The basics of Feng Shui in the office - how to attract success at work for career growth and success

Office entrance door

The front door of your office should be solid (no glass), large and open outward in a direction favorable for the office manager according to the Gua number.
It is bad when the door faces a row of elevators or directly to an escalator, stairs, toilet, window, or is located at the end of a long corridor, since it accumulates deadly qi directed at you.

It's also bad if your office's front door is located directly opposite the entrance to another office, it will lead to confrontation. If such a situation does occur, you need to place both doors exactly on the same line to reduce disagreements with neighbors.

But the doors inside the office should never be located on the same level; they should force the qi to flow in a winding way.

Location of peonies in the house

In order for things to go well at work, according to Feng Shui, the workplace should be located in the Career and Success zone - in the north. It's even better to sit, looking in this direction, with your back to the wall.

Having a window behind you has an unfavorable effect on your career: in this case, all your energy “flies” into the sky. An even more unfortunate position is to have your back to the door. In Feng Shui it is called a “knife in the back” (an employee can be set up, betrayed, or withdraw from the team; he gradually begins to lose energy and confidence in his abilities).

It's best not to sit with your back to an open cabinet or shelves: horizontal surfaces also symbolize "knives" (which invade your energy field and worsen your health). Is your workspace in the corner? According to Feng Shui, it is better to place the table diagonally: in this case, you neutralize the negative impact of both windows and doors.

In Russian offices, they like to arrange desks so that employees are opposite each other, which leads to subconscious confrontation between colleagues. This is also an unfavorable feng shui that should be avoided.

If you are sitting with your back to the window, you can use this technique: curtain the window with thick curtains and place clear cut crystals on the table to give space to your thoughts).

Correctly placing peonies in the house so that they fulfill their purpose is the main task of the teachings of Feng Shui^

  • To attract love into the house, a single woman must free the space from unnecessary objects that interfere with the advancement of the pure breath of the flower.
  • A bouquet or a painting with his image can be located in front of the entrance to the bedroom or on the wall of the bedchamber. But, having achieved the goal, you need to remove the flower and move it to the living room.
  • To help achieve your career goals, flowers should be in the office, on your desk. If this is a painting, then it is better to hang it on a wall facing north. In this case, peonies should be of a delicate tone - white, pink, light lilac.

A clear understanding of what you want to achieve by arranging bouquets of peonies at home allows you to achieve your goals to the fullest. The popularity of the teachings of Feng Shui is growing year by year, and knowledge about the meaning of peony in our lives is necessary.

A regal plant, if properly positioned in the garden and properly cared for, will help you achieve your desired goals and realize your plans in love and business. In a house or apartment, the flower also needs to be given its place, and then harmony and stable relationships will reign in it.

The dimensions of the table and office chair also matter, subconsciously signaling to others about your status and promising opportunities. Do you want to climb the corporate ladder? Use a table for work that is at least one and a half meters long and a meter wide, and a chair with a back so long that it is slightly higher than your head when sitting.

Now let’s talk about what should be on the table and what items should be avoided.

The table is intended only for work, and therefore only what may be needed in the process should be placed on it. Ruthlessly part with unnecessary papers and other things. It’s better to put unnecessary items in closets and bedside tables, putting them in folders of bright, rich colors.

In the right corner it is better to place a green indoor plant, which will take on all the negative energy emanating from other parts of the room. And in the far left corner - a table lamp or a shiny metal object - to attract financial success.

In the work sector, a small fountain will also serve a good purpose - at least in the form of a screensaver on the PC desktop (water dissipates negative energy). In this case, the size of the accessories does not matter. A tiny flower and an impressive fountain will work equally well.

And don’t forget to put photos of your favorite people on your desktop - they will inspire you to even greater career success.

The location of your desk greatly affects your work. A favorable location ensures good luck in work. Otherwise, difficulties may arise.

Poster composition depending on the office design style

Posters with architectural images will look good on the walls of an office decorated in a classic business style. Due to the perspective, the room will visually increase. Thanks to large-format paintings with photographs and images of megacities, one can imagine that the company’s office is located not in a residential area of ​​a medium-sized city, but in Tokyo or New York.

