Mascot colors by date of birth to attract money and fulfill desires

Fire Element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Typical lucky colors of the Fire element are red, green and black. People of these Zodiac Signs should always pay attention to these shades when buying more such clothes, interior items, and jewelry.

Aries (March 21 - April 21): Representatives of this Sign should surround themselves with red less often. It provides motivation, but sometimes acts as a trigger for uncontrollable emotions, most of which can be negative. The best shade is green. It balances the nervous system and helps to visualize desires and bring them into reality faster.

Leo (July 23 - August 23): Any of these three shades will be ideal for Leos, however, it is important to understand when and under what circumstances you should use them. Black suits Leos well when surrounded by unpleasant people. Red increases their charisma and charm and also gives them financial luck. Green heals emotional wounds.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21): Combinations of green and black or red and black help people with this birth date strengthen the nervous system. In the interior of a house or apartment, it is better for them to use more green with black and dark gray, as this increases creative activity. Red notes in clothing will be useful when increased success in business is required.

Color according to the number of fate. Unit

If after calculations you get this figure, then your color is definitely red. You have a desire for selfishness and a desire to solve all problems alone. You rarely ask anyone for help. A lucky color motivates and allows you to constantly be in an ambitious state. Thanks to him, you will not give up even in difficult situations. Red color will become your lucky talisman. But financial victories will only come if you make maximum efforts.

Earth Element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

People of the Earth element are least susceptible to the influence of color on the psyche and luck, so experts from the website advise them to use more strong shades when creating an image and in everyday life.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20): The best color for Taurus is blue. These are people who think twice before taking any important step in any area of ​​life. Blue color sharpens the intuition of these people, helps them think faster and more efficiently. This has a positive effect in the financial sector and in any other.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23): The best talisman color for people with this birth date is white. It helps you interact correctly with colleagues, partners, clients and others in general. This, in turn, helps them realize their deepest desires. It will also be useful to learn how to communicate with negative people to protect yourself from their influence.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20): The best color for people born under the sign of Capricorn is red. It helps them fight physical slowness and emotional stagnation. Everyday use of red shades in everyday life will bring good luck. With it, people born during this period will more often show courage.


The best color for a person with this destiny number is white. It will help you get rid of unnecessary doubts and emotions. After all, you feel uneasy from various thoughts and experiences that attack your mind. In this case, it is necessary to achieve inner freedom, but without white color this is unlikely to be possible. Surround yourself with white things as often as possible. This will help you focus in several areas at once: finances, love and work.

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Air Element: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

These are the most sociable people on Earth who love to be the center of attention. Good luck is brought to them by shades that will allow them to reveal uniqueness in all possible senses.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21): Soft pastel shades of blue, pink and orange bring good luck to these people. They provoke an improvement in creative thinking. Blue symbolizes the sky, the element of Air. Pink brings good luck in difficult situations, while orange lifts your spirits.

Libra (September 24 - October 23): The main wish-granter for Libra is bright yellow, which helps with visualization. He is the best conductor between thoughts and reality. In financial matters, purple helps to attract success, as it sharpens the sixth sense.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18): People with this birth date find more financial success when surrounded by orange and blue tones. Orange, as mentioned above, increases creativity, and blue helps structure thoughts, improves memory and attentiveness. These shades also dispel bad thoughts.

What should a wallet be like?

Wallets of all shapes and sizes have been used since humanity invented money. You can choose trendy or time-tested comfortable models made from various materials. But even if a purse perfectly harmonizes with shoes or a handbag, it can conflict with the energy of prosperity.

The energy of money requires attention and respect. It will not take root in a low-quality wallet. A few rules will help you choose the right model:

  1. A wallet shouldn't be cheap. When choosing from several offers, you need to settle on the most expensive one you can buy. If chosen correctly, it will retain its shape for many years and will quickly pay for itself.
  2. Ideal materials are natural suede or leather. They can let the energy of money into themselves so that its flow becomes constant. If there are reasons to refuse such materials, it is best to look at natural fabrics: cotton, silk, felt.
  3. If you want to choose an accessory with decoration, you need to take into account that decor in the form of metallic flowers will enhance monetary energy.
  4. Banknotes or coins must be securely hidden from prying eyes. Models with transparent inserts or money peeking out are a bad choice.
  5. The dyeing must be of high quality, the sewing must be neat - no protruding threads, all buttons and zippers must work.

