Feng Shui love horoscope (check compatibility by date of birth)

In many ways, success both in personal life and in business is determined by people’s likes and dislikes towards each other. There are many examples when, having barely met, two people instantly find a common language and become friends for life. But there are also cases when the hostility that arose in the first minutes of acquaintance cannot be overcome, and as a result, the most profitable business relationships collapse. How to avoid making a mistake in choosing a friend, marriage or business partner can be explained by the theory of compatibility according to the Fung Shui horoscope. Chinese astrology, ideally, is a rather complex art that cannot be mastered by an unprepared person.

Characteristics of compatibility of horoscope elements

The most widely used and simplest way to determine the compatibility of people is based on the principle of interaction of the five primary elements. How and in what ways this interaction is carried out was discussed earlier. In this case, everything depends on the cycles of generation and destruction of the elements, which are the determining factor in how the relationship between spouses or business partners will develop. As a rule, those people whose elements coexist in the cycle of generation are attractive to each other. But if fate pits a person against representatives of the destructive elements of his element, such a relationship will only bring disappointment and pain.

Below are descriptions of the types of relationships between representatives of different elements. Perhaps this will help determine which relationships you should try to preserve, which ones will require a lot of mental strength to maintain, but this will help you understand your loved one and save your family, or, if we are talking about business relationships, guided by the tips below, business partners will be able to determine in advance how fruitful and high-quality their cooperation will be.

Compatibility of elements according to the Feng Shui horoscope

Earth – Earth

One of the most favorable types of unions is when both partners treat each other with care, respect and trust.

Perhaps such relationships are devoid of external emotionality, picture-perfect passion, accompanied by outbursts of jealousy, quarrels and stormy scenes of reconciliation, but in reality they are strong and deep.

Disagreements may arise due to the natural persistence and stubbornness of people of the Earth element. It is difficult for them to make decisions about certain changes or innovations; it is difficult for them to obey another person and agree with his opinion. But natural philanthropy and faith in the good will help them resolve the most difficult situation together, maintain friendship and love, and also maintain a business contract.

Compatibility Earth - Metal

These two elements are neighbors in the cycle of generation, people belonging to them will be an excellent couple, their cooperation will be beneficial for both. The Metal man by nature has excellent patience and firmness in achieving his goals, which is exactly what the Earth man lacks.

The latter is to some extent a phlegmatic person who needs time to think about a particular decision. But along with this, the Earth will become the guarantor of the financial well-being of such a union, will support and bring to life the wildest plans of Metal. Mutual respect and appreciation of each other's talents and character traits will be the key to the strength of this type of relationship.

Earth – Water Compatibility

Relationships between Earth and Water tend to be overly emotional and unbalanced. Water type people are sensitive, irritable in relation to the stubbornness and sluggishness of people of the Earth element, and even the slightest outburst of emotions can give rise to a major quarrel or a long-term conflict.

If we are talking about a married couple, then in order to harmonize relationships, you should keep objects belonging to the element of Metal in the house.

Business cooperation between Water and Earth usually develops successfully, since the combination of common sense and practicality of the Earth and the creative thinking of Water can ensure the success of any joint project or enterprise.

Earth – Tree Compatibility

The half of this union that was born under the auspices of the element of Wood is an extrovert by nature, and, as a rule, overly sociable. This will result in dissatisfaction and worry for a partner of the Earth type who is conservative by nature, since in the cycle of destruction, the Tree dries up the Earth. Frequent conflicts, discussions, quarrels that turn into scandals will become the usual background of such a negative combination.

In order to stabilize relationships between partners belonging to these elements, placing items associated with Fire in the right areas of the home or office can help. His energy will be able to reconcile the conflicting parties, setting them up for the need to help each other, speaking frankly and openly about their feelings, both positive and negative, but in a calm manner.

Earth – Fire compatibility.

This union will be harmonious and successful for both parties. Violent activity, born of the ardent imagination of Fire, will be a powerful stimulus for the emotionally receptive Earth, prompting it to active activity. For its part, the calmer and more sober-minded Earth will restrain and control the hot-tempered temperament of the sometimes overly expansive Fire, provide assistance and direct the power of its energy in the right direction.

Decoding the Gua number

Depending on the resulting value, one powerful resource will predominate in your life:

  1. Odd numbers 1, 3, 5 and 9 are the eastern group. Such people live prosperously, they are very lucky, they are always under the protection and patronage of higher powers.
  2. Even numbers 2, 4, 6 and 8 are harmonious individuals, for whom it is especially important to devote time to spiritual development and self-improvement.

