METAPHYSICAL OR RELIGIOUS? Or why is the Emptiness in Qi Men dangerous?

What is the emptiness of Bazi?

The demon of emptiness Bazi is essentially emptiness by decade. Heavenly trunks and earthly branches form sixty combinations. Every ten of these same combinations forms one decade. The names of each of the decades are taken from the name of the first element in the decade in Chinese. In order not to confuse readers, their names are not given here. There are only ten heavenly trunks, and twelve earthly branches. For this reason, in each decade there are no two earthly branches - the same emptiness of Ba Tzu is observed.

Seasonal mergers of earthly branches

There are four seasons in a year, each of which includes three months. During each season, strong energy is generated:

1. A tree forms in the spring. It is born in February - the month of the Tiger, develops in March - into the Rabbit and reaches its apogee in April - into the Dragon. 2. In summer - fire, born in May - in the Snake, developing in June - in the Horse and gaining strength in July - in the Goat. 3. In autumn - metal, born in August - in the Monkey, developing in September - in the Rooster, reaching its apogee in October - in the Dog. 4. In winter - water, which is born in November - in the Pig, developing in December - in the Rat, reaching its apogee in January - in the Ox. In Bazi it is believed that seasonal fusions of earthly branches create very strong energy. For example: 1. Tiger + Rabbit + Dragon = tree. 2. Snake + Horse + Goat = fire. 3. Monkey + Rooster + Dog = metal. 4. Pig + Rat + Ox = water.

It is worth noting that in order for these mergers to occur, the natal layout of the date of birth must contain the corresponding celestial trunks located not in the lord of the day (in the place where the element of the personality is indicated), or the corresponding earthly branch must be present in the earthly branch of the monthly pillar.

That is: 1. Tiger + Rabbit + Dragon merge into a tree if the pillars have a heavenly trunk “Yin-tree” or “Yang-tree” or the earthly branch of the month is the Rabbit. 2. Snake + Horse + Goat = fire, if in the pillars there is a heavenly trunk “Yin-fire” or “Yang-fire” or the earthly branch of the month is the Horse. 3. Monkey + Rooster + Dog = metal, if in the pillars there is a heavenly trunk “Yin-metal” or “Yang-metal” or the earthly branch of the month is the Rooster. 4. Pig + Rat + Ox = water, if in the pillars there is a heavenly trunk “Yin-Water” or “Yang-Water” or the earthly branch of the month is the Rat.

How to identify emptiness in the pillars of destiny?

The emptiness of Ba Tzu is revealed by analyzing the natal chart, where the birthday pillar is taken as the starting point. This part of the article examines the birth dates of the eldest and youngest daughters of a woman who sought a free consultation. There is a five-hour difference between the girls' birthplace and Greenwich. In 2001, maternity time was in effect in Bashkortostan, which was reintroduced on January 19, 1992. This is +1 hour to zone time. This means that Alina was born on December 25, 2001 at 19:00. In her pillar of the day there is Yang-water on the Yang-earth of the Dog. In this combination, the emptiness is the Rat and the Ox. The girl has a rat in her birth month.

Pillars of Alina's destiny

Alina's pillars of luck

Ilya was born Greenwich Mean Time on 02/04/2004 at 04:00. The pillar of her birthday - yin water on the yin earth of the Ox indicates the presence of emptiness in the Tiger and in the Rabbit. She has Tiger in her birth hour. Now the girl is in the Rabbit period, and from five to ten she was in the Tiger period. It is probably Ba Tzu's emptiness that influences her behavior, as well as the behavior of her sister - they are both shy.

Pillars of Elijah's Destiny

Elijah's Pillars of Fortune

In addition, you can see that girls have many stable and cold elements of earth, water and metal, but few active ones - fire and wood. This also causes shyness. By enhancing fire and wood in girls’ energy drinks, you can change the behavior of each one. Strengthening fire and wood is possible with a diet when food products of these elements are consumed.

The mother of these girls also has an emptiness in her pillars. Alfia was born in Greenwich, taking into account maternity time, on 03/28/1974 after 19:00. Her day pillar contains the yang earth on the yang earth of the Dragon. For this combination, the emptiness of Ba Tzu is Dog and Pig. She has the first one at the hour of birth, which may portend problems with children. And also the Pig appears in the pillar of her luck from forty-two to forty-seven. The dog will appear in tacts from fifty-two to fifty-seven years of age. In both cases, the heavenly trunks turn out to be water. This element represents Alfia's finances. This means that during these periods of her life she may have problems with money.

Pillars of Alfia's Destiny

Alfia's Pillars of Luck

Alfie needs to strengthen the energy of metal with all her might - the element of her children and water - the element of her money. After all, she does not have the first energy in the pillars of fate, and the second is suppressed. The dream of the sea is a subconscious desire to make up for the lack of the water element. Alfie should make her dream come true. After all, staying near water for a long time will help fill its energy with the element of water. This can have a positive impact on this woman's finances. Despite the fact that Alfia was born in the year of the Tiger, she should not be afraid of time, ruled by the Monkey. After all, the metal of this animal is favorable to her.

The emptiness of Ba-Zi is determined by the list, which can be purchased by clicking on this link. The cost of listing all possible combinations of emptiness is purely symbolic. And it is sold so that this information does not spread on the Internet for no reason. After all, beginners, delving into the intricacies of Eastern astrology, try to concentrate on this, losing sight of the main thing - the interaction of energies present in the pillars of fate.

