Compatibility according to the eastern horoscope: who is right for you

The compatibility of Tiger and Dragon can be high, but usually their relationship is an endless battle between two leaders. These are extraordinary individuals with great ambitions, incapable of submission. Tiger and Dragon are very interested in each other, but pride often prevents these signs from finding understanding and coming to compromises. In a family, both partners avoid any responsibility and do not want to fulfill their responsibilities towards each other.

The life of such a couple is like an emotional swing: now unbridled happiness, now an absolute vacuum of understanding. From the outside, these guys look very catchy. And if both proud people have the willpower to suppress selfishness and start listening to each other, this will be a truly happy family.

general information

Nowadays, we choose a husband or wife based on mutual sympathies, and a business partner based on economic interests, but the Chinese calendar is still popular all over the world .

The symbolic animals of the zodiac circle are conventionally classified into four groups, with three symbols in each.

Group members on the zodiac circle are connected by straight lines, resulting in triangles.

How to determine compatibility by year of birth according to the eastern horoscope, how this will help in marriage, just in friendship or business and partnership relationships, we suggest you learn from our article.

Compatibility of Rat man and Tiger woman. Cardboard wings of love

In a marriage where he is a Rat and she is a Tiger, the partners will have to work hard. When falling in love and the candy-flower period ends, not all couples find a way to smooth out the rough edges. The Tiger girl is freedom-loving, lives one day at a time and often does not attach importance to actions aimed at a common future and stabilization of relationships. She often wastes money and does not want to save, especially on herself. Saving money in reserve is beneath the dignity of a tiger.

The Rat man knows what he wants from a relationship, marriage and partner. But because of his ambitions, he does not cope well with his failures. Unfortunately, his other half is not able to fully understand and extinguish the Rat guy’s acute reaction to negativity, which gives rise to resentment and conflict. He-Rat and she-Tiger are stubborn, hot-tempered and rarely know how to give in. To maintain a love relationship in such an environment is the art of compromise and concessions. Without mutual understanding and empathy, the Rat man is not able to pacify the Tigress . And Tigress, in turn, will refuse to become a Tiger Cub, throw away her emotions and give in to her partner.

Tigress must be able to extinguish the Rat guy’s acute reaction to negativity

Triangles of the Chinese Zodiac

  • First triangle (Rat, Dragon, Monkey).
  • Second triangle (Ox, Rooster, Snake).
  • Third triangle (Tiger, Horse, Dog).
  • Fourth triangle (Rabbit, Goat, Pig).

First - Rat, Dragon, Monkey

Representatives of these signs are energetic, ambitious, they go towards their goal, sweeping away all obstacles. They are able to charge other people with their ideas and lead them. By uniting, they become invincible.

The Rat is hardworking, homely, meticulous and straightforward in its judgments. She is sociable and ambitious.

The dragon is always generous and energetic. Representatives of this sign are noble, passionate, and know how to act decisively. The generosity and authority of their nature is manifested in both business and everyday life. The dragon is proud and wise.

The Monkey is resourceful in any circumstances, it can solve any problem, it is self-confident, and inquisitive. But sometimes she can show extreme selfishness.

In business partnerships and family relationships, the qualities of representatives of these three signs manifest themselves only in a positive aspect. These are strong people, their friendship and love for each other increases the properties of their nature.

Two Rats value homeliness, thoroughness, attention to detail and work together towards a common goal. Their only enemy is boredom, which can appear after several years of communication.

Two Dragons make an excellent couple in both love and business relationships. The cooperation of two strong, generous, energetic signs always leads to success.

Two Monkeys can bring shine and charm to a mutual relationship. They are businesslike, practical, this couple really appreciates the world around them and never has their head in the clouds. These are wonderful partners and lovers.

The Rat, in partnership with the Dragon, balances his violent energy, making him more flexible and homely. The Dragon will be grateful to the Rat for its ability to bring order to any chaos.

The Monkey appreciates the Rat's calmness and love of order, while the Rat admires the ingenuity and ease of character of its partner. They can create an almost perfect union.

Monkey and Dragon complement each other perfectly. The practicality of the Monkey and the energy of the Dragon allow them to reach any heights. They do not pay attention to their friend’s shortcomings and boldly go through life.

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What is a Leo man like when he is in love? How can you draw his attention to yourself? You will find tips and a lot of interesting information here.

You can read about the signs of a Capricorn man in love in a separate article.

Second - Bull, Rooster, Snake

Representatives of these zodiac signs, despite their differences, are very determined, purposeful people, among whom there are many winners.

