What to do with flowers from the Matrona of Moscow, what flowers they carry, how many

Saint Matrona is considered one of the most revered saints in Russia. Thousands of believers come to venerate the relics of the saint in the Intercession Monastery every day. Blessed Matrona herself painted the icon of the Mother of God, and did not part with it until her death. The icon is also kept in the monastery.

One day, during baptism, when the priest lowered Matrona into the water, everyone saw a column of fragrant light smoke above the baby. The priest said that he had been baptizing for many years, but this was the first time he had seen this. He also noted that the girl would be special and would also predict his death. And so it happened.

Saint Matrona - considered one of the most revered saints in Russia

Where did the tradition come from?

Saint Matrona of Moscow was marked by God even before her birth. From an early age, the girl had the gift of seeing people and their future; she could predict the healing or death of a patient. The blessed one never repaid anyone with evil for evil, although she endured bullying more than once. Humility and patience were her special gifts. Filled with love for God, Matrona was always ready to help people, even after the age of 18, when her legs became paralyzed.

St. Matrona Moscow

She lived a difficult life, full of persecution, hunger and cold, but until the last hour she continued to serve people, being a conduit between God and Christians. Not only ordinary people, but also the powers that be, including rulers and generals, turned to the saint for help in moments of special problems, including diseases incurable by doctors.

Read about the saint:

  • Tomb of Matrona of Moscow
  • How to use Matrona of Moscow oil
  • Bread from the Matrona of Moscow Monastery

Before her death, Matrona of Moscow said that at first rarely would anyone come to her grave, and then the pilgrimage would begin, and for every person who asked for her relics, she would ask before the Almighty.

Preparing to meet Saint Matronushka at her icon with her relics, believers try not only to explain their problems to the mother, but to please her with her favorite flowers.

Important! Bouquets brought to the blessed Matronushka are not a sign of her appeasement, but a symbol of the expression of love, veneration and gratitude.

Childishly devoted to God, never having seen the light, born with empty eye sockets, Matrona of Moscow loved flowers very much.

Standing in prayer near the icon of Matronushka, you feel amazing warmth and acceptance, tears themselves begin to flow. One gets the feeling that the holy prophetess is standing nearby. My soul becomes especially calm, as if the answer has come that everything will be fine.

Flowers of the Matrona of Moscow - consecrated flower bouquets, handed to everyone who comes out after veneration at the holy relics, have healing powers with faith in the power of the Creator and His saints.

It is difficult for the earthly mind to comprehend how a blind person can not only identify flowers, but also have special favorites among them.

Life is holy

Matrona Nikonova was born in November 1881. She became the fourth child in the family. The girl was born blind, and her parents initially intended to leave her in an orphanage. But they didn’t do this - soon after the birth of Matrona, her mother was sent a wonderful and unusual dream: she saw in it a snow-white bird of outlandish beauty, but blind, which easily landed on her chest.

Another evidence of the girl’s chosenness was an unusual sign on her chest, reminiscent of a cross. And during the baptism, a column of light, fragrant steam burst out of the font into which the child was lowered.

It is said that already at the age of seven the girl showed the gift of foresight and the ability to heal. People came to her not only from her native village, but from the surrounding area. Being blind, she had special vision - she saw the soul of everyone.

At the age of eighteen, the girl lost her legs, and she could not walk for the rest of her days.

What colors did Mother Matrona prefer?

Knowing about Matrona’s earthly love for fresh flowers, pilgrims daily cover the silver shrine with the relics of the blessed one with a floral carpet.

Reliquary with the relics of Saint Matrona in the Church of the Intercession Monastery

Growing up in the village, my mother retained her love for wild plants throughout her life, giving particular preference to daisies. Among the floral covering that spreads around the icon and shrine of the saint, roses and carnations, chrysanthemums, spring tulips and multi-colored lilacs stand out.

According to the location of your heart, you can bring a basket of gorgeous flowers or one chamomile, the main thing is not the cost of the bouquet, but a sincere soul.

Important! A gift to Matronushka must be given from a pure heart, with faith, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s field daisies or gorgeous orchids. The main thing is that the number of colors is odd.

