Why your ears itch: right and left - a complete list of signs

The ears are one of the most sensitive and receptive parts of the body. It is noteworthy that it is their reaction to changing weather that is most noticeable. The ears begin to turn red or freeze. According to esotericists, they are endowed with qualities that allow them to predict the future and make predictions. When the right ear itches, many people remember existing signs and superstitions. As a rule, such a sign indicates the imminent receipt of good news. But the interpretation of signs may vary depending on the time of day, day of the week and gender.

Why does it itch on the right?


  • Itching on the right earlobe warns of an impending quarrel or conflict due to your fault, and urges you to control your emotions and not be a provocateur.
  • The right side of the body is tuned to receiving good emotions. If a scandal was avoided, expect good news.
  • If interpretations 1 and 2 did not come true, signs indicate that the right ear may itch due to a change in weather conditions (most likely, it will soon become colder).

Externally (cartilage itself)

If the outer cartilage itches, you feel guilty about something bad you did. Expect beating from loved ones.


  • If you have not done anything bad, then itching inside your right ear indicates good news that you will soon be told. If there is a misconduct, you will disappoint your loved one.
  • Also inside may be itching to make a profit. The stronger the itching, the larger the amount.

Behind the ear

  • Expect favorable news. Sometimes such itching indicates that a child will soon appear in your family.

How to avoid negative interpretations

In general, ear itching does not predict any troubles (illness, end of a relationship, problems at work). The right ear, with its restlessness, acts as a warning sign from above and calls for caution. However, if you want to neutralize negative interpretations of a belief, you can use one proven method.

Wet the index finger of your right hand with your own saliva and rub the itchy area. The manipulations are carried out in the following sequence: first they wipe the earlobe, then the entire outer surface and finally the inside of the auricle.

Despite the many signs and their meanings, try not to miss important messages from above. Listen to your inner voice, it will definitely help you understand all the nuances of interpretation.

Left-sided itching


  • Popular beliefs say that the left lobe itches before a serious conflict situation, a grandiose scandal. You will find yourself in such an unpleasant situation through no fault of your own.
  • Sometimes this may indicate receiving information. But, remembering that the left half of the body is negative, you should prepare for the fact that this news will be bad.
  • Sometimes it itches for a change in weather conditions - it should soon become warmer.

The cartilage itself

If the entire outside of your left ear itches, signs point to gossip that constantly surrounds you.


If the inside of the ear canal itches, analyze your behavior recently. Most likely, your friends do not approve of what you are doing. And, quite likely, this is not just like that, and you should think about your actions.

You may also be in for some bad news.

Behind the auricle

Itching behind the left ear means bad news or a change in weather conditions. If your birthday falls during the cold season, the temperature outside will drop; if it happens during the warm season, it will soon become warmer.

How to get rid of discomfort?

If your right ear itches from the outside or inside, and the itching causes you severe discomfort, first of all try to calm down. Breathe deeply, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Perhaps the itching is associated with psycho-emotional stress and a rush of blood to the head. Once you calm down, the itching will go away.

When your ear itches, you can wet your palm with cool water and make an improvised “compress.” Because of the cold, the vessels supplying blood to the auricle spasm, and the unpleasant sensations will disappear. Sometimes you can come across a recommendation that when your right ear itches, you need to cool it under running cold water. But you shouldn’t do this: hypothermia can lead to the development of otitis media, which means inflammation of the middle ear.

Interpretation of signs by day of the week


Itching on Monday is important news, after which your life will change dramatically. An itchy ear on the first day of work is good news in the morning, bad news in the evening.


  • If your ears itch on Tuesday, this predicts an early meeting with an old friend or work colleague. It itches in the morning - the person you meet will be of the same sex, in the evening - of the opposite sex.
  • If a woman’s ear bothers her, she will have a romantic date that will bring a lot of good emotions.
  • According to another interpretation of the sign, evening ear itching is a sign of disputes and disagreements.


  • If your ears itch during the daytime, there are many gossipers and envious people around you who constantly wash your bones.
  • Scratching in the evening or at night means a strong quarrel with a loved one. Such a sign can be a harbinger of imminent discord in the workplace.


  • An event with positive people and good emotions awaits you.
  • According to another belief, this signifies news from a close friend whom you have not seen for a long time, or a successful interview.


  • If a girl’s ears start to itch on Friday, this means a romantic date or a pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance (and don’t rush to push the fan away, he has serious intentions).
  • For all other people, itching in the ear on the last working day of the week indicates a feeling of guilt. Draw conclusions from situations where you did something bad or wrong, and do not repeat such actions in the future.


  • Itching in the morning or evening is bad news. Our ancestors even believed that if your ears itch on Saturday, then trouble would be inevitable. But don’t rush to beat yourself up and get upset in advance. Just be careful and watch your words and actions.
  • May portend material losses. On this day, you should not lend money to anyone, because there is a risk that you will give it away without hope of return.


  • If your ear starts to itch at the end of the weekend, expect a reward in the form of a bonus or a large sum of money received as an inheritance or gift. Management at your workplace will finally appreciate your merits, noticing your efforts.
  • However, the Sunday itch also has an unfavorable interpretation. You may have a strong quarrel with a loved one, after which you will feel guilty for a long time.

