Compatibility of people according to Feng Shui

Everything in the world is in balance and harmony. Good cannot exist without evil and vice versa. Yin-Yang is a symbol that represents the balance of 2 opposing energies. This means that they complement each other. These 2 concepts have their origins in Taoist philosophy and today represent one of the important teachings.

Yin-Yang is a symbol endowed with magical meaning.

Confluences of Heavenly Stems

There are six pairs of Heavenly trunks that merge or, as they say, combine with each other.
甲 + 己 Yang Wood and Yin Earth 乙 + 庚 Yin Wood and Yang Metal 丙 + 辛 Yang Fire and Yin Metal 丁 + 壬 Yin Fire and Yang Water 戊 +癸 Earth Yang and Water Yin

The essence of any of the combinations is that in this pair the Yang element controls the Yin element. Therefore, it is actually easy to remember who is merging with whom if you know the control cycle

Five elements. For example, 庚 Yang metal. Metal controls Wood, which means paired with 庚 Yang Metal will be 乙 Yin Wood.

The fusion of Heavenly trunks is divided into two types:

  • Merge (bracket)
  • Merger with transformation (There are conditions for transformation)

We will talk about transformation in another article.

If there is simply a merger (combination)

, then the two Heavenly trunks are occupied with each other, so it is often said that the fusion restrains or fetters the elements that find themselves in it. But at the same time, two trunks do not give rise to a third; this happens only during the transformation of the Heavenly trunks.

In the Bazi chart we consider the fusion only between adjacent pillars:

year-month, month-day and day-hour.

We take into account the fusion of the Heavenly trunks in the map: when assessing the influence of the element

If there is only one and weak element in the map, then the merger may completely limit its influence and then the qualities of such an element will not appear. If the element is too strong and numerous, then merging with the Heavenly Stem can serve well, limiting the strength of the excess element and balancing the card.

when analyzing family relationships

In the topic of family relationships, we consider fusion as a sign of closeness between a person and his relative or an opportunity to adopt valuable qualities from parents for one’s benefit. If there is a fusion between an element of Personality and another element, then basically we say that a person loves such a relative, meaning that this is a closer and closer relationship. For example, the element of man merges with the element of Power. For a man, Power is the sign of a child. Such a man may be interested in children, he wants to spend more time with them.

to clarify individual characteristics of a person

Here we are more often talking about a situation where the element of Personality is in fusion. A personality can always merge only with the element of Power or the element of Money. The Yin Personality always merges with the Right Authority – the Official. The Yang Personality always merges with Direct money. If Personality merges with the element of Money, a person loves money and is interested in material success. A man loves his wife. If Personality merges with the element of Power, a person loves power, strives to make a career, is work-oriented, loves to command. A woman loves her husband.

The most important thing to understand is the combination of Heavenly trunks

makes the elements, on the one hand, strongly “love” each other, on the other hand, distracts them from their duties. The influence of the element involved in the merger may be less pronounced.

You can watch the merger of the Heavenly trunks

  • in the Bazi map itself
  • between the elements of the map and the coming period
  • between cards of different people (compatibility topic)

We always look at the merging of Heavenly Stems between the map and the period

, that is, when the Heavenly trunk comes in tact or in the current year, since it is external interactions: mergers, collisions that give a hint about possible events. Moreover, we often look for a period (such as a year) with a merger to schedule an event.

Merging with the Celestial Trunk in the chart is an indication of a possible event.

For example. - Merging with the month indicates changes in work - Merging with the hour indicates the conception or birth of a child - Merging with the year - indicating a move or social activity

Merger between the elements of Personality

called "love at first sight". This is indeed a sign of quickly emerging sympathy and interest, but definitely not the main sign of compatibility. I would even say this is the most superficial and unstable sign of compatibility between people. At the same time, the map may contain other signs indicating strong compatibility or, conversely, incompatibility. But the fusion between the elements of Personality gives the first and brightest interest.

