Ace of Swords Tarot in layouts for love and situation: meaning and combinations

The representative of the category of minor arcana is the Ace of Swords of the tarot, also called the Ace of Sabers or Daggers, less often it is called the Triumph of personal strength.

From an astrological point of view, the map corresponds to four planets: Mercury, Mars, Pluto and Jupiter. The zodiac equivalent for Ace is: Aries, Scorpio and partially Capricorn. The key characteristic that succinctly describes this card is the word “strength”.

The main meaning of the Ace of Swords in fortune telling

Willingness to follow your idea. For this, the fortuneteller has enough energy, physical strength, courage, and intelligence.

  1. A person has made a decision and now intends to implement it at all costs. If necessary, he is ready to use force and go head-to-head towards the goal that he has set for himself. At this moment he does not accept any criticism, he does not take into account advice.
  2. The fortuneteller is in an unusually resourceful state, which often occurs after a difficult decision has been made, a difficult choice has been made that could not be made. Now everything has become clear to the fortuneteller, and he is full of desire to act as he came up with.
  3. The Ace of Swords symbolizes the will of pure reason, which is alien to sentimentality. Therefore, if the decision made can somehow infringe on the interests of other people, cause them pain, the fortuneteller will not be bothered by this. He will still begin to act as he should. And nothing personal.


Clearance. Force. Insight. Initiative. Determination. Progress. Conquest. Competition. Controlled actions. A surge of mental strength. Conception. Medical examination. Legal issues. Pregnancy. Excess in everything. Arrogance. A rash decision. Depression. Tyranny. Fiasco. Hot temper. Self-destruction. Infertility. Let. Impotence. Disappointment. Conflict. Aggression. An accident. Operations. Backbiting. Injustice. Destruction. Dominance. Problems with the law and authorities. Incitement. Sarcasm. "Heavy Hand" Self-torture. Anger. Threat.

Personality of the Ace of Swords person

Rational approach to solving issues, seriousness. Willpower, courage, initiative.

Often the lasso is a significator that a person has overcome some difficulties and reached a qualitatively new level in his development.

  • The person described by the Ace of Swords is calculating, cold-blooded, capable of clearly analyzing any situation and making informed decisions. She is not characterized by laziness or procrastination. She is always ready to act, has a colossal will to win and high ambitions.
  • The first Arcana of Swords indicates a person endowed with the ability to meta-consciously. That is, he knows how to look at the situation unbiasedly, as if from the outside, without falling into cognitive distortions.
  • Others often perceive such a person as heartless and even cruel. After all, he goes to his goal along the shortest route, often regardless of the interests of others. And he tells other people everything he thinks. This often turns out to be true. But a bitter truth that should not be voiced in such a form.

But the Ace of Swords person does not want anything bad, does not want to offend anyone. He simply goes to the goal by the shortest route, because it is logical. And he tells the truth because it is rational. At the same time, his motives and goals may be noble. But he has difficulty bringing them to the consciousness of other people, because he does not know how to listen and heed.

  • In the reversed position of the card, the negative personal characteristics of the Ace of Swords are enhanced. He is also logical, methodical and intelligent. Capable of making original decisions leading to victory. But he doesn’t feel others at all. Sometimes he simply does not notice that there are other people in the world, and not just ideas and ways to achieve them.
  • The reversed Ace of Swords is often arrogant. He is proud of his intellectual superiority and despises those who are not so smart and calculating. The goals of such a person are no longer as pure and noble as those of the person described by the lasso in the direct position. He can easily make a deal with his conscience for the sake of his selfish interests.

Direct position value

Keys of the direct position: triumphant position, excess of opportunities and the arrival of new ideas and proposals, conquest, victory, success. The necessary strength to fight and overcome difficulties. A new favorable period is coming into your life, a positive influence on the situation, the opportunity to make your own choices and decide what to do. Prosperity and income. The arrival of power, the opportunity to influence surrounding people. Well-developed willpower, determination, energy. Fertility and abundance of harvest.

The upright position brings success and triumph, the joy of victories and achieving what you want. Everything suggests that you will succeed and are on the right path. You are supported by your willpower, dedication and determination, and most importantly, you have the necessary energy to realize your desires.

As for your enemies, they lost and were left with nothing. Now comes a period of prosperity and favorable opportunities arise to realize your ideas. You are given the opportunity to direct your life in the direction that you need.