You should not diversify your office interior with paintings with floral motifs or portraits. To decorate an office, it is strictly not recommended to use photo wallpaper, which many associate with the Soviet style. For most companies, such a comparison will not be beneficial. But several thematic or motivational posters that complement each other will look advantageous.

You can use office posters with classic landscapes and still lifes, the main thing is that they match the design and color scheme of the room. Such solutions will look especially good in interiors decorated in Scandinavian or modernist styles.

Color or black and white reproductions of famous photographs are suitable for retro design, as well as high-tech rooms. Muted tones will bring elegance to the room, bright ones will add a color accent and draw attention to the office space.

Visitors are unlikely to be able to ignore office posters in the pop art style. This creative solution may seem overly extravagant or pretentious to some, but you won’t be able to forget about this design soon. When choosing such posters for the interior, it is important to take into account the specifics of the company’s activities.


A suitable picture must be on the wall in the hallway. It promotes the entry of well-being energy into the house, distracting negative flows, preventing them from entering the home. It is better to hang such a picture opposite the front door. It is better to depict neutral scenes of nature.

An excellent option would be an image of a bouquet, flower arrangement, field of flowers. In this case, the flowers can be anything: daisies, peonies, edelweiss, poppies, tulips, roses, lilacs, etc. The image of sunflowers will be especially successful: they attract the energy of prosperity and drive away evil spirits.

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Landscapes are good. A peaceful forest landscape, a blooming garden, a boundless sea with a ship (but not a stormy one) - all this can be hung in the hallway. An excellent option would be to depict mountains over which the sun rises - this will provide the house with reliable protection and support. If the hallway is quite cramped, a painting depicting a road rushing into the distance will visually expand the space.


You can hang a still life with fruit or luxury items in the hallway. A canvas depicting animals is perfect: puppies, dolphins, a bear family, a tiger, etc. Animals should not evoke a feeling of aggression, even if predators are depicted.

If the hallway is a long corridor, hang a picture on the wall with light-colored horses galloping towards the house: this will bring good luck and increased prosperity.


ship to office
The reception area of ​​your office should not be cluttered with various things (boxes, old newspapers, etc.) It should be well lit, even at night, this will increase the supply of yang energy favorable for the office.

For the illusion of more space, use mirrors. Only the front door should not be reflected in the mirror, otherwise luck will escape from the office to the outside.

If there is a secretary in the reception area, he should not sit facing the front door. It is also recommended to install a partition that prevents the main part of the office from being visible from the front.

A model of a ship or sailing ship placed in the reception area will bring wealth to the office. Only he should swim into the room, and not swim out of it (it’s even better to choose a favorable direction according to the gua number of the company manager).

It is better to fill the hold of such a ship with treasures (coins, gold bars, money, precious stones, expensive jewelry), this promises good luck.

Feng Shui office equipment

A computer is a necessary attribute in any business, which absorbs electricity from the outlet and then generates it into the energy of creation and creativity. To direct this activity in the right direction, keep objects of bright colors on the table - blue, red, orange or a small globe - a symbol of knowledge (this will ensure an influx of creative ideas).

The phone should also have its own specific place. For right-handers - on the right, for left-handers - on the left (so that you do not have to reach for the tube with your right hand to the left, with your left hand to the right, because crossing the body, the hand blocks positive energy).

According to Feng Shui, all visible pipes and wires mean an outflow of money

Therefore, it is very important to remove all telephone wires and computer cables behind panels and baseboards.

There should be free space in front of and behind the desk, which, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes opportunity and perspective. If you have difficulty squeezing your way to your workplace, difficulties await you.

It happens that the workplace is located in a cubicle (sometimes even without windows!) or there is a partition directly in front of you. You can expand your perspective with a painting of a lake or a beautiful natural landscape.

Remember - in addition to the fact that work brings money, it should also bring pleasure, and not vice versa. You must go to work in a good mood, with elation, and not under pressure, otherwise it will destroy your health and block your access to financial success.

Feng Shui talismans

Talismans of prosperity and wealth help you achieve financial success if you follow the rules of Feng Shui.