In family relationships they show excellent compatibility.

The Ox shows the qualities of a leader; he is always calm, patient and hardworking. He resolutely moves towards his goal, but becomes tough and hot-tempered if someone gets in his way.

The snake doesn't do anything without thinking it through in advance. She is smart, wise, calm, strong and elegant. Representatives of this sign show determination. At the same time, the Snake can be indifferent to other people's problems and prone to loneliness.

The Rooster is a pedant, he is neat, self-confident, proud, critical and responsible. Can be conservative and selfish.

Representatives of the signs included in the second triangle get along well with each other, smoothing out the shortcomings of individual character traits. Having united, they will be invincible in achieving a common goal.

Two Roosters will be excellent partners if they learn to give in to each other in small things. Their cooperation should not resemble competition; the criticality and assertiveness inherent in both partners will greatly complicate the relationship.

Two Bulls in one team will slowly but surely reach their goal. Unless they start to find out which of them is in charge. But agreeableness is one of the positive qualities of people born in the year of the Ox.

Such a conservative partnership may lack the element of adventurism, which can lead to fatigue in the relationship.

Two Snakes work successfully and build family relationships well. Their union will be ideal if the couple has a common goal. But not a single Snake will tolerate another strong leader next to him.

From here, conflicts can arise that can destroy previous successful alliances.

The Ox, in partnership with the Snake , considers himself a leader, he is patient and does not pay attention to how the Snake tries to manipulate him.

These partners do not need to ride in the same harness; each should have their own niche in work and family life.

Such partnership gives good results in the intellectual sphere.

The Ox in alliance with the Rooster will achieve a lot. Reliable, conservative, calm, when working together, the Ox gives great freedom to its partner. The Rooster is easy to communicate, smart, intellectual, he plays the role of a generator of ideas in such an alliance.

If the purpose of a partnership is to make money, the partnership will always be successful. In family relationships, the reasonableness and phlegmatic nature of the Ox will allow you to maintain your home.

The Snake and the Rooster can build both a strong family union and a reliable business. The Snake in this community will be the generator of ideas, and the assertive, punchy Rooster will be their implementer.

In family relationships, the Snake will show itself as a romantic but cool nature. The Rooster is full of optimism and faith in a bright future.

How to survive your husband’s betrayal: advice from a psychologist, first actions after shock. About everything in detail in a separate article on our resource.

How to find out about your husband's infidelity? This can be understood by appearance, attitude towards you and your intimate life.

Well, if your terrible fears are still confirmed, read the advice of a psychologist on what to do if your husband cheated on you.

Third - Tiger, Horse, Dog

Representatives of these signs love to do good to people. Their qualities are honesty, strong character and openness.

These strong people can work hard and fruitfully without fear of routine.

Those born in the year of the Tiger have natural courage, energy, and passion. These are rebellious natures, they are sincere, honest, but can be unpredictable and aggressive.

Those born in the year of the Horse are considered open, cheerful, but down-to-earth people. At the same time, Horses are smart, flexible in judgment and charming.

Those born in the year of the Dog are smart and practical, they prefer openness and really value honesty and devotion in partners. But sometimes Dogs become cynical and aggressive.

Two Tigers are a wonderful couple, but these people should not seek competition with each other and sort things out.

Both partners love to be the center of attention, new experiences and hide little from each other. They can build a long-term alliance based on mutual interests.

Two Horses make an excellent pair for teamwork, friendships and family relationships. If they have common goals, then success will not be far off.

In such an alliance it is sometimes difficult to determine the leader, although over time one of the partners will begin to dominate.

Two Dogs complement each other well and know how to be one team, in which one of the partners plays the main role.

The other partner takes on the role of the follower. Conflicts in such a couple are quickly exhausted both in love and in business.

Tiger and Horse harmoniously complement each other. The passionate, impetuous Tiger lacks the prudence of the Horse, and the balanced Horse sometimes lacks energy for important matters, so their cooperation will be mutually beneficial.

This is a good and long-term union.

The relationship between the Tiger and the Dog will be successful if monotony and boredom do not enter their lives.

But if partners have common interests and goals, they will complement each other, appreciate each other and be happy. The dog in such a partnership often takes the position of a follower.

Horse and Dog are highly compatible in family relationships, which can be very romantic.

And the prudence and practicality of partners will help them create a strong business. In this case, the Horse often acts as a strategist, and the dog as an implementer of ideas.