There are four directions for the positive use of the Gua number. This:

  1. Shen Qi - allows you to build a successful career, achieve success at work and achieve financial well-being. This is everything related to active actions, wealth, and achieving goals.
  2. Yan-Nan is the sphere of love relationships. Helps build a harmonious, happy family, live in harmony and peace for many years without conflicts and quarrels.
  3. Tien-I - health sector. Enhances attractiveness, protects against diseases and grants longevity.
  4. Fu-Wei - develops intellectual and creative abilities, reveals the mental potential of the individual, and bestows good luck in all areas of human life.

Feng Shui is a philosophy in which balance is very important. Therefore, there are also negative directions that mirror the positive ones. There are four of them:

  1. Ho-Hai is the sector of negative emotions. Acting in this direction, a person will get a lot of troubles and enter a dark period in his life, full of disappointments and failures.
  2. Wu Wei - negatively affects a person’s social life. Worsens relationships with loved ones, provokes the appearance of fears, phobias and blocks in the subtle body.
  3. Tse-Ming - negatively affects the financial sphere of a person’s life. Attracts failure, poverty, need, leads to bankruptcy and ruin.

How to avoid getting into an unfavorable zone? To do this, you need to know where it is in your home. And then neutralize it with the help of Chinese talismans, which destroy negative energy and activate positive energy. Sectors 1, 2, 3 and 4 correspond to north, east, west and south respectively. Take this into account when arranging your home.

Watch a video about how date of birth affects a person’s destiny:

Compatibility of the element of Fire according to Feng Shui

Compatibility Fire - Fire.

Such a union is a favorable tandem of two powerful personalities full of unspent energy. This combination can only be described as very successful. Such a union, whether creative, business or family, is simply doomed to longevity, since no other couple is so capable of interchanging and supporting each other when it is especially necessary. If the strength of one of the partners fades away or becomes exhausted, the other will always support him with his pressure and powerful energy.

Compatibility Fire - Metal.

Fire brings death to Metal. But since he fails to completely destroy Metal, any clash between them will end in heated quarrels with a showdown, often in a raised voice. The history of the relationship between such a couple is a constant rivalry, a struggle for the place of leader, which will result in a deterioration in relations, a lack of success and prospects in joint projects.

It is possible that over time Fire will be able to win, since by its nature it is still stronger than Metal. Only cunning and a sense of humor can help the latter cope with the overwhelming energy of his partner. To weaken the negative effect of relationships of this kind, it is recommended to place objects of the Wood element in the marriage (career) zone, which will have a calming, neutralizing effect.

Compatibility Fire - Water.

Such a union is considered unfavorable, especially when it comes to creating a family, because Water, constantly, even involuntarily extinguishing Fire, takes away its strength. In business, the initiative of a person of the element of Fire can be useful for a representative of the Water type, but it will be difficult for them to constantly communicate closely with each other, especially if such communication involves frank expression of their feelings and thoughts, ideas and plans.

An object symbolizing the Wood element can calm the storm of conflict between the parties and help partners understand each other. For this reason, it is necessary to have it in the interior of the room where these partners live or work.

Compatibility Fire - Wood

Despite the fact that it is generally accepted that fire is dangerous for wood, in the Feng Shui horoscope everything is somewhat different, namely: such a combination of elements is very favorable. Enterprising Fire will assist the Tree in achieving significant success, growth, and conquering more and more professional, spiritual and material heights.

In turn, Wood will play the role of a deterrent and will bring constancy and stability to partnerships with impulsive Fire. The cooperation of Fire and Wood promises to be successful for the reason that both of these elements are distinguished by an optimistic attitude towards life, love change, adventure, and are themselves sources of fresh ideas.

Determining the element

According to Feng Shui, compatibility is determined by each person’s belonging to a certain element, of which the teaching identifies five:

  • Fire (6.7)
  • Water (2.3)
  • Wood (4.5)
  • Earth (8,9)
  • Metal (0.1)

The feng shui element by date of birth is recognized very simply, just look at the last digit of the year of birth. We indicated these numbers above after the name of each element.

Please note: if your birthday falls in January, then you must take the previous year as indicated in the documents, because according to the Chinese calendar, the onset of the new year is celebrated later. For those born in February, in order to calculate the feng shui element by date of birth, you also need to clarify whether their birthday fell on the previous year.

Next, let’s look at how the elements combine – yours and your partner’s.

