before starting a new business, any new stage in life;

• before bringing a newborn into the home;

• when moving to a new apartment or house;

• when moving into an apartment in which someone lived before.

I would like to immediately warn all new residents: be sure to ask real estate agents about the previous owners of the apartment, house or office where you are planning to move. If they can't or won't give you information, ask your neighbors. It is very important! Practice shows: if the tenants in the apartment or office you are moving to are prosperous, most likely your well-being will also increase. If you suffered hardships and losses, in 90% of cases the same awaits you. It’s best to move into new houses, where everything is fresh and clean, and it’s up to you what you fill your home with.

In any case, before the housewarming, carry out a complete and thorough cleansing of the space. It is best to choose a sunny day for this in order to not only cleanse, but also strengthen the energies of your home with active yang solar energy.

Open the windows and thoroughly ventilate your new home. Do a wet cleaning using water and salt. Ring your new home with air bells, starting from the front door. Light incense and go around all the rooms, sprinkling the air and walls with water and aromatic oil.

A pleasant smell is good feng shui! Well, now you can let the cat in. Bring fresh, healthy flowers into your home - this will further activate Qi energy. After this, turn on cheerful rhythmic music and solemnly drink your first cup of tea with something tasty - you are now the rightful owners of your new home!

And keep in mind, my dears, that by bringing conscious cleansing into your home, bringing harmony to the flows of energy in it, you are doing a good deed not only for yourself personally, but also for the world around you as a whole! You can broadcast ideas, intentions and thoughts through your home that will have a positive impact on many, many people. Therefore, when carrying out even the most ordinary cleaning, be sure: you are doing a common good deed, provided that while cleaning you think about how all the negativity, stagnant energy and troubles disappear and dissolve.

And here is a wonderful Tibetan mantra, which is recommended to be said while cleaning the apartment, washing the floors, etc. It sounds like this:


Imagine that you are removing all the bad things from your life.

If the Tibetan language is not to your liking, you can say in Russian:

• I make room for the good. I make my paths easy. I'm cleaning up my life!

Both work, the main thing is your good intention, which works real miracles.

What do you need to pay attention to when cleaning?

Just something that people usually don’t pay attention to! To all the hard-to-reach corners where centuries-old layers of dust accumulate, to inconspicuous nooks overgrown with cobwebs, and, of course, to the “storehouses of antiquities”: mezzanines, attics, grandma’s chests, ancient cabinets, etc., etc....

It’s hard to even imagine how much all sorts of rubbish accumulates in places where we are not used to paying attention or where we somehow don’t get around to it. If you take the trouble to move the refrigerator, for example, you will understand what I'm talking about...

However, if we are determined to clear the way for ourselves to a new life, then we will have to roll up our sleeves (or invite house help) and properly clean out all these hard-to-reach places. Take all the islands of garbage and dirt as an opportunity to improve your life by removing them from your path!

I can tell you, my dear readers, that I began my journey to a New Life with general cleaning of all the apartments that had anything to do with me. Like a stormy wind of change, I burst into the patriarchal silence of our dacha, for example, and mercilessly shook out all the garbage that had accumulated over decades. There was an immediate feeling of lightness and purity. And in such an environment it’s already very pleasant to carry out feng shui transformations, isn’t it?

When taking out trash and old trash from your home, be sure to remind yourself: “The old goes away - the new comes!” By the way, the opposite is also true! That is, when something new comes, it’s good to remember that the old must go. Then the flow of energy will be harmonious. When you buy a new item, promptly get rid of similar old items that have become unnecessary. Keep only what you really like and what you use all the time - and with pleasure! - you use it. Throw away the rest or give it to those who will really need these things. This way, a life-giving flow of energy will always flow in your home, and stagnant “traffic jams” will not form. Please note that in the homes of rich people, the closets are not filled with all sorts of rubbish, but only very beautiful, expensive and fashionable things are in them. The rest are all distributed. “If something doesn’t make me happy, then that thing must be given away!” – this rule always applies.

Make room in your home and in your life for new beautiful and expensive things. They will definitely appear when there is room for them!

Part with old things easily and joyfully. Before parting with each item, say goodbye and thank it for its service. The things that you give to other people should not only be thanked, but also asked for a blessing for their future owner: “I ask you, bring joy and benefit to the one you will serve next.” In addition, things must be immaculately clean: this way you will improve your karma, and you will simply do something nice for people.

I recommend that you hold a sanitary day in your apartment at least once a month.
You will see the results very soon! The front door opens up new perspectives
The front door is the first thing that attracts or repels the vital energy Qi from our home. Therefore, everything related to the front door is very important in Feng Shui!

So, take a close look at your front door. To make it easier for you, my dears, to “make a diagnosis”, I will ask questions, and you will answer, agreed?

Is the passage to your door clear, is there nothing blocking it?

Unfortunately, this is a typical situation for apartment buildings: every housewife considers it her duty to remove the trash from her apartment to a “neutral” area - a common corridor, a balcony, sometimes even to the stairwell. However, debris outside the doors of your apartment is just as harmful as debris in the house itself. The hallway leading to your front door should be clean and well-maintained. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you clear the approaches to your home, otherwise luck simply will not be able to find your door!

Is there an elevator shaft facing your front door?

