Celestial trunks in Bazi and types of their interaction. Part 1

Heavenly trunks 甲 (JYA) and 乙 (Yi) elements 木 Tree

The element Tree is represented by two Heavenly trunks: JIA, I. More about the element Tree Earthly branches, which represent the Heavenly trunks of the Tree element: YIN, MAO. Trunks in branches: YIN, MAO, CHEN, HAI, WEI. According to the cycle of generation and overcoming (control): Water gives birth to Wood, Wood gives birth to Fire. Metal overcomes/controls Wood, Wood overcomes Soil.

甲 (CZYA) - Yang Tree

The tree of the TZYA sign is a Yang Tree.
Represents beams and rafters. It is defined as dead, hard Wood. Its roots have already been cut off and its branches have already been cut off. Therefore, in order to prepare utensils from it, it is necessary to chop it with a sharp ax. Interestingly, the character 甲 (CZYA) also has the meaning “main” or “first”, which is directly related to the Chinese calendar. And besides, it means “carapace, armor, armor, armor.”

乙 (I) - Yin Tree

The tree of the Yi sign is in order after the JZYA sign.
It develops and nourishes everything that exists, without ceasing, it gives birth to life. This is a Yin Tree. It is called a living tree. The I sign tree enters the career stage in the MAO sign. In addition to the meaning of the term in Chinese metaphysics, the character 乙 (Yi) has the meaning “second in order”, as well as “swallow”.

Merging of heavenly trunks and earthly branches

As is clear from the previous part of this article, the rules of Ba-Tzu were invented by people, and are very different from what is happening in the universe. But since you still need to focus on something, you should know these rules. This part of the publication lists what is accepted as truth by the masters of Eastern astrology. So, according to the rules of Ba Tzu, the heavenly trunks merge with each other only in this way: - a yang tree merges with yin soil, creating earth; - Yin wood with Yang metal creates the metal element; - Yang fire and Yin metal are capable of creating water; - Yin fire and Yang water produce the wood element; - Yang soil with Yin water can create the fire element.

In fact, the energies of the heavenly trunks and earthly branches of the pillars of the destiny of an individual person can interact with each other and with the energies of space and time, creating the elements listed above. That is, a small tree, being the heavenly trunk of the day, can strengthen the metal in the energy of a person born in the year of the Monkey or who is in his home, in the corner of the Monkey. This can be tested in practice to verify the fallacy of dividing energies according to their belonging to earthly branches and heavenly trunks. For example, in 2016 - the Monkey, in March - the month of the Rabbit, it became very cold, only because the Yang metal of the Monkey created a strong metal element with the yin tree of the Rabbit. Here is an example of how the earthly branches created metal in the same way as the heavenly trunks do.

The order of the elements was invented by the Ba-Tzu masters in order not to get confused when trying to understand how the elements that are embedded in the pillars of fate interact with each other. However, these rules do not always help to correctly decipher the qualities of a person’s energy and his destiny. And besides, both are influenced not only by the time of birth, period and year of life, but also by the direction of relocation, place of residence and directions of daily movement. The body's energies and daily routine are also greatly influenced by places to sleep and work. That is, a specific corner of the room has a strong influence on a living being.

According to the rules of Ba Tzu , like the heavenly trunks, the earthly branches interact only with each other, creating new elements: - The Rat creates the earth with the Ox; - Tiger and Pig - tree; - Rabbit with Dog - fire; - Dragon with Rooster - metal; — Snake and Monkey — water; - Horse and Sheep - fire.

If you are depressed or suffering from edema, you should spend the whole day in the north-eastern room - in the Ox sector or next to a person who has an Ox in his pillars. This will help you get rid of unpleasant sensations. After all, the strong water of energy, which is not directly related to the Rat, is transformed into earth under the influence of the element of earth inherent in the Ox. That is, there is an interaction between pure energy similar to a heavenly trunk and the Bull, which is an earthly branch and a demon of the northeastern direction.