This was the wish of the saint herself during her lifetime, and it does not matter whether there is one tulip or 21 carnations.

Why do you have to bring an odd number? The answer to this question was given by the mother herself, she said that before God everyone is alive, and her desire was that they would come to the grave, and then to the relics, as if they were alive.

Is it possible to take flowers at the Danilovsky cemetery

Priests can also hear this question very often. It is not recommended to take plants without permission . If permission has not been obtained, then you should not violate the integrity of the grave design. Moreover, the bouquets are addressed specifically to the saint, and not to some third-party person who liked them.

You may be interested in the article: “The miraculous oil of St. Matrona.”

What to do with flowers received from Matrona of Moscow

A real surprise greets pilgrims when leaving the temple - each person who comes to venerate the relics of Matronushka receives a gift from her, one will be given a flower, and another a bouquet of roses.

A person with an open soul brings a gift to Matronushka, prayers of pilgrims are performed over it, the flowers are filled with holy power and, in a transformed state, go to a completely random person, as a surprise from the Matrona of Moscow.

Not everyone knows what to do with flowers received from Matrona.

It is important that the flowers consecrated in the temple do not become an idol. They have healing power as long as faith in the saving grace of the Lord, transmitted through the blessed prophetess, lives in a person’s heart.

Icon of Saint Matrona in the Intercession Monastery (Moscow)

Dried flower bouquets are stored near the icons of the home iconostasis, often their petals are sometimes placed, the leaves are placed in pillows, and the stems are placed under the mattress.

People who came to the icon of the saint as tourists and accidentally received a unique flower gift should not treat it with disdain.

Important! Compositions consecrated near holy relics must not be thrown into the trash.

Out of respect for the blind prophetess, who devoted her entire life to helping people, give these flowers to just passersby, explaining their origin, or, in extreme cases, place them on the ground.

Persecution and Persecution

She lives without registration, almost in an illegal situation, is afraid and miraculously avoids arrest. Sometimes she had to live with people who were hostile to her, often in terrible conditions. But there were also those who helped the blind, immobilized healer.

Sometimes Matrona had to urgently leave her habitable home literally a few hours before the police arrived. She felt them and saved from repression not so much herself as those who gave her shelter. They tried to arrest her many times. Many of her inner circle were imprisoned.

How and when to use flowers from Matronushka

Flowers received upon leaving the temple have healing properties if you have faith in the healing power of prayer from the saint. Flower arrangements consecrated in the church are used as teas for various problems:

  • cure ailments;
  • comfort;
  • help in life situations.

You can make a tea from the flower petals and add it to your regular drinks. Some people use the decoction and buds as a lotion for sore spots. According to parishioners, a bath prepared from consecrated plants calms and guarantees sound sleep.

Blessed Matrona of Moscow, a saint, despite her infirmities, was able to fill the world and instill in people who came to her, living and deceased, faith in goodness and God's love.

The strength of her love and the fulfillment of petitions expressed at her relics are evidenced by the endless stream of pilgrims who come from all over the world to worship Mother.

Among believers there are whole legends and stories about the saint’s selfless help; the temple book contains evidence of Matrona’s help in difficult, almost hopeless situations. So grateful Christians bring their flower bouquets to venerate the holy face and feel the presence, love and support of Mother Matrona of Moscow.

The relics of Blessed Matronushka are located both in the monastery of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary in Moscow and on the territory of the Danilovsky cemetery.

Attention! God forbid you take flowers from a shrine or grave yourself, so as not to incur God’s wrath

Miracles of Saint Matrona

How to ask for help and intercession from a saint?

It is believed that Matrona of Moscow patronizes people whose profession is related to the upbringing and education of children. Also under its protection are doctors, especially pediatricians, ophthalmologists, and orthopedists. Favorite holy month is May. It is believed that people born then can count on her help.

There are several ways to earn the favor of the Matrona of Moscow. The first of them is to feed the beggars on the street or stray dogs or pigeons. Before turning to the saint, it is good to bring a donation to the temple, including black bread, nuts, milk, cookies, honey, caramel.