As you can see, only the merger of the Heavenly trunks can give us rich material for analysis. And in the Bazi map there are other interactions: collisions of Heavenly trunks

collisions of Heavenly trunks, mergers and
collisions in Earthly branches
, punishments and more.


Yin-Yang Principles

To cope with most illnesses and problems, it is important to restore mental balance. However, it is quite difficult to achieve it. First you need to find harmony in your soul. The Yin-Yang sign will help with this. It is characterized by the following principles.

It's important to find your true self

It is very complex and multifaceted, which is why many people hide their essence from themselves and other people. Up to a certain point, this may produce results. However, long-term neglect of spiritual impulses leads to deterioration of sleep, the appearance of diseases, and loss of interest in life.

As a result, a person cannot feel happiness. If a person acts in accordance with his impulses, the soul begins to sing. In psychology, this is called a state of flow.

Staying in it, a person is satisfied with his work and achievements. As a result, he feels happy.

The outer world reflects the inner state

People themselves attract grievances into their lives. This may be unconscious, but it happens systematically.

To cope with the problem, you need to pay attention not to external factors, but to the internal state.

Internal state directly affects life

Monitor internal imbalances

It is important to listen to your desires and needs. If you constantly act to please others, internal conflicts arise, which are very painful for the soul.

Learn to think negatively

Today, the promotion of positive thinking is becoming increasingly popular. However, people who are looking for inner balance should definitely learn to think negatively.

At the same time, you cannot whine or complain about some circumstances. It is much better to be able to see dangers in advance and meet them fully armed. You shouldn't believe everyone. In addition, it is important to be able to see dark relationships.

Do not confuse negative thinking with repetitive thoughts. This type of thinking can rather be compared with common sense and the ability to critically assess a situation.

Heavenly trunks. 5 elements and their Yin and Yang manifestations. Interaction of Heavenly Stems in Ba Zi

Celestial trunks are cyclic signs of the decimal cycle. Used in conjunction with the duodecimal signs - the Earthly Branches, also known as the 12 animals of the Chinese calendar. Most often, the joint use of two cycles of calculation is explained as a symbol of the interaction of yin and yang, Heaven and Earth.

Figuratively, one can call the manifestation of the influence of the heavenly trunks an intangible component - “the will of heaven.” They represent a manifestation of energy in the five elements, each of which has two properties - Yin and Yang. While the Earthly branches are the material manifestation of these energies.

Heavenly trunks 甲 (JYA) and 乙 (Yi) elements 木 Tree

甲 (CZYA) - Yang Tree

The tree of the TZYA sign is a Yang Tree. Represents beams and rafters. It is defined as dead, hard Wood. Its roots have already been cut off and its branches have already been cut off. Therefore, in order to prepare utensils from it, it is necessary to chop it with a sharp ax.

Interestingly, the character 甲 (CZYA) also has the meaning “main” or “first”, which is directly related to the Chinese calendar. And besides, it means “carapace, armor, armor, armor.”

乙 (I) - Yin Tree

The tree of the Yi sign is in order after the JZYA sign. It develops and nourishes everything that exists, without ceasing, it gives birth to life. This is a Yin Tree. It is called a living tree. The I sign tree enters the career stage in the MAO sign.

In addition to the meaning of the term in Chinese metaphysics, the character 乙 (Yi) has the meaning “second in order”, as well as “swallow”.

Heavenly trunks 丙 (BIN) and 丁 (DING) elements 火 Fire

丙 (BIN) - Yang Fire

丁 (DIN) - Yin Fire

The Fire of the DIN sign - in Heaven it corresponds to rows of stars, and on Earth it represents the Fire of the lamp. His career falls in the U sign. When there is a Tree of the I sign inside, it is capable of generating the Fire of the DIN sign. The I sign represents a living Tree, and the DIN sign represents a living Fire. The DIN sign rejoices at the Tree of the I sign that generates it.

