“Mountain” and “water” in Feng Shui: a factor of health and well-being

The importance of mountains and their advantage over plains is inherent in the very concept of Feng Shui, according to which positive Qi energy is responsible for any positive changes, and Sha energy is responsible for decline and stagnation. Where there are mountains and any elevations, air turbulence will certainly be created, which will prevent the energy from stagnating - and this is very good. In nature, the most favorable areas are those where mountains and water are combined.

Only where there are hills and hills is the prosperity of the family, its well-being, a quiet life and success possible - this is what the Chinese sages believed.

The influence of the painting on our lives from the point of view of Feng Shui

At all times, the paintings were very popular and conveyed good and evil, peace and aggression, calm and chaos. Therefore, it is so important to wisely choose a painting that will decorate your home or office. For example, Feng Shui paintings with a waterfall and a mountain mean prosperity and protection.

According to the science of Feng Shui, the importance of paintings cannot be underestimated, because the images on them can not only evoke various emotions, but also attract spiritual and material benefits into the lives of their owners.

And vice versa. According to Feng Shui, all paintings, canvases and landscapes should evoke only positive emotions in their owners.

If the painting was given to you, it also matters who exactly and with what thoughts made this gift. From the science of Feng Shui it clearly follows that a loved one who wishes you well will give you a picture that carries only bright, positive, warm feelings and perceptions.

A calm range of colors will create a feeling of peace and harmony with the surrounding space, and the image of nature will bring additional positive energy to your home.

Let's look at paintings with a waterfall, sunset, and also with images of mountains, and reveal their meaning according to Feng Shui. All of them represent goodness and will be very useful in almost any home.

Where to hang mountains according to feng shui

At all times, the paintings were very popular and conveyed good and evil, peace and aggression, calm and chaos. Therefore, it is so important to wisely choose a painting that will decorate your home or office. For example, Feng Shui paintings with a waterfall and a mountain mean prosperity and protection.

According to the science of Feng Shui, the importance of paintings cannot be underestimated, because the images on them can not only evoke various emotions, but also attract spiritual and material benefits into the lives of their owners.

And vice versa.
According to Feng Shui, all paintings, canvases and landscapes should evoke only positive emotions in their owners. If the painting was given to you, it also matters who exactly and with what thoughts made this gift. From the science of Feng Shui it clearly follows that a loved one who wishes you well will give you a picture that carries only bright, positive, warm feelings and perceptions.

A calm range of colors will create a feeling of peace and harmony with the surrounding space, and the image of nature will bring additional positive energy to your home.

Let's look at paintings with a waterfall, sunset, and also with images of mountains, and reveal their meaning according to Feng Shui. All of them represent goodness and will be very useful in almost any home.

Amazing pictures of the sun at sunset can evoke thoughts of something beautiful and calm in some people, while in others - conflicting feelings. It all depends on personal perception and, perhaps, even on the character of the person. Whether to decorate your home with a painting of a sunset or not - your intuition will tell you.

It is important to note that the sunset image can be combined with something else. Then the picture takes on a completely different interpretation. For example, a sailboat sailing towards the sun on the horizon can mean the pursuit of a dream, the fulfillment of desires.

A Feng Shui professional will always prefer dawn to sunset, since the latter means a beginning, the birth of something new, life. However, the sunset itself does not necessarily mean the end; its interpretations can be completely opposite.

As a rule, sunrise and sunset contain bright red, orange and yellow shades, so it is not recommended to hang such paintings in the northern sector of the house. A favorable place for such an image will be the western side of the home.

If you personally love a particular sunset painting that sparks romance in you, why not find a place for it in your home.

The philosophy of Feng Shui says that all the forces of nature should be in harmony. Shui means water, it is one of the 5 important elements and has a powerful energy force. Therefore, you should pay special attention to it when attracting beneficial energies into your life.

The image of a waterfall in a painting or photograph symbolizes prosperity in the house, attracts cash flow and good luck. It is better to place a symbol of prosperity and wealth at the entrance inside the house or apartment itself.

A small decorative fountain with flowing water can serve as the same magnet of abundance. However, you should always make sure that the water in your miniature waterfall is clean and transparent, then the money will come to you quickly and easily.

In Feng Shui, a mountain is a symbol of support, protection and help. It’s not for nothing that wise leaders and entrepreneurs hang paintings and images of mountains behind their chairs in their offices. Mountains have always been a symbol of balance, stability and support. Therefore, mountains are given a special place of honor in the science of harmony.

As a rule, images of mountains contain calm color shades that evoke a feeling of unshakable calm in a person. Even after actually being in the mountains, you feel calm and some kind of stable peace.

It is important to remember that a picture that symbolizes your desire for something and that really “warms your soul” will bring the energy of goodness into your living space and will be a source of positive changes on your life path. Therefore, choosing the right painting and place for its permanent location is a significant and enjoyable task!