The most famous office talismans:

  • gilded ship with jewelry and coins. Perfect as a talisman. Its open sails mean prosperity and wealth. The bow of the sailboat should face the center of the room;
  • turtle . Helps achieve goals and career growth, and also improves financial condition. Choose a metal turtle sitting on coins. The figurine is placed on the windowsill or on the north side of the table. The figurine's head should be directed towards the center of the room;
  • the Dragon . Promotes good luck, business activity and prosperity, helps to make a career. The talisman is placed on the left side of the desktop surface;
  • three-legged toad on coins or Hottei figurine . Associated with financial independence, wealth and abundance. The ideal place is on the left side of the desktop;
  • figurine of Ganesha . Helps make important decisions. At a difficult moment, it is useful to stroke his trunk. It is recommended to place assistants in the area;
  • crystal pyramid . Promotes forward and upward movement and stimulates career growth. The best place is opposite the person sitting at the table;
  • Chinese coins . A talisman helps in the flow of money if it decorates a computer or lies under a phone.

Managers' offices

The place of wealth in any room is considered to be the corner diagonally from the front door. The higher your position in the company on your floor, the further away your office should be.

  1. Be regular in shape, avoid triangular and L-shaped. If you are offered such an office, and you have no choice, you need to install several additional lamps in the corner of the L-shaped room, this will partially correct the situation.
  2. A large mirror will also help correct the irregular shape of your office. In order for a mirror in the office to double good luck rather than bad luck, you need to position it correctly. Mirrors should never reflect toilets, trash cans, etc.
  3. Protruding corners must be blocked with plants or furniture
  4. No open bookshelves, they act like knives stabbing people
  5. If your window has a view of the edge of the building, always cover the window with a curtain.

What determines the cost of making posters?

The cost of posters for the office depends on a number of parameters taken into account when developing and printing images. It is determined by the price:

  • layout, which is created using special graphic programs;
  • material, i.e. it depends on what is used - traditional coated glossy or matte printing paper;
  • format: the larger the poster size, the more material is required to create it;
  • type of printing: the cost of different technologies may vary significantly;
  • post-press services: after the poster is printed, it can be additionally laminated with a protective film, protecting it from damage and contamination.

Be that as it may, posters for the office are a budget-friendly way to decorate a room in which a modern person spends a significant part of his time. Depending on the chosen image, they will tell about the company, motivate employees to new achievements, and fill them with energy. By choosing the right poster, you can create the right mood, bring comfort to the room, depriving the office of impersonality, but giving it a zest.

Waterfall and its images in the painting

The philosophy of Feng Shui says that all the forces of nature should be in harmony. Shui - means water, it is one of the 5 important elements and has a powerful energy force

Therefore, you should pay special attention to it when attracting beneficial energies into your life.

The image of a waterfall in a painting or photograph symbolizes prosperity in the house, attracts cash flow and good luck. and it is better to place wealth at the entrance inside the house or apartment itself.

A small decorative fountain with flowing water can serve as the same magnet of abundance. However, you should always make sure that the water in your miniature waterfall is clean and transparent, then the money will come to you quickly and easily.

Author's works

Large offices, whose owners value prestige and authority in the eyes of clients, are often decorated with works of famous artists. In this case, original, exclusive paintings act as proof of the importance of the company. Painting emphasizes the high artistic taste of the owners, which increases the level of trust in the company.

Oil painting “Sailboats”

Canvases with the author’s strokes are not the only way to create an aura of significance. Copies of famous works that are admired by true aesthetes and collectors are also suitable for these purposes. Reproductions are valuable and beautiful in themselves. Therefore, talk about what kind of transformation awaits office premises with their appearance is unnecessary.

Feng Shui about paintings, rules of choice

  • Never sit with your back to a window, this suggests a lack of support. The exception is when the view from the window opens to a taller building that provides you with support, or a bank. If there are none, then to smooth out the negative impact, you need to curtain the window. It is recommended to have a wall behind you, or even better, hang a picture of a mountain on it, this will provide you with reliable support.
  • Don't sit with your back to the door. This is fraught with betrayal from colleagues or subordinates.
  • Don't sit face to face with any of your co-workers, this will lead to hostility in the relationship.
  • Do not sit too close to anyone, as there may be exhaustion and lack of qi in the surrounding area.
  • Don’t sit so that the door to your office “crashes” into you, this risks illness.
  • Nothing should block the passage to your office space; this suggests obstacles to work.
  • Remove all objects that threaten the door to your office, or fence yourself off from them with a screen, indoor plant, etc.

