Elements of the zodiac signs: their characteristics and compatibility

In this article:

  • The meaning of the elements of the zodiac signs
  • Earth Element
  • Water Element
  • Fire Release
  • Air Element
  • Earth Sign Compatibility
  • Water sign compatibility
  • Fire sign compatibility
  • Air sign compatibility

The traditional image of the zodiac signs is a circle, similar to a dial. If you draw lines inside it, you will get 4 right triangles. This division is not accidental; it is determined by the belonging of each sign to one of the four elements. Within these boundaries there are representatives ideal for friendship and marriage.

Earth, Water, Air and Fire, along with astrological signs, determine the character of people, their destiny and ideal life partner. In our article we will analyze the elements of the zodiac signs, their characteristics and possible compatibility. And then, perhaps, the behavior of your chosen one, friends and loved ones will become clearer to you.

The meaning of the elements of the zodiac signs

There are four elements of the zodiac signs, which, according to ancient astrologers, correspond to the four basic concepts that characterize the manifestation of life: Spirit, Space, Time and Matter. Each of them has four branches with specific meanings, despite slight similarities with other divisions of the zodiac signs.

Temperament and character are formed depending on the element to which the individual belongs. To define the concept of Matter, ancient scientists divided the zodiac signs into Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

Fire is responsible for Spirit, Air symbolizes Space, Water is the main one for the flow of Time, and Earth is responsible for Matter. All zodiac signs exhibit belonging to one of the elements. This pattern is repeated every three signs in the zodiac circle, forming a triangle of relationships.

It is important to understand that the elements do not have a literal meaning, but are a philosophical symbol of certain qualities.

In astrology, the elements of the zodiac signs are designated by triangles pointing upward - trigons. The tip of the triangle of Fire and Air is directed downwards. And Air and Water have a line through the middle of the triangle.

What power patronizes your sign?

Even in ancient times, astrologers divided all the signs of the Zodiac into four types, taking as a basis the elements of the elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water. Each group contains three constellations.

AirGemini, Libra, Aquarius
Earth Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Fire Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Water Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Signs united by one element can be characterized by a number of similar traits and inclinations. The impact of the elements also affects relationships with other people. Thanks to this, you can learn a lot about the compatibility of people of each constellation with other signs.

Earth Element

The following zodiac signs belong to the earth element: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo.

Characteristic traits: regularity, hard work, loyalty, sensuality, stability, focus, diligence, practicality.

The element of Earth makes the zodiac signs, although quite simple, but very pleasant people. Being builders of destinies, they are quite practical. This down-to-earth nature allows them to become excellent organizers and managers. People born under the sign of the Earth seem to envelop those around them with their calmness; it is easy and comfortable to be with them.

The element of Earth makes people more rational. They amaze with their clear views on the world and confidence in business. It is almost impossible to remove them yourself. But if the earth sign still gets angry, run!

Thanks to a high-quality approach to business and work, people belonging to the Earth element often receive awards and gifts that they treasure with all their hearts. Despite their sensitivity, they have an extremely flexible mind, which allows them to work on long, complex projects. They are ready to give their all if the work suits their interests.

How to subjugate the air element

Air signs of the zodiac are indeed very freedom-loving. They do not accept restrictions in their direction. Just as the earthly signs of the zodiac receive energy from the earth, so do the airy ones from the air.

To establish relationships with them, you need to understand them. This is the most important thing for them. Air signs give themselves completely to relationships, but if they don’t see any return, they withdraw themselves. Respect from their partner is important to them. They don’t like negativity; from their other half they expect positivity and bright emotions, from which they are charged.

A man of the air element is almost immediately disposed to communicate. However, this does not negate their tendency to conflict and emotionality. They do not have elemental compatibility with women of bright and impulsive signs.

Women of the air element are sometimes frivolous and dreamy. A man who wants to conquer such a woman must be confident and persistent.

Water Element

The following zodiac signs belong to the element of Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Characteristic traits: attentiveness, temperament, impressionability, creative imagination, perseverance, sympathy, responsiveness, non-conflict.

People belonging to the element of Water are as mysterious as the ocean itself.

People belonging to the element of Water are as mysterious as the ocean itself. Thanks to their developed intuition, they often tend to predict the future. Their dreams are extremely clear and realistic. Such individuals, like water itself, can drown you in its depths or give you freshness and brightness to life. Always ready to help solve complex problems, listen and support. They have no equal in consoling others. And they try to protect themselves in any way possible, for fear of being injured and underestimated.