Choose a wallet made of suede or leather

The color of the coating must be uniform

Choose a wallet without transparent inserts inside

A wallet shouldn't be cheap

Water Element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

For the Signs of this element, the most important shades are blue, gray, and green. They are equally beneficial for these people and can also be used individually or in tandem.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22): The combination of gray and blue shades has a good effect on the mood of Cancers. Blue also helps you make good decisions regarding money. Gray clears the mind of negative thoughts.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22): People with this birth date benefit from combining the colors green and blue together. They help them fight negative thoughts that block the mind's ability to purify itself. Pisces (February 19-March 20): Good luck awaits Pisces, who often wear gray, dark blue and dark green. You can sometimes dilute these shades with white, which improves communication skills and helps fulfill your deepest desires.

Continuation: Horoscope for December 5: thwarted plans for Libra, loneliness of Pisces, changes for the better for Cancers


People born under the auspices of the number four do not cope well with emotions. And the blue color will help them better control their feelings. It is not always permissible to wear such clothes, but to attract good luck, you can set the appropriate screensaver on your phone. It doesn't take much blue to instantly calm you down. Just a glimpse of it is enough. It magically reduces the urge to act impulsively and helps you concentrate better.

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Attracting money and good luck in business

There are a number of principles for entrepreneurs that will help in running a business:

The main focus should be on money, checking and paying bills every Monday morning. It is recommended to view files and email after this. It is advisable to place a decorative fountain in the office

The energy of rushing water will promote business development and relieve stress. And if you add metal to the sector, the cash flow will further increase. You can create an image of success by putting your name on the cover of several books. Daily contemplation will help in realizing your plans. It is also useful to use Feng Shui in the design of your own website. Colors interact well with each other: blue, black, green; black, white, blue; red, yellow, purple. The manager should be as contactable as possible: fax, landline and cell phones. The easier the connection, the more sales

It is important that the workplace is surrounded by beauty, then the appropriate mood will allow you to work much more creatively. And don’t forget about the individual color that attracts money

Suitable wedding date

Remember who has gone through this, how painfully long it takes newlyweds to choose a wedding date. Trying to connect the incompatible, take into account all the circumstances and please everyone: the arrival of a beloved uncle from the sea, an aunt’s trip to a sanatorium, the fitting of grandmother’s dentures, May, so as not to suffer, the next Saturday after Friday the 13th, the “single-digit” day of the month and year and so that “ round off the wishes - the wedding should take place in a non-leap year.

Sound familiar? Of course.

Which of the future spouses remembered esotericism and numerology?

Do you still consider it a science that does not deserve attention? But in vain. Don't lie to yourself

How many times a week do you think about your horoscope when going to work or making an important decision? So you answered the question yourself

Digital science does not insist, much less convince anyone. Its correctness has been proven for thousands of years. So it will help to choose a happy day from the 365-day whirlwind. What do I need to do?

As easy as pie. Add up the birth dates of the future newlyweds, according to the principle outlined at the beginning of the article.

Let's determine the number. If it is more than 12, then we reduce it to a prime number. This will be the most favorable month for marriage.

As for the date, here too everything is elementary for calculations. Again, we add up sequentially all the numbers of the birth of the bride and groom (day, month, year) and divide in two. If the result is an even number, then schedule the celebration for the second half of the month, an odd number - accordingly, for the first.

Determine a more specific day by mutual agreement.

That's all - we wish you happiness.