The best desk location is in the center of the room. You should sit facing the door and towards one of your favorable directions. Windows on the left or right are allowed.

Details Category: Feng Shui Practice

In Feng Shui, paintings (drawings, images, photographs) are used for various purposes: they can be used to decorate a room, activate a certain zone, or weaken the too strong influence of an element. However, in order to always have a good atmosphere in your home, before purchasing a painting, you need to check it for compliance with all the rules of Feng Shui.

Paintings that guarantee you good Feng Shui in your home

It's no secret that the environment in one way or another affects our mood and overall well-being. Therefore, the main rule when choosing a painting for your home is a feeling of joy and positive emotions when looking at the painting. You should like the picture.

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However, not only positive pictures can be liked. It happens that people give preference to sad motives. Although it is better not to use such pictures.

Pictures that are best avoided:

  • Pictures that evoke negative emotions, a feeling of doom and abandonment.
  • Images of skulls, aggressive animals and any aggression in general.
  • Photos of deceased relatives, as well as deceased celebrities.
  • Paintings depicting broken mirrors, broken dishes, broken objects.
  • Images of gloomy and sad, fading landscapes, natural disasters, cemeteries.
  • Danger is also posed by images of power lines, pointed roofs, directed sharp corners - these are “secret arrows” sending aggressive sha qi energy.

There are times when there is no zone in the room. With the help of paintings you can correct this situation. It is enough to simply hang in the place where the sector should be present, the so-called picture with perspective, i.e. an image of a horizon, an endless sea or a field stretching into the distance.

If you want to activate a certain sector, select a picture that is suitable specifically for this sector. For example, for the northern sector, which is responsible for careers, paintings with water motifs are suitable.

Feng Shui zones in space

Certain rooms also have their own rules for decorating with paintings. For example, Feng Shui strongly recommends not hanging paintings and photographs of lonely people in the bedroom.

Paintings do not need to be placed in massive and impressive-sized frames. The frame should be pleasing to the eye. In addition, you can choose a frame for a picture of the color or material that belongs to the element responsible for the desired sector.

The influence of the painting on our lives from the point of view of Feng Shui

At all times, the paintings were very popular and conveyed good and evil, peace and aggression, calm and chaos.

Therefore, it is so important to wisely choose a painting that will decorate your home or office. For example, Feng Shui paintings with a waterfall and a mountain mean prosperity and protection

According to the science of Feng Shui, the importance of paintings cannot be underestimated, because the images on them can not only evoke various emotions, but also attract spiritual and material benefits into the lives of their owners.

And vice versa. According to Feng Shui, all paintings, canvases and landscapes should evoke only positive emotions in their owners.

If the painting was given to you, it also matters who exactly and with what thoughts made this gift. From the science of Feng Shui it clearly follows that a loved one who wishes you well will give you a picture that carries only bright, positive, warm feelings and perceptions.

A calm range of colors will create a feeling of peace and harmony with the surrounding space, and the image of nature will bring additional positive energy to your home.

Let's look at paintings with a waterfall, sunset, and also with images of mountains, and reveal their meaning according to Feng Shui. All of them represent goodness and will be very useful in almost any home.

Maintaining Positive Energy

With the right arrangement of the workspace, luck and success will not take long to arrive. Often the workspace in offices is poorly organized: small rooms, a large number of sharp corners, unpretentious design - all this can ruin any type of activity.

With the correct arrangement of objects and organization of space according to Feng Shui, dramatic changes in work can be achieved. For example, avoid places under ceiling beams and bookshelves. It is important that nothing is squeezing from above. It is also important to eliminate all kinds of cords and cables - they lead to an outflow of money.

