Horse as a symbol of Feng Shui - meaning, properties, types of talismans

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Feng Shui for the home is becoming increasingly popular - a special Eastern science that studies the principles of organizing space, the interaction of energies, and the arrangement of objects in the home. Even the most minor changes in design can lead to transformations in your personal life, career, and relationships with loved ones. By correctly placing amulets, you can activate the zones responsible for material wealth, give your words weight and authority, and get rid of illnesses and psychological problems.
What kind of things are capable of influencing energy flows in such a way? These can be either special amulets or ordinary interior accessories - for example, paintings, panels, figurines carved from stone. And our article will introduce you to one of the most attractive, powerful and stylish talismans.

Horses and horses in mythology

The mythological character of this animal is directly related to the deities. A horse can act as a zoomorphic image of the solar deity , or some aspect of it - rays, sunrise or dawn, speed of movement, etc.

All over the world, in legends, the sun gods and their heavenly horses, harnessed to divine harnesses and associated with the sun's rays, are alive and well. The images of morning and evening dawn as a pair of twin horses (Ashvins, Dioscuri, etc.) are often used.

Read more about this in the article “Gods of the Sun”.

This analogy manifests itself in the dual pair, turning into the white and black horses Belobog and Chernobog in Slavic mythology.

White or fiery colors were attributed to all divine beings, including zoomorphic ones, engaged in the fight against evil, so the color of the horse is decisive .

For example, the serpent fighter Saint George is depicted on a white horse. A black rider, on a black horse, is a symbol of the night, dark forces, a servant of darkness, portends troubles and death.

In Chinese culture, the horse archetype means speed in the development of events and in achieving goals. Here we must understand that this meaning has been established for a long time, when the fastest way to travel was horseback riding and horse-drawn vehicles were considered the fastest.

In the modern world, this attitude towards horses has resulted in the power of a car engine, estimated in “horsepower”.

Ford Mustang

We can highlight certain aspects that are often found in the mythology of various peoples:

  • sacrifice , which was considered one of the most noble and valuable sacrifices (ancient Germans, Greeks, Romans, Siberian peoples, etc.), especially the offering of a horse's head to the gods. Horse blood was used in pagan solar holidays, in rituals of the resurrection of the Sun;
  • participation in the cult of death and burial , transitions between worlds and different spaces . The symbol of a horse skull and snake is a sign of the victory of chthonic forces, death. The spirit of a slain horse accompanies the deceased to the next world, transfers him from the world of the living to the afterlife. Also, a similar ritual is used in shamanic journeys between worlds;
  • horses were used in the predictive tradition - images of prophetic horses were preserved in legends and omens, and individual significant moments in their behavior were described, predicting this or that event.

Let us draw a brief conclusion about the meaning of horse symbolism , which legends have conveyed to us:

  • horse mythological images are potentially positive , but it all depends on the color suit : white is the most positive, red is the maximum charisma; black – connection with the shadow part of the world;
  • their energy and information is directly related to two fire signs - Leo and Sagittarius , the planets Sun and Jupiter . Let me give you an analogy: in the amazing Tarot system, the major lasso Sun , despite the fact that solar images are depicted on the card, reflects Jupiterian energies.

History of the symbol

Horses are animals without which life for most people in ancient times would have been more difficult. These ungulates were used for riding, agricultural work, transporting goods, and in battles. Therefore, in many cultures, horses were considered holy creatures. For example, the Celts were so dependent on horses that images of them can be compared in importance to modern icons for Christians. It was believed that a person who met such an animal would experience changes in life.

In Japan, Bato Kwannon, the goddess of mercy, was depicted as a white mare. The black horse was also not just a beast: in this form Kagutsuchi, the spirit of fire, appeared before people.

The Chinese believe that horses represent diligence and hard work. Figurines depicting these animals are placed in the apartment or carried with you to achieve a promotion at work. Parents give horse talismans to their children to help them achieve academic success.

Horses are also considered an omen of changes in life and/or patrons of hard work in Iran, Russia, Greece, Italy, and Ireland. Wales, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany.

Phraseologisms and their meaning

Taming the wild horse is the cultural mastery of the solar principle, the reasonable inclusion of individuality and the creative flow of a person into the overall life strategy.

Putting him on a horse is the moment of initiation of a boy, from this moment he begins his path as a man, a warrior. This is where horses came from: a children's swinging toy or an element of a carousel.

To be on a horse is a person’s self-confidence and a demonstration of this confidence to others. The main thing is not to translate this feeling into pride, otherwise it won’t take long for you to “fall off your horse.”

A prince on a white horse is a girl or woman’s dream of an ideal lover who will gallop one day and completely change her life (for the better, of course!).

Trojan horse - the Sun, “struck” by Mercury, cunning inside the noble solar image.