Metal horoscope compatibility

Compatibility Metal - Metal.

Metal people are able to come to mutual understanding, support and help each other in any situation. Outwardly, they behave completely independently, each does their part of the housework or their work responsibilities, and is able to make their own decisions.

From the outside, such relationships look cool, superficial, based solely on mutual material benefit, in a word, businesslike. However, Metal people, deep down, really need the support of people similar to them in temperament and way of thinking. For this reason, the Metal-Metal union, both marriage and business, will be strong and long-lasting.

Compatibility of elements Metal - Water

Relations between representatives of these elements most often turn out to be harmonious and mutually beneficial.

Water sets an example for Metal to openly and clearly express its feelings and emotions; it teaches Metal, who is poorly able to forgive, to forget about past grievances and live for the future. Metal, in turn, shares with Water its imperturbable restraint, the ability to think and act independently, without taking into account opinions those around you.

Compatibility Metal - Wood.

Wood is always open to communication, new experiences and acquaintances; it constantly strives upward, towards self-improvement, and this often irritates Metal. For this reason, he withdraws into himself, and this is already difficult for the Tree to understand. However, they also have similar features: a sense of responsibility, zeal for the success of a common cause, the ability to realize the benefits that come from having a reliable partner nearby. To create a favorable atmosphere of peaceful interaction between these two elements, Metal needs to learn to listen to the ideas of Wood, and the second needs to understand that Metal often gets tired of vain and stormy communication and sometimes needs solitude.

Element of Water with other elements of the horoscope

Compatibility Water - Water

This is the perfect union of kindred spirits. They accurately guess each other's desires, moods, and needs. If one of them fails, the strength of the partner maintains his self-confidence. Their relationship is harmonious, both of them are less dependent on the rules and laws of the outside world. When they work together, nothing can distract them from the creative process.

Compatibility Water – Wood

Water brings nutrition, i.e. strength, to the Tree, is an indispensable condition for its growth and development, and helps to express one’s ideas more clearly and easily. It is Water that the Tree will turn to when it needs empathy and support in difficult moments of life. The tree is a guiding force for the energy and imagination of Water in the right direction. It is this that sets goals and restrains changeable, uncertain Water.

Each of the partners in this union finds the necessary support and understanding, since people of Water and Wood have honesty, tenderness towards loved ones, are able to express compassion and have a beneficial influence on each other. The longer the period of cooperation between these elements, the stronger the connection between them.


Saturday, April 20, 2013 23:33 + in quote book
Friends, we bring to your attention the famous Feng Shui table for determining the elements that control your life. In order to find out your element, look carefully at the table and find the range corresponding to your date of birth. At the top of the column your element will be indicated. For example, I was born on November 2, 1970, my range in the table is: 02/06/70 - 01/26/1971, which corresponds to the element METAL YANG.
We recommend that you spend a couple of minutes of time identifying your element. We promise an interesting description of your personality, advice, recommendations and compatibility with other elements.[/td]

