Healthy Chinese food according to Feng Shui

According to ancient Eastern tradition, 2022 will be ruled by the Black Water Tiger. The practice of Feng Shui, which developed in the East, is closely intertwined with astrological customs, and therefore, when celebrating the New Year, it is better to follow simple recommendations and organize your living space so that good luck itself comes to your home. So, how to properly celebrate and celebrate the New Year 2022 according to Feng Shui, in today’s material we will point you in the right direction and give some practical advice.

How to properly celebrate the New Year of the Tiger 2022 according to Feng Shui?

What will the owner of the year bring to your life?

The time of the balanced White Metal Ox is gradually coming to an end. Already on February 1, 2022, he will vacate the throne, and the Black Water Tiger , with a hot and unrestrained disposition, but with a kind and soft heart, will ascend to the place of ruler. According to Feng Shui, 2022 will be filled with contradictions - periods of prosperity and calm will be replaced by unexpected news. Knowing his habits and behavioral characteristics will help you protect yourself from the Tiger’s anger.

So, the Tiger is distinguished by the following qualities:

  • Courage and bravery.
  • Self-love, even to the point of narcissism.
  • Initiative and determination.
  • Emotionality, ability to make spontaneous decisions.
  • Lack of doubt and unpredictable behavior.

Making friends with the Tiger will not be easy - you will have to make a lot of effort to earn his trust. However, having felt humility and respect, the patron of the year will give you his protection and will protect you from enemies. This is a fair and caring ruler.

Preparing your home for the feng shui holiday

New Year's house cleaning according to Feng Shui.

Break your home preparation into several stages - this will make it easier to fulfill all the conditions. If your welcoming and warm home welcomes the Tiger with comfort and a pleasant atmosphere, the symbol of the year will probably want to stay by the hearth, and will bring you good luck.

Step 1: Rearrange furniture and throw away trash

The house needs updating, so you need to get rid of the familiar and boring environment. Move the furniture, try to better organize the space in which you live. Expand the passages between interior items, give room for sunlight.

At the same time, opening and moving cabinets, select all unnecessary things. Organize your clothes – collect and throw away wardrobe items that you don’t use. Remove trash from everywhere. Take care of the cleanliness of your electronic media too - remove unnecessary files, photos, dialogues and other elements that bother you on your phone and computer.

Stage 2. Do wet cleaning, charge the house with positivity

Before the New Year holidays, you must wash the windows, walls and floors, go over the furniture and all surfaces. For cleaning, it is better to use a white cloth that has previously been exposed to the sun’s rays - having absorbed the energy of nature, it will spread warmth and strength throughout the house.

Stage 3. Cleanse the house of evil forces with sounds and aromas

In a clean house, where order reigns, you can perform an easy and quick ritual - walk through all the “secret” corners where sources of evil power are hidden and drive them away. To do this, you need to ring the bell or simply clap your hands or stomp your feet.

Having freed the house from evil, it is worth proceeding to the next part - restore the balance of power and create a positive atmosphere with the help of incense. Use aromatic lamps or fireproof dishes and light flower petals in them - jasmine, lavender, rose. Light scented candles or buy natural essential oils.

Decorating the interior for the New Year

You can use any decorations in the interior - classic, ethnic, modern or even homemade. For decoration, it is better to use natural materials - paper, fabrics, wooden pendants.

  • The color scheme is all shades of sea green, blue and light blue. White details with gold or silver plating are also welcome.
  • Decorations should not clutter up the space or irritate the eye, because their task is to create a cozy atmosphere in which the Tiger will enjoy being.

New Year tree according to Feng Shui

How to put up a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui for the New Year 2022.

On New Year's Day, the tree is the main symbol of the coming year and a kind of “center of power” of this holiday. When choosing a place for a New Year tree, the most important thing is the cardinal direction in which the decorated tree will be installed. The right choice will tell the Higher Powers what exactly a person wants to achieve, and what gifts are best to please him in the New Year.

Feng Shui cardinal directions and their meaning:

  • south – popularity and respect of others;
  • southeast - financial success, wealth;
  • southwest - mutual understanding in the family, success in personal life;
  • north - success in promotion, high position;
  • northeast - a wise outlook on life;
  • northwest – communication with interesting people, trips to other countries;
  • west - the birth of a long-awaited child;
  • East – harmony and love in family or romantic relationships.

When placing a Christmas tree in the house, be sure to keep in mind that the tree must certainly have a top, since it is through it that all good forces penetrate the house. An artificial spruce will not suit you; if you cannot buy a live one, then you can simply purchase several spruce branches.

A Christmas tree, decorated a few days before the holiday, will create an ideal atmosphere in the house and prepare all household members in advance for the holiday.

