Ancient Feng Shui practice - use water as medicine!

Nowadays, we treat water mainly utilitarianly, but nevertheless, in the subconscious there are elements of genetic memory of generations that were accumulated by generations of our ancestors throughout the history of the development of human society. On a deeper level, we know that water is a source that nourishes us, heals us and cleanses us spiritually.

In each of our lives, the genetic memory of generations in that part that concerns water as the source of life, water in our home, workplace or garden, can awaken and operate on a subconscious level. This is why it is so important not to lose sight of water in all the forms in which it exists in our environment, and even to imitate the flow of water as it exists in nature. One way to do this is to get a fountain. A cascade of flowing water is a powerful tool that connects us at the genetic level with the cleansing and rejuvenating energy of living water.

Feng Shui water in a house or apartment

All natural forces manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the circumstances. Water can be both positive and destructive.

  • A small babbling fountain in the “money” Sector, in the Southeast, will become a magnet for financial profit.
  • In the North - will help career growth.
  • In the East, it will cleanse family energy from negativity and strengthen marriage bonds.

You can use different images of water - according to Feng Shui, this guarantees exactly the same effect.

We treat you with respect

The element demands respect. A dirty aquarium, dripping taps, leaking pipes in the bathroom or kitchen are an indicator of stagnation in business and regular energy losses. According to Feng Shui, a picture with calm water will become a talisman of stability, but a photograph of a raging sea can aggravate relations between household members.

Strengthening the effect

Reliable “companions” will help strengthen the positive meaning of the symbol:

  • In the Tree sector, near the source, you can place live plants in pots.
  • In the Metal zone there are shiny boxes, vases, and special figurines. For example, a money toad.

Salt and water

  • The combination of salt-water-coins is considered the most promising in Feng Shui. A talisman created from them with your own hands will cleanse your home of the energy of illness and misfortune.

How to make it? Take a glass jar, fill it about three-quarters full with white crystals, lay metal coins on top and fill it with water almost to the top. Then the amulet is placed in one of the rooms in an open place. In the future, it is not recommended to move it or simply touch it unless absolutely necessary. You just need to make sure that the liquid level is sufficient - always above the salt level.

Feng Shui and water features at the city level

We live in the 8th period , now the biggest money comes from the South-West .

Water bodies , river confluences, turns of rivers, roads (when water flows through them during rain) are important to us to the southwest relative to you, this is good .

Of course, when we look on a smaller scale, we take into account the period in which the house was built, what kind of stars there are, etc. Now we are talking about a more global scale.

Let's look, for example, at Kazan:

Map of Kazan

Regarding the city center, the confluence of rivers to the southwest is very favorable in this period, bringing prosperity.

Also, water is allowed in the following directions:

  • East (second choice for the 8th period until 2024),
  • North
  • and Southeast.

Feng Shui water zone

Different energies can reinforce each other or come into confrontation.

  • According to Feng Shui, the element of Water always conflicts with Fire - in its Sector, in the South, it is undesirable to place aquariums, fountains, images of lakes, rivers and seas.
  • You should not “fit” water symbols into an interior that is designed in fiery colors - red or orange.

In the bedroom and living room

Water in the bedroom is not welcome - despite the fact that it is a symbol of calm and harmony. The element is considered too fluid, changeable, it provokes a cooling of marital feelings and potential betrayal. Even a picture depicting the surface of the sea has a negative effect on sleepers - it weakens and suppresses internal energy. It is best to move it to the living room.

“Mountain” and “water” in Feng Shui: a factor of health and well-being

In Feng Shui there are two important concepts - “mountain” and “water”. That is why, when assessing the Feng Shui of a home, we analyze the Flying Stars as Mountain and Water.

At the same time, the Mountain Star is responsible for health and the sphere of relationships, and the Water Star is responsible for money and success in business and career.

Does this mean that even living in a big city, we need to find a real mountain or at least a hill near our house, and also a sea, a river, or, at worst, a pond, so that there is “water”?

Fortunately, no, not at all necessary. Otherwise, offices of prosperous companies and businesses would be built only in mountainous areas on the shores of lakes, seas or rivers.

However, there would hardly be enough space for everyone...

So how are things really going? Read further in this article.

“Mountain” and “Water” are important principles of Feng Shui

The knowledge system of Chinese metaphysics, which includes Feng Shui, Chinese astrology Ba Tzu, the art of choosing dates Tse Zhi Xue, as well as the strategic art of Qi Men Dun Jia, are distinguished by the figurativeness of their terms.

For example, certain types of energies received the beautiful name Flying Stars, and the movements of energies received names such as the element of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.

The Chinese say: “on a plane, a grain of rice is a mountain; in the desert, a drop of water is a sea.” This tells us what we call mountains and water in Feng Shui.

