A list of reasons why your knees itch – right and left

Since ancient times, people have paid special attention to beliefs and signs associated with the human body. It was believed that this is how the body gives us signs, warns us about the near future.

Explanations for why itchy knees are multifaceted. But, for the most part, they are somehow connected with the road.

An important feature of all signs related to the human body is the division into right and left sides. If the first symbolizes a positive and bright event, then the second warns of impending troubles.

Why is my left knee itching?

According to signs, if your left knee itches, then difficulties will arise in business. Traveling, business trips, even daily worries will be associated with unforeseen situations and troubles. Nevertheless, as a result, they can be resolved quite successfully, but they will make you nervous.

Another meaning of why your left knee itches is problems at work. They will be associated with the emergence of new complex tasks, projects, etc. However, with some effort and hard work, it will be possible not only to cope with them, but also to receive a reward.

For older people, itching heralds a change in weather. Warmth will suddenly be replaced by cold weather, or bad weather will be replaced by sunshine.

In addition, it is believed that unrealized plans, secret dreams, unfulfilled desires are reflected in itchy knees. It is recommended not to put off what you want for the future, but to begin implementing it immediately.

Some clarifications

All encouraging interpretations of why the right knee itches are valid only if the itching bothers only one of them. When you have to scratch both legs, the prognosis is not so favorable. The left knee itches usually indicates some kind of complication. In this case, most likely, it is the road that awaits you, but it will not be as easy and cloudless as you would like. Maybe the car breaks down, maybe your suitcase gets lost at the airport - you’ll have to run around and be nervous. In this case, the right knee is still “stronger” than the left, and overall the trip will be very successful.

If the journey does not threaten you from any direction, the second interpretation comes into force: you will have to experience jealousy. And you will become its object. So in the near future you should behave more carefully and under no circumstances give reasons for jealousy - simply to avoid quarrels and scandals.

Why is my right knee itching?

Irritation that appears on the right side promises a successful resolution to any situation. Moreover, active actions will not be required - and without your participation everything will work out in the best way.

Another interpretation portends receiving positive news from relatives. A joyful event is coming up that will charge you with energy for a long time.

However, the right side can also warn of something not very good. So it is believed that if your right knee itches, it is better to refrain from participating in meetings and negotiations. Do not make presentations and limit any public speaking, since in the near future it will become difficult to express thoughts and you may be misunderstood.

What caused the irritation under the knees?

The itching that appears under the left knee does not bode well. Because it signals that your property is at risk. You should carefully monitor your personal belongings, not trust strangers, and double-check the security of your home.

If it itches under your right knee, then opportunities will arise to realize your plans. Dreams and plans can come true, but only on condition that decisions are made thoughtfully, without unnecessary risks.

Another interpretation is an unexpected journey that will delight you.

Why do unpleasant sensations occur below or above the knee joints?

If itching accompanies the area above the left knee, the sign warns of a family quarrel or a possible misunderstanding at work. It is recommended to avoid conflicts and seek compromises.

The irritation at the top right suggests that unexpected expenses may arise; you need to be careful about your finances.

If there is itching on the right side, but below the knee joint, pleasant changes await you, perhaps something good will happen in the near future.

Scabies under the joint on the left do not bode well. Something unpleasant will happen - unwanted guests will arrive, financial problems will arise, there will be a quarrel with loved ones.

Where did the belief come from?

The sign of an itchy knee came to us from ancient times. Previously, people believed that this sign warned them that problems would soon be resolved. They preferred to trust the passage of time and hope for fate.

Even though the right side is related to the angels, sometimes itching inside the knee gives unpleasant predictions. If your skin itches persistently and for a long time on the outside, you should think about possible health problems.

In the West, itchy knees are associated with a person's jealous nature. In Rus', itching warned of a possible scandal with a loved one. This was a sign to stop provoking your significant other.

Why bother with two legs at once?

Signs that indicate why two knees are itching at once are associated with discord between partners. Perhaps your significant other is jealous. There is not necessarily a reason for this. Anything can provoke an unpleasant feeling. It is recommended on such days to show great care and attention to your partner, not to provoke him into an outburst of jealousy, which he will later regret.

Another meaning is a long road, perhaps you are waiting for a move or a long trip.

No superstitions

Why does your neck itch?
Even if you are inclined to believe omens, persistent itching in the knee should alert you. You may have contracted a skin disease somewhere. Or you start to develop arthritis. So a medical examination will obviously not be superfluous.

Every person has the desire to scratch some part of the body. And there is nothing wrong with this, unless you have to do this all the time. When such a need arises with increasing frequency, it is obvious that something has gone wrong in the body.

This fully applies to discomfort that occurs in the lower extremities. When the legs begin to itch so intensely that in a short time they can be scratched until they bleed, the causes should be identified and neutralized immediately.