Advice. The ideal time to install a spruce is December 26–27 . By this time, the house should already be in perfect order - it needs to be cleansed of negative energy and dirt, and also filled with creative aromas. The installation should be carried out without haste, choosing the right decorations and maintaining a good mood.

Abstract to the software “Home encyclopedia (bonsai, feng shui, sushi) (CDpc)”

The distribution area is the whole world.
The fashion for everything “oriental” came to us along with kimonos, sushi, tea ceremonies, and the traditions of interior design in Asian style. It is generally accepted that any admirer of the customs of the countries of the East is wise, not subject to the bustle and chaos of the outside world, and is able to see the beauty in the ordinary and admire it. With the help of this disc, try to become more familiar with the teachings of Feng Shui, the ancient oriental art of bonsai, and learn how to prepare sushi and rolls at home. Our “Home Encyclopedia” will give you the opportunity to make your home warmer and more comfortable, to build your own world. In the “Bonsai” section you will receive all the information necessary for a beginning bonsai artist: about tree species, bonsai styles, about seed germination and methods of plant propagation, about the selection of soil, containers and tools, about the formation and replanting of a tree. The section on Feng Shui will introduce you to the origins and historical purpose of this practice. The distribution area is the whole world. The fashion for everything “oriental” came to us along with kimonos, sushi, tea ceremonies, and the traditions of interior design in Asian style. It is generally accepted that any admirer of the customs of the countries of the East is wise, not subject to the bustle and chaos of the outside world, and is able to see the beauty in the ordinary and admire it. With the help of this disc, try to become more familiar with the teachings of Feng Shui, the ancient oriental art of bonsai, and learn how to prepare sushi and rolls at home. Our “Home Encyclopedia” will give you the opportunity to make your home warmer and more comfortable, to build your own world. In the “Bonsai” section you will receive all the information necessary for a beginning bonsai artist: about tree species, bonsai styles, about seed germination and methods of plant propagation, about the selection of soil, containers and tools, about the formation and replanting of a tree. The section dedicated to Feng Shui will introduce you to the origin and historical purpose of this practice, tell you about the talismans, symbols, tools, mantras, and meditations associated with it. It also provides extensive information about the features of planning, furnishing and selecting colors for a house, garden plot and other elements of your environment. Examples of good and bad feng shui are given. The cooking section contains not only detailed recipes for sushi and rolls, but also video tutorials on how to prepare them. Contents: The art of Feng Shui Feng Shui - the energy of the home Bonsai in your home Maintenance and care of bonsai Japanese cuisine at home Computer system requirements: MS Windows 98/Me/2000/XP; Pentium II, 500 MHz; RAM 64 MB; HDD 250 MB; monitor SVGA, 1024x768, true color; Internet Explorer 5.0 CD ROM reader 8x sound card; speakers or headphones; mouse.

Choosing gifts for 2022 according to Feng Shui

Practicality is the first condition when choosing gifts. Don't skimp on useful things - choose gifts that are not just pleasing to the eye, but also have practical value. Here are some examples of the “right” gifts: clothing and textiles, educational games, mobile equipment, accessories.

A few more rules for choosing Feng Shui gifts in 2022:

  • Feel free to give figurines and images of a tiger - this is a kind and friendly sign.
  • If you want to give jewelry, opt for items made of white metal - silver, platinum or white gold.
  • It is advisable to wrap gifts in shiny silver or golden paper.

When going on a visit, take a few tangerines with you. Wrap each fruit in gold or white foil and hand two fruits to each of the hosts. This good tradition originated in China; it helps to attract wealth to both the giver and the recipient of the gift.

Setting the table for the New Year according to Feng Shui

Preparing a festive table according to the rules of Feng Shui begins not with drawing up a menu, but with interior design, because a comfortable and clean space is a key condition for success and safety in the coming year.

How to decorate a table for the holiday

How to decorate a table for the New Year according to Feng Shui.

The first rule of 2021 Tiger is to avoid sharp corners. Therefore, the table should not have a strictly square or rectangular shape. If the house has a table with beveled or rounded corners, it is quite suitable for a festive feast. Round or oval countertops will look even better. Pay attention to the tablecloth - it should be made of high-quality material and have a pleasant shade.

The main shades of decor and textiles and their properties according to Feng Shui:

  • yellow or orange – the personification of warmth and positive energy;
  • red or pink - shades symbolizing love and health;
  • green or blue – luck, material well-being.

These colors should be present in any elements of the New Year's table decor - on the tablecloth, in the drapery of chairs or napkins. Green and red fit perfectly into the New Year's atmosphere, and therefore the decor will be spectacular and in keeping with traditions.