  • mental clarity
  • new ideas
  • new plans
  • justice
  • communication
  • green light
  • mental sharpness
  • accidents
  • surgery
  • breakthrough
  • perseverance
  • concept
  • writing

Meaning of the Ace of Swords in reversed position

In an inverted position, the lasso from the significator of willpower, intelligence and desire for victory turns into the personification of a cold, calculating mind placed at the service of low interests.

This is despotism, the abuse of intellectual superiority for selfish interests. Complete lack of empathy. Inability to form human relationships. The mind is strong, but so inanimate that it is not capable of creation.

However, some tarot readers interpret the inverted Ace of Swords differently. In their opinion, it indicates a loss of will, an inability to take active action. It is assumed that the person has given up on his business and wants nothing more. If he does take action, he may win. But only it will turn out to be a feast: in the end he will lose more than he gains.

Ace of Swords - interpretation of the direct version of the lasso

The card symbolizes the transition to a new project that requires intellectual investment. The situation will be difficult, since promising work may be accompanied by difficulties and various conflict situations. And to overcome all problems, you will need to gather strength, remember discipline and determination.

Any unpleasant changes in life that happen in the near future can become something positive in the future. The individual has a large reserve of strength, he is able to concentrate mentally and energetically on his goal.

It is enough to maintain logical thinking, maintain emotional balance and avoid disorder in affairs and thoughts.

Alignment for work and career and the first lasso of the Swords suit

  • A new project that takes all your energy and resources.
  • A good prospect for career success, but much more effort needs to be made to achieve it.
  • Work that requires decisive action, the ability to concentrate, and the ability to clearly set priorities. To cope with official responsibilities, you need to keep yourself in good intellectual shape.
  • As a significator of an employee, the Ace of Swords indicates someone who is passionate about business. If we are talking about a company, then it requires only this kind of behavior from its employees - to devote themselves entirely to serving the common cause.
  • Arcanum favors learning. Especially admission to higher educational institutions, as well as changes in the field of work, advanced training.
  • This map is used for scientific activities in any field of knowledge from medicine to programming.

In an inverted position, the Ace of Swords indicates that the project is most likely a failure. He has a lot of shortcomings that the fortuneteller fundamentally does not want to notice, since he is confident in his intellectual superiority and that he cannot make mistakes.

But in an inverted position, the lasso blocks intellectual activity. It interferes with making the right decisions and learning.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ “One card” layout

Ace of Swords General meaning It says that a person thinks logically, rationally, or that it’s time for the fortuneteller to start doing this. Relationships The couple will have conflicts. Health The card promises injuries and psycho-emotional disorders. Affairs The situation will be unstable. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For the future

Ace of Swords The card means that you will soon have to make a quick decision, relying on your own life experience and reason, which will help you correctly assess the situation and choose an option. Pay special attention to your own health, which may suffer due to the pronounced manifestation of chronic diseases, as well as various bruises and injuries associated with the musculoskeletal system. If you pay attention to your condition in time, a solution to the problem will definitely appear. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On relationships

Ace of Swords If the Ace of Swords falls to a person who is already in a relationship, then the card characterizes the relationship as very stormy and passionate, there is constantly a struggle between the partners, but it is in this state that both people feel comfortable; if the excuses for competition run out, then so does the relationship will not live long. If the card goes to a lonely person, then the Ace of Swords is a symbol of freedom, the beginning of something new. Old relationships will finally become a thing of the past, and new ones will become a necessary breath of fresh air. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For today

Ace of Swords Logic, willpower, decisive action and triumph. Availability of many ideas, successful work with a new project; no significant financial losses. Possible minor injuries, nervous breakdowns and surgery. Conflict relationships that require serious conversation; passion and excitement. You are a disciplined, very nervous and hot-tempered person. Don’t ignore external interference, act step by step and thoughtfully! A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For tomorrow

Ace of Swords A card that represents clarity of mind and logic, rationality in thinking and a clear understanding of the situation. There is no duality, everything is in full view. Tomorrow the questioner will have a day associated with learning something new or with intellectual work. You will need to work a lot with your head, but the Ace of Swords suggests that the questioner can do it. The day will bring invaluable experience and new victories. In the professional sphere, learning something new is expected, perhaps a new project that still has to be dealt with. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ What does he think about me