Interpretations of signs by day of the week

  1. Monday. Itching may mean that you will soon be meeting with your loved one, or news will come from him. It is worth noting that if the right knee itches, everything will end positively, and if the left one, then negatively. Perhaps a quarrel will follow or the news will be unkind.
  2. Tuesday. Irritation can be caused by the melancholy of a loved one or loved one.
  3. Wednesday. Itching portends a visit from guests or a new acquaintance. Any event will go well.
  4. Thursday. Knee discomfort may signal upcoming changes in your personal life or professional activities. These disturbances will be accompanied by unpleasant moments in the form of conflicts, quarrels, and mutual misunderstandings.
  5. Friday. Troubling knees on this day foreshadow a trip or journey. If irritation appears on the right leg, then everything will go well and will serve as an impetus for something good - a promotion at work, new friends. If on the left, then troubles are expected on the road.
  6. Saturday. Itching indicates the absence of changes at the moment, changes are not expected in the near future.
  7. Sunday. It means that you should be more attentive to loved ones, listen to their opinions and advice.

Scabies on both knees

When there are unpleasant sensations in both knee joints and an itchy elbow, you will have to endure a scene of jealousy from your chosen one. The other half becomes suspicious, so for some time it is advisable to show special tenderness and care.

Signs by day:

  1. if it itches on Monday - for pleasant meetings and a romantic date;
  2. Tuesday means sadness of parents or life partner;
  3. on Wednesdays - warning about unexpected guests;
  4. Thursday marks conflicts in the workplace;
  5. Friday scabies promises a pleasant trip or business trip;
  6. on Saturday you should devote time to family matters;
  7. On Sundays, the itch begins to listen to advice from the outside.

Itchy knees also warn of financial fraud. They recommend counting your money and remaining attentive in conversations with strangers.

Special signs for women

Some signs about why knees itch interpret the itching depending on the gender of the person.

So, if women have an itchy right knee, they should expect good news, pleasant events, meetings with good friends. Another possible interpretation is that the spouse is waiting for a promotion or promotion.

Unpleasant sensations on the left do not bode well for girls: it is better not to plan long trips. Sad news may come.

Since ancient times, girls believed in omens and looked for clues about what awaited them in the future. So, it was believed that if not only your right knee itches, but also your armpit, you will be able to meet your betrothed, maybe even with a gift.

If both knees itch

If a person feels like both his knees are itching, it means his significant other is very jealous of him. In order to somehow calm her down, you should reconsider your behavior and not give a reason in the future.

Another interpretation of this sign is that you should manage your money correctly so as not to run into scammers.

Special signs for men

In this case, signs are related to a person’s professional activity. Itching above the left knee indicates impending troubles at work. Serious consequences await, including dismissal.

Unpleasant sensations over the right knee joint, on the contrary, predict that things will go uphill at work. And, in addition, it will be possible to improve relationships in your personal life.

Irritation under the knee of the left leg indicates that the man will face troubles, meetings, worries, but will not be able to achieve what he wants. Events will not bring positive results.

Under the right is a good sign. All things will work out. Only good news awaits, income will exceed all expectations.

Medical reasons for itchy knees

Obviously, itching in the knees, both on the right and left sides, can be evidence of a number of diseases. The main ailments that demonstrate such symptoms include the following diseases.

  • Psoriasis. Cause stress, metabolic disorders, decreased immunity. Antibodies react hostilely to skin cells, resulting in itching and inflammation.
  • Eczema. They are provoked by various factors, including stress and the presence of an irritant. The skin is dry and flaky, making you want to scratch the irritated area.
  • Inflammatory processes in joints and tendons. They are also characterized by the presence of skin irritation.
  • Neurodermatitis. Aggressive chemical irritants, citrus fruits, etc. can cause this. It begins with severe itching, only later do pimples and spots appear that distinguish the disease from others.
  • Diabetes. High blood sugar levels cause the death of blood vessels and tissue degeneration. As a result, the structure of the epidermis changes, which leads to itching, usually appearing slightly below the knees.
  • Kidney diseases. Poor kidney function leads to the fact that waste products begin to be removed through the skin. This often causes discomfort.

If the irritation does not go away for a long time, then you should not believe in omens; you must seek qualified medical help. Ignoring disturbing sensations can lead to dire consequences.


The lower part of the legs may itch for reasons that do not threaten health at all. In this case, the unpleasant sensations are temporary and disappear when the irritant disappears. We are talking about the following factors:

  • Insufficient water intake. Due to its deficiency, the skin dries out, flakes and itches.
  • It's cold time. During the winter and autumn months, itching occurs more often. It is the body’s reaction to too low air temperature, its changes when moving into a room from the street and vice versa.
  • Cosmetics that are not suitable for a particular person. Shower gels, milks, and creams may contain substances that irritate the skin and cause allergies.
  • Poor nutrition. The body often reacts with rashes and itching for a simple reason: it cannot digest harmful foods. You must ensure that you only eat fresh and healthy food. It would be a good idea to give up smoking and drinking alcohol.

The causes of itching can be divided into two groups:

  1. Internal, when the cause of scabies is a symptom of diseases such as diabetes, lymphogranulomatosis, jaundice, renal dysfunction, stress or associated with a disorder of the nutritional system.
  2. External, these include skