Career growth and success at work according to the rules of Feng Shui

Good day, dear readers and guests of the blog! I continue to write about ancient teachings to harmonize our lives and prosperity, and today I decided to focus on career and success. Feng Shui has gained popularity in our country relatively recently, and, as I already wrote, constant use gives health, well-being, attracts love and even fulfills wishes. There are many different techniques for attracting money and luck, among them there are ways to attract good work. Achieving success is simple, you just need to have certain knowledge of Feng Shui for work and career.

I think many people in everyday life are faced with the fact that, despite a lot of effort, deep knowledge, demonstrated activity, responsibility, commitment and hard work, they cannot achieve a promotion up the career ladder at work. Of course, you can take on additional tasks at home, go on endless business trips, even engage in non-direct duties, hoping for an improvement in the situation in the future. Or you can turn to the ancient Taoist teachings, because it was Feng Shui for work and career that developed many recommendations that are used in the modern world, not only in China, but also in many countries around the world.

Important Feng Shui tips for work and career

What is worth remembering when activating the flow of positive energy “Qi” for career growth. This sector is located in the northern part of the room, be it your apartment or office. If you are the director or owner of a company, then the main reinforcement needs to be created inside the office. However, if you are an employee and want to enhance your career growth, then this activation must be carried out at home.

Let's look at the main points:

  1. The location is considered to be the northern direction, ruled by the element of Water;
  2. The best colors to choose from are blue and black. It would be useful to add gold and silver motifs;
  3. The water theme can attract prosperity and wash away all failures, so its presence is simply necessary;
  4. Living plants can also become a source of cash flow attraction. The best choice would be money tree, geranium, Chinese rose or dracaena.

Where is the career zone according to Feng Shui in an apartment?

Inside the apartment, a room reserved for an office or library is suitable for a workplace. If there is not enough space, then you can choose the north side of the living room or dining room. In a one-room space, it is recommended to use part of the hallway or kitchen. Selecting a bedroom is not advisable.

The desktop should be placed so that you sit with your back to the wall, this will help to receive additional energy protection. The window opposite will be another powerful incentive for development.

Undesirable table location that can disrupt harmonious development:

  • Opposite the front door;
  • On the aisle;
  • Face the wall;
  • Near mirrors, especially behind your back;
  • In the corner.

How to strengthen the career zone in an apartment

There are many ways to activate the career zone according to Feng Shui, so you can always choose the ones that are right for you. This:

  • Maximum order and conciseness in this part of the room, no unnecessary things, old chairs, dry chairs and chests of drawers,
  • Paintings, photographs depicting a calm, clear stream or the surface of the sea on a sunny, fine day. It is better not to use storm, rain or swamp;
  • Visualize future success and goals. To do this, use diplomas, certificates inserted inside elegant frames, a daily routine, a diary;
  • Aquarium with goldfish, odd number, oriental fountain;
  • Bronze awards, gold cups, silver figurines, because it is Metal that enhances perseverance and the desire to win;
  • Reproduction with a view of a mountain, symbolizing protection from enemies and ill-wishers. Her mood should be calm and peaceful, and there should be no ominous gorges and sharp peaks.

Career zone according to Feng Shui, activation in the office space

You need to start with a Bagua map and a compass to accurately determine this direction and assess the situation. If there is a lot of furniture, trinkets, and unnecessary things in the northern zone, then you need to get rid of them. Then apply all the recommendations given above, as well as:

  • Place an image of your company's head office on your desktop;
  • Hang the company’s corporate symbols or slogan texts on the wall;
  • Place pictures depicting a lotus, Buddha statues or gods of abundance;
  • You can use portraits of famous people who have reached certain heights in business, as well as family photos that can stimulate your performance;
  • Store sharp office supplies only inside a special stand, with the point inward;
  • Remove trash cans from the area

Career sector in the house

You can activate the career zone in the living room, but you don’t need to do this in the children’s room, bathroom or toilet; you need to be careful when designing the zone in the kitchen.

The bedroom is also not a place for any career achievements; the presence of the elements of water and metal is extremely undesirable here.

As for the kitchen, it is difficult to avoid a conflict between water and fire. After all, then there should not be a gas stove or other objects related to fire in this area. Moreover, if the issue of career development is important to you, then do not decorate the kitchen interior in yellow, brown or bright red shades.

If the Career zone is in the toilet or bathroom, then you should not count on attracting good luck in your affairs, unless, of course, these zones are neutralized as sources of harmful energy.

There are no serious restrictions for the living room. However, try to ensure that the talismans do not irritate your family members, because then it is simply pointless to count on their help. Therefore, use only those things that will be acceptable to all your household members.

Feng Shui career: symbols

The ancient teaching in its practice actively uses symbolic images to further enhance energy flows that affect our entire lives. Of course, there are many talismans that can help in achieving career advancement. They are quite specific, so they may look a little strange inside the office, although at home they will be a good help.

Choosing a Feng Shui talisman for career growth

Despite its diversity, each symbol has its own specific meaning. This:

  • The god of wisdom “Ganesha”, depicted in the form of an elephant, will help the partners come to an agreement;
  • The “Three-Legged Toad” with a coin in its mouth will attract financial investments, the main thing is to install it with its back to the entrance opening;
  • “Blue or black Turtle” indicates successful, reliable career advancement, bringing with it prosperity and patronage from superiors;
  • The Laughing Buddha is in charge of the entire sector;
  • “Music of the Wind” with eight metal tubes emitting a gentle chime will help people who want to reach unprecedented heights;
  • Three “Chinese Coins” tied with a red ribbon will attract unprecedented luck and the fulfillment of the most stunning plans.