- material for making weapons. A person has similar qualities - toughness, sharpness, determination and stubbornness. This is a born leader. Possessing amazing energy, he boldly storms inaccessible peaks and never looks back. In his impetuosity, he does not notice the little things, always focusing his gaze on global goals. Just like heavy Yang Metal, it is durable and hard. Such a person has an indestructible will and amazing straightforwardness.
Metal Yang
- a champion of justice. “Fair” or “unfair” - these are the concepts with which he operates in his life. He, without hesitation, cuts the “truth” right in the eyes, absolutely not worrying about what was said and the possible consequences. In his work, he is demanding, both of himself and of others, and often occupies high leadership positions. To your address
Jansky Metal
does not accept even the slightest criticism, although he criticizes others without a shadow of a doubt. It often lacks delicacy, which often ends in resentment and misunderstanding on the part of people. Despite his prickliness and coldness, such a person is very loyal and reliable. He always remembers the kindness done to him, and is ready to tear into pieces anyone who offends his friends. However, when he is angry, it is better to temporarily fall out of his sight, because everyone who catches his eye risks being destroyed by his withering gaze and sharp tongue. In personal relationships, this person is also tense and not at all soft. You can either accept this or get out of his way, because it is impossible to adjust it to yourself. The sword is designed to fight and win battles. Therefore, their internal evaluation increases when they win. If they lose, then their self-esteem will certainly fall, and they may lose faith in themselves. They always try to be better than others, if not in everything, then at least in some aspects.
Metal Yang
very inquisitive and engaged in self-development. Actively travels, is interested in new high technologies and politics. Likes to impress with his intellectual savvy and catch interested glances. Always fit, well-groomed, strives for ideal in everything. However, his constant habit of “keeping himself in check” and his external gloss emanate coldness and a certain detachment.
Relationships of Yang Metal with Personalities of Other Elements
with Yin Tree
always have a beneficial effect on cold and heavy
Jansky Metal
. Thanks to his tenderness and ability to adapt to any situation, the Yin partner helps the hard metal soften and look at things more simply and delicately. Union
Jansky Metal
Jansky Tree
can be characterized by the phrase “I found a scythe on a stone.” Both stubborn, principled and uncompromising, they will stick to their position, not paying attention to the opinion of their partner. Even if the mistake is obvious, no one will ask each other for forgiveness, so such a marriage will ultimately fail. He also feels uncomfortable in society.
Yansky Fire
. Equally freedom-loving and ambitious, they do not accept concessions and, unfortunately, will not adapt to the opinion of their “half”. A couple can only work out if the spouses provide each other with large-scale personal space and try not to encroach on it in vain. Oddly enough, tandem
Jansky Metal
Yin fire
can be very successful and long-lasting. The fiery partner will be able to find a way to “melt” the hard and cold heart of the metal man and cast something worthwhile from him. A particularly good union if
Metal Yang man
finds himself
wife of the Yin Fire element
. Relationships are good with
Yanskaya Land
. Despite its conservatism and leisurely nature, nevertheless, this element will be a reliable assistant and faithful adviser in all the endeavors of its purposeful and unrestrained partner. It is thanks to her dedication and complete support
Jansky Metal
will achieve all his ambitious goals. Union with
Yin Earth
based, first of all, on her comprehensive sacrifice and dedication for the benefit of others. Often prickly and sharp
Jansky Metal
he simply does not notice all the goodness exuded by the loving earthly element. He shamelessly takes advantage of naivety and decency
yin partner
, taking all the benefits from him for granted.
Two Yang Metals
in one family - this is hopeless coldness in relationships, bordering on a certain alienation. Children born in such a union quickly leave their father's home in the hope of enjoying warmth and attention elsewhere. Although parents are always ready to financially support their offspring, it is useless to expect an open display of love and tenderness from them. WITH
Yin Metal
the relationship is much better. Although selfishness is present in both elements, nevertheless, thanks to similar goals and life priorities, such partners can coexist well in close unity with each other. This relationship cannot be called passionate and hot, but mutual career growth is guaranteed. The only element on which one can become dependent
Metal Yang
, is
Yanskaya Water
. With her “workaround” paths and remarkable wisdom, she quietly and progressively tames the prickly and straightforward metal man, who, surprisingly, will listen and obey his water partner. Soften and relax
Jansky Metal
can do it in a hug
Yin Water
. Under her influence, his pride and natural self-centeredness will subside a little, releasing everything that is good and kind in this person. In turn, the water element will gain confidence and strength, which will help it in defending its opinion.
How to win the heart of Yang Metal and people of other elements
This is a general compatibility characteristic. To make a more accurate analysis, you need to take into account all the signs in the fate map of two people. Famous personalities of the Metal element Ian Margaret Thatcher, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Antonio Banderas, Mike Tyson, Mstislav Rostropovich, Ernest Hemingway, Giani Versace, Jennifer Lopez