Water elements of the zodiac signs tend to express their emotions through creativity. Reason is secondary for them; almost all decisions in life are made from the heart. They live life on an intuitive level, trying to make it as comfortable and memorable as possible. They are ready to fight for their loved ones and loved ones, even if it is to their disadvantage.

How to subjugate the water element

These people are good at feeling the emotions of others. To find an approach to them, you need to have a heart-to-heart talk with them and feel their feelings. No matter what events surround them, they always need support.

Men of the water element tend not to finish things. A woman who wants to enter into a relationship with him must be able to lead and organize the process. The girl of the water element is emotional and sensitive. A man who wants to be close to her must be ready to show care and affection.

Fire Release

The following zodiac signs belong to the element of Fire: Sagittarius, Leo, Aries.

Characteristic traits: impetuosity, originality, initiative, courage, loyalty, passion, determination, activity.

People born under a fire sign are distinguished by their creativity, energy and charisma. Having influence on others, they can lead them, organize riots and revolutions. Such individuals require constant control, because the slightest spark can turn into a fire due to their impulsiveness. If a zodiac sign belonging to the fire element can curb its emotions, then it will cope with all matters with amazing speed. So, if your problems require an urgent solution, find a Sagittarius, Leo or Aries.

Having an explosive nature, fire signs tend to burn bridges behind them. They work tirelessly to achieve their goals. And they rarely remember, much less regret, the past. The element of Fire gives a person majesty and courage; such people like to show their abilities and be the center of attention.

Air Element

The following zodiac signs belong to the element of Air: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini.

Characteristic traits: sociability, spirituality, initiative, determination, changeability, versatility.

People born under an air sign are distinguished by lightness and a certain weightlessness. They overcome life's difficulties at once and make serious decisions. Such individuals have a well-developed intellect, which allows them to easily find a common language with others. These are lovers of exploring the world, analyzing human actions and the essence of existence.

Descendant in Cancer: influence on relationships and solving family problems

Descendant in Cancer: characteristics of the aspect. Descendant in Cancer: image of a partner. Descendant in Cancer for a man. Descendant in Cancer for a woman. The influence of the Descendant in Cancer on relationships. Problems of family relationships if the descendant is in Cancer

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Zodiac signs that belong to the Air element are born leaders. They look at what happened rationally and easily find a way out of dead-end situations. A broad outlook and innate intelligence helps them fully realize their own potential.

Possessing powerful charm, such individuals find common themes with completely different people. They feel comfortable both at a social event and at a party in a club. Using their mind, they are able to find a way out of any situation.

The influence of the elements on human character

Everything in the world happens under the influence of the four main elements of the planet. Air, Earth, Fire and Water give people special traits and influence their thoughts, behavior, preferences and individual characteristics.


The element of Air is in constant motion, reflecting the process of exchange of states and information. People under her protection are like gusts of wind: they are active in thoughts and actions, show amazing flexibility and dexterity, and their perception has no boundaries. They are free-spirited and independent in self-expression.

Air signs are easy going people, with a small amount of childishness in their views on everything that happens. Their life is in full swing in the present time at maximum speed. They have little interest in the future; they live here and now.

The nature of air is perfectly expressed by such a concept as changeability, so it is difficult to rely on these people in personal and business relationships. In an informal setting during personal communication, they show maximum positive emotions, their sparkle infects others, and their wonderful sense of humor completely charms those around them.

A strong flow of energy controls such people: they sort things out and make decisions at high speed. Flexible and easy to adapt to circumstances. They quickly absorb new information and are able to present it to others from a favorable point of view.

Main characteristics of Air people:

  • sociability;
  • mobility;
  • ease;
  • open-mindedness;
  • activity;
  • passion;
  • love of freedom;
  • tirelessness;
  • optimism.


The matter of life - the Earth - is stable and stable. Thanks to it, existence and its laws are formed.

Earth signs are people who stand firmly on their own to the end in any situation. They are workaholics, self-reliant, serious, responsible and thorough. They show interest only when the business is clearly beneficial for them personally. They are often dissatisfied with the actions of others and like to criticize and teach.

From an early age they plan the future according to achievable goals and steadily move towards their implementation. In most cases, their main value is the possession of material wealth; only such achievements please the signs of the Earth.

People of the earth element can be characterized by the following qualities:

  • stability;
  • reliability;
  • confidence;
  • prudence;
  • pragmatism;
  • responsibility;
  • hard work.