A dark horse is someone whose properties and capabilities we don’t yet know; we can expect anything from him, any manifestation or surprise.

Does Feng Shui combine horses with other animals?

According to the rules of Feng Shui, a horse can be combined with images of other animals. If a monkey is sitting on a horse, this can have a beneficial effect on the career growth of the owner of the talisman. They most often become politicians, law enforcement officers or employees of large companies.

The Chinese unicorn is a horse figure that has the head of a dragon. This image has a positive effect on all inhabitants of the apartment, bringing good luck in any area of ​​activity, prosperity and long life.

Pegasus, or the winged horse, is the sun for those people who are creative. Such a horse will give them speed of thought, awaken their imagination and bring fame.


Pegasus , the winged horse, is a symbol of creative individuality and sublime inspiration.

Read more about it in the article “Pegasus is a sign of the Upper Zodiac.”

The centaur is a horse with a human torso, combining the body of an animal and superhuman wisdom. The most famous centaur is Chiron, a thinker and healer who raised many Greek heroes.

A unicorn is a horse with a horn on its forehead, this image contains all the positive qualities of a horse, plus the magical ability to use magic. It can be a sign of amazing events that come into a person's life.

Place for a figurine in your home

The horse belongs to the element of Fire, so the best place for the figurine would be the southern direction, because there is a zone of career, fame and recognition. A figurine with a horse can decorate a corner of the apartment. It can also be placed on a shelf on the south wall.

You can enhance the effect of the direction with the help of additional lighting (lamp, sconces or candles). The image of the sun during sunrise or sunset also has a beneficial effect on the energy of the southern sector. Amulets belonging to the element of Wood will also be an appropriate addition to the southern or southwestern part of the apartment. However, symbols of Water should not be placed next to the figurine, since they can neutralize the effect of the talisman of the fire element in the form of a horse.

The horse symbolizes success in society and business, so you should not place the figurine in the bedroom. The best place for it would be a living room or office. In this case, the figurine must be placed in such a way that it is not directed towards the window or door. In this case, all the positive energy of the amulet will leave without lingering in the apartment or office. It is not recommended to place figurines in the hallway or kitchen.

A good place for a victory or holiday horse can be found on the desktop. If it is too large, it can be placed next to your work area.

Horse symbols - meaning and significance

Horse symbolism is most suitable for people who:

  • have this animal as their totem ;
  • have names related to horse topics - for example, Ippolit, Kucherov, Skakun, etc.;
  • born in the years of the Horse - according to the eastern calendar: 1918, 1930,1942, 1954, 1966,1978, 1990, 2002, 2014;
  • born in the years of the Horse - according to the Avestan calendar - 1925, 1957, 1989;
  • born in the palace of the Horse - the Slavic analogue of the zodiac signs, approximate dates from June 23 to July 16;
  • have a strong Sun and Jupiter - preferably in fire signs and in aspect to each other;
  • horse degrees are manifested in your horoscope : 6 degrees Cancer (black), 11 degrees Virgo (pony); 4 degrees Libra (gray), 1 degree Sagittarius (bay), 26 degrees Capricorn (Przewalski's horse), 16 degrees Pisces (seahorse).

Depending on the nuances of the execution of the image (for example, in a tattoo, in a painting, in jewelry, etc.), the horse symbol can mean:

  • love of life, strong emotions and passionate desires that you want to realize and embody - such a talisman will contribute to this embodiment;
  • creative power and desire to express oneself – brightly and passionately;
  • speed of change, movement towards one’s own goals and freedom of expression;
  • sexuality and craving for freedom - if a wild stallion is depicted;
  • sexuality and romantic love - a pair of horses standing or running in the same direction.

Bridle and horseshoe - talismans

The bridle means that you are able to manage your own strength and energy, that you are skillful and organized enough to realize your desires and achieve your life goals.

It is better if you buy such a talisman for yourself, do not accept it from other people - the meaning of such a gift is to limit you, to subordinate you to your goals.

A horseshoe is a symbol of happiness and good luck, especially if you “accidentally” find it.

In this case, the horseshoe can be perceived as a sign:

  • it symbolizes an open cycle - as if a situation in which you were walking in circles and could not change anything opens up and releases you to freedom - thanks to your own efforts and / or a lucky coincidence of circumstances;
  • a horseshoe in the position it is hung on a nail symbolizes the Ascending Lunar Node , which in astrology is associated with the future, new life programs. This is also a very positive meaning and a sign that it is time for you to increase your awareness and change your life for the better.

Why is there a painting with a horse in the house?

According to Feng Shui, a picture of a horse can be placed not only in the career sector, but also in the zone of useful people or helpers. By activating the last direction, you can soon wait for the appearance of influential people who will help change a person’s life for the better.

