A complete list of signs and superstitions about wedding rings

What should they be?

There are several traditional criteria for what an engagement ring should be.

  1. It is desirable that the surface of the product be smooth (no engraving, stones, etc.). A smooth ring is a symbol of a smooth and calm relationship. While an engraving or drawing symbolizes trials and squabbles in family life.
  2. It must be made of a noble metal - gold, silver, platinum. This is a symbol of material wealth and prosperity.
  3. Men's and women's rings must be made of the same material and made in the same style.
  4. The best shape for wedding jewelry is a traditional round one, without protruding or sharp parts.
  5. If stones are used, it is better to give preference to diamonds. However, others are also appropriate, such as amethyst, emerald, opal, sapphire, pearl, topaz.

Are there any unusual decorations?

The modern jewelry industry provides a huge selection of engagement rings with the most unusual designs.

These could be decorations:

  • in the form of loops or ropes;
  • snakes or dragons;
  • with skulls or spikes;
  • intricate rings of irregular shape;
  • products made from several different metals, etc.

But, according to popular wisdom, it is undesirable to use such rings as wedding rings. The reason is the too powerful and aggressive energy of such jewelry. If an engraved ring can bring dissonance to a relationship, then an object of unusual shape and color can destroy not only a marriage, but also the lives of future spouses.

Can I wear it before the wedding?

The answer is clear - no.

Wearing wedding rings before marriage is a very bad omen. According to legend, if you wear jewelry before marriage, it will not be considered a wedding, and therefore will not serve as amulets of family happiness.

After all, the sacrament of marriage is performed only during the marriage ceremony (wedding). At this moment, the rings acquire magical powers. A ring worn before the wedding is considered an ordinary piece of jewelry that does not have a magical charge.

When is the best time to buy engagement rings?

Signs about buying engagement rings can even help you plan your purchase for the best date. You can choose the decoration in advance, because it must be suitable in design and size.

Sometimes lovers plan an important purchase a couple of days before the wedding, but in this case the chances of a successful choice tend to zero

For this reason, to the question of whether it is possible to buy rings in advance, the answer can only be yes. However, you should not wear wedding rings before your wedding. Jewelry is worn only after the wedding ceremony .

You can choose a classic wedding ring:

Rose gold ring, Cameo (price on the link)

If the groom bought jewelry and proposes, but at such an important moment the wedding ring falls off the bride’s finger, there is a threat to the couple’s relationship.
From the moment of purchase, a precious product becomes a symbol of love.

Are those that were used by strangers suitable?

You should never use wedding rings that have already been worn by someone else. Even if it's expensive antique jewelry.

Any thing not only absorbs the energy of its owners, but also carries typos from fate.

A prerequisite when purchasing wedding rings is that they must be new.

If you decide to use used ones, you risk trying on the fate of their owners. If the ring is very old, then its energy may be tarnished.

Magical cleansing will not help in this case, just like consecration in the church. After all, it is almost impossible to remove all energy layers from an old object.

Advice for newlyweds

  1. You have to choose the wedding attribute together, and the future head of the family pays. After the purchase, before crossing the threshold where you will live, both say out loud: “To a happy life, to a strong family!” Amen"
  2. Before the wedding, they should be kept together, you can even freeze them in water to make the bond stronger.
  3. How to get your husband back? Look after your departing husband through your wedding ring. My husband will be back soon.
  4. Never let your friends try on the talisman, no matter how much they ask. They will take away your happiness and that's it!
  5. On the day of the celebration, remove all rings, even very expensive ones.
  6. If the bride is wearing gloves, they must be removed before exchanging rings.

Should I use my mom's and dad's jewelry?

There are different opinions here.

  1. Some argue that when getting married you can use the wedding rings of your ancestors (mothers, grandmothers, etc.). But provided that their family life was smooth and happy.
  2. Another opinion says that this cannot be done. After all, there is a possibility of repeating the fate of your parents. This is especially true in cases where there were bad relationships in the family.

Popular superstitions say that you can use your parents’ rings no earlier than they celebrate their silver wedding (25 years of marriage). The most powerful amulets are considered to be jewelry from relatives who lived happily for 50 years and celebrated their golden wedding.

Under no circumstances should you use rings from early widowed or divorced relatives. Such rings should also not be melted down or exchanged.