The energy of Fire is a motivator of movement. It controls human instincts, which impart courage, courage, activity, excessive self-confidence, and sometimes impudence. The faith of people under the auspices of Fire in the exceptional correctness of their choice leads to purposefulness and impetuous actions.

Natural manifestations of flame are unexpected, sharp, burning, the same as the main traits in the character of people of Fire:

  • hot temper;
  • impulsiveness;
  • emotionality;
  • straightforwardness;
  • authority;
  • determination.

Fire signs do not know how to restrain emotional impulses; they always speak out without hesitation in situations that are uncomfortable for them. The thirst for power, the unacceptability of second roles and the desire for leadership help in achieving goals. Society respects and accepts such people, and if this does not happen, representatives of Fire move away and reject all those who do not support them.


The element of Water is an image of cold and fast flow, which manifests itself in a person as a flow of feelings and emotions.

Water signs are highly emotional. They live under the influence of feelings and fantasies, often passing them off as reality. They are very suspicious - deep emotions happen for any reason. Touchy even in small things.

They often rely on premonitions and consider intuition to be their main talent. They are fascinated by the unusual, the surprising - everything that is beyond the boundaries of familiar reality.

Too often in everyday life they show self-sacrifice and humility - these traits chain them into boundaries, waste their life in vain.

They are often unsure of themselves and changeable, because they are highly susceptible to external or internal factors of influence. Any little thing that comes into the consciousness of Water people can change the entire course of events. During periods of disappointment, they quickly fall into deep depression.

Traits of Water signs:

  • softness;
  • secrecy;
  • mystery;
  • sensitivity;
  • self-sacrifice;
  • tolerance;
  • persistence.

Earth Sign Compatibility

Now that we have learned what the elements of the zodiac signs mean, let's discuss their compatibility.

And let's start with the signs of the Earth - these are Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. Representatives of these constellations are distinguished by their perseverance, modesty and love of work. Despite the desire to control everything around them, they get along well in a team. They are often too slow, but thanks to their innate perseverance they always see things through to the end.

  • Earth and Water. A completely compatible tandem, if you do not take into account the slowness of earth signs. The water partner will have to constantly bother his chosen one and give him confidence.
  • Earth and Air. Reading the description of the elements of the zodiac signs, you can understand that such a union is quite strong and based on trust. The main thing is not to limit the freedom of the air sign.
  • Earth and Earth. One of the best combinations. Despite complete compatibility, such a union may also have problems. Basically, they relate to the sphere of finance, because both partners do not know how to save money at all and spend everything to the last penny.
  • Earth and Fire. It's not easy for such a couple. The ardor of a fire sign prevents an earthly sign from showing its strengths. But if the representative of the element of Fire is more tolerant, the couple will be able to find happiness.

Why some couples shouldn't sleep in the same bed

I'm sure you've seen married couples who spend all their time together - everywhere they go. If we find out their dates of birth, we will definitely find that their horoscopes are very consonant, or compatible. Such partners are interested in each other emotionally and physically, they excite each other, so when they are around, they feel quite comfortable. On the other hand, there are some married couples who hardly see each other - they sleep in separate beds or have separate bedrooms. In some cases, the couple meets only on weekends due to heavy workload. And for some reason it doesn’t bother them at all. On the contrary, when one of the spouses quits work and spends more time at home, this begins to create big problems between them. If we find out their dates of birth, we will most likely find that their elements are incompatible with each other. Thus, they need to give each other some time and space to recharge and allow each other to be alone without undue interference from the other.

Some may find my train of thought somewhat simplified, but from experience I will say that my conclusions are quite well founded.

Now let's go further and look at your own horoscope (build a natal chart).

Water sign compatibility

According to the horoscope, the elements of Water include the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. In search of themselves, these people are prone to frequent changes. Despite their love for the warmth of home, they are not ready to quickly trust a person. Their exactingness towards both their partner and themselves forces them to check their chosen one for quite a long time.

  • Water and Earth. Representatives of these signs seem to be saturated with each other, becoming one. They feel and understand their partner perfectly, which makes this union one of the most durable. However, people born under the signs of the element of Water tend to relax, feeling safe and getting what they want. The absence of new desires and aspirations can frighten an earth sign, because such stability will not allow their ideas and goals to develop.
  • Water and Water. Despite the similarity, compatibility between these zodiac signs is very low. Each partner will be constantly carried away into different areas of life. However, with a strong desire, the relationship can develop into an unusual creative union.
  • Water and Air. In the first stages of relationship development, it will seem that such a couple has nothing in common. But in fact, over time, partners realize that they are extremely close in spirit. This combination of signs often develops into a lasting marriage.