  • Chairs. It is better to protect the chairs placed around the table - their backs should be high enough, and the upper part should be decorated with thick fabric. This will protect guests from the influence of dark forces.
  • Napkins. It is best to arrange them in a fan - this shape attracts money. Folding napkins into shapes with sharp corners will bring confidence and protection into the home.
  • Serving. The table should be set according to all the rules of Feng Shui, using transparent glass or crystal dishes. Such elements create trust between guests and attract good forces.

What to cook for the New Year's table

Next year's predatory patron dictates his own rules - he will be very pleased if he sees a wide variety of meat dishes on your table. Therefore, housewives will be able to prepare almost any treat to their taste. Don't skimp on different dishes. Be sure to prepare a rich menu, as the Tiger respects diversity and creativity.

Small exceptions - these dishes should not be placed on the holiday table:

  • Porridge is a food completely incomprehensible to the Tiger.
  • Carbonated drinks are not perceived by the Tiger for the same reason.
  • Fish and seafood may be present on the New Year's table in limited quantities, but if possible it is better not to include them in the menu.
  • Beef - you should not cook this meat for the holiday.

Why can't it be beef? The last point is especially interesting because it is associated with an ancient legend. According to legend, in the confrontation between the Tiger and the Bull, the victory went to the latter, and as a result he took the leading place. In the eastern cycle, the year of the Tiger indeed immediately follows the period of the Ox, which hurts the pride of the patron of 2022. Try not to irritate him by eating beef - use lamb, chicken and other options.

Menu selection taking into account the elements

Chinese food according to Feng Shui also includes such an important concept as dividing the diet according to the elements. All products are divided according to 5 primary elements: Metal, Fire, Wood, Earth, Water. The spontaneity of food is determined by the smell, taste, and appearance of specific products.

Today the same division is accepted as centuries ago:

  • Fire foods are all foods that have a red color, a burning and pungent taste. These include crustaceans, red vegetables, lamb, plums, red wine;
  • Water products are all ingredients that are dark in color and taste salty. This is a fairly large assortment, including leeks, dates, table salt, all dark mushrooms, olives, beans, soy sauce, black pepper;
  • Earth products have a sweet taste, colors are brown, yellow, orange. The diet includes most citrus fruits, curry, pumpkin, beef, sweet onions, apricots;
  • Tree products are all sour and green ingredients, including any spicy greens, beans, pears, olives, sauerkraut, lime, apples;
  • Metal products have a spicy taste and are white in color. This category includes yoghurts, white fish, horse meat, refined rice, egg whites, mustard seeds, soybeans, cream, and milk.

To correctly create a diet according to Feng Shui, you must first find out your own type of element. Chinese medicine allows you to do this by year of birth. The formula for calculating the element is as follows:

  • for women, this is the Gua number, it is defined as follows: the last 2 digits of the year must be added, added 4, and then the resulting value divided by 9. The resulting integer is the definition of the element;
  • for men, a different method is used: the last 2 numbers of the year are added, after which the resulting value must be subtracted from 100 and the remainder divided by 9. The remainder is the Gua number.

The elemental number obtained using the formulas is determined as follows:

  • 1 – element of Water;
  • 2, 5, 8 – Earth;
  • 3, 4 – Tree;
  • 6, 7 – Metal;
  • 9 – Fire.

What suits people of Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Metal?

Food according to Feng Shui involves dividing the diet according to the elements. Compliance with nutritional conditions allows you to restore health and increase energy. The basic rules for creating a Feng Shui diet are as follows:

  • For people belonging to the element of Water, liquid food is suitable. The diet must include cereals (millet, corn, buckwheat, barley). Dairy products are prohibited, although it is sometimes allowed to dilute the diet with fresh butter, low-fat milk, and cheese whey. It is advisable to add pears, dried fruits, sea buckthorn, persimmons, quince, apples, grapes. You can use all the spices, but avoid salt. Vegetables are allowed only such as cabbage, root vegetables, legumes, pumpkin, greens, and from food of animal origin - lean lamb, eggs, chicken meat. Of the sweets, only honey can be consumed;
  • The element Earth is characterized by the same characteristics as Water. For cooking, you must use corn, rice, vegetable oils, fermented milk products, all berries with a sour taste, garlic and onions, radishes, tomatoes, beets, and fruits. Hot spices, fish, meat, and almost all seafood are allowed;
  • The element of Wood is people with a thin physique, their bones are strong and dense, and there is high energy. But there are many prohibitions for this element. You should not eat nuts, vegetable oils, sweets, or dairy products. Spices can be added only in minimal quantities; saffron and ginger are best. Vegetables are allowed in their raw form, the diet is diluted with legumes, cereals, dried fruits and fruits;
  • Fire people are energetic and strong; according to Feng Shui, food for them should be energy-intensive. Recommended are grains, vegetable and butter oils, wheat sprouts, legumes, egg whites, cold poultry meat, sweet vegetables, milk, melons and watermelons. Their spices can be added to fennel, cinnamon, coriander, cardamom, and from herbs - only dill;
  • The element of Metal means people are fragile, thin, and their energy reserves are often insufficient. Food must contain dairy products, cereals, vegetable oils, nuts, sweet fruits, cooked vegetables, jams, and sugar.