Painting depicting a sunset and its interpretation

Amazing pictures of the sun at sunset can evoke thoughts of something beautiful and calm in some people, while in others - conflicting feelings. It all depends on personal perception and, perhaps, even on the character of the person. Whether to decorate your home with a painting of a sunset or not - your intuition will tell you.

It is important to note that the sunset image can be combined with something else. Then the picture takes on a completely different interpretation. For example, a sailboat sailing towards the sun on the horizon can mean the pursuit of a dream, the fulfillment of desires.

A Feng Shui professional will always prefer dawn to sunset, since the latter means a beginning, the birth of something new, life. However, the sunset itself does not necessarily mean the end; its interpretations can be completely opposite.

As a rule, sunrise and sunset contain bright red, orange and yellow shades, so it is not recommended to hang such paintings in the northern sector of the house. A favorable place for such an image will be the western side of the home.

If you personally love a particular sunset painting that sparks romance in you, why not find a place for it in your home.

Determining the location of the zone in the room

A compass will help determine the location of the sector that is responsible for achievements in work. The northern part of the room, ruled by the element of Water, accumulates energy that affects career advancement. If a person holds a leadership position, then he should properly design the space inside the office. If an employee wants to achieve success in his career, then he needs to properly activate the energy at home.

It will be better if the career area in the living space coincides with the office or library. In cases where space is limited, you can create a professional development corner in the north end of your living or dining room. If the apartment is one-room, then the place of achievement can be part of the hallway or kitchen.

Waterfall and its images in the painting

The philosophy of Feng Shui says that all the forces of nature should be in harmony. Shui means water, it is one of the 5 important elements and has a powerful energy force. Therefore, you should pay special attention to it when attracting beneficial energies into your life.

The image of a waterfall in a painting or photograph symbolizes prosperity in the house, attracts cash flow and good luck. It is better to place a symbol of prosperity and wealth at the entrance inside the house or apartment itself.

A small decorative fountain with flowing water can serve as the same magnet of abundance. However, you should always make sure that the water in your miniature waterfall is clean and transparent, then the money will come to you quickly and easily.

History of mountain landscapes

Already at the beginning of the 1st century AD, artists began to paint rocks and mountain settlements. Mountain landscapes were very common in China, and this style of calligraphy is still characteristic of Chinese artists.

Mountains in the role of the “protagonist” first appeared in the painting of the Swiss portrait painter Konrad Witz. The artist, who worked in the first half of the fifteenth century, devoted his creative life to portraiture, and is considered one of the founders of the art of the Northern Renaissance, but at the same time proved himself to be an outstanding master of the Alpine landscape. He was inspired by the views from the window of his own workshop, which overlooked the Alps, wrapped in a snow coat.

In Europe, too, few artists have not touched upon the image of a mountain landscape in their works. The slopes of the Alps can be seen in the works:

  • Vincent Van Gogh;
  • Caspar Friedrich;
  • in paintings by Italian and German artists.

In Russian painting, the mountains most often painted were Isaac Levitan and Arkhip Kuindzhi. The great poet Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov also sang the beauty of the mountains. And not only in his literary works, but also in the talented landscapes of the Caucasus Mountains.

Mountains in the picture - help is just around the corner!

In Feng Shui, a mountain is a symbol of support, protection and help. It’s not for nothing that wise leaders and entrepreneurs hang paintings and images of mountains behind their chairs in their offices. Mountains have always been a symbol of balance, stability and support. Therefore, mountains are given a special place of honor in the science of harmony.

As a rule, images of mountains contain calm color shades that evoke a feeling of unshakable calm in a person. Even after actually being in the mountains, you feel calm and some kind of stable peace.

It is important to remember that a picture that symbolizes your desire for something and that really “warms your soul” will bring the energy of goodness into your living space and will be a source of positive changes on your life path. Therefore, choosing the right painting and place for its permanent location is a significant and enjoyable task!


A suitable picture must be on the wall in the hallway. It promotes the entry of well-being energy into the house, distracting negative flows, preventing them from entering the home. It is better to hang such a picture opposite the front door. It is better to depict neutral scenes of nature.


An excellent option would be an image of a bouquet, flower arrangement, field of flowers. In this case, the flowers can be anything: daisies, peonies, edelweiss, poppies, tulips, roses, lilacs, etc. The image of sunflowers will be especially successful: they attract the energy of prosperity and drive away evil spirits.


Landscapes are good. A peaceful forest landscape, a blooming garden, a boundless sea with a ship (but not a stormy one) - all this can be hung in the hallway. An excellent option would be to depict mountains over which the sun rises - this will provide the house with reliable protection and support. If the hallway is quite cramped, a painting depicting a road rushing into the distance will visually expand the space.


You can hang a still life with fruit or luxury items in the hallway. A canvas depicting animals is perfect: puppies, dolphins, a bear family, a tiger, etc. Animals should not evoke a feeling of aggression, even if predators are depicted.

If the hallway is a long corridor, hang a picture on the wall with light-colored horses galloping towards the house: this will bring good luck and increased prosperity.

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