Minor Arcana Tarot Nine of Swords: meaning and combination with other cards

General plot

The figure of the main character itself is hunched and drooping. A woman sobs, covering her face with her hands. She's desperate. She is overcome with fear and she cannot cope with it. Hence her hysteria.

The bed itself is red, which personifies a storm of emotions, their uncontrollability. The bed does not seem to bring peace, it only “inflames” everything. The bedspread consists of a combination of blue and yellow colors. They become symbols of freedom. But the woman unconsciously feels fear and does not want to change anything, preferring to remain in a nightmare.

A total of nine swords are drawn, and they hang in the air. They are not pointed at a person. They do not threaten her specifically, but they cause significant discomfort. The suit of swords itself is the embodiment of reason.


Therefore, in this arcana they can be interpreted as the fact that all nightmares and fears are a product of consciousness. They exist only in a woman's head.

A black card background can indicate several things. The character most likely does not understand the reason for his condition and thinks that it is just a bad dream. But the longer he buries his head in the sand, the more real they become.

Some decks play the story differently. In the Tarot of Dragons, the card shows a dragon and a tree where nine dead men hang. And the cruelty of people exceeds the cruelty of the monster. He just catches sheep for food, while intelligent creatures kill for pleasure.

Psychological state that describes the 9 of Swords

The psychology of the 9 Swords card is such that it indicates not real, but fictitious, mythical fears of a person. We drive ourselves into a corner and see no prospects. Please note: the figure depicted on the card has covered his face with his hands. A person is scared, he is afraid to face his fears, he is under the influence of painful illusions and addictions. The card advises to wet your palms, then the nightmares will dissipate.

9 Swords from Tarot-93 E. Kolesova

General value


  • Nightmares.
  • Desolation.
  • Despair.
  • Cry.
  • Sadness.
  • Emotional upheaval.
  • Depression.
  • Waking up from a nightmare.

The mere appearance of 9 swords in a reading does not mean a threat. But the atmosphere will not be easy. A person is thrown into the abyss of the unconscious, he is plunged into unpleasant and difficult feelings. Experiences them. Some tarot readers call it a literal personal torture chamber.

Arcanum means that a person is oppressed by a problem and suffers from it.

In some ancient sources there is an interpretation that contains mention of the querent’s enemies. But sometimes a person need not be afraid of other people. He is his own enemy. With his love to run away from problems, he should not be afraid of external circumstances.

A person is immersed in thoughts, they deprive him of sleep and make him anxious. In some cases, the lasso indicates a series of trials. For example, you have to experience real losses. In this situation, it seems to the querent that fate has cursed and punished him, and turned the world against him.

The plot of the card itself shows a situation where the main character is immersed in emotions and is deprived of normal sleep. He turns from side to side, thinking about what is happening. He may be tormented by his conscience because of certain actions. The environment is full of darkness and misery.

The querent understands perfectly well that he has something to think about and this scares him. The universe launched him into a circle of fatigue and pain. Sooner or later a person will be forced to break it.

Card combination

Combinations of 9 Swords with Major Arcana:

  • the layout with the Jester symbolizes the parents’ concern for their children;
  • combination with the Wheel of Fortune shows the onset of troubled times;
  • combination with the Hermit shows suffering due to loneliness.

Combination with the Minor Arcana:

  • combination with the Ace of Staffs shows heartache and emptiness;
  • card layout with the Knight of Cups - suffering from non-reciprocal feelings;
  • combination with the Ace of Swords - the presence of heavy thoughts.

At the personal level

The map can be described in one word - thoughts. They can affect personal life, work, finances, in short, any area of ​​life. However, they are not positive. The querent is tormented by anxiety, fear of the future, and lack of confidence in his abilities. Doubts and remorse eat at him.


Associated feelings are loss, fear of failure, panic attacks.

A person plays out pictures of shameful defeat in his head over and over again. He may not be afraid of anything specific, but something from within is eating him, gnawing at him. The abyss of anxiety consumes him more and more. The questioner is ready to dive headfirst into the sand, but under no circumstances face reality.

He is tormented by imagining worse events, but he makes no effort to correct the situation. In some cases, 9 swords pass:

  • death of a loved one;
  • awareness of grief;
  • lack of resources to solve problems.

This lasso is the quintessence of feelings such as shame and guilt. For the querent, this turns into a desire to torture and punish himself.

Sometimes the card describes a person who likes to play the victim and revel in his suffering.

Sometimes panic occurs due to excessive self-focus. After all, by and large, a person is afraid not of upcoming events, but of the changes that will happen to him.

In a more esoteric sense, the Nine of Swords shows the clash of mind and feelings. Reason turns out to be the loser, and emotions are the winners. But this struggle does not bring liberation, only frustration and anxiety.

Card tip:

You can't bury your head in the sand and avoid facing reality. It's time to bring clarity to life and start doing something. Liberation will be helped by positive behavior and responsible decisions.