- these are large rivers, seas, oceans. Man of the elements
Yanska Water
endowed with impulsiveness and endless energy. He can handle anything, he stops at nothing. He does not sit still, is always on the move and full of ideas. These people are like streams of water that flow in one direction, bypass powerful objects, but never turn back. Such unbridled activity is amazing; it seems that this man is charged with some kind of cosmic batteries. He enjoys his activity, grasps everything on the fly and often makes decisions at lightning speed, without bothering to think. Personality
Yanskaya Voda
She is very sociable and positive, so she is always the center of attention. As an excellent organizer, he knows how to interest people and captivate them with him. As a rule, he chooses professions related to social or political activities. Like the all-pervasive
Water Yang
Such a person knows how to adapt perfectly and skillfully bypasses all life’s obstacles. He can easily adapt to any situation. If there is an insurmountable obstacle in the way of a stream of water, a person of Yang water will not get into trouble, but will go around, if necessary, break into small streams, and then run again in a powerful stream.
Yanskaya Water
- a born diplomat. He will always find the most advantageous solution to the problem that has arisen and will not change his intended goals. And the great energy fullness overwhelms him, so sometimes he is careless in relation to those who happen to be nearby at that moment. In his assertiveness, he sometimes does not notice the opinions and desires of other people. Can step over those who interfere or are not suitable for the task he is performing. An absolute optimist. There are no hopeless situations for him, he takes problems lightly and does not get depressed when something doesn’t work out. Being curious by nature, this person absorbs a lot of diverse information with interest. As a result, he is comprehensively developed and well read. He has excellent linguistic abilities and often knows several foreign languages.
Water Yang
values ​​freedom in all forms and does not accept restrictions. He loves his element and speed, so he is not afraid of storms at sea, and you can often find a sports motorcycle in the garage. In love he is also impetuous and unrestrained. He is tired of the measured everyday routine, so such a person should always be surprised and maintained with new ideas and unexpected surprises. In persons of the opposite sex he values ​​intelligence, temperament and beauty. His principle is simple - he came, he saw, he conquered.
Compatibility of Yang Water with other elemental personalities
The most successful union
Yanskaya Voda
turns out with
Yin Fire
. The active and active Yang water element combines favorably with the fiery nature. In such a tandem, no one drowns out each other, does not limit personal freedom, does not put pressure - on the contrary, they complement each other remarkably. A pretty good option could be a combination with
Yang Fire
, based more on friendship and the same interests, rather than on unbridled passion. Similar aspirations, energy and sociability give rise to many points of contact, but excessive temper, jealousy and incontinence of the fire element can greatly frighten
Yansku Voda
. Restrain impulsive
yang river flow
only possible
Yanskaya Zemlya
. Her thoroughness and conservatism, although they create some misunderstandings in communication, greatly support the active water nature, creating a reliable basis for the embodiment of her many creative ideas. The success of a family union with
Yin Earth
. Her ineradicable craving for education will push away the proud and independent
Yansku Voda
Moreover, such partners are unlikely to get along in everyday life, especially in territorial preferences regarding place of residence.
Yin earth element
gravitates towards rural areas, but the Yan whirlpool, on the contrary, prefers megacities and urban crowds. Doesn't always get along
Yanskaya Water
and with
Yang Metal
. Straightforwardness and rigidity cause misunderstanding on the part of the diplomatic water element, while freedom-loving and mobility are not understandable for the organized and focused on global goals
Jansky Metal
. A similar situation is with
Yin Metal
. His punctuality and pedantry irritate the lightning-fast water stream, accustomed to living by its own rules. However, being excellent organizers and speakers, if such a couple meets on the political stage, they can achieve considerable career growth. Relationships
two Yansky Waters
can turn into a strong friendship and partnership. The same hobbies, optimism and inexhaustible energy will help you do great things. The main thing is not to get too carried away and hit the brakes in time. In personal life, the water elements can come together for a while, and then scatter along different channels. In combination
Yang Water – Yin Water
there are no equal partners. Someone's water flow always prevails, absorbing and clogging another with its pressure. It makes sense to build a future for such partners only in the case when one water consciously submits to the other and does not even in thoughts claim possible primacy. The well-being of the union with
Yansky Tree
is based on the ability of the water element to be lenient and patient with the slowness and stubbornness of its partner. Fast
Water Yang
doesn’t always understand how one can be so principled and inflexible, and only her streamlining and loyalty will save the relationship. Have a future relationship with
Yin Tree
. Thanks to their unsurpassed ability to adapt to any situation, the union of these elements can be long-lasting and strong. The creativity of one partner, multiplied by the energy and business abilities of the other, creates an explosive mixture that can bind them to you for a long time.