Basic training course on numerology on video:

Feng Shui and its influence

It is advisable to choose a wallet according to Feng Shui, where there are certain rules. The ancient sages were sure that each person has his own color and element that have a beneficial effect on him. In this case, you need to focus on the last digit of the person’s year of birth:

  • 0, 1 - silver, white;
  • 2, 3 - black, purple;
  • 4, 5 - green, brown;
  • 6, 7 - all shades of red;
  • 8, 9 - golden, yellow, red.

It should be remembered that when choosing a wallet, you need to be guided not only by the color scheme, but also by the size of the accessory. It is advisable to choose a large wallet so that the money in it is never transferred.

Important! When purchasing a wallet, you need to listen to your own feelings. If it evokes extremely positive emotions, but does not meet certain feng shui parameters, don’t worry!

Numbers that relate to love – 2, 3, 6

The number 2 is considered feminine

If a girl wants to find her soul mate, it is very important that the interior of her house contains paired objects, for example, some 2 flowerpots, 2 paintings or 2 candles. That is, 2 is a number that helps to find a certain pair

Two is the number of fate of the actress Sophia Loren, who found her great love in the man Carlo Ponti and lived happily with him for more than 50 years. The number 3 helps men in business, career and love at the same time. It promises success for them. The number of Giacomo Casanova, the romantic and passionate lover who captured the hearts of many women, was three.

The number 6 also relates to love. It gives support to everyone who wants to find family, love, luck and happiness. Number 6 helps a person to be accepted in the world of people

He is accepted, supported and given special attention. The six tied the French Emperor Napoleon to the charming Josephine for life

If you want the number 6 to be more present in your life, you can make triangle patterns on your clothes, jewelry, or look for it in some kind of symbolism. For example, two triangles superimposed on each other in Hebrew symbolism - the Star of David. It turns out that by layering 2 triangles we get a 6-pointed star. This is a symbol of harmony and unity of the masculine and feminine principles.

Basic rules of feng shui

  1. It is strictly forbidden to store photographs in your wallet; money does not like this very much.
  2. You cannot leave your wallet empty; there should always be at least a small amount of money there that does not need to be spent, but simply left for storage.
  3. It is advisable to ask for an irredeemable coin from a wealthy person, and then keep it in your wallet.
  4. You cannot use a torn or old wallet; it must be changed if necessary.
  5. A wallet should only be purchased from good, high-quality material, and if a person does not have enough funds for this, then it is better to give preference to a cheaper accessory made from fabric.
  6. It is forbidden to keep receipts and checks in your wallet, because they symbolize spending. Credit cards will also contribute to the rapid disappearance of funds.
  7. You cannot keep funds sloppy; you need to ensure that banknotes fit freely in your wallet.

Numbers of wealth, success and financial well-being – 1, 4, 8

The number 1 gives a person the opportunity to be a leader in any situation, and for a person who is rich enough and successful in business, the number 1 stimulates being active in competition, reveals creative potential and creates the prerequisites for further professional growth.
Amulets for such people are made from 1 ruble or 1 dollar. Such people often have a dollar for good luck, i.e. money with the number 1 brings an increase in wealth and an increase in capital. This is the favorite number of almost all rich people. Number 4 is stability, strength and truth, luck, order and harmony. Take, for example, a table or chair that has 4 legs. Contracts and various important documents are signed on the tables. It is very good for a boss to use a 4-legged chair instead of a newfangled swivel chair if he wants to sit in his chair for a very long time in office. Those. it symbolizes strength and stability in life. Four also brings fame, recognition and financial prosperity. For example, singer Valeria made her career and is grateful to her favorite number 13, which adds up to 4. She went to conquer Moscow in the 13th carriage in 13th place.

8 is a very strong number that connects the material and spiritual worlds. 8 - the sign of infinity, symbolizes the unity of the spiritual world and the material world. The number 8 can give you a very strong push, but only if it is a bright beginning, a bright search, otherwise it will work against you.

If you want to attract an 8 into your life, then buy yourself some souvenirs associated with the infinity sign. On March 8, be sure to sincerely congratulate successful women and wish them happiness. By paying tribute to the number 8, “bowing” to it, you thereby thank it. 8 helps attract millions of dollars, such as John Davison Rockefeller, the first billionaire in human history.