Demons of the pillars of fate can also combine three animals, forming new energies: - Monkey, Rat and Dragon create water; - Tiger, Horse and Dog - fire; - Pig, Rabbit and Sheep - tree; — Snake, Rooster and Bull are metal.

In the world of energies, the elements are combined with each other not according to the rules of Ba Tzu. For example, a person who has a lot of wood in the pillars of destiny and, in general, in energy, by drinking coffee and working in the Dog sector for about six hours, will provoke an increase in the fire element in his energy. In this case, a large amount of wood is not a Tiger, and coffee, which is related to fire, is not a Horse. However, these energies are capable of creating a strong fire element, just like the three demons Tiger, Horse and Dog. This example again shows that energies similar to heavenly trunks can combine with each other exactly like earthly branches.

Heavenly trunks 丙 (BIN) and 丁 (DING) elements 火 Fire

The element Fire is represented by two Heavenly trunks: BIN, DIN. Read more about the element Fire. Earthly branches: Sy, U. These Heavenly Stems are also present in the branches: Si, Wu, Wei, Yin, Xu. According to the cycle of generation and overcoming (control): Fire is generated by Wood, generates Soil, is overcome by Water, overcomes Metal.

丙 (BIN) - Yang Fire

The fire of the BIN sign burns in the center of Heaven, it illuminates all six limits with its light. In Heaven it corresponds to the Sun and lightning, on Earth it corresponds to the furnace and smelter. It is defined as dead Fire, the Fire of death. His career falls in the sign Sy. He loves the dead Tree of the Chia sign, which generates his flame. Does not like Metal and Soil, which hide and extinguish his light.

丁 (DIN) - Yin Fire

The Fire of the DIN sign - in Heaven it corresponds to rows of stars, and on Earth it represents the Fire of the lamp.
His career falls on the U sign. When there is a Tree of the I sign inside, it is capable of generating the Fire of the DIN sign. The I sign represents a living Tree, and the DIN sign represents a living Fire. The DIN sign rejoices at the Tree of the I sign that generates it. The character 丁 also has the meaning “full-grown person, male”, as well as the meaning “cut into pieces.”

Secrets from Violetta

Let us analyze the relationship between the Heavenly Trunks. From previous lessons we know that there are 10 Heavenly Stems:

Heavenly Trunks, interacting with each other, can form mergers and collisions.

Fusion Jia 甲己 Ji = Earth Trust Gen 庚乙 Yi = Metal Fair Bin 丙辛 Xin = Water Wise Ren 壬丁 Ding = Tree of Sympathy Wu 戊癸 Kwei = Fire Decent Trust Fusion Such a person can be trusted. Friendships with others are very important to him - he is friendly and polite. If the merger is not favorable, then the person needs to be attentive and careful so that others do not take advantage of his trust.

Fair merger Such people pay great attention to justice, with great desire to fulfill and defend public interests. If the merger is not favorable, then with his demands for justice the person irritates everyone around him and is in a state of disputes and quarrels.

Wise fusion Smart, logical. But they are impatient and prone to irritation.

Sympathetic fusion Kind, capable of empathy and the ability to understand anyone. Very cautious and jealous.

Decent merging. Polite and pleasant to talk to. However, a person's politeness may be mistaken for flattery, which may cause a break in the relationship.

Mergers play a certain role in forecasting - they can transform the structure of the map, “endow” certain qualities to a person, help build or destroy certain relationships - get married, get divorced, arrange a career advancement, earn a million, buy real estate... But the main secret of Heavenly trunks, which is the reason for the incorrect prediction of the Bazi card, lies in the resulting element - it is not always what we are accustomed to thinking of it initially...