How to win the heart of Yanskaya Water and people of other elements
: These are only general signs of compatibility. For a more detailed analysis, you need to take into account all eight signs in the fate cards of two people.
Famous Personalities of the Water Yang Element
Stars: Charlie Chaplin, Pablo Picasso, Bill Gates, Ozzy Osbourne, Tom Cruise, Lyudmila Gurchenko.
- a person can be described as a stubborn and principled nature. Like a big powerful trunk, it is absolutely not flexible, and it is almost impossible to break it. Not wanting to adapt to circumstances, such a person does not accept compromises and will be faithful to his convictions to the end. Internally suffering from unexpected life changes and downfalls, he will never bend to the situation and defends his principles to the last. Such a person will not look for opportunities to soften his words so that others will meet him halfway. He, like a tree, grows throughout his life, and not necessarily in the literal sense - he develops mentally, spiritually, with pleasure learning and learning new things. Similar to a tree providing shade, this person is benevolent and full of compassion. Possessing amazing sensitivity, he is able to fairly assess the situation and provide decent support and assistance to those in need. With an emphasis on high moral values, he puts honesty at the forefront without giving in to temptation. Like
Yang tree
With his roots firmly covering the earth, this person has a reliable and stable character. He is smart, confident in his goals, straightforward and not afraid of difficulties. The lack of reaction speed is compensated by high persistence, and the day comes when such a person conquers all the peaks. Like
yang tree
Its formation occurs slowly, but is characterized by high organization and great patience with people. In his work, such a person is meticulous, professional and has outstanding leadership abilities. Excessive stubbornness and ambition prevent you from quickly getting along with people, although one can only envy the cheerfulness of such a person. He clearly understands what he wants to achieve and decisively moves towards his dreams.
Compatibility of the Yang Tree with the personalities of other elementsYanskoye Tree
goes well with
Yang Fire
. The warmth and kindness of the fire element can warm the heart, even the most wooden one. Since both partners are smart and not vindictive, their union can be long and strong. Occasionally, when an unrestrained fiery character makes itself felt, short family “battles” are possible. WITH
Yin Fire
everything is also good. Solidity and tranquility
Jansky Tree
allows you to endure all the unpredictable antics of your other half and support you in all your endeavors. The energy of the fiery partner serves as a kind of fuel for the powerful and indestructible trunk. Union with
Yanskaya Land
– not the best option for starting a family. Both are conservative, both are inflexible, difficult to lift - they will gnaw at each other with moral teachings and prove that they are right. Although, if they do get together, they will remain faithful to the end, but they will never experience a feeling of happiness. Relationship
Jansky Tree
Yin Earth
can be ideal when the earth element is represented by a woman. Thanks to her selflessness and natural maternal instinct, she will be completely devoted to her Tree husband, surrounding him with care and home comfort. In their eternal rivalry
Yang tree
Jansky Metal
They look like a cat and a dog. Their absolutely polar worldview leads to hopeless misunderstanding, endless quarrels and, as a result, separation. A short-term union is like a flash of adrenaline that enters the blood during a parachute jump, that’s all. An absolutely doomed option -
Yanskoye Tree
in combination with
Yin Metal
. Even after a casual acquaintance, they are “sick” of each other. A spoiled and thoroughbred representative of the metal element is irritated by the simplicity and some clumsiness of his interlocutor’s nature. Therefore, such an acquaintance will not go beyond a fleeting conversation. Union with
Yanska Water
can be very successful if partners learn to hear and adapt to each other. Shared interests, creative projects, walks will help you get closer and feel mutual need. They take raising children very seriously, completely devoting themselves to the pedagogical process. Very harmonious
Yanskoye Tree
Yin Water
. With a life-giving stream, it promptly feeds the mighty roots of its wooden giant, gently smoothes out all the corners, receiving in return the necessary protection, compassion and support. This family will overcome all difficulties on the path to harmony and unity.
Two Yan Trees
get along well with each other. They catch at a glance what their partner wants to say and are happy to please him. Enormous mutual support and overwhelming trust are the engine for overcoming difficulties and realizing the most ambitious plans. As a rule, they are very successful in their careers, complementing each other perfectly. Meeting
Jansky Tree
Yin Tree
- great luck. These people get along well with each other and know how not to waste their energy on trifles. Having a mutual creative touch, they are completely compatible with each other and make their lives rich, interesting and extraordinary.
How to win the heart of the Yang Tree and people of other elements
This is just a general characteristic. To more accurately analyze compatibility, all eight signs should be taken into account in the fate cards of two people.
Famous Personalities of the Yang Wood Element
Whitney Houston, Britney Spears, Elvis Presley, Larisa Dolina Personality of the person associated with