The inside of my right ear itches

  • Serious challenges lie ahead; you will have to make every effort to overcome them. Only in this case will you succeed.
  • Minor difficulties can turn into good prospects in the future. Therefore, you should not wait for them to resolve themselves.
  • Perhaps they will call you on the carpet to the authorities. You shouldn’t be scared, there won’t be any problems, but it’s better to play it safe and do all the work in advance.
  • Singles will meet someone much older than them. Most likely he will offer his help or patronage.
  • Young people have to have a serious conversation with their parents. However, the conversation will be calm, so there is no need to panic.
  • People who mind their own business can meet a future partner. The cooperation will be long and fruitful, and the relationship can develop into friendship.
  • For families, this is a good sign that speaks of complete harmony. Any questions can be resolved through a calm conversation.
  • Your career can skyrocket after talking with management. Perhaps suggest a new direction or a new solution.

Interpretation of signs by time of day

If the interpretation of why the ears itch by day of the week does not depend on which side the itching occurs on, then the interpretation by time of day is tied to the right and left sides of the body.

On right :

  • in the morning - a sign promising a good day with positive emotions and joyful events;
  • at lunchtime - people praise you behind your back and highly appreciate your efforts and the work you have recently completed;
  • in the evening - to future changes that will not be significant, but pleasant and joyful;
  • for the night time there are two options for signs - either you forgot to do something important, or you treat someone who values ​​you poorly and with disdain.


  • in the morning - a sign warning of a series of troubles that await you in the near future; this can affect both work issues and personal life;
  • at noon - remember well your promises and actions towards loved ones recently, and if you did not act in the best way, now is the time to try to correct your mistake;
  • in the evening - in the near future you will have to answer for unseemly behavior;
  • at night - someone is currently judging you or angry.

Both ears at the same time:

  • in the morning - your life is constantly filled with bright and good events, which is why you are always in the very center of discussions and gossip;
  • at lunch - expect to receive long-awaited information that will greatly please you;
  • after lunch - you recently crossed someone’s path, which is why a serious conflict and showdown is now brewing;
  • at night - at the moment someone is discussing you unkindly.

How to neutralize negative forecasts

There is a popular belief that negative signs about ear scabies can be neutralized. To do this, you need to do the following.

  • If you are wary of gossip and judgment, rub your ear with your index finger after spitting on it. As you know, water (in this case saliva) absorbs negativity and bad energy. People say that after performing such a mini-rite, the person spreading rumors will lose the desire to curse at you.
  • If you have itching in your ear and the sign is unfavorable, turn around yourself 360 degrees counterclockwise, saying “keep away from me” three times. And bad events will pass you by.

Neutralizing the negative effect of omens

Dip your left index finger in water and rub the area that itches.

Turn around your axis three times. Be sure to do this counterclockwise! With each revolution, say: “Forget me!”

Wear an amulet that will protect you from negative energy. Such amulets are made of wood, stone or leather.

The thumb and index fingers connected into a ring will help to enhance the protective effect. You need to do this as soon as you feel itching and realize that this is not good.

Imagine that in front of you is a mirror that reflects all the negativity, and then returns it to the person who wished it.

Avoid thoughts about the negative. There is no need to get hung up on the sign.

Confidence that you are and will continue to be safe is the best amulet against any negative prediction.

Medical reasons

If your ears itch for a long time, or there are any other signs of deteriorating health, do not waste time and consult a doctor. Such signals can be harbingers of serious diseases!

Causes of itching outside or inside the ears can be:

  • allergic reactions to the alloy from which your earrings are made;
  • a sharp change in ambient temperature (for example, if you go home after a walk in winter without a hat, your ears will start to burn and itch, and this is not associated with any signs).

What does itching in the ears promise?

The most common prediction promises news, good or bad. Some interpretations claim that the news will be about the birth of a new family member. Others say that someone scolds you behind your back and makes up lies, or, on the contrary, praises you. It is possible that they are itching for a change in weather, in anticipation of a conflict or family problems.

Often this has nothing to do with prophecy. The cause may be the release of adrenaline into the blood during stress or the accumulation of sulfur. If you experience persistent discomfort, you should consult a specialist. Otitis media, diabetes, internal damage to the ear, fungus - this is an incomplete list of diseases that cause this sensation. Unreasonable irritability should be considered as a harbinger of future events.

Comment! The meanings for men and women are interpreted differently.

For men

Ear itching on the right foretells for men events related to the business sphere: difficulties in business, difficult negotiations or debates, attempts to prove that they are right. It is necessary to control your actions and restrain your emotions. Unpleasant financial news is possible. Single young people will soon meet their soul mate. Mystery, attentiveness, and sensitivity will help you win a woman’s heart. Irritation on the left side predicts gossip about his girlfriend, which will turn out to be a slander.


An annoying sensation on the left side warns ladies about upcoming financial problems. It is recommended to refuse purchases that are not essential. The money saved will help you out in a critical situation.

For married women, an itchy left ear can threaten exposure. The secret will be revealed, which will cause tension and mistrust of relatives. Intrigues and slander are possible, which will cause a lot of trouble, but the good name will be restored.

According to some superstitions, itching is believed to bother those who forget about their relatives. The time has come to visit them, pay attention and renew warm family relationships. They may need help or support.

If the right ear of an unmarried girl itches, according to a sign, this predicts an early wedding or meeting with her betrothed. When it itches and burns at the same time, it means someone is trying to find her. For a person with a gentleman, itching in the right ear indicates gossip and intrigue of rivals trying to take her place. Care should be taken so that intrigues do not destroy the emerging feelings. The left ear is burning - there is some truth in unpleasant words, it makes sense to listen to them.

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