Where to hang peonies according to feng shui for marriage

For marriage, peonies are placed in the bedroom or opposite the door leading to the bedroom.

White peonies in the interior, according to the rules of Feng Shui, will create a peaceful environment in the family and stop quarrels.

Pink peonies in the bedroom will help breathe fresh romance and tenderness into long-dry family life. But you shouldn’t place peonies in the bedroom for a long time. Three days is enough, and then they need to be hung in the living room.

Purple peonies will protect against negative energy, while yellow ones will bring harmony and stability.

For peonies to help in your career, they need to be placed in the office, at your workplace. If instead of a bouquet you have a painting with these flowers, then hang it in the north. Flowers should be white, pink and lilac. In this case, flowers will help you in your career or make a big leap forward in your business.

If you have a garden, be sure to plant these royal flowers in your family area. A flowering peony bush also symbolizes untold wealth. In addition to symbolism in Feng Shui, peony roots have a number of beneficial properties during flowering. Peony root tincture helps restore male strength and helps women regulate their cycles. Peony tincture also calms the nervous system and helps you sleep peacefully.

Although peony bushes are easy to care for, they should be planted in a sunny area. They do not like shady places, and will be reluctant to bloom there.

Peonies in the bedroom according to Feng Shui for marriage

In the bedroom it is better to use images of peonies rather than live bouquets. Because bouquets need water, and this element has a bad effect in the bedroom area, it is better to make do with an image. Simply buy or paint a picture of peonies in red or pink shades and hang it above the head of your bed.

Artificial peonies have the same properties as live ones. They are just as effective as paintings or just printed images of them. Feng Shui is all about symbolism and space for energy circulation. Therefore, do not forget that before you activate any area, you must make it free and clear.

Feng Shui paintings with peonies

Odd numbers attract positive energy, so you should choose one of the following:

  1. A picture with one peony flower means that you will be the only one for him.
  2. Three pink or red flowers will mean that he will only want to be with you, and nothing else will interest him so much in this life. If these are yellow flowers, they will be a symbol of health.
  3. Five flower means a declaration of love, as well as wishes for good luck and change.
  4. The seven flowers are a traditional classic given on engagement and wedding days.
  5. Nine, eleven and fifteen flowers are an expression of respect and friendship.

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Feng Shui documents

You can also activate luck in the office using Feng Shui symbols. You can improve everything you use at work, for example, to folders with important documents, you can stick auspicious hieroglyphs or “prosperity coins”.

If you energize your cash register in this way, your profits will increase.

A dragon, turtle or "five bats of abundance" attached to invoices will also lead you to prosperity.

Bookmarks made from carved jade figures and metal coins tied with a red cord are very useful.

Why do people buy paintings for the office?

The emptiness and unnaturalness of the environment is unusual for a person. And any business owner has 2 goals:

  • To make staff productive - for this you need to create a comfortable space;
  • Show the client the success of the enterprise - a positive image is largely achieved through beauty. It also helps a person feel good in an unfamiliar environment.

The attractiveness of the interior is always achieved with the help of details. Make even the most expensive renovation, but an empty room will be repulsive. These elements are light and decorative items. And if the ficus has long become banal, like the shelves with awards and product samples, then the artistic art is fresh.

Company logo

It's good if your brand name has a favorable symbolic meaning.

Feng Shuists most often use images of dragons, turtles, birds, fish, sailboats for this purpose and almost never choose abstract compositions that have sharp corners on their names and surnames on business cards.

Avoid emblems that taper downwards. The colors in the logo should not conflict with each other.

Compatibility is determined using the theory of interaction of the five elements. So, for example, red goes well with green and yellow. Red with black and blue is less favorable. The combination of black and white is considered the most successful, which symbolizes the balance of Yin and Yang.

Never step on a company's logo or name, as this may lead to decreased profits and financial losses. Therefore, you should not place these important symbols on carpets or make them part of the floor mosaic pattern.

You can enhance your office's Feng Shui with a foot mat by attaching three Chinese "prosperity coins" tied with a red cord to the back of the mat. In this case, every time you cross the threshold of the office (you can also do this at home), you will symbolically “walk on gold.”