, comparable to the sun, warmth and unbridled energy. He is easy to communicate, has absolutely no vindictiveness and confidently walks through life, illuminating everything around him with his enthusiasm. Such a person is inquisitive, well-read and open to everything new, possessing an extraordinary mind. He doesn't hold grudges and is used to saying everything directly, solving problems immediately on the spot. Like the sun, he warms with his generosity and kindness. However
Fire Yang
The person sitting inside him can be overly hot, and in his desire to help beyond measure, a person can take others by surprise. His impulsiveness and temper sometimes lead to excessive exaggeration of the situation and lack of restraint in his statements. But when he is passionate about something, he can devote himself to it uncontrollably and with maximum efficiency. In his desire to be constantly in the spotlight, he is like the sun around which all the planets revolve. Being the soul of the company, such a person with his sociability and positivity always leaves only pleasant impressions. Despite his intolerance and quick movements, he clearly knows why and what he lives for, so he moves forward straight and does not linger on trifles. An incorrigible optimist and truth-seeker. In love, thanks
yang fire
burning from the inside, he is passionate and jealous. His absolute generosity and magnanimity are capable of conquering even the most unapproachable woman, and his selflessness and romanticism make such a man a real gentleman. At the same time, he has a sense of justice, so he categorically does not accept lies and highly values ​​frankness in people. Many famous political figures were born under this sign.
Compatibility of Yang Fire with representatives of other elementsYansky Fire
goes well with
Yin Metal
. Being not vindictive by nature, a fiery partner will forgive the antics of a slightly selfish metal man, susceptible to temptation and obsessed with his own irresistibility. The yang light and warmth given off will be enough to maintain the family fire in this marriage. Mutual desire for independence will be a stumbling block in relationships
Fire Yang
Metal Yang
. Having much in common in life principles, interests and hobbies, nevertheless, the stubbornness and temper of the partners will create difficulties in their life and work process. Such a family will either quickly fall apart or live on raw emotions. Trying to get along with someone will be a complete disappointment.
Yanska Water
. Absolutely different and unlike in anything, these elements will only torment each other. The sooner such partners understand that nothing will come of their marriage, the less time they will spend on such unpromising and absolutely hopeless relationships.
Union with Yin Water
possible, but highly controversial. The fire element supports the creative note of water, providing the necessary warmth and care, but it is almost impossible to achieve spiritual closeness between such partners. However, in the event of separation, they will “scatter” easily and without mutual offense. The relationship with
Yansky Tree
. Due to his goodwill and high moral principles, such a partner will be a reliable stronghold and guarantee of family comfort for the fire element. The fire, in turn, will warm and dilute with its optimism and solar energy its principled and leisurely
. They like each other well
Fire Yang
Yin Tree
. Both are sociable, have a passion for art and strive for self-improvement. For the fire element, the main thing is not to frighten off a vulnerable tree with its jealousy and impulsiveness, because it can become wrapped up in its experiences and then reach out to
yin partner
It won't be easy.
Two Yang Fires
- this is a real avalanche, burning everyone and everything along the way. It is contraindicated for such partners to even think about the possibility of a serious relationship, because the fiery truth-seekers will come out of them devastated and dried up from the mutual “pulling of the blanket over themselves” in the eternal struggle for leadership. In a relationship with
Yin Fire
- the situation is similar. The two fire elements do not get along with each other, because their heat, passion and natural temperament, like in a mirror, are reflected in their partner. A marriage based on scenes of jealousy, outbursts of rage and excessive activity will inevitably lead to disappointment and inevitable separation.
Union with Yanskaya Zemlya
, although not ideal, can be quite stable and bring satisfaction to both elements. The conservatism and stubbornness of the earthly person will certainly spoil the fiery partner’s nerves, but the devotion and determination of the earthly “foundation” will be a reliable basis in such a family. The secret of family happiness
Yang Fire with Yin Earth
is an inexhaustible source of love and affection emanating from the earthly elements. Giving herself completely to her fiery partner, she, in turn, will enjoy warmth and light under his solar yang rays. In this union, well-mannered and kind children will grow up who will honor and appreciate their parents.
How to win the heart of Yang Fire and people of other elements
This is just a general characteristic. To more accurately analyze compatibility, you should take into account all eight signs in the fate map of the two partners.
Famous Personalities of the Fire Yang Element
Vladimir Putin, Mikhail Gorbachev, Yuri Luzhkov, Grigory Yavlinsky, Nelson Mandela, Sharon Stone, Zhanna Aguzarova, Tamara Gverdtitseli