Meaning of numbers

Practice needs theory. Before you move on to programming things, you need to know yourself and your destiny numbers. Each number has a meaning and traditional symbols. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • – determines the cyclical nature of processes. He personifies the absolute beginning and end, being and non-being. This is cleanliness, transparency and air. Zero has an abstract nature, so it is often omitted in numerology.
  • 1 is the pioneer of everything in the world. From one comes masculine strength and masculinity, power and resilience. The sun is the first and main source of life in the Universe. The sun man is a source of energy and royalty. He is generous and will bestow his warmth and selflessness on those around him. But you shouldn’t trust him - you can easily get burned. Impulsiveness, pride and arrogance are characteristic of his noble nature.
  • 2 – feminine principle and the moon of life. Symbolizes the duality of the world. Softness and depth of nature are the distinctive characteristics of the two. The mysterious and fickle form of the Moon is reflected in the lunar man - variability, capriciousness. They can easily change their minds or go into the world of illusions.
  • 3 – the trinity of spirit, soul and body. Three represents the law of construction of everything on earth. Wisdom and discipline are the main characteristics of this number. A person with this number knows how and loves to learn. But along with a desire for self-development, he is distinguished by self-confidence and a thirst for pleasure. Jupiter is his Absolute.
  • 4 – static, hard, stable. Four creates form. The four cardinal directions and four elements create our world. Authority and stability prevail in a person's character.
  • 5 – form takes on spirit. The geometric figure pentagon symbolizes man. The desire to explore the world, love of travel, dexterity and interaction are the true traits of the Five. But we should not forget that the pentagon can turn over and then the material will prevail over the spiritual, and the dynamism of Mercury will turn into cunning and deception.
  • 6 – perfect form, motionless structure. Honeycombs and diamond faces represent stability and ideality of structure. This number corresponds to Venus, the goddess of harmony. But the desire for beauty can develop into a thirst for pleasure, jealousy and laziness.
  • 7 – merging of the spiritual and material worlds. The cosmic number symbolizes perfection and integrity, deep knowledge, and the protection of higher powers. Idealism is inherent from birth, and can turn into fanaticism and self-destruction.
  • 8 – infinity. The inevitability of transition and destruction characterize human nature under this number. Time is fleeting. Youth flows into old age. Pessimism towards life, striving for justice, following the law. The orderliness of thoughts and actions creates the impression of coldness and gloominess.
  • 9 – strength, development and transformation. The warlike nature of Mars resonates in the human character. He has no inherent fear, he is aggressive, cruel and hot-tempered.
  • 10 – short circuit. The end of one stage is the beginning of the next. The one is the guide of the ten.

Money talismans

A few time-tested rules will help you get the right wallet for cash flow.

  1. Place money in your wallet in ascending denomination with the same side. Carefully straighten all bent corners and creases. Showing respect for the money element will attract her quite quickly.
  2. Place an irredeemable coin or bill in your wallet. The first money earned has a particularly powerful effect, and rarely does anyone keep it. Such an amulet can be created by earning any amount in a new activity or in a new position, ideally a desired one. A coin from a successful transaction and a successfully completed order or part-time job is also suitable. To protect against accidental waste, you can put the bill in your wallet and exchange it for another currency.
  3. Runes, symbols and other signs can only be worn with money if the culture is clear and familiar. You should not put symbols that are not fully understood as an amulet. Its hidden and inverted meanings can sometimes ruin the unwary wallet owner. This also includes humorous accessories, such as a money spatula or funny postcards: money does not live where it is not taken seriously.
  4. Patchouli essential oil is a powerful money magnet. Just drop a couple of drops on the lining of your wallet. It is important to refresh the oil from time to time. Only something that was bought with your own money has a magnetic effect; something received as a gift or someone else’s will not work.

You can put runes in your wallet

A special coin or banknote will increase the amount of money in your wallet

Fold bills correctly

You can lubricate your wallet with Patchouli oil

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