Therefore, when we say “mountain” or “water” according to Feng Shui, we mean something that somehow exhibits the properties of a mountain or water.

In general, mountains are responsible for the health and offspring of people, while water is responsible for money, prosperity and good luck.

“Mountains” in Feng Shui: a factor of health and good relationships

Why are mountains so important in Feng Shui? They are responsible for changing the direction of Qi energy.

The most important mountain, for example, will always be the Turtle (Black Turtle), as it provides support from behind, which gives a stable financial position, risk protection.

Many people also know such “mountains” as the Green Dragon and White Tiger; their presence near the house is also very desirable, but a little less critical.

The shape of a “mountain” according to Wu Xing can refer to one of the 5 elements – Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal or Water.

Therefore, if one of the “mountains” near the house harms us, then by determining its type according to Wu Xing, we can choose the correct method of correction.

For example, in photo (1) we see a “mountain” - this is a high-rise building. In form it represents the Wood element, as its height is greater than its length.

If this building had a negative impact on our home, then for correction we could use, for example, red curtains on our window, since Wood weakens, feeding Fire.

How to determine the shape of a “mountain” based on Wu Xing characteristics:

  • If the mountain is high and looks like a pillar, that is, the height is greater than the width, then the mountain in front of us is a Tree. This includes most skyscraper buildings.
  • If a mountain has a sharp peak, especially a triangular one, then the mountain in front of us is Fire. This will include, for example, buildings with pronounced triangular roofs.
  • If a mountain has a flat roof and a wide base, then the mountain in front of us is the earth. This will include most houses of medium height with flat roofs, including the so-called “lying skyscrapers” and long multi-entrance houses.
  • If a mountain looks like a hemisphere, then it belongs to the Metal element. These are the majority of buildings with round roofs.
  • If the shape of the mountain is difficult to determine, it is bizarre, then the mountain in front of us is Water.

Mountains and any elevations direct the movement of Qi, and this is something that we cannot fix after moving into a house. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the surroundings of the house in advance.

Wu-shin: the theory of five elements in your life - read more here.

“Water” in Feng Shui: a factor of money and well-being

“Water” in Feng Shui includes all bodies of water, as well as other paths that accumulate Qi and direct the movement of Qi. Water is responsible for money, prosperity and luck. It’s not for nothing that we say, “money flows like a river” or “money flows away.”

Water carries earthly Qi, and it can also have different shapes according to Wu Xing. And in this case we mean water not as an element of Wu Xing, but as a source of Qi.

So, we know that seas, rivers, lakes, canals and ponds, and in cities - roads, either carry or accumulate Qi.

For example, the roundabout in photo (2) is “water”, but according to Wu Xing it will refer to the element of Metal. And the straight road will have the shape of the Wood element.

How to determine the shape of “water” based on Wu Xing characteristics:

  • A straight road or a straight flowing river is the Wood element.
  • A winding river or road, roads or rivers with intricate shapes are, accordingly, the element of Water.
  • A zigzag road or river is the element of Fire.
  • A square (or rectangular) pond or parking lot is an element of the Earth.
  • A round pond or square is a Metal element.

Accordingly, knowing these signs, you can analyze the environment of the house and select correction methods according to Feng Shui.

Solve the problem: what is in front of us: “mountain” or “water”

We are not always able to separate the concepts of “mountain” and “water” right away, so training will not hurt.

Think about the problem: what will the escalator in photo (3) be like - water or a mountain?

Share your questions, feedback and thoughts in the comments.


  • According to Chinese metaphysics, there are two important concepts “mountain” and “water”, and in the Flying Star system we consider the Mountain Star as supporting health and relationships, and the Water Star as responsible for wealth and prosperity.
  • Mountain and water are not literal concepts. That is, you don’t have to live in a mountainous area on the banks of a river or sea to be successful and wealthy.
  • Mountain, like water, can relate to one of the Wu Xing elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. They can be identified by their shape.
  • Using information about the concepts of “mountain” and “water”, as well as determining their element according to Wu Xing, we can select corrective measures if they negatively affect our home or office.
  • Good Feng Shui depends very much on the environment of the house, as this is something that is quite difficult to change. The exterior is more important than the interior. You can only correct the influence of “mountain” or “water” on a subtle level using specially selected correction measures.

You can choose the optimal solution for your situation during a consultation, which you can read more about here.
Have questions? Please write them in the comments to this article. I will also be grateful for your response.

With respect and good luck,

See other publications on the topic:

  1. Wealth sector in the house: how to find it according to Feng Shui
  2. Wu Xing: The Theory of Five Elements in Your Life

Water in the painting in the house

Placing elements of the water element in paintings in the home brings family harmony. Hang up pictures of a waterfall or fountain. It is not recommended to decorate walls with works of art or photographs of standing water.