- these are mountains and huge stones. A distinctive feature of a person whose character is associated with the yang land is, first of all, his thoroughness and solidity. Like heavy boulders, it is rough and clumsy. His angularity and bearish clumsiness can often be seen in his external features. Difficult to climb, he denies change, takes a long time to adapt to changes and does not tolerate fuss. When making any decision, this person thinks for a long time, evaluating all the options - as a result, his slowness often leads to missing potential opportunities. He is very conservative, therefore, once he has formed a personal opinion about something, he will not change it even at gunpoint. Absolute inflexibility and sometimes unjustified stubbornness prevent such a person from making compromises and concessions.
Earth Yang
can be an excellent and responsible performer, solving clearly assigned tasks. However, you should not demand that he take initiative; this will be a waste of time. As well as
Earth Yang
rich in resources, the essence of this person is filled with many virtues. These include friendliness and loyalty. Having earned the trust of a person whose personality is represented by yang land, you can be sure that he will be faithful to you to the end and will not betray you in a difficult life situation. Despite his rather clumsy and rudeness, he is, at the same time, unusually sentimental. In my life
Yanskaya Zemlya
indulges in dreams that can evoke in him emotions not experienced in reality. This man is very respectful and polite. However, behind the external politeness lies a strong will and self-centeredness. If desired, he achieves, albeit slowly and deliberately, his goals, thereby earning the trust and respect of loved ones. Obsessing over current problems and the inability to relax sometimes lead to unreasonable outbursts of irritability and intolerance.
Personality compatibility of the Yanskaya Earth with people of other elements
Elements are very compatible
Yang Earth and Yin Water
. The ponderous and catastrophically conservative earth's surface finds solace in the coolness of the water. The flexibility and lightness of a Yin partner brings a bit of variety to the monotonous life of an inveterate snob, making it much more interesting. But the alliance with
Yanska Water
- an eternal struggle. The outcome of the “battle” depends on the strength of character and stubbornness of both people. The palm of leadership can go to anyone, so it alternately wanders from one to another. In such difficult relationships there is no place for calm, peace and confidence in the future. Relationships with
Yansky Tree
also very contradictory. As sexual partners, these individuals are absolutely uninteresting to each other. But friendship from such an interweaving of elements turns out to be excellent. Both are honest, principled, meticulous and loyal, they respect and cherish their partnership. Very beneficial effect on
Yanskaya Land
tenderness and softness
Yin Tree
. With his sociability, tact and creative approach to many things, the Yin partner brightens up the “thick-skinnedness” of his stubborn lover, receiving in return his absolute loyalty and worthy protection.
Earth Yang and Fire Yang
– very compatible elements. The ever-cheerful and passionate “sunny” nature will be a reliable friend, a sensual lover, and a moral outlet for her earthly partner, constantly inspiring and feeding him with positive energy. Get along well with
Yanskaya Land
and representatives
Yin Fire
. But here it is important for the fire element not to overdo it with its impulsiveness and impetuosity, and for the earth element not to overdo it in its eternal desire to “keep everything under control.” Otherwise, the result will be sad - separation. Life
two Yana Lands
boring, although stable. There is no fresh air in their union; everything is ordinary, standard and predictable. As a rule, marriages based on such a combination of elements are very strong, but in terms of personal development they are unpromising. They are content with what they have and are reluctant to accept changes, having a rather narrow outlook.
Yan and Yin Land
. They are so suitable for each other that once they meet, it is difficult to imagine how they existed separately before. A quiet, balanced and full of harmony life is a brief description of such a family. Their home is invariably associated with delicious treats, children's laughter and cozy slippers. But in relations with
Yang Metal
understanding and agreement are the exception rather than the rule. An irreconcilable and prickly metal man will always spoil all attempts at reconciliation of an already not particularly compliant earthly partner. As a result, each element remains “with its own interests”, without knowing each other’s souls. Personalities
Yang Earth and Yin Metal
favorably set off each other, so their union has every chance of being successful. A bright and thoroughbred Yin handsome man will add the shine and grooming that man-earth so lacks. These elements are harmonious in everyday life, run a joint household harmoniously and are unusually disciplined.
How to win the heart of Yanskaya Earth and people of other elements
This is just a general characteristic. For a more accurate analysis, you should take into account all the signs in the fate map of the two partners.
Famous Personalities of the Earth Yang Element
Alexander Lukashenko, Victoria Beckham, Elizabeth Taylor, Galina Vishnevskaya, Michael Jackson, Maya Plisetskaya, Hillary Clinton CONTINUED

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Feng Shui Compatibility of Wood

Compatibility Wood – Wood

Wood people are by nature very active, active, sociable, always have many hobbies, are surrounded by people and sincerely enjoy simple communication. In alliance with their own kind, Tree people simply flourish. They find mutual acquaintances, common interests and hobbies. Life in such active rhythms does not tire them; on the contrary, they only gain strength. People born under the auspices of the Wood element are attentive to others, always help those who need it, they are trusting and are good interlocutors and listeners.

© Ogudin Valentin

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