However, the most important thing is to go to the monastery with bright intentions and a pure soul, with sincere faith and respect. After all, Saint Matrona never refused people help and consolation.

What flowers were the favorite of the Reverend Mother Matrona of Moscow (see)?

More than two years ago, the relics of the Matrona of Moscow were brought to our city, and it seems that the whole city lined up in a long line to fall before this shrine. We stood with everyone and noticed that many people were holding flowers in their hands, and after visiting the temple they were taking out flower buds from there. We managed to buy flowers then, but I don’t remember which ones. They laid it next to the icon, fell to the relics, prayed, lit candles, and even put notes in a specially installed box. And they took home several buds from a tray on which the attendants periodically carried flowers cut from their stems into the hall. We came across chrysanthemum buds. Later I learned that Matronushka was very fond of all flowers during her life, especially wildflowers, garden roses, white lilacs, and chrysanthemums.

At home, I laid out the buds I brought on paper, and when they dried, I took them apart into petals and put them in a tin. I brewed the petals with tea several times, but then, to my shame, I forgot about them for a long time. And here's what's interesting.

Almost a year later, tests began for me that I could hardly stand. I began to pray to Matryonushka for help and suddenly remembered the flowers. When I opened the jar, I was amazed to the point of tears: a wonderful aroma of incense emanated from it. I realized that my prayer had been heard. Matryonushka has already helped me once, almost immediately - a month after we visited the relics in 2013. I hope that now she will support me in everyday sorrows and pray to God for my family.

PS I couldn’t help but supplement the answer with another interesting fact that happened in the same queue to the relics. The wait was long, my friend had already waited for 6 hours, which she herself did not expect. The day before, she called a plumber to the house, who was supposed to arrive at 12 o’clock, but, it seems, she did not have time to return home by this time. She stood on pins and needles, all exhausted, worried that she was letting the person down.

Suddenly the cell phone rang and the plumber, endlessly apologizing, said that he couldn’t come today, so he would come tomorrow. My friend breathed a sigh of relief.

Coincidence, you say? But I don’t think so.)

How many flowers should Matrona bring?

Matrona was born in the village of Sablino, Tula province in 1881. She was the fourth child in the family. The girl was blind from birth. In her childhood, Matronushka spent a lot of time in church.

The daughter of a local landowner took her on trips to holy places. On one of these trips, 14-year-old Matrona met Saint John of Kronstadt. He saw the girl’s gift and called her his replacement.

From the age of 12, Matrona healed the sick with her prayers. Even doctors could not help many of them. The healer helped them to their feet. People also came to her for advice and guidance.

At the age of 16 she lost the ability to walk. This fact did not break her spirit. Matrona, despite everything, helped people all her life.

In 1925 she moved to Moscow. Matrona lived in the capital for almost 30 years. Here she continued her godly path. If a person came to her with a pure soul, Matronushka never refused help. However, she did not demand anything in return.

The healer's earthly journey ended on May 2, 1952. Matrona was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery. Today you can honor the memory of Matrona and touch her relics in the Intercession Monastery.

The people revered the healer long before she was proclaimed a Saint. Hundreds of pilgrims continued to reach out to her every day asking for help.

Even during her lifetime, Matrona ordered people to come to her grave as if they were alive. Therefore, they bring her fresh flowers and always an odd number. Usually these are roses or carnations.

  • Alla

From the age of 7-8, Matrona predicted the future and healed people

Already from the age of seven or eight, Matrona had the gift of predicting what would happen, as well as healing the sick. Many people came to her for help. She helped everyone. As a child, a kind girl took her with her on pilgrimages to holy places.

She visited the Kiev-Pechersk Lava, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and many other places. At the age of 17, Matrona stopped walking and lost her legs. Mother Matrona said that this was all due to spiritual illness.

She knew that one day in church after communion, a woman would come up to her and take away her ability to walk forever. Mother said that she did not avoid this, because such was the will of the Lord.

She remained sedentary until the end of her life. But she never complained, but endured all the trials. One day she asked her mother to go to the priest and tell him that he had a book in his library that contained an image of the icon “Recovery of the Lost.”