You should not engage in dubious matters, and in general you should refrain from undertakings. Attention is focused on problems that are not related to the querent. It's time to switch your attention to something else.

Mental aspect of interpretation

People of the Nine of Swords are a classic contingent of psychotherapists specializing in the treatment of anxiety-phobic disorders.

Such patients may suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Their fears may manifest themselves in different ways. But in any case, such individuals need professional therapy.

Whatever the 9 Blades are afraid of, they are always hypertrophiedly focused on themselves, on what will happen to him if something goes wrong. Outwardly, they can dismantle fear for loved ones, for example, hired anxiety for a child. But internally it is always anxiety for oneself: “what will happen to me if something happens to my child, how will I survive it?”

No matter what fears people of this lasso voice, they are always worried only for themselves. But they should not be condemned for this, since such a condition requires medical attention.

Work issues

Not the most favorable lasso for issues related to a professional situation. It is often passed by people who have turned their current work into hell and torment. Every day is torture for them, accompanied by pain and despair. He hates her, wakes up every day with hateful thoughts about her.

The querent could not cope with negative emotions and doubts. Now he is paying for his indecisiveness. Any business in this period of time will end in failure and failure. In rare cases, if there are positive arcana in the layout, you can get away with severe stress and anxiety.


The lasso can indicate a state of panic before a deadline, when a person rushes between tasks and tries to get everything done.

The querent is afraid of any checks. Sometimes a card serves as an indicator of the need to pull yourself together and mobilize all your strength to solve problems. In some cases, the lasso indicates problems in the team. They manifest themselves in the form of bullying, envy, intrigue and hysterics. Inappropriate behavior and an uncomfortable atmosphere clearly pass through it.

The questioner is depressed. The reason for his condition lies in problems with the team or in the fact that he made a mistake and is now tormented by his conscience.

If the querent is looking for a job, then he should not expect success yet. He is tormented by fears, he sees imaginary obstacles everywhere. Therefore he goes down the wrong path. It's time to determine the cause of your condition.

There are no less problems in money matters. There is a high probability of deception, especially in business matters.

Interpretation of the card in a finance and business scenario

In straight position

The card symbolizes situations such as hatred of work or fear of losing it. The questioner was told that without work he would remain on the street. Now he is forced to endure any inconvenience to his own detriment instead of doing something that he really likes.

Inverted position

A fortuneteller in such a state tends to escalate the atmosphere and invent events that are unlikely to happen in the near future. Self-flagellation and past failures force the questioner to be afraid to take a new step. He fears another failure, and in case of failure, stress and other related phenomena.

The meaning of the Nine of Swords in relationships

Hysteria runs brightly through the Nine of Swords. The person is very worried about his partner, but his feelings become manic. He begins to follow the woman he loves, control her every move and demand reports. In some cases, this manifests itself in blind fanaticism and faith.

Some tarot readers interpreted this card as particularly dangerous. Under her influence, a person is capable of anything. In a thirst for revenge, he is capable of causing harm and pain. This is no longer an atmosphere of love. This is poison in its purest form.

The Nine of Swords can describe two states. If people are in a relationship, then both partners suffer and suffer, hurt each other. In general, this lasso best deals with mental torment. In another situation, if the querent is lonely, the card shows that he revels in his condition. He worries about the lack of love, but does not change anything in his life.

Sometimes the 9 of swords appears after scandals or any conflicts. In some cases she describes stalkers. People who are manically obsessed with the object of their adoration. They are ready to follow him everywhere, control his every step and tell him how to live.

In the case of stalking, a person understands that he is causing suffering to another person and himself, but is subconsciously ready to do so. Something in the spirit of “I suffer, you suffer too.”

For those in relationships, panic fear leads to:

  • despotism;
  • violence;
  • lack of boundaries.

With all this, the union can hardly be called healthy. Some men begin to experience problems with potency. Moreover, they have no health problems. They are tormented by the fear of failure in bed. One of the partners may be afraid of some facts of their life that are considered shameful.

Sometimes in situational scenarios, the card means an unwillingness to forgive betrayal or other offense.

The lasso often goes through a bachelor's life. The querent is not happy with her, but he doesn’t want to change her due to circumstances.

Money, career, professional activity

In business readings, the Nine of Swords Tarot has a negative meaning. These include problems in business due to indecision, doubt, fear of changing something, and career stagnation due to loss of interest in work. Continuing the “stiffness” of the Eight of its suit, the Nine indicates fatigue, due to the supposed influence of circumstances. Business or professional activity has turned into torture for the questioner.

A negligent attitude to work leads to time pressure, confusion in business, which causes panic and insomnia.

Sometimes the lasso speaks of anxiety associated with all kinds of checks or protection of the project. Problems will be solved only if the questioner can gather his will “into a fist”, cast aside doubts, and can reasonably assess the real state of affairs and real, not fictitious, difficulties. It wouldn’t hurt to turn to business partners or more experienced colleagues for help, especially if the Six of Pentacles falls nearby.