The character 丁 also has the meaning “full-grown person, male”, as well as the meaning “cut into pieces.”

Yin-Yang symbol in a tattoo

The Yin-Yang sign is often used to apply to the body. This symbol has a sacred meaning:

  • This sign symbolizes the unity of the world. It helps to cope with problems and eliminate contradictions.
  • Tattoo strengthens vitality at the energy level and harmonizes soul and body.
  • The symbol helps solve life's problems without losing internal balance.

For a tattoo to serve as a talisman, it must be tattooed on closed areas of the body. It is best to place it on the back, chest or stomach.

The Yin-Yang symbol has very powerful energy and allows you to change a person’s life for the better. In order for the sign to bring the desired results, it is important to use it correctly, following the advice of esotericists.

Heavenly trunks 戊 (Wu) and 己 (JI) elements 土 Earth

戊 (U) - Yang Soil

己 (TsZI) - Yin Soil

The soil of the TsZI sign is Yin soil. This is the true Soil. Therefore, it is necessarily present in the other four elements, and in all four times there are periods of its flourishing. She (Soil of the sign ZI) loves the Fire of the sign DIN, which generates her. She is afraid of the Yang Fire, which dries her. Her career falls under the U sign. After all, the Fire of the DING sign, located inside the Wu sign, is capable of generating the Soil of the TsZI sign. The tree of the sign And steals her energy. As for the area of ​​the Yu sign, the Fire of the DIN sign is born there. This means that the Soil of the TsZI sign is also capable of being born.

The character 己 (TsZI) also has several meanings other than astrological ones. First of all, it is the possessive pronoun “oneself; himself, personally, his own, own.” It also has a verbal meaning “to manage, to put in order, to establish.”

Heavenly trunks 庚 (GEN) and 辛 (XIN) elements 金 Metal

庚 (GEN) - Yang Metal

The metal of the GEN sign has the power to punish and destroy. This is Yang Metal. He controls all changes in human space associated with the use of weapons. On Earth it takes the form of iron. He achieves a career in the sign SHEN. He loves the Soil of the U sign, which gives birth to him. He is afraid of the Water of the sign GUI, in which he drowns. It increases under the sign SY. The soil of the U sign, which is contained within the SY sign, is capable of generating the Metal of the GEN sign.

It is interesting that the character 金 (Metal) itself is also used in the meanings: gold, golden (in relation to metal or color), money, payment, treasures, valuables. And since Metal corresponds to the autumn season, the hieroglyph 金 can be found in poetic lines meaning “autumn, autumnal.” The character 庚 also means “age” and “path, road.”

辛 (BLUE) - Yin Metal

The metal of the BLUE sign is an ore in a rock, it is a soft Metal. It is defined as a Yin Metal. His career falls under the Yu sign. The soil of the TsZI sign inside the Yu sign is capable of generating the Metal of the SIN sign.

The character 辛 also means “tart, sharp”, as well as “difficult, heavy”.

Interaction of Heavenly trunks

According to the Wu Xing circle of generation and control, the elements are in certain relationships with each other.


Elements that are in relation to control, but at the same time have different polarities, are subject to fusion. Therefore, each of the Yang elements merges with the controlled Yin element. Wood Yang + Earth Yin = Earth Metal Yang + Wood Yin = Metal Fire Yang + Metal Yin = Water Water Yang + Fire Yin = Wood Earth Yang + Water Yin = Fire If the fusion occurs in the ba-zi chart, then the resultant is the Heavenly Stem Yang , if it stands on the Earthly Yang branch, and the Yin Heavenly trunk if it stands on the Earthly Yin branch. If two elements participate in a Merger with the generation of an element, then these two elements are “occupied only with each other,” i.e. they do not participate in other interactions. Only opposite Heavenly trunks take part in the merger: Yang + Yin (like a boy and a girl

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