  • Water and fire. The ardor of a fire sign in combination with the calmness of water gives a rather dangerous combination. The main thing in this couple is responsiveness and trust in the partner. Without these factors, everything will simply collapse.

A little astrology

We have already said that a person is influenced by the year of his birth in the manifestation of one or another element. It also matters what year it is currently in. It has its own hidden powers for various elements, favorable and not so favorable factors.

Let's consider what impact is happening in this year, 2012.

As you know, this year is passing under the auspices of the Black Water Dragon. This character came to us from mythology. He has a strong character and will, strikingly different from other signs of the Zodiac. We live in interesting times now. The dragon makes it exciting, challenging at times, but always fun. All the world's problems, one way or another, affect each of us. Some experience unprecedented success in business, while others lose everything. People who tend to work with passion and enthusiasm will undoubtedly succeed in all endeavors. But what influence does the Black Dragon have on the various elements? How to find out whether you belong to a certain element of Yin or Yang is described in the previous article about the human elements.

  • Metal

Element Metal

Yin - people of this verse will need will and determination in action. Otherwise, failure awaits, efforts will be in vain, and the changes will not be very pleasant. This will also affect low self-esteem. You shouldn’t expect that someone will bring everything you want on a silver platter; be the creator of your life yourself. Only in this case, the year promises to be successful for you, and you will deservedly be proud of your own successes and the respect of others. In your personal life, you need to take the initiative into your own hands.

Ian – you are having a very interesting year. It contains many events in various aspects of life. You can really control reality. A lot will depend on you not only in your life, but also in the destinies of loved ones. Timely perseverance can revive almost hopeless cases. Beware of ambiguous situations, especially on the personal front, because if you give in to strong feelings, you can destroy what you have created over the years.

  • Earth

Elemental Earth

Yin - beware of being at the mercy of circumstances and the various people who surround you. Check their loyalty to you. You will wait for someone to decide your fate, and there is no escape from it. This person or people will lend you money and get you a better job. If you lose some serious project in it, try to find new partners and investors. Personal life will also be waiting for the first steps from the person you are interested in. There is a high probability of falling in love only because, as it seems to you, someone has already fallen in love with you. Try to bring an objective assessment to all aspects of life.

Yang - unlike their Yin counterparts, people of this energy will always be lucky. All the best will rain down on them in abundance. Every undertaking will result in abundant positive fruits. Moreover, the fairly quick results will simply surprise you. You will accomplish a lot this year, even beyond your plans, but you cannot stop. It is important to keep moving forward, and then everything will be perfect. Listen to your own intuition, it will not let you down, and also avoid strong emotions. Conflict situations should also be avoided; they can be downright dangerous. On a personal level, a great bright feeling awaits, developing into a long-term wonderful relationship. Some people may have children this year.

  • Water

Element Water

Yin - people of this sign may experience certain stagnation in their affairs. However, some events will be an exception to the rule. It's interesting that these things will happen quite regularly. Your task is to grasp the rhythm of these phenomena, adapt to them, and then you can successfully plan many things. In this case, the year will be favorable for you and will bring many interesting fruits. However, if you cannot find your way, financial losses and depression are possible. Personal life is full of numerous novels and emotions, but it is unlikely that all this will lead to a strong relationship.

Jan – you have a rare opportunity because the year is yours! And this manifests itself in all aspects of life. Financial independence awaits, your position in society will be strengthened, stability will accompany you at every step, and social status will be at the level you want. Active communication, comprehension of new truths, wisdom and the ability to be responsible await you. Autumn should be used especially. That’s when you can get the maximum benefit: sign a contract, get a good job, improve relationships in your personal life. In general, on a personal level, you will either get a new opportunity with another person, or rise to a new level in an existing relationship.

  • Fire

Element Fire

Yin - people belonging to it need to be extremely careful, since the Water Dragon is able to “extinguish” any of your undertakings. Bosses at work should not be teased unnecessarily. It is also not recommended to borrow money. This year, try to just go with the flow, look at the circumstances, and don’t try to light a flame where it’s completely unrealistic. If you see that the business won’t work out initially, just don’t take it on. It’s better to spend your energy on something that is guaranteed to bring positive results. There may be disappointments in your personal life, or you may simply fall out of love with someone you loved for a long time.