Merging of earthly branches

Energies, called earthly branches in the Bazi, are capable of merging, creating new elements. Double fusions or fusions of six are considered: - The Tiger merges with the Pig, creating a tree; - Bull - with the Rat, creating the earth; - Rabbit - with the Dog, creating fire; — Dragon — with the Rooster, creating metal; - Snake - with Monkey, creating water; — The Horse is with the Goat, creating fire.

This information can be used when analyzing a natal chart or if it is necessary to set up the correct feng shui for a room.

What does the emptiness of Ba Tzu portend?

In the pillars of Alina's destiny, the Rat is observed in the month. This means that the emptiness of Ba Tzu can affect her life from twenty-five to fifty years old, making her, for example, a housewife, as well as her relationship with her parents. Sometimes the presence of emptiness in the month creates situations where a person loses his parents early or stops communicating with them. However, it should be remembered that such situations do not arise for everyone and not in every case. The presence of emptiness in the month of birth portends problems with parents and a person’s alienation from the outside world from twenty-five to fifty years of age.

The emptiness in the hour of Ba Tzu, which is observed in Elijah, may portend her infertility or very bad relationships with mature children. The situation may also develop in such a way that someone takes away the child, for example, a government organization or grandparents. That is, the emptiness of Ba Tzu at the hour of birth foreshadows problems with children and difficulties in the period of life from seventy-five to one hundred years.

If there is emptiness of Ba Tzu in the year of birth, then this means that the person will not communicate with his grandparents or he will quickly forget them, because they will die when he is still small. Having a void in the year also indicates poor relationships with grandparents. In other words, the emptiness of Ba Tzu in the year indicates problems with grandparents, as well as an unhappy childhood and time of growing up.

There is no emptiness in a birthday. However, some Ba Tzu schools have a different opinion. Therefore, some experts are sure that the Emptiness in the natal chart in the birthday pillar should be looked for in the year pillar. A void in the birthday pillar indicates that the person will find it difficult to get married. In addition, the energy of the Void takes away mutual understanding with a loved one. People with Emptiness in the birthday pillar are usually unsatisfied in their relationships with their significant other and do not have support from their spouse.

There is emptiness in a year and a period of life. For example, for Alina, the years and cycles when the emptiness of Ba-Tzu is observed are Rat and Ox. She was in the Ox period from age five to ten. Since the upper element of that happy period was metal, the demon of emptiness influenced its resources, because the metal element represents recharge for its water. Apparently, at that moment the girl had little support or felt lonely and unhappy.

A period of emptiness in a decade according to Ba Tzu foreshadows problems if the elements of a happy period are favorable to a person. If the energies are unfavorable to him, then emptiness will protect him from possible difficulties. The same applies to each year of emptiness. When empty earthly branches encounter punishment, harm, breakdown or connection, the latter partially lose their power.

It will be favorable for Alina to choose a hobby and profession of the elements of wood or fire, because they are few in her pillars of destiny and they represent for her the elements of self-realization and money. A complete list of specialties related to these energies is presented in the book “Five Elements and Professions.” She should not get a job during her emptiness years - Rat and Ox. And it is also better for her to avoid the organizations created during these years.

And Ilya cannot get a job in the years of the Tiger and Rabbit and in companies founded in the years of these animals. Elijah’s pillars are a little similar to her sister’s pillars of fate, they have little fire, and the tree has been partially robbed of its strength by the emptiness of Ba-Tzu. Therefore, it is better for her to choose a hobby and profession related to the energy of her finances - fire or the element of her self-realization - wood. Fire industries are, for example: chemical, advertising, show business. Branches of wood: gardening, journalism. Since Elijah has no fire at all, it would be worth giving her preference to activities related to this element.

Other Aspects of the Void Demon Analysis

The location of the Void in the chart is only one aspect of the analysis.

In order to interpret the meaning of emptiness in the map in a complete map analysis, we analyze

  • which element goes into the void?
  • what power is the Void
  • what influence do neighboring Spirits and Demons have?
  • does the card have protection from the influence of the Demon?

After a comprehensive analysis, it may turn out that you don’t feel the bad influence from emptiness or it is so weak that you shouldn’t worry about it

What cancels emptiness in Bazi?

Some experts in Eastern astrology claim that emptiness is canceled by the noble lord of the birthday. Others believe that the noble of the year is also able to influence the void. When interacting with emptiness, the energy called a noble person loses its strength. For Alina, the noble energies are the Rabbit and the Snake. This means that with the arrival of a year, month or period of life under the sign of the Rabbit or Snake, its Ba-Zi emptiness is neutralized. Alina will be in the Rabbit period from twenty-nine to thirty-four years old. And in the Snake period - from forty-nine to fifty-four years.

A list of nobles by year and birthday, whose energies cancel emptiness, can be purchased by clicking on this link. The cost, as in the previous case, is purely symbolic. And the list is being sold so that beginners who do not want to thoroughly study the principles of Eastern astrology do not entertain themselves with empty hopes. People who are seriously interested in Bazi will certainly find money to acquire rare information that is only available through expensive courses.

For Elijah, the energy of a noble person is represented, as for her sister, by the Rabbit and the Snake. She is currently in the Rabbit period, which means her emptiness has been cancelled. She will enter the Snake period at age thirty-five and will remain there for five years. For Alfie, the Ox and Goat represent the energies of a noble person. This woman will enter the Goat period at eighty-two years of age and will remain in it for five years. But she should not despair, because the emptiness of Ba Tzu is also canceled out by the energies of the years of noble people, in her case the Goat and the Ox.

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