How to choose a painting according to Feng Shui

Have you ever wondered if the paintings in your home are positioned correctly? But your personal life, happiness, health, in the end, depend on the correctly chosen location on the wall in a particular room. Let's find out where to hang pictures correctly according to Feng Shui to avoid mistakes in the future.

The bedroom is a favorite place for the whole family to relax, where we can calm down, put our feelings and emotions in order after a hard day at work. When choosing a painting for your bedroom according to Feng Shui, focus on calm and peaceful images:

  • Beautiful landscapes with birch trees against the backdrop of a calm river or a crystal clear lake with unusual lilies will look excellent. Such images will not only give you a break, but will also increase your wallet.
  • An excellent choice for the bedroom would be panels with flowers, especially peonies. Such a decision will give new strength to family relationships.

To stop stress and everyday problems from bothering you, do not buy paintings with a waterfall or other aggressive images for your bedroom. You should not hang the panel above the bed, otherwise you will get problems in your family life.

As for the number of paintings, there is no need to decorate all the walls with paintings. In this way you will mix the energy of the canvases and will not get the desired effect from the image.

According to Feng Shui, a painting for a children's room should have bright images. It will be better if the child chooses it himself.

When choosing a canvas for a nursery, you should pay attention to the child’s temperament and character. .

If the baby prefers yellow shades, then let it be a picture of the sun, and if blue, then let it be with water.

Choosing a painting for a living room or hall according to Feng Shui is a rather responsible process. The main point is the selection not of the image itself, but of the color of the canvas. To determine which energy drink color suits you best, you need to pass a kind of test.

Hang on the wall a small piece of fabric, the size of the future canvas, of a certain color. If you feel comfortable, then this is your color. You can safely go shopping for a painting of this color.

A painting for a kitchen according to Feng Shui should contain “edible” images, still lifes of vegetables and fruits. Panels depicting trees or fields will also look beautiful. It is advisable to decorate the kitchen with red or green canvases to attract financial flow into the house.

Don't forget to hang the picture in the right place, the image should catch the eyes of the guests and hang on the wall where the stove is installed.

Painting for the office

When choosing a painting for an office according to Feng Shui, you should be careful, since the paintings in the office have not only aesthetic significance, but are also a source of good luck in business. You don’t want to get problems in your business, reduce the productivity of your employees and worsen your relationships with partners? So, hang in your office such canvases that will have a positive effect on the well-being of the company. An excellent choice for the office would be images of landscapes, seas, rivers and mountains.

To improve, it is recommended to hang canvases behind your back with pictures of cars, yachts or beautiful houses.

Paintings with scenes of harvest or harvest symbolize success in business. If you want to advance your career, hang a picture of a bridge or tall buildings. Avoid panels depicting waterfalls, deserted places and dull landscapes.

Arrangement of the hallway is not the least important in attracting financial flows and good luck to the house. The main task of the hallway is the accumulation and distribution of energy throughout the house or apartment.

If you choose and hang pictures in the hallway correctly, the images will add color to the mood and protect the owners of the home from negativity. The best choice of paintings for a corridor or hallway would be neutral images of landscapes, still lifes or animals.

Feng Shui meetings

meeting room
If you often have to participate in meetings, use some Feng Shui tips to ensure good luck will accompany you at such events:

  • It is better to sit as far as possible from the front door - diagonally from it.
  • There should be a solid wall behind you to provide support.
  • You should not sit with your back to the window, especially if it is one of the floors of a high-rise building.
  • Do not sit with your feet towards the door or with your back to the door, this is considered an unlucky position.
  • Avoid exposed ceiling beams or sharp corners pointed at you (“poison arrows”).

Selection and arrangement of furniture

If the office is a large room in which several employees work, you should delimit the zones with partitions. As a last resort, it is allowed to divide the space with work tables.

They should be positioned so that employees can see the front door and do not sit with their backs to it. In the Feng Shui tradition, a desktop should be wooden, massive, symmetrical in shape and always in light colors.

The positive energy emanating from it increases productivity and helps to creatively solve any problems. Square and rectangular chairs and tables have an advantage. Oval and round shapes should be avoided.

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