When preparing a diet according to Feng Shui, it must be carried out according to the specified rules. As a result, you will be able to choose a healthy diet that will fill the body with energy and return you to excellent health and activity.

Your personal attitude

And finally, personal preparation for the holiday is important. Make sure your body is cleansed of nicotine, alcohol and other harmful substances. Play sports, maintain a healthy spirit. Try to think positively and get rid of as many everyday problems as possible.

What needs to be done before the New Year

What you can and cannot do for the New Year Feng Shui.

Proper preparation for the New Year according to Feng Shui will show the Tiger that they are eagerly awaiting him, and in return he will show mercy - he will bestow his protection on the house, improve cash flow and bring peace and tranquility to the family.

  • Pay off all your debts and fulfill your obligations - you need to approach the meeting with the Tiger in complete freedom.
  • Do not leave in the house figurines and pictures with a bull or other representatives of the zodiac cycle that you used in past years.
  • Farewell to the patron of the past year should be held an hour before midnight on the festive evening.
  • Make peace with your enemies, apologize and meet those you haven’t seen for a long time - you need to enter the New Year without remorse.

What not to do on New Year's Eve

There are several basic rules that should not be broken when meeting a Tiger. Actually, you cannot do things opposite to those indicated in our recommendations.

  1. Giving useless gifts or simple trinkets.
  2. Place game dishes on the table, as if taking prey from the Tiger.
  3. Celebrating the year in a dirty room with old trash.
  4. Choose provocative clothes from bright fabrics or imitating tiger skin.
  5. Enter the New Year with grievances and unresolved issues.

There is another interesting tip - according to Feng Shui, it is advisable to celebrate the coming year in a company of 4 or 9 people, because these numbers are considered especially lucky for the Tiger.

Compliance with all the rules of Feng Shui will make not only the holiday itself enjoyable, but also the whole year following it.

How to get rid of excess weight?

If you follow the rules of Feng Shui, you can use cooked food as an excellent means for losing weight. Excess weight will go away smoothly without causing any harm to the body.

To prepare a tasty and healthy dish, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • fresh green peas – 100 g;
  • seaweed – 100 g;
  • clean water - 1 glass.

All ingredients are mixed, poured with water, and then cooked over low heat for 5 minutes. One serving per day is enough, the duration of the diet is 2 weeks. This is quite enough for the weight to return to normal. If, along with excess weight, there are disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system and the thyroid gland, then the following recipe is suitable:

  • seaweed – 200 g;
  • clean water - 1 glass.

The cabbage is cooked for 5 minutes; you only need to eat the freshly prepared portion, that is, you cannot put it off. The course of treatment with such food is 1 week, you need to eat 2 servings per day.

You can also use a more satisfying dish:

  • green beans – 60 g;
  • rice – 30 g;
  • seaweed – 30 g;
  • unrefined sugar – 60 g;
  • cinnamon – 6 g;
  • clean water - 1 glass.

All ingredients are mixed, then poured with water and boiled for 7 minutes over low heat. The dish is taken 1 time per day for 2 weeks.

Chinese dishes to stimulate digestion

Chinese cuisine is a completely separate sphere, which states that each product has its own energy and effect on a specific organ. Many kitchen recipes are aimed at optimizing the functioning of the digestive system and stimulating the functioning of the stomach. Not only your general health, but also your well-being depends on proper nutrition.

To prepare a balanced meal designed to stimulate digestion, you need to prepare the following products:

  • honey – 10g;
  • boiled jacket potatoes – 250 g.

The potatoes must be cooled and peeled, then gently mashed. The resulting mass is mixed with honey. You should take the dish every day in the morning before your first meal. The course lasts 2 weeks.

To stimulate digestion, you can use another recipe; to prepare it you will need:

  • cabbage – 500 g;
  • honey – 10 g;
  • rice – 50 g.

The rice is cooked until completely cooked, after which chopped cabbage is added to it, the mixture is boiled for 5 minutes. The dish is divided into 2 servings, it should be taken 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. The course lasts 2 weeks.

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