Fourth - Rabbit (Cat), Goat (Sheep), Pig

These signs are united by developed intuition, artistry, and the ability to adapt to circumstances.

The Rabbit has self-confidence, insight, he values ​​​​friendship, but he can also be selfish. The rabbit is kind and courteous to everyone he meets along the way. Such people are often lucky.

Those born in the year of Sheep can be generous, caring, they love truth and sincerity, but often circumstances are such that they need a protector.

Those born in the year of the Pig are sociable and humane. Representatives of this sign are smart, they love work, and value devotion. There are many fatalists among them. These people know how to listen and are good, sincere interlocutors.

Two Rabbits form a successful union. Representatives of these signs can work together in a team, gently resolving all conflict situations. Partners do not strive for adventure; they share responsibilities among themselves. They have similar life positions and interests, they have the same attitude towards family and work. But none of this couple seeks to take responsibility in a joint business.

Two Sheep are perfect for each other, they can create a relationship full of harmony and mutual understanding. Representatives of both signs are romantic and honest, but difficult times related to finances can create difficulties for this couple.

Then one of them has to become the leader. Two Sheep create an excellent team to work in a joint business.

Two Pigs will be good spouses and colleagues who understand each other. They are naturally strong, they don’t need to prove it.

Both partners are reasonable, balanced, disciplined, they put the interests of family and business above personal ambitions. Representatives of this sign do not always listen to the opinions of loved ones.

Rabbit and Sheep are capable of complete mutual understanding and sincere feelings. By communicating, they reveal each other's hidden capabilities and talents. The Rabbit is insightful, practical, and the Sheep can always bring a touch of romance even to a long-term relationship.

In business or teamwork, representatives of these signs will be one friendly team.

A harmonious marriage awaits the Rabbit and the Pig, where each will be a true friend and partner for the other. At the same time, the Pig strives to be the center of attention, and the Rabbit has nothing against this.

They resolve conflicts gently and quietly. In business, representatives of these signs will be reliable partners who can always support each other.

In business and teamwork, the Pig and the Sheep will be successful if they are able to establish friendly personal relationships. There will be no obvious friction between these partners.

A goal that unites colleagues helps bring them closer together.

Personal relationships between representatives of these two signs are harmonious and trusting. Spouses show devotion and compassion in case of unforeseen circumstances, and often admire each other.

Compatibility table of zodiac signs (animals by year) according to the eastern horoscope (Chinese calendar):


Signs located opposite each other are considered incompatible.

If you look at the 12-year zodiac circle, then the Horse and Rat, the Dog and the Dragon and other pairs of opposite animals will be incompatible.

Working together for such couples does not always go well, and it is quite difficult for them to develop mutual business. A couple's romantic relationship may quickly dry up and the marriage may break down.

This is due to the fact that partners have diametrically opposed tastes, desires and interests. The behavior and communication habits of one of them may irritate the other.

Compatibility table by year:

Friendship between Rat and Tiger according to the Chinese calendar. Mission Possible?

Tigrorat will be able to make friends only under certain conditions. Despite the similarity in temperament, the Rat is too practical in the tiger's understanding. Their relationship may be too carefree and uncommitted to be called a truly strong friendship. In addition, both love to dominate in relationships.

They can be friends as equals only when unnecessary egoism is discarded and friends stop putting their own interests above common ones

The same conditions are good for compatibility in the work of the Tiger and the Rat. The Tiger is a wonderful leader, inspiring his subordinates to great achievements. The Rat is good at planning and structuring overall business. If the first one stops infringing on the partner and trying to dominate everything, their business relationship will be established in the right way and will begin to bring considerable profit. Although the Rat loves to make money, its flexibility and compromise without respect for its business partner will end quickly. Both should work hard and be sure to relax together.

The Rat and the Tiger both like to dominate in relationships and do not recognize the authority of others

Partially compatible characters

Signs located next to each other and spaced 2 or 3 positions apart will be partially compatible. Partially compatible people will, for example, be happy in love, but their union may fall apart if a problem arises.

Don't be upset if your partner is incompatible or not very compatible with you according to the Chinese horoscope. The horoscope is complex, and a full interpretation of its contents is not an easy question.

An accurate analysis of compatibility takes into account the influence of principles ( yin and yang ) and the influence of the elements (element).

The hour of birth of a person also matters. Each hour of the day corresponds to one of the zodiac animals and can affect the overall picture of compatibility.

When solving current problems, predictions for a specific year are taken into account. For example, the year of the fire Dragon will be unpredictable and eventful compared to the year of the water Rat.

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