The horse in the picture can be depicted in different forms. So, for example, a war horse carrying a rider will bring good luck to a strong-willed, strong person who actively participates in social life. However, for softer people such an image may be unfavorable. You should also avoid paintings where the animal stands in an aggressive, threatening position.

A horse located near a pond will bring success in gaining material well-being. Canvases in which the artist depicts horses racing in a herd are very popular in China.

In some cases, the image of a horse can also affect relationships within the family. So, for example, 2 animals standing peacefully next to each other will strengthen ties between relatives and create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and love between family members.

The picture that a person wants to hang in the house should not only please him, but also evoke pleasant sensations in other inhabitants of the apartment.


A person who has a horse totem has powerful natural energy; he can be called a “passionary” - his power is capable of changing the world and the course of events.

He is physically strong, powerful, hefty, loves to move and speed. The characteristic also applies to women - these are the ladies about whom they say “they will stop a galloping horse”...

Outwardly, a person may have a thick mane of hair, powerful legs, wide strong hips, an elongated face, large teeth (the type of face that is called “horse-like”).

The man is a stallion, bright, often loves sports, especially those related to running, horse riding, and racing. Has high sexuality, powerful potency, and endurance.

Since the horse totem primarily depends on the suit, let’s take a closer look at its male varieties depending on the color of a person’s hair:

Blonde - for all his external superiority and personal strength, other people love him and know how to use him. He often needs guidance or guidance for business - he needs an ambitious and pragmatic business partner, otherwise he will work all his life for someone else, and not for himself. In relationships - faithful and constant, he will do everything for his partners, for his wife and children.

The brunette is the gloomiest of the horse types; he shows himself well as a low- and middle-level manager, an excellent “engine of progress.” For others it may be that very “dark horse”, capable of outflanking rivals at the turn. His manifestations may seem strange and eccentric to others. Tends to “fight off the herd.” Has problems with loved ones - may leave home and family. But then nostalgia will overcome him - and he will return.

Redhead (golden blond, brown hair) - ideal in creative professions, has willpower and charisma, and is able to lead. He is loving and optimistic, but in personal relationships he is passionate and unpredictable, and can rush from side to side.

A woman is beautiful in a special way, attracts with her energy, but does not have depth, there seems to be no “second bottom” in her, there is no “zest”-mystery. Quite open and sincere, easy to communicate, not ambitious, hardly capable of coquetry or intrigue.

It’s difficult for her to organize something because she’s spontaneous: she doesn’t bother, she reacts quickly to immediate stimuli, if she wanted to, she did it, if she didn’t want to, she didn’t do it.

In her youth, she values ​​her freedom and independence most of all, calmly gets along with men, and calmly leaves them.

As an adult, she tends to turn into a draft horse, who carries everything on herself: work, family, children (“me and the horse, me and the bull, me and the woman and the man”). He finds relaxation in travel, loves tourism and sports and companies associated with it.

If your main totem is a horse , then you need to feel and constantly use your energy, live here and now.

At first, it is important for you to simply love, run, sing, dance, express yourself freely and directly. Feel what you are capable of .

Remember that your sexual energy is a magical force and a powerful engine that is used in different areas of your life.

A little later, you need to learn to be more conscious and comprehend your individuality, to include your creative abilities in society.

Ask yourself the question more often: “Who am I doing this for?”, learn to express your true self.

Share your strength and energy with partners who are deeper and smarter than you, who know how to work with information better than you, and who think more strategically.

Learn to use the wisdom of the annual solar cycles in your life, this will help maintain your natural strength into old age.

Precautionary measures

Since the Horse talisman is a magical artifact, it must be treated with respect. You cannot put unnecessary things on the figurine or stain it. It is advisable to remove the object away from the edge of the surface, because if you break it, you can bring trouble to the house.

It is doubly necessary to protect paintings with horses from children. The harmony in the house will be disrupted if someone tries out their markers on the image of a horse. It is better to store the canvas behind glass, because... It is not always possible to wash away a child’s creativity.

Signs in dreams

Pay attention to the appearance of the image of a horse in your dreams - to their condition, behavior.

It may signal to you the need to now show your elemental power and get out of certain restrictions that have been imposed on you - on your own or by life circumstances.

Perhaps it's time to move, to include your own energy in more ambitious projects and tasks - especially if you see a horse in a stall, cage , tied in one way or another.

If in a dream the horse is weak and suffering , this indicates that your mental energy or emotions are in the same state. You need to take your personal needs more seriously or there will be trouble.

Check - maybe there are factors in your life that do not allow your strength to flow easily and freely. Become aware of them, free yourself from those that no longer work for you. Don't limit yourself to other people's beliefs and expectations.

