Ba Zi is Chinese astrology for analyzing and improving human life.

Meaning of the Four Pillars in Bazi

Each Bazi card consists of Four Pillars: the Year Pillar, the Month Pillar, the Day Pillar and the Hour Pillar. And for each pillar there are several levels of analysis. The pillar can tell about a person’s surroundings, his relatives, psychological characteristics and some areas of life. Each pillar is responsible for a certain age. Read about this manifestation of the Four Pillars here. In this article we will consider some manifestations of each pillar related to social and professional

aspects of life.

Secret desires, innermost dreams Independent professional activityMarriage Relationships Home as a Physical ObjectCareer, work Desire for development in professional activitiesThe impression a person makes Attitude to family and homeland Interaction with superiors

Pillar of the Year

in Bazi shows what
first impression
a person makes on people. This is what we intuitively feel when we first meet a person. One will seem to us an energetic, cheerful fellow, another an abstruse arrogant, the third will make a solid impression, we will want to listen to him. The elements in the pillar of the year represent a kind of “showcase” of a person; they are visible to others. And if, for example, there is an element of Money in the pillar of the year, then when we meet, we give the impression of a wealthy person or “concerned” with money.

Another meaning of the pillar of the year in Bazi is the influence of the family, the older generation on a person. This is a symbol of the Motherland. Useful elements in this pillar will show that a person perceives his homeland well and can be lucky by remaining in his native land. Also, the pillar of the year describes people of high status: big bosses, high-ranking management, president. We analyze this aspect if we want to understand how effectively a person will work in a large company or in public service.

Pillar of the month

in Bazi. It is connected with a career, to a greater extent with how a person adapts to a team, how interested he is in work, whether he wants to work or is forced to. Does a person want to develop in his profession, what methods does he use for professional growth: studies theory, masters it in practice, borrows the work of others, etc. Interactions with the pillar of the month (mergers or clashes) in most cases are a sign of changes in work or career. Another meaning of the pillar of the month is an indication of in which area it is better for a person to realize himself. We use this information when choosing a field of activity.

Pillar of the year and pillar of the month

are called
outer pillars
. The elements in them mean more visible character traits and are associated with a person’s realization in the outside world, society, career, and active work.

Pillar of the day

in Bazi.
Heavenly trunk - describes the character of a person
Because the element in the Heavenly Stem of the day represents the person himself. The earthly branch of the day is called the House of the Spouse
the House of Marriage
and describes the relationship in marriage. Does marriage provide support? Hidden Heavenly Stems describe the character traits of the kind of spouse a person wants to see. It is also the physical House of a person. It shows whether we are comfortable in our home, whether we receive support from there.

Pillar of the Hour

in Bazi.
Describes career, inner thoughts and beliefs
. The elements of the hour pillar represent who we really are, our “inner nature.” That is, not what we “should” or “want” (this is the pillar of the month) and not what first impression we make on others, but what we really are. Another meaning of the pillar of the hour is associated with career aspirations, but we are already talking about independent, individual, more independent activity. This pillar shows what position a person would like to achieve in a professional environment, what ambitions to satisfy. The pillar of the hour is responsible for the result of actions, that is, it tells how actively a person is ready to achieve a result, and the person’s attitude towards the result. Will he be satisfied or constantly dissatisfied with the result of his actions.

Pillar of the Day and Pillar of the Hour

are called
internal pillars
The elements in them mean hidden character traits and are associated with the inner world of a person, with those phenomena in life that are usually not demonstrated to the first person they meet. This refers to plans, dreams, hidden desires.

Ba Zi clock pillar

Ba Zi Clock Pillar

In Ba Zi, the hour pillar is the fastest changing pillar of the map.
It contains the key to your inner self, your deepest desires and thoughts. This pillar represents your goals for the future, your legacy. The hour pillar describes: the period of life after 60 years, your children, subordinates, students, investments, inner peace, as well as your desires and aspirations.

It is very interesting that with the help of this card you can determine who a person is - a dreamer or a creator. Anyone who wishes to act, and not just dream, has in the hour pillar a Companion Star (Brotherhood or Wealth Robber) or a Wealth Star (Inclination or Direct). While the one who only dreams and ponders does not have these stars there.

Where is the best place to invest:

Another very fascinating information about the hour pillar concerns investment (we find our elements in the Ba Zi calculator). He will tell you which investment will be most successful. There are 3 types of investments: physical, virtual and investment in oneself, in one’s own development.

1. For people of the Wood and Earth elements, physical investments will be successful, which include Real Estate, Antiques, Paintings, Watches, Gold, Silver.

2. For people of the Metal and Water elements, a virtual investment is more suitable. This includes: stocks, currencies, investments, options, derivatives, investment and mutual funds.