Ace of Swords Your relationship is built on reason and common interests. This is a wonderful reason for love, because such relationships are the most long-lasting and interesting, partners always talk. Conversations are the key to love that will last a lifetime. However, the stubbornness of one of the partners can hinder development. It is necessary to make concessions in order to strengthen relationships, your love. Only reaching a compromise will allow you to maintain feelings for each other, avoid serious conflicts and severance of communication. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On request

Ace of Swords Now clear and reasoned decisions are required from you. Try to think through your every step. A militant attitude to protect your own interests will help you. But you should refrain from conflicts, especially with loved ones. In general, the card indicates a triumphant outcome of any matter. Discipline and self-control will help you protect yourself from bad results. Intelligence and logic will also play an important role. However, changes for the better should not be expected in the near future. Try to analyze all your actions and correct the mistakes you have made. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On the situation

Ace of Swords New thoughts and ideas change life, although there are no obvious reasons. Changes and minor obstacles and conflicts are expected. There is enough strength to take new actions. You hold negative emotions inside, which accumulate at great speed. Remember that irritability prevents you from making adequate decisions. Use external cues. There may be minor but annoying troubles, checks, quarrels, but positive resolution of issues. Gather your strength and show willpower! A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For the betrothed

Ace of Swords Ace of Swords - providing a real opportunity to find a common language in situations that previously seemed insoluble. Most often this is expressed in improved communication between partners, which undoubtedly has a great effect on the overall level of relationships. It’s too early to talk about the wedding, you need to wait until you agree on everything. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚Guardian Angel Advice

Ace of Swords Now you are focused and active, ready to fight, conquer, and defend your interests. You can handle everything, you feel the support of higher powers. Now is your time - you can get everything you set your mind to. Concentrate on your desire and boldly move forward. The card advises you to monitor your physical condition - calculate your strength to reach the end. Don't resist change. Your path leads to the realization of your plans, but not always by the intended means. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On the King

Ace of Swords The level of relationship that has developed between you and your companion cannot be called positive. However, there is no need to fall into despair prematurely. The difficulties that have arisen can give impetus to moving to a new level of communication and closer relationships. It is possible that you are simply going through a period of getting used to each other if you have only recently been together. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For treason

Ace of Swords If today the problem you are faced with seems insoluble, then in the near future there will be an absolutely logical conclusion. Analysis of the situation and the ability to look at everything from the outside will help you find the right way out with a positive outcome. Perhaps someone will give you a hint on what to do now. Successful overcoming of all obstacles lies ahead. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ “Three cards” layout

Ace of Swords Bring more clarity and unambiguity into your life, this will make it much easier and simpler for you. You will have new plans and goals, work on them on average and everything will work out. Conflict and controversial situations should be accepted easily; in the future they will turn into a promising project. The main thing is to act soberly and sensibly, calculate your every step. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ Love triangle

Ace of Swords The card promises conflicts or the beginning of a relationship in the face of a quarrel. Passions run high in a couple, but sometimes only on a mental level - this is when everything is “seething” inside one or both partners, but they do not give an outlet to feelings. Another meaning of the card is that one of the partners will receive random information, gossip about their significant other, which will ruin the relationship. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ To fate

Ace of Swords The air around you begins to thicken, as if on the eve of a thunderstorm. You are overcome by anxiety and dissatisfaction with the state of affairs. The time for change is coming, and you clearly feel the need for drastic changes. You need new ideas and solutions; old methods have become obsolete. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ To Work

Ace of Swords Arcana predicts an unexpected event. The card also suggests that strong competition and an unstable situation awaits. We need new ideas. There are many and it will take a lot of effort to solve them. However, there will be no financial problems. The Arcanum indicates that you need to carefully monitor the signs and clues that fate presents. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For pregnancy and children

Ace of Swords The appearance of the Ace of Swords in a pregnancy scenario indicates the imminent appearance of the desired heir. Most likely, the pregnancy has already begun and is in the early stages of development. The pregnancy will proceed uneventfully, but by cesarean section. Next to the Emperor, Hermit or Priest card, the estimated gender of the child is boy. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ Will he come back to me?