It may be the image of a horse - your sexual energy reminds you of yourself, of the need for active realization.

A black horse in a dream may represent a part of your shadow self, or a part of your personality that you usually prefer to hide.

White color is associated with an increase in your mood or spiritual aspirations; it is possible that a period of development of intuition is beginning.

A horse that speaks human language is obviously a manifestation of your Totem as a spiritual guide. He brought you a message from your unconscious.

Horseshoes in a dream are a symbol of successful circumstances, a sign that good luck is already on the way to resolving issues related to personal health, relationships and, possibly, business.

Listen to yourself, react to the feelings and emotions that this image evokes in you, and the solution will come.

On the topic - the section TOTEMS.

Also tips “How to find out your totem?” and the help of an astrologer in this.

Tags: Talismans and amulets, Totems of birds and animals

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Types of figurines for home and office

The horse figurine can be presented in different forms:

  1. A festive horse is an image of a horse rearing up. If you use such a figurine or painting, you can attract victories and recognition into your life. Such a talisman would be most suitable for athletes, artists, musicians and people of other professions that involve regularly defending personal superiority. In this case, the horse symbol should be positioned correctly. It should not be placed directly in front of or behind a person, as this may cause injury.
  2. A winning horse is an image of a free horse depicted in a race, galloping with all its speed. Such a talisman will help you win competition, gain new achievements in your professional activities, and bring success. It should be chosen by people who are facing a competition, competition or tender. A winning animal helps raise authority among colleagues, but the horse depicted should not be saddled. Her image should be used to decorate a study or office.
  3. A gift white horse is a figure of a horse carrying precious things. This Feng Shui talisman can be used by anyone who wants to attract wealth and good attitude from others into their life. The horse must be depicted without a saddle or bridle. Place it towards the house. If you place the talisman on a special napkin to attract money, this will enhance its effect.

The listed horse figures can be installed in pairs. They do this in cases where they want to find new partners or improve relationships with existing ones.

In Feng Shui, the color of a horse depicted on a canvas or in the form of a figurine can be of great importance. So, do not be afraid of dark shades, because in China the color black represents a life of joy and celebration. In addition, it is a symbol of money and power. The brown horse will bring stability and constancy. Images of gray horses should be avoided, as this color symbolizes depression in Feng Shui.

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If you want to install a figurine depicting a horse in your home, you should pay attention to its integrity. Cracks, scratches, knocked down places not only do not activate the desired direction, but can create the opposite effect, bringing troubles and losses into the lives of the inhabitants of the house.

Horse in a dream

It has been noted that in most cases a horse is a good dream. But a detailed examination of the dream is also important for a more complete interpretation.

If you had a dream:

  • a two-headed horse represents two equally attractive options in life that you cannot decide on;
  • falling from a horse in your vision means that you are nervous about a project or activity you have planned;
  • a dream where you are pulling on a harness indicates that you feel limited and desire more freedom in your life;
  • a scared running horse is evidence that your fears are preventing you from fulfilling your dreams, and avoiding these problems is hindering your progress;
  • a sleeping horse indicates that you are ignoring a vital opportunity to break down obstacles to happiness.

By believing signs, in deciphering dreams, you can draw appropriate conclusions and more clearly understand a certain situation in life.

“And I love the eyes of horses. You can see your entire reflection in them.” P. Schaeffer

Where to place the horse mascot.

1) The best place where you can place the horse talisman is the glory sector (the southern zone of your apartment). Here it is best to place a figurine of a (preferably red) horse pointing upward. Well, if not red, then any fiery color. 2) For business people and in the office, the “Victory Talisman” is suitable, i.e. an image or figurine of a horse must be saddled, running or pointing upward. This talisman belongs in the career zone (northern sector) in the office or living room of your home. Here the horse will attract good luck to you in all your affairs and endeavors. 3) For people who want to get rich, it is worth placing in the wealth zone (south-eastern sector of the house, office), a “Gift Talisman” - a horse figurine loaded with gold, diamonds, money. The horse itself (preferably) should be white. 4) Paired horse talismans can be placed in the love zone (southwestern sector of the apartment), (just not in the bedroom), it will help strengthen marital relationships and love. It is also a wonderful talisman for improving relationships between partners, friends, and companions. It’s also great to give such a figurine to friends or acquaintances. 5) In the fame or career sector, it would be good to place a figurine of a horse with a monkey sitting on it. Since a monkey is a dexterous and cunning, as well as an intelligent animal, and a horse is extremely strong, fast and resilient, such a tandem will help its owner achieve even the most daring and difficult goals in business, as well as advance him up the career ladder ( if of course you want this), and of course endows you with all the character traits that you yourself possess: determination, ingenuity, quick reaction, positive cunning and extraordinary intelligence, i.e. everything that is needed in business circles.

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