Father was surprised, but the image was found. Matrona told her mother that she would paint this icon. The mother was saddened, but Matrona very often said that the Mother of God was asking to come to church with them. She blessed all the women to collect money to paint the icon.

The image of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost”, which was painted by the artist at the request of Mother Matrona

When the money was collected, the icon was commissioned to be painted by an artist from Epifani. Mother asked him if he could definitely paint this icon, but the artist answered clearly and confidently that he could.

But after a while he came to Matrona and said that he couldn’t do it. She told him to repent of his sins. Afterwards he confessed and took communion with the priest, only after he was able to paint the icon. Matrona did not part with this icon until the very end of her life. She asked to paint another icon to give to the temple.

What flowers should I bring to Matronushka?

The relics of St. Matrona of Moscow are located in the Pokrovsky convent, where hundreds of people gather every day. Thousands of flowers are brought to this holy place for Mother Matrona, because during her lifetime she loved them very much. What flowers should I buy for the saint? Most come to the monastery to ask for help or to thank Matrona of Moscow with white or yellow roses. But in fact, the saint loved other flowers, and she especially rejoiced at field daisies and cornflowers. You can come to Matrona with flowers of any shade and variety, but it is important that they are presented from the heart, with love and care. In the Pokrovsky Monastery, flowers can be placed in a vase next to the icon or brought to the temple to the relics of the saint. People come to Matrona of Moscow with chrysanthemums, daisies, roses, carnations, peonies and tulips, but wildflowers are rarely seen in the hands of believers.

Miracles of Saint Matrona

Today the name of the blessed old woman is known to many believers. Many people are interested in how many flowers to bring to Matrona of Moscow and what they should be. People revere the holy old woman and are grateful to her, because during her lifetime she performed many miracles. You can learn about them from the life of Blessed Matrona.

So, while still a child, she healed a man who could not walk. They write that he lived in one of the neighboring villages, four kilometers from Matrona’s house. She told him to crawl to her - the man had already gone back healed, on his own feet.

Mother Matrona continues to work miracles even after her death. Thousands of people share their stories of how the blessed one’s prayer gave them a cure for a serious illness, helped them conceive a child or meet a life partner. Another evidence of her healing power are flowers from the Matrona of Moscow Monastery. What to do to honor the relics of the old woman and where are they located?

The healing power of Mother Matrona's flowers

It is believed that all flowers brought to the relics of a saint and left there for some time acquire special power. The servants of the Intercession Monastery give each person who bows to the relics of Matrona one rose bud and a sprig of another flower. The bud needs to be disassembled into petals, brewed with boiling water and the resulting drink should be drunk, and the branches should be applied to the sore spot until complete recovery. Flowers from Mother Matrona can not only heal, but also give signs and predict the future. Even tulips and peonies taken from Matronushka last a month, and sometimes longer. Flowers obtained from the temple can be placed in a vase or dried and have healing powers for one year. They can be sewn up in a bag and applied to sore spots. Before her death, Mother Matrona bequeathed to come to her with flowers and talk about her sorrows. But no one still knows exactly what flowers she liked. Shops near the Intercession Convent and Danilovsky Cemetery sell a huge number of roses; in the spring, people bring peonies and tulips to Saint Matrona. You don’t have to buy flowers; you can pick up field daisies or cornflowers.

Youth Trials

In her adolescence, Matrona had the opportunity to travel to sacred places. The daughter of a neighboring landowner, a sincere and deeply religious girl, invited the blind girl on pilgrimage trips - to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, to St. Petersburg with its grandiose cathedrals. There is a legend about a meeting in Matrona with John of Kronstadt, who somehow learned about her arrival at the cathedral and called her his successor, the eighth pillar of Russia. Most likely, Father John knew that Matrona would have a special service to her people in difficult times of persecution of Orthodoxy.

At the age of 17, Matrona suffered the following test: her legs gave out. For the rest of her life—50 years—she could no longer move independently. She foresaw this event and did not resist God's will. There were always volunteer helpers nearby. All the troubles of life did not make Matrona despondent and complain; she believed that everything was God’s will, and continued to carry out her service.

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