A picture with a waterfall symbolizes fast living energy. It means eternal movement, renewal. Drawings of a river or stream have a similar meaning, but the falling energy is stronger than the flowing energy.

Waterfall meaning

It is important to have a drawing with a waterfall for people living in places far from nature. Inhabitants of multi-storey buildings initially have disturbed qi energy. It slowed down with the construction of high-rise buildings. The private apartment sector does not allow free passage of qi.

Drawn bubbling water relieves stress and eliminates the feeling of stagnation in life. A picture with a flow attracts financial stability, abundance, wealth, good luck.

Waterfall view

If the owner of the house cannot draw a picture or take a photograph himself, he buys it. It is better to buy from an amateur artist or photographer who puts his soul into his work.

The buyer should like the appearance of the waterfall. You should take the most natural landscape of untouched nature. It would be good if it was drawn from life during the daytime. Paints should reflect natural color nuances.

Additions in the form of birds, trees, sky, animals can enhance the effect. Anthropological traces should not be present. Images of vehicles, people, buildings, and household objects damage the natural passage of qi.

Make sure that the flow is not interrupted by stones or branches as it moves. The movement of water should be smooth and even.

Waterfall location

Bedrooms are not suitable for placing drawings. The southern part of the home symbolizes fire. The flow of water energy conflicts with the dynamic elements.

Ideal to hang the image in the hallway. Select the left wall from the entrance doorway. The situation ensures the arrival of fresh events, positive emotions, prosperity, and good luck. Then they move to the doors of the bedroom and kitchen.

Water near the house

A natural or artificial body of water near a home is the main one for the Chinese when designing houses. The windows and doors of their homes face the elements. In the West, all entrances and exits face the road, because it is convenient and socially significant.

When constructing residential premises, the connection with energy is not taken into account. Contacts with society are important, so the choice is in favor of the road. The speed of the current and its quality are important.


According to Feng Shui, not all water near the house will help the residents. There should not be a seething stream in front of the door.

A stagnant, dirty pond will not bring positive qi energy. Smoothly flowing water will bring good luck and success to the house.

The fountain in front of the house is acceptable in size and speed. It must be in good working order.


Sources of moisture near residential premises must be clean. A clear, medium-depth river in which the bottom is visible will bring good energy. The absence of blooms and rotted algae is important. It’s good if there are fish and other living creatures in it.

A polluted pond, broken pool or fountain becomes a source of various problems:

  • diseases;
  • quarrels in the family;
  • troubles at work;
  • loss of meaning in life.


Water in front of the house

The triangular pond should not rest at the corner of the door. If the shape of the pond resembles a growing moon, the door is placed towards the convexity. A sharp turn in the current is also undesirable.

The Chinese have signs about the location of a house in relation to the river. An unfavorable sign is to build a home with its back to the river. This means that you need to position the house facing the current, then good energy will float instead of go away.

The location of the river far from the door means that the tenant makes little effort to attract its flow. The constant availability of money, peace in the family, fertile land around make it possible to bring the flow closer.

Easterners believe that hanging baguas (octagonal mirrors framed in wood) at the doorstep will help attract the source. It is believed that bagua intercepts qi and brings it home. Chi flows through the front door or bedroom windows.

Too small a distance between the front door and the flow is considered harmful for household chores. If it is impossible to move the doorway, they create an optically enlarged space, making the road to the entrance winding and winding.

Excess and lack of water

Water requires careful handling, since its excess or deficiency can have adverse effects. In places where there is too much of it, energy levels are increased. Seething fountains and water surfaces illuminated by the sun's rays can generate more qi. A large number and large size of water symbols, for example, an aquarium that is incommensurate with the size of the home, can increase the energy level. The predominance of the elements can instill in a person anxiety, a feeling of inferiority and lack of confidence in himself and his strengths. This can make people emotional, vulnerable and indecisive.

If there is a lack of water elements in the premises, it is difficult for people to reach mutual understanding. At home there may be constant disputes between family members, and at work there may be difficulties in communicating with colleagues. It will not be easy for a person to realize past mistakes, so he will make them again.

Water quality

The shapes of water, according to Feng Shui theory, are wavy and rounded. Very often you can see such details in modern buildings, in furniture currently produced, in clothes and jewelry by modern designers. This type of form is not useful for everyone, but only for people whose pillars of destiny do not contain water or if there is very little of it. Wavy, rounded details can create a balance of the five elements in the energies of such people.

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All five elements are presented in a color palette. Each of them is manifested through primary colors and their shades. According to Feng Shui, water is expressed in the following shades: - black; - blue; - blue; - in all shades of the listed colors.

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