Ace of Swords When this card appears, you should prepare for the fact that you will have to make efforts to restore relationships. If to solve many problems it is enough to simply sit down at the negotiating table and peacefully discuss the current conflict, then in this case actions will be more useful than words. One of the partners needs to meet the other halfway and make not just a beautiful gesture, but prove the seriousness of their intentions. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

Financial forecast card

Intensive work on a project that can provide good profits in the future, but for now the earnings are not too high. If the Ace of Swords falls in direct orientation, there is every chance to improve your financial situation. The main thing is to see them.

But if the lasso falls upside down, the project is a failure. And you need to be able to stop in time so as not to invest too many resources into it, from which there will be no return anyway.

Questions that can be answered by drawing a card

By drawing a card, the fortuneteller can find answers to the following questions:

  • Who am I fighting with?
  • What should you get rid of?
  • Am I doing the right thing?
  • What should be done to get out of this situation?

Important! Tarot is magic, therefore, to obtain the most accurate prediction, it is recommended to ask open questions, specifying the date of execution of the alignment.

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Love and relationships according to Ace of Swords suit

  • Quite often, the lasso indicates the possibility of separation, when partners who have been in conflict for a long time finally find the strength to discuss the situation and understand that it is time to separate. Sometimes such a decision can only be made by one of the couple. But it will be accepted definitively - without the right to amnesty. If the lasso is reversed, the decision is even more painful.
  • For people who associate themselves with the Swords suit, that is, for those who live with their heads and not with their hearts, the appearance of an Ace may indicate sudden love, passion, or a whirlwind romance. This passion has a harsh masculine orientation, which is rarely pleasant for a woman. Even if we are talking about a lady, she acts like a man.
  • Arcanum indicates sex for the sake of a physiological process, without love and tenderness. Often for one-time meetings.
  • As a significator of a partner, it shows a person who is fanatically devoted to his ideas. And his chosen one must share these ideas. If not voluntarily, then forcibly.

In an inverted position, the Ace of the Swords suit becomes even colder and harsher. Even if he demonstrates love, then this love at the moment is a fixation for him, and try to say something against it. You always have to be careful with such a person. It is likely that this is not such a wonderful romantic object as it seems.

When it comes to health

In its literal meaning, Arkan gives joyful forecasts. The sick person began to recover, and positive dynamics of recovery can be seen. Relapses of chronic and hereditary diseases should not yet be a concern. The general condition of the person is normal.

The card can sometimes promise bruises, burns, abrasions and other minor injuries. You should be more careful at home and follow safety rules at work.

A reversed card gives an extremely unfavorable prognosis. A person can get sick, and get sick so seriously that they need surgery. By the way, the operation can be difficult and cause complications.

Take the test: what keywords relate to the Ace of Swords?

Friendship. Average relationship. Past.


Action. Cold emotionlessness. Cruelty. The precision and cynicism of a surgeon.


Mindfulness. Stability. Dead end.



What does the lasso say about health?

In direct orientation, the Ace of Swords indicates good health and high energy potential.

  • But if it is necessary to determine a disease using this lasso, then they think that some harm has been done to the body (trauma, hypothermia, severe fatigue). Peptic ulcers are possible.
  • As a significator of mental ailments, the Ace of Swords speaks of destructive self-destructive behavior. This is auto-aggression, which can be both obvious and hidden, for example, careless driving associated with an unconscious desire to harm oneself.

However, aggression does not have to be directed at oneself. Pathological cruelty towards other people runs through this lasso. Sometimes prone to sexual violence.

  • In an inverted position, the Ace of Swords can indicate severe mental illness, when an individual considers himself the savior of all humanity, and those who do not see this must be destroyed. This is usually paranoid schizophrenia.

For women, an inverted lasso can mean pregnancy. And its loss in direct orientation in the appropriate life situation indicates an approaching birth or abortion.

In a very bad environment in some layouts in an inverted position, the card warns of a high risk of death.

What is shown on the map

In the classic deck, the Ace of Swords card depicts a strong and courageous warrior holding a beautiful sword. A raised sword symbolizes a decisive offensive. There are no other images on the lasso, because it is the weapon that is the main active force in it.

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In a number of decks, the sword is decorated with a crown from which olive and palm branches fall, acting as symbols of power and the triumph of strength.

If you turn to the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, it depicts how a sword breaks through a crack in the clouds. You can see the shine of his sharp blade in the sunlight. The sword also cuts the grain in half, from which a plant emerges that wraps around the blade.