Clash of Heavenly Trunks Jia甲庚Geng Yi 乙辛Xin Bing丙壬Ren Ding丁癸 Kwei

Collisions occur: 1. when one element is controlled by another

2. the elements are both Yang or both Yin 3. the elements are opposite in direction The earth, being at the center, has no direction. The earth is not involved in collisions.

Fire controls U-Sin Metal, but does not collide with it, since they are not in opposition in directions.
The collision is stronger and more powerful than just control. Collisions in Early Heaven are less sensitive than in Later Heaven. There are no special conditions for collisions. In forecasting they bring an unfavorable outcome in any business, undertaking, or action.

Heavenly trunks 庚 (GEN) and 辛 (XIN) elements 金 Metal

Heavenly trunks: GEN, XIN. More details about the element Metal Earthly branches SHEN, Yu. These Heavenly trunks are present in the Earthly branches: SHEN, YU, XU, SY, CHOU. According to the cycle of generation and overcoming (control): Metal is generated by Soil, generates Water. Overcome by Fire, overcome by Wood.

庚 (GEN) - Yang Metal

The metal of the GEN sign has the power to punish and destroy.
This is Yang Metal. He controls all changes in human space associated with the use of weapons. On Earth it takes the form of iron. He achieves a career in the sign SHEN. He loves the Soil of the U sign, which gives birth to him. He is afraid of the Water of the sign GUI, in which he drowns. It increases under the sign SY. The soil of the U sign, which is contained within the SY sign, is capable of generating the Metal of the GEN sign. It is interesting that the character 金 (Metal) itself is also used in the meanings: gold, golden (in relation to metal or color), money, payment, treasures, valuables. And since Metal corresponds to the autumn season, the hieroglyph 金 can be found in poetic lines meaning “autumn, autumnal.” The character 庚 also means “age” and “path, road.”

辛 (BLUE) - Yin Metal

The metal of the BLUE sign is an ore in a rock, it is a soft Metal.
It is defined as a Yin Metal. His career falls under the Yu sign. The soil of the TsZI sign inside the Yu sign is capable of generating the Metal of the SIN sign. The character 辛 also means “tart, sharp”, as well as “difficult, heavy”.

Heavenly trunks 壬 (REN) and 癸 (GUY) elements 水 Water

Heavenly trunks: REN, GUI. Read more about the element Water. Earthly branches: Hai, Zi. Trunks in branches: Hai, Zi, Chou, Chen, Shen. According to the cycle of generation and overcoming (control): Water is generated by Metal and generates Wood. Overcome by Soil, overcome by Fire.

壬 (REN) - Yang Water

The water of the REN sign represents autumn dew.
The water of the REN sign is born in the Shen sign. Water of the REN sign loves Yang Soil, but she is afraid of Yin Wood. She achieves a career in the sign of Hai. The character 壬 is a symbol of water as an element and a symbol of winter as a season. In addition, the character 壬 has the meaning “ingratiating, flattering” and “great, majestic.”

癸 (GUY) - Yin Water

The water of the GUY sign represents spring rains. The water sign of GUI is born in the month under the sign of Mao. It is called Yin Water. She achieves a career in the sign of Zi. The water sign dies in the Shen sign.

Heavenly trunks 戊 (Wu) and 己 (JI) elements 土 Earth

Heavenly trunks: Wu, Tszi. Read more about the element Earth Earthly branches: Chen, Chou, Wei, Xu. These Heavenly trunks are present in the Earthly branches: Chen, Xu, Wei, Si, Wu, Yin, Shen. According to the cycle of generation and overcoming (control): Fire generates Soil, Soil generates Metal. Tree overcomes Soil, Soil overcomes Water.

戊 (U) - Yang Soil

The soil of the sign U is a mountain. Her career falls on the sign Sy. She loves Yang Fire - this is the Fire of the BIN sign, with which they give birth to each other. She is afraid of the robber energy of Yin Metal, when the Metal is in its prime, the Soil is devastated. The character 戊 (U) also means “lowest score” (lowest grade, unit).