It may seem too simple, but a goldfish on your computer desktop carries a lot of energy. The fish should look up and rush towards the warmth of the light. Place a money tree in the southeast to attract money and good luck. If there is no tree, then a “money toad” or Hottea (small figurine) is quite suitable. If you are afraid of ridicule from colleagues, then you can hide the details in a desk drawer.

There is another good talisman that attracts money; it needs to be hidden away from prying eyes. Take a simple transparent glass, fill it with water and throw 9 coins into it. One of the coins should be yellow (10 or 50 kopecks), the rest should be made of white metal (5 rubles is just right). If you find yourself in an unfriendly and scandalous team, then buy a small pyramid and place it on the table. The pyramid will drive away envious people and ill-wishers from you, it has been tested many times!

How and where to rent an office?

Why does it happen in life that one organization flourishes and develops, while another is approaching bankruptcy, although both do practically the same thing? Of course, you can refer to a problem in management or careless employees. Or maybe the office location is simply not chosen well?

Before choosing office space, look to see if there is a cemetery, abandoned base or high-voltage transmission lines nearby. If there are any, then it is advisable not to rent an office in such a place. Such places are surrounded by invisible, but very dangerous energy, called “Sha” in Feng Shui. Also make sure that the room is strictly rectangular in shape.

If you think that the leaders of large organizations do not do this, then you are deeply mistaken. The regular clientele of Feng Shui specialists are people with high incomes who own many well-known brands.

Bagua sectors in the workplace

Feng Shui applies not only to the entire home or office, but also to individual rooms and even objects.

Place the Bagua octagon on your desktop and arrange each mini-zone. To quickly determine which zones are located, divide the table into three parts: the center, left and right sides.

Zones on the right

What's on the right:

  1. Down on the right hand side is the patrons' area. Her organization affects her relationship with her superiors. Feng Shui experts advise designating this corner for a landline telephone.
  2. In the upper right corner there is a zone of family and home. This is the place for family photography, which will maintain morale in difficult situations.
  3. At the center is the creative sector.

Central zone

Organization of a workplace in the center:

  1. The two closest sectors need to be freed from objects as much as possible. This affects both the convenience of work and attracting success in your career. The more empty space, the more ambitious plans can be implemented.
  2. The far sector in the central part is the zone of glory and success. Place there what you strive for, symbols of your best achievements and aspirations.

Zones on the left

  1. At the top there is one of the most important zones - money. To attract money, this is where talismans are placed.
  2. Below is the health zone. To avoid losing energy at work, strengthen this place. All current documents can be placed here.
  3. In the lower left corner is the knowledge area. It is also important for the personal growth of the employee. The symbolism of wisdom is placed here.

Strengthen the place that is currently causing questions or difficulties. Even if there are problems in love, a family photo or talisman will attract peace of mind and indirectly affect your career. Writers and artists should strengthen the creative sector.

What should be in the office?

If you've been to interviews or meetings at large companies, you've probably noticed an aquarium there. That's right, the energy of water has always attracted success and good luck. The larger the office, the larger the aquarium with fish should be. It should be placed strictly in the southwest.

The desk in the office should be opposite the door; position yourself so that your face is always directed towards the exit.

Place the figure of an elephant on the table - a symbol of stability and prosperity. The trunk of the “animal” should be directed towards the street. In order to “attract” good and promising clients, place a couple of Chinese vases in your office.


Your desk symbolizes your career, so make sure you have one in your business space. Ideally, it should be durable and stable, comfortable and pleasing to your eye. A brown wooden table can be especially useful. Glass desks are stylish, but working on a transparent surface can mean ideas and opportunities can fall through and get lost.

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You also want a high-back desk chair because it provides more support and stability. This results in you feeling more supported in your work and career.

Feng Shui for a manager

It happens that a person works in an organization for a very long time, but never received a promotion. Feng Shui gives some tips on this matter. Look around your work area. If your office is full of old and useless papers, then it's time to clean up the mess. Get rid of everything old and unnecessary, make the room more spacious and comfortable. There should always be enough light and air in your office. Eliminate all unpleasant odors and tidy up your curtains. If you smoke right at work, then it's time to get rid of this bad habit. All this slows you down and constantly moves you away from your intended goal.

The office should be dominated by green, beige or yellow colors, which attract positive energy.
If you are sitting in a corner, immediately move your chair so that no corners intersect with you. The ideal place is by the window. If the window is far away and your gaze constantly rests on the wall, then hang a beautiful poster on it, for example, a flowering meadow or a waterfall. Never sit facing your boss, this will take a lot of energy and strength from you. harmony, success

Unfavorable elements for this department

When organizing your work area according to Feng Shui, you should pay attention to how the table is positioned. It should not be opposite the door or stand in the aisle. The workplace must not be positioned facing the wall. If there is a mirror hanging behind your back, it should be moved to another part. A corner is also not the best place for a work area. You should not sit facing your boss: this weakens energy and can lead to devastation and indifference.

It is forbidden for trash cans to be located in the quarry area; they must be moved from there to another place. You need to make sure the curtains are clean or the blinds are in good working order.

You should not smoke in the workplace, as unpleasant odors weaken good energy and strengthen negative currents.

According to Feng Shui, the career zone should be organized in such a way that it evokes joy and desire to work.

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