In any case, changes cannot be avoided, but it is better for the debtor to immediately take the process into his own hands. Although this is quite difficult to do due to the negative emotional and psychological state.

A) Ways to increase income

In terms of earnings, 9 Blades favors people who make money from other people’s misfortunes and conflict resolution: psychologist, psychiatrist, priest, crisis center employee. For others, the lasso shows that a person cannot receive a decent income due to fear of changing something.

B) General monetary situation and progress of changes

The Lord of Despair and Cruelty indicates a complete collapse in finances. The man simply has no time for money. There is a small chance to get out of this state, but it will not be possible to correct the disastrous financial situation peacefully. Either conflicts and helplessness will plunge the questioner into the abyss of despair, or he will take risks for the chance to “swim out.”

C) Positive and negative impact of the card on income

There is no real, good impact of 9 Blades on income, and is not expected. The negative influence predominates - a continuous black streak, you will probably have to not only “tighten your belt”, but endure poverty. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a real financial tragedy or an imaginary one. The Nine of Daggers does not show a way out of the plight.

D) Choosing a promising profession

Traditionally, Swords welcome professions related to sharp objects: surgeon, anesthesiologist. In other cases, a profession that alleviates the suffering of others will be successful: nurse, psychologist, psychotherapist, neurologist.

Reversed position

In the reverse position, the lasso retains its negative meaning. The person is also afraid of violence and disease. In this position, the lasso is more of an indicator of shame. For example, the querent is afraid of being disgraced. In any case, energy is only destructive and aggressive.

The situation is influenced by an unreliable person. The questioner is gnawed by doubts, pangs of conscience, and mistrust. He is completely immersed in jealousy and suspicion. He is surrounded by gossip and intrigue.

As in the upright position, in the reverse position the card indicates a serious psychological state for no reason.

In simple words, a person invented problems for himself and twisted himself around them. But it's not that bad. The lasso may indicate that the dark streak in life is over. Admitting guilt in itself brings relief.

Symbolism of the card of the day

Events will remind a person of a nightmare (but only if he has an internal conflict or remorse). However, no negative events as such are expected today. The card advises you to stress yourself out less and learn to soberly assess the situation and not get involved in intrigue.

The reversed card of the day says that it is important to determine the essence of the situation. Either the fortuneteller’s life has really gone through a dark period, or, in fact, the questioner’s problems are far-fetched and life will soon get better.

General advice of the arcana

A person needs to learn not to panic at the slightest inconvenience, but to adequately assess the situation. It is important to be able not only to independently assess the situation, but also to share your experiences with those around you and those closest to you within the permitted limits.

Warning card - you should prepare for trouble.

Health issues

Psychosomatics often runs through the Nine of Swords. Suppressing fear, denying emotions, all this accumulates in the body and breaks out in the form of various problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If we consider the issue of health in general, the answer is clear - everything is bad. Often the pain occurs at night.

The querent will receive news about some diagnosis. For a pregnant woman, this is a high probability of miscarriage or other problems with her situation. These are panic attacks and sleep disturbances, nightmares and insomnia.

In isolated cases, it indicates death.

The lasso is an indicator of mental trauma. These are any diseases that appear due to the desire to punish oneself. In rare cases, it manifests itself as enuresis.

In some cases it appears as a map of discomfort. These are migraines due to magnetic storms or nausea from changing climatic zones. Allergies or PMS. For women, it often indicates infertility.

Classic combination of the 9 Swords of the Tarot with the suit of Pentacles (Dinariev)

  • The appearance of the Three of Pentacles indicates the inability of the querent to work in a team. Large groups are contraindicated for such people.
  • The Five of Pentacles predicts financial instability, monetary losses, and bankruptcy.
  • The Knight of Dinarii speaks of the possibility of making good money, but dishonestly. If you decide to take this step, you will regret your choice in the future.

Card combination options

Arcana energies

The energies of the ninth card of the Swords suit are complex and unattractive. These are primitive animal instincts and fears, rooted in subcortical structures, and therefore poorly understood by a person, but having a colossal influence on his life.

Astrologically, the lasso, like the entire suit of Swords, is associated with the signs of the Zodiac of the element Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius and the mental sphere controlled by this element.

But some tarot readers find in the 9 Blades the influence of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. It is believed that Jupiter and Neptune give the chart a painful religiosity, which is always associated with fears, a feeling of helplessness before higher powers, and internal lack of freedom.

At the same time, other experts associate the Nine of Swords with the second decanate of Gemini, along with Mercury, ruled by Mars and reflecting the concept of “cruelty.” Mars in Gemini requires a person to show a cold mind, alien to sentimentality. But if a person is emotional, such an influence turns out to be detrimental to him, because he is unable to fulfill the demands of soulless Mars.

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