己 (TsZI) - Yin Soil

The soil of the TsZI sign is Yin soil.
This is the true Soil. Therefore, it is necessarily present in the other four elements, and in all four times there are periods of its flourishing. She (Soil of the sign ZI) loves the Fire of the sign DIN, which generates her. She is afraid of the Yang Fire, which dries her. Her career falls on the U sign. After all, the Fire of the DIN sign, located inside the U sign, is capable of generating the Soil of the TsZI sign. The tree of the sign And steals her energy. As for the area of ​​the Yu sign, the Fire of the DIN sign is born there. This means that the Soil of the TsZI sign is also capable of being born. The character 己 (TsZI) also has several meanings other than astrological ones. First of all, it is the possessive pronoun “oneself; himself, personally, his own, own.” It also has a verbal meaning “to manage, to put in order, to establish.”

Academy of Metaphysics Victoria Baykova

Trunks and Branches are an integral part of Chinese calendars, regardless of which calendar we are talking about, solar or lunar. In relation to the Zi Wei Dou Shu system considered here, we are interested in the Chinese lunar calendar, and we have to consider some of its features.

Ten Heavenly Trunks (十天干)

The Ten Trunks represent heavenly qi growing downward. They are repeated in a cyclical manner.

Heavenly trunks:

Twelve Earthly Branches (十二地支)

The earthly branches represent the qi of the earth growing upward.

The earthly branches are used to measure time. We have twelve months in a year, and twelve double hours in each day. Each Branch represents one month and one double hour, as shown in the table below:

Here I want to draw your attention to the fact that the first hour in the calendar system we are considering corresponds to the entire hour of the Rat. Thus, the first hour of the day begins not at 12 o’clock at night, as is customary in the Ba Tzu system, but at 23:00.

As a result, in relation to the Zi Wei Dou Shu system, if a person was born in the interval from 23:00 to 24:00, then as a birthday we need to consider the next day after 24:00 and the corresponding number according to the lunar calendar. According to the Chinese solar calendar, each year begins with the onset of spring or the “Beginning of Spring” season, which occurs on February 4-5. The beginning of the year in accordance with the lunar calendar corresponds to the first day of the first lunar month. The standard number of months in a lunar year is twelve. There are 29 or 30 days in a lunar month. It turns out that the lunar year has an average of 354 days and is 11 days shorter than the solar year. To compensate for this discrepancy, an additional thirteenth month is inserted into the lunar calendar approximately every 3 years. On average, for every 19 years there are 7 years with 13 months.

As a rule, standard names are not used to designate lunar months. Typically, numbers from one to twelve are used to designate them. However, in relation to the Zi Wei Dou Shu system, to construct the alignment, we will need to take into account the Earthly branch of the month of birth. For this reason, each lunar month is assigned one of the twelve Earthly branches. In this case, the first month, as in the solar calendar, is assigned to the Branch 寅 Yin, the second 卯 Mao, and so on:

The extra month is knocked out of the system and becomes a headache. There are three options for solving this problem, none of which are satisfactory.

Option 1 The additional month is considered the previous month. For example, if the additional month is an additional 5th month, then it is counted as the 5th month. In other words, there are two 5th months.

Option 2 The additional month is considered the next month. For example, an additional month is an additional 5th month, then it is counted as the 6th month. In other words, there are two 6 months.

Option 3 The first 15 days of an additional month belong to the previous month, and the second half of the month belongs to the next month. For example, days 1-15 of the additional 5th month are counted as the 5th month, the remaining days are counted as the 6th month.

We will use the second option.

To construct the Zi Wei Dou Shu layout, we need to convert the date and time of birth in accordance with the lunar calendar. To do this you must specify:

  • Trunk and Branch year of birth;
  • Number and corresponding Branch of the month of birth;
  • Number of the day of the lunar month corresponding to the birthday;
  • Number and corresponding Branch of the hour of birth.