In this case, the destructive flow that is created takes away vital energy from your home. To improve the situation, hang a Bagua mirror on the door, aimed at the elevator. Just make sure that the Bagua mirror is not pointed at the neighboring apartment! You can also install a bright light in front of your door. If neither one nor the other is possible, hang a “wind chime” in the hallway. This will help neutralize negative energy.

When you open the door, do you see stairs going down right in front of you?

Unfavorable location: the health and financial situation of residents are at risk. To improve the situation, you need to illuminate the front door as brightly as possible. In this case, it is desirable that the light is directed upward. So we contrast the energy of the ladder, going down, with the energy of light, going up. Balance is restored and harmony reigns in the home. In this case, a bright rug near the door can also help.

Is there a garbage chute near the mine door?

This is bad feng shui. We urgently need to take action! For example, like a wolf with flags, “cover” the garbage chute with round mirrors facing it. “Agree” with the mirrors that they will reflect the negative energy of the garbage chute. It would be nice to hang a “wind chime” with five hollow tubes above the door. Be sure to add some red to your front door design to boost your energy levels. It’s best to install a strong door that would close the room with the garbage chute and at the same time relieve you of possible unpleasant odors.

Is your door at the end of a long corridor?

In this case, she is defenseless against the flight of arrows of destructive energy. The result is frequent illnesses, quarrels, nervous breakdowns and other unpleasant things. To improve the situation, hang bright pictures with flowers, beautiful landscapes, etc. along the corridor. This will help slow down and harmonize the movement of Qi energy, that is, from destructive it will become life-giving. To create an additional barrier for energy, you can place a bright rug in front of the entrance.

Is your door well lit and pleasing to the eye?

If you want luck to easily find you, help it - show the way to your door. Place a bright rug in front of it and illuminate the entrance. Be sure to wash the door and repaint it if necessary. In general, do everything to make it pleasant and joyful to approach your front door. All this attracts Qi!

Is your apartment number visible?

The apartment number must be clearly visible and illuminated. Otherwise, luck can easily get lost and confuse the address! And do not forget that the digits of the apartment number should be arranged in ascending order, that is, diagonally upward.

Well, now you have done everything to prevent luck from passing by your door.
All that remains is to invite her to your house and do everything to make her like it so much that she stays with you for a long time! Kitchen Stove Gives Abundance
The stove is the second most important factor in ensuring good Feng Shui at home. The stove symbolizes the material well-being of all households, their health and relationships with the outside world. And if so, it should always be clean, working, and there should be at least one beautiful saucepan on it.

Moreover, the stove, as the breadwinner of the family, is subject to the same measures of protection from adverse influences as the door. Please check your stove for “feng shui safety precautions”.

• The stove should not be near the sink. (A conflict arises between the fire energy of the stove and the water energy of the sink.)

• The stove should not “look” at the front door, since in this position good energy “flows” out of the house.

• The stove should not be located opposite the door to the toilet and under the toilet if the house has two floors.

• There should be no sloped ceiling or exposed beam above the slab.

• The stove should not be located separately, in the middle of the kitchen, as modern designers recommend.

Do you want to improve your financial situation? Improve health? First of all, turn to your feeding stove! First, wash it thoroughly. But not only from above, but from all sides and even inside! Wash the stove with love, while reading prayers or suitable mantras. You will feel the result almost immediately: money will begin to flow more freely into the family budget, and your well-being will improve.

Have you washed the stove? Well done! Now we need to ensure its full functionality. Since the stove is associated with health, everything in it should be in perfect working order. There is no need to bashfully close a broken gas or electric burner - it is better to repair it in time. And be sure to use all burners evenly!

It often happens that the housewife has her own “favorite burner” on which she cooks almost all the time. It is not right! If some of the burners sit unused or turn into racks for dirty pans, this leads to blocking of valuable vital energy and well-being. Therefore, make it a rule to regularly turn on all burners in turn, preferably clockwise.

Another very important aspect concerns the direction of the stove handles. They should “look” in one of your favorable directions (how to determine them will be discussed in the section on Gua numbers).

This issue definitely needs to be clarified. Some people make the mistake of thinking that the direction of the stove is the direction in which we look while cooking. This is wrong. The direction of the stove is determined by the direction of the knobs with which you turn on the burners. By lighting the stove, you activate the forces of the Earth - electricity or gas, and they should come from a direction that is good for you. This must be firmly remembered!

What if different family members belong to different groups and have different favorable directions? This, I must say, is a completely common situation, and it can be resolved quite simply.

The most important thing is to remember that the most important energy centers of the apartment from the point of view of Feng Shui are: the front door, stove, bed, dining and work tables.

First, set your priorities. Let's say the head of the family is a responsible leader, on whose actions many people and events depend. In this case, it is certainly better to orient the stove towards it.

What about your spouse and children? Especially if the wife is also involved in business and brings money into the family? Her interests should under no circumstances be infringed upon! Distribute at your discretion all the most important positions (direction of the bed, desk, front door, etc.) from the point of view of Feng Shui, so that everyone receives their portion of favorable Qi and no one suffers.

If you can't change the position of the stove, you can finally buy a small stove and cook on it. And to enhance the effect, place the kettle, toaster and other electrical kitchen appliances in their best directions. Personally, I know families of very successful people who do just that!

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