Options for combining the Ace of Swords with other Tarot cards

The Arcan always indicates that a person has reached a certain boundary that must be crossed, a decision that must be made, something new that will inevitably come into life. What kind of decision or boundary this is, and where to go next, is explained by the neighboring cards.

Examples of interpretation are given below. But an accurate interpretation is made based on the fortuneteller’s question and the entire layout as a whole.

Ace of Swords and Major Arcana

Combination with the suit of Wands

Joint interpretation with Cups

Ace and other arcana of the Swords suit

First Arcana of Swords and Pentacles

Combination with other Tarot Arcana

  • With the lasso “Jester” - a manifestation of either enormous wisdom or immeasurable stupidity.
  • With the “Magician” lasso, you are holding the sword of victory in your hands.
  • With the lasso “High Priestess” - wisdom.
  • With the lasso “Empress” - fertilization.
  • With the lasso “Emperor” - the emergence of excellent business plans.
  • With the Hierophant lasso - the discovery of real life values.
  • With the lasso “Lovers” - clarity appears in relationships, the struggle for love.
  • With the "Chariot" lasso - a solution to a confusing situation.
  • With the lasso “Strength” - upholding the truth.
  • With the “Hermit” lasso, a person understands himself.
  • With the “Wheel of Fortune” lasso, you need to be on your guard.
  • With the lasso “Justice” - guardianship of someone.
  • With the Hanged Man lasso - the emergence of contradictions.
  • With the lasso “Death” - irrelevant ideas.
  • With the lasso “Moderation” - ideas that need to be considered from different angles.
  • With the “Devil” lasso it’s a risky plan.
  • With the Tower lasso - destruction of misconceptions.
  • With the Star lasso - the emergence of a wonderful idea.
  • With the lasso “Moon” - loss in delusion.
  • With the lasso “Sun” - clarity.
  • With the lasso “Court” - helping others.
  • With the lasso “Peace” - an idea that will be approved.
  • With the Ace of Wands lasso - the emergence of brilliant and inspiring ideas.
  • With the lasso “Two of Wands” it’s a matter that you need to think about and evaluate its prospects.
  • With the lasso “Three of Wands” - the embodiment of a plan in life.
  • The combination “Ace of Swords - Ace of Pentacles” indicates a lack of support and loss of income.
  • With the lasso “Four of Wands” - birth.
  • The Five of Wands lasso is a controversial matter.
  • With the Six of Wands lasso, your plans will be successfully realized.
  • With the Seven of Wands lasso - the appearance of obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • With the Eight of Wands lasso - receiving an Internet message.
  • With the Nine of Wands lasso it’s a dubious idea.
  • With the Ten of Wands lasso, this is an unrealistic project.
  • With the “Page of Wands” lasso, it’s time for successful learning.
  • With the lasso “Knight of Wands” is an idea that will lead you into the unknown.
  • With the lasso “Queen of Wands” - creative implementation of the plan.
  • With the lasso “King of Wands” - mastery.

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Success comes to those who have a clear and thoughtful plan of action and backup options in case something goes wrong. Arkan warns that it is important to act, but not to rush headlong into problems. This is a card of reasonable and prudent people.

Thus, this is the Arcana of dreamers, businessmen and conquerors. The card does not tolerate inaction and monotony, therefore it encourages people to work on themselves and build their own future.

Author of the article, tarot reader

Tatyana Ushakova

Importance in terms of finances and work

If the card appears in an upright position, then it characterizes a person who knows exactly what he wants from life. He makes fairly unambiguous decisions, is not used to complicating anything, and acts according to a proven scheme.

Sometimes, Arkan warns that it is time for a person to change something. For example, place of work. The new position will allow him to better realize himself, open up, and express himself.

The person symbolized by this Arcanum, as a rule, has optimally developed logical and analytical thinking. This helps him achieve success in work and study. The card promises that a person has many interesting projects, fresh ideas and opportunities to realize himself ahead.

The Ace of Swords reversed warns a person not to undertake large-scale or very important financial transactions. They could face complete collapse. It is also worth working on self-organization and self-discipline. The fortuneteller is often hindered by laxity, lack of composure and irresponsibility. If I learn to deal with them, then things will go much better.

It is important to learn to negotiate with colleagues and superiors, and to always comply with agreements.

You shouldn't trust everyone. The card warns that there are dishonest people around who can betray at the most decisive moment. You need to choose your business partners especially carefully.

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