Let me remind you that the first month corresponds to the 寅 Yin Branch, and the first hour in the lunar day corresponds to the 子 Tzu Branch and they begin at 23:00. Tables for converting days from the Western calendar to the Lunar calendar are given in the application of the 1st level of training Zi Wei Dou Shu.

Let's look at examples of how to convert the date and time of birth according to the Gregorian calendar into units of the Chinese lunar calendar.

Example 1: Person A was born on 08/24/56 at 10:50 am.

We determine the year of birth according to the lunar calendar. We find the column for 1956 in the calendar. Under the year number there are numbers 3 and 9. The first number corresponds to the Trunk of the year, the second – to its Earthly Branch. Barrel 3 in the general sequence of Barrels corresponds to 丙 Bin. Branch 9 in the general sequence of Branches corresponds to 申 Shen. This means that the year of birth of person A, according to the lunar calendar, is the year 丙申 Bing Shen.

Note : The year with the cyclic signs 丙申 Bing Shen indicated in the header of the table began on the first day of the first lunar month. In 1956, this day corresponds to February 12. The days of 1956 until February 12 are assigned to the year with cyclic signs 乙未 Yi Wei, or 2, 8.

We determine the month of birth according to the lunar calendar. In the column of the lunar calendar for 1956, we are looking for the range in which 24.08 falls. It turns out that the desired number falls between August 6 and September 1. Since August 6 is the first day of the 7th month (7*1), we conclude that person A was born in the 7th lunar month. The seventh lunar month in the sequence for months corresponds to the month 申 Shen (let me remind you that the first month corresponds to the Branch 寅 Yin).

We determine the lunar day corresponding to the birthday. Since August 6 is the first day of the 7th lunar month, it is easy to calculate that August 24 will correspond to the 19th lunar day.

We determine the hour of birth according to the lunar calendar. According to the table above, to correspond the Branches to the intervals of double clocks, we determine that the time 10:50 in the morning corresponds to the hour 巳 Sy or the hour numbered 6.

Note : Time of birth is taken in accordance with the estimated or astronomical time at the place of birth of the person. Corrections for daylight saving time (if they occurred at the time of the person’s birth) and corrections for the longitude of the place of birth are taken into account.

They say, however, that the Chinese themselves are not so scrupulous about the accuracy of choosing the time of birth and if it falls close to the border of the double clock, they simply make two layouts and check which one is more suitable for the person.

Thus, as a result of simple calculations, we determined that person A was born according to the Chinese lunar calendar in the year 丙申 Bing Shen, the 19th day of the 7th lunar month (申 Shen) at the 6th hour (巳 Si). It is this data that we will need to construct the Zi Wei Dou Shu layout.

Example 2: Person B was born on 04/28/62 at 6:10 am.

We determine the year of birth according to the lunar calendar. We find a column for 1962 in the calendar. Under the year number are the numbers 9 and 3. Barrel 9 in the general sequence of Barrels corresponds to 壬 Ren. Branch 3 in the general sequence of Branches corresponds to 寅 Yin. This means that the year of birth of person B, according to the lunar calendar, is the year 壬寅 Ren Yin.

We determine the month of birth according to the lunar calendar. In the lunar calendar column for 1962, we look for the range in which 04/28 falls. The required number falls between April 5 (this is the day of the beginning of the 3rd lunar month) and May 1 (the 27th day of the 3rd lunar month). We conclude that person B was born in the 3rd lunar month. The third lunar month in the sequence for months corresponds to the month 辰 Chen.

We determine the lunar day corresponding to the birthday. Since May 5 is the first day of the 3rd lunar month, it is easy to calculate that April 28 will correspond to the 24th lunar day.

We determine the hour of birth according to the lunar calendar. Using the table for matching the Branches to the intervals of double clocks, we determine that the time 6:10 am corresponds to the hour 卯 Mao or hour number 4.

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