Jan – it’s interesting that representatives of this sign will have much more luck. They themselves will be able to dictate their own rules to reality. Practically, by “evaporating the water,” such people will always achieve success in matters that previously seemed hopeless. Those around you will provide full support in your endeavors and affairs. They will be imbued with the scope and grandeur of all ideas. However, problems may arise in your personal life, since due to your other activities you may not pay enough attention to your partner or, perhaps, that to a certain extent you will outgrow him personally or materially.

  • Tree

Element Wood

Yin - some things will stagnate if they are not too important. More relevant ones will slowly but surely come to excellent results. It is only important to be gradual and unhurried. There is absolutely no need to rush! This year you will find many interesting projects, but it is better not to sign up for dubious enterprises, as they have a high probability of turning against you. On a personal level, no changes, especially if you are already happy at the level you have reached. However, if the situation is not so good, it is better to look for someone you can rely on.

Yang – to representatives of this nature everything will seem simple and easy. The year is excellent for many endeavors, various enterprises and projects. Life will seem like a lush spring garden that grows, gains strength, and accumulates wisdom. All this will be transmitted to you. A great year to lay a solid foundation for the future, both materially and emotionally. It is only important that all matters are in harmony with internal sensations. Know the world intuitively: it's useful. On a personal level, relationships will be strong and stable, and an addition to the family is also possible.

Fire sign compatibility

The most ardent of the four elements of the zodiac signs are the fiery representatives - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Their enthusiasm and love for life make them highly compatible with almost all other signs. The main thing is not to doubt their leadership.

The best and worst combinations of elements in love

Points of contact between two elements in a pair will increase the attraction between people or provoke conflicts. The combination table reveals typical scenarios for the development of relationships for different pairs of elements.

UnionsCompatibility Feature
Air-to-AirLight and free representatives of the air at the initial stage of a relationship can remain on the same wave of love for each other. This period will be filled with romance, flight of feelings, and enthusiasm. But having moved to the stage of living together, they will plunge into a routine filled with suffering and claims on both sides. The couple will not have any clear manifestations of passion in their sexual relationship; it is more of a platonic attachment.
Air-GroundDifficult relationships are filled with misunderstandings on both sides, and the lack of strong feelings results in an almost complete absence of sexual desire. But joint hobbies and common affairs will help both of them to develop fruitfully and will bring benefits and material well-being.
Air-FireAlmost perfect compatibility and reciprocity. The air element with its flow will inspire and motivate the representative of Fire to emotions. Promising and promising relationships: ease of communication, ideal spiritual intimacy, sexual harmony. The danger lies in disagreements over power in the couple: Fire’s ambitions for leadership conflict with Air’s desire to control everything. True, in small doses the confrontation will not be dangerous.
Air-WaterAttraction and mutual interest are possible in this pair, but harmony is not expected. Sudden mood swings for both bring frequent conflicts and create a tense environment between them. Working together on relationships and controlling emotional manifestations can yield positive results.
Earth-EarthA pair of representatives of the earthly element is a stable union, order and harmony, traditions and eternal values. Both are distinguished by respect for their partner, rationality, practicality - these qualities will guarantee the results expected by their partners. Family is a fortress and the main value of their life, closed to others.
Earth-FireContrast in opposition to each other will definitely become the basis of attraction for both, but the relationship cannot be called long-term. Fire and Earth suppress each other with their dissimilarity and cannot find a middle ground. Earth - order, foundations, pragmatism. Fire - chaos, uncertainty, wastefulness. Endless confrontation.
Earth-WaterMutual attraction is inherent in the very essence of the Earth's need for Water. This is definitely a harmonious and prosperous relationship. The water representative's need for stability is fully reflected in the earth sign. The main values ​​of both are a happy complete family and a fortress home, and the ideal union is ready.
Fire-FireThe relationship of two identical elements in this pair is a combination of extraordinary, bright, special people. They create constant obstacles for each other in competition for leadership positions or a storm of biased emotions and jealousy. They are ideal in sex, burning with mutual passion, but are not able to maintain the harmony of relationships. The novel is like a boat at sea: exciting, but not for everyone.
Fire waterDifferent feelings and thoughts, constant disharmony and at the same time frantic attraction - this is how one can characterize the relationship between Fire and Water. A fire of passion and an abrupt separation - this is what happens in such couples.
Water-WaterTwo streams of Water, meeting, form a splash and a new positive wave of emotions. Possessing high sexuality, both create a fountain of passion. Different bouquets of feelings can exhaust a relationship, but separation will not happen: if two currents merge once, it is no longer possible to separate them.
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