Place of purchase

Lovers can choose the most worthy and convenient way of purchasing, based on the pros and cons:

  1. Jewelry salons. Pros: professional consulting, the opportunity to see the item live and choose what fits in size, regular bonuses and discounts. Disadvantages: large crowds of people, higher cost and time consuming.
  2. Online stores. Pros: price, convenient payment methods, time saving, opportunity to purchase an accessory in another city or country. Cons: dubious quality, impossible to try on, you can fall for the tricks of scammers.
  3. Workshops. Pros: exact sizes, custom orders. Cons: prices for exclusive products are much higher, production time and the finished result can be disappointing.

Do not forget that losing a wedding ring is the worst omen for a man. However, just like a woman. It is important to always remember to be attentive.

How often can and should you shoot?

According to ancient tradition, it is not advisable to remove wedding rings. This should only be done as a last resort. It is believed that withdrawal can lead to illness of the spouse or an unexpected blow of fate.

There is a belief that a removed ring loses its magical properties and ceases to be a talisman of family happiness. Since ancient times, people believed that removing a ring could have a detrimental effect on a marriage, as it symbolizes love and fidelity.

However, these days, most people who are married take off their rings. At least to carry out hygiene procedures.

Some people just have to do this. So not everyone can wear gold. And if this metal is not shown, then rings made from it must be removed. At least from time to time.

Spell: to return your husband and love

The ritual is very similar in effect to a witchcraft love spell, so you should think carefully about how strong the desire to return your departed husband is. If you are motivated to do this only by bad feelings, such as anger, resentment, jealousy, or the desire to humiliate a competitor, it is worth considering that the power of the conspiracy can reverse everything.

A sincere desire to return all the good things, to give yourself and your ex-spouse the happiness of family life again will help you complete the ceremony successfully and reunite the relationship. But unpredictable options are possible here.

What happens if my husband doesn't wear it?

The signs are silent about what will happen if a man stops wearing a ring. Here you need to turn on logic and analyze the behavior of your spouse. Perhaps his decision itself speaks louder than words.

On the other hand, it often happens that the ring interferes with the performance of official duties. And if you constantly remove the jewelry, it is easy to lose it. In this case, refusing to wear a ring is normal and does not mean anything bad.

To believe the signs or not

In the 21st century, debates continue about whether it is necessary to follow signs and constantly look to the past, guided by the wisdom of our ancestors. There will always be people who blindly believe in all sorts of superstitions, and those who view every situation with a healthy dose of criticality.

However, the most important events in life, such as the birth of a child, engagement, wedding, funeral, are always endowed with an aura of mysticism. It is difficult not to pay attention to the phenomena that are on everyone's lips.

Later, during married life, both husband and wife often attach great importance to various ring-related situations. And all because betrayal, cooling towards each other, forced loneliness and illness are much easier to attribute to a mystical pattern than to try to find the reason in oneself.

Wearing a wedding ring is an ancient tradition and following it, trying to avoid dangerous omens, of course, is not forbidden. But one should not see only the signs associated with the rings as the reason for the fading of feelings. After all, true love is in the soul. Respect, friendship, admiration and sensitivity for a partner arise of their own accord or do not appear at all. Just as betrayal does not happen because of a broken decoration.

What to find?

If you find a gold wedding ring on the street and are not yet married, this is a sign that your wedding will definitely take place.

Don't rush to pick it up. After all, you don’t know who left the ring and for what purpose. Often people who practice magic transfer negative energy to jewelry and leave it in crowded places.

Therefore, it is not recommended to pick up and leave found jewelry. If you do do this, the decoration must be cleansed of magical negativity and then consecrated in the church. And under no circumstances should it be used as an engagement or wedding ceremony.

Who puts on the wedding ring first at the registry office?

The exchange of rings at a wedding is still a reverent and significant ceremony. can be the first to put the ring on the hand of their significant other.

It is advisable to discuss the issue with the future spouses in advance and agree with the registry office employee

The process of presentation and exchange must be special. Usually special pads, plates or boxes are used for this. They must be provided to the registrar before the wedding ceremony . You also need to make sure that the rings are securely fixed, because they shouldn’t even accidentally fall.

Put on a wedding ring

It is a Western tradition that children carry rings. These could be brothers, sisters, nephews, and even children from another marriage. Often, such a responsible responsibility is handled by a boy and a girl who dress in children's wedding suits or white outfits.

the exchange of symbolic jewelry , so it is recommended to proceed slowly and carefully. It depends on whether the product falls or not, how beautiful the photo of the touching moment in the wedding will be.

Then you need to consider whether the wedding ring can be removed or not. Usually the bride and groom should not remove it on their wedding day . Otherwise, they cross out personal happiness.

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