3. People with the element Fire are very unusual; it is impossible to accurately determine whether their investment will be successful. It all depends on their investment in themselves. Whatever they learn and become better at becomes their skill. And if they do not invest in their own development, then they are doomed to failure in those matters that relate to the influence of the hour pillar of the Ba Zi card. All because of their stubbornness and ignorance. Thanks to training, they can become quite competent, and then both physical and virtual investments are suitable for them.

No matter what information the card shows, everyone should try to invest, since in modern society one cannot rely only on savings to achieve financial freedom.

Investment is a key human ability and cannot be ignored.

The Ba Zi card can provide you with guidance, tell you where to invest and how to speed up your learning. But taking the step itself is your task :)!





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Determining the hour of birth of a childless woman

As follows from the request for a free consultation, Zhanna was born on 02/04/1965 in the +6 time zone. She was born in winter, a period when a tree can already gain strength, but according to the Chinese calendar, water is still active. However, energies never follow calendars created by people, but change according to their own rules and laws. This is important to remember when trying to determine the time of birth.

Pillars of the destiny of a woman born on 02/04/1965

If we consider the date 02/04/1965, we can see that the element of personality in this case is the earth. In 1984, Jeanne was in a period of life when her mother's element, fire, was supported by the Rabbit tree. It is likely that her mother's death was caused by the 1984 Rat water. If we take 02/03/1965 as a basis, it turns out that in 1984 Zhanna was in the period of the Rat, whose water extinguished the fire in her life - the life of her mother.

Pillars of the destiny of a woman born on 02/03/1965

In 1994, a woman born on 02/03/1965 was in the period of the Pig - low water. For a woman, the father represents an element that is destroyed by the elements of her personality. In this case it is metal. 1994 was the Year of the Tree in the Dog. The wood element could activate (make it move somewhere, exhaust its strength) metal, and the Pig period could deplete metal energy. As a result, metal began to disappear from Jeanne's life - the death of her father. If this woman was born on 02/04/1965, then in 1994 she was in the Dragon period, which under certain circumstances could destroy water. But more often the Dragon strengthens the element of water.

Pillars of luck for a woman born on 02/04/1965

In 2010, Zhanna went abroad. It was the year of the metal Tiger. Born on 02/03/1965, she was then in the Dog period. For the Rat's birthday - 02/03/1965, the travel star is the Tiger - 2010. For the day the Ox was born - 02/04/1965, the travel star is the Pig. But the woman born on 02/04/1965 was then in the Horse period. Here again everything points to the date 02/03/1965.

Pillars of luck for a woman born on 02/03/1965

In 2015 of the wooden Goat, on May 11 at 09:20 am in the +1 time zone, the marriage of Zhanna and her current husband took place. Born 02/04/1965 was then in the period of water on Goat. Born on 02/03/1965, she was at that time in the period of water on Monkey. Water is able to support the element of wood - Jeanne's husband. Therefore, in both cases marriage was possible.

As follows from Zhanna's message, 1982 and 1983 were the years that led this woman to money. Born 02/03/1965 was in the period of the Rat - water - the element of money of this woman. Born on 02/04/1965, she was in the period of the Rabbit - the element of her power and her husband. It so happened to determine that Zhanna’s date of birth is still 02/03/1965.

Now it remains to determine the hour of her birth. This woman has no children, which means that, most likely, she was born at an hour whose elements were identical to the strongest element in her chart or were suppressed by this element.

The energy of her children is metal. This energy is not in the pillars of the day, month and year of her birth. This means that there is no metal in the pillar of the hour. Therefore, the hours of the Rooster and the Monkey should be put aside. The strongest element in the natal chart 02/03/1965 is earth. But the water is not weak at all. After all, the Rat and the Dragon can create water. And besides, the period of birth of this woman coincided with the peak of the strengthening of the element of water.

If in this map the earth were stronger than water, then from 2010 to 2015 Zhanna could have her own or an adopted child. But this did not happen, which means that in the pillars of the hour there are elements that attack metal - the element of her children. It could be water or fire. This should be taken into account when determining the hour of birth of this woman.

If there had been fire at the hour of Jeanne's birth, then her earth would have strengthened and supported the metal of the Rooster - the tact of luck from 2010 to 2015. But that did not happen. This means, most likely, Zhanna was born at the hour of water. It could be a wooden Rat or a water Pig. Here it is easier to assume that the hour of the Pig from 21:00 to 23:00 is more suitable, because it excessively strengthens the element of water. Because of this, metal, the element of children, turns out to be unable to somehow manifest itself in Zhanna’s fate.

Thus, it is possible to determine the hour of birth of Zhanna, a woman born on 02/03/1965. She was born during the two hours of the Pig from 21:00 to 23:00.

Four pillars of the fate of Zhanna, born 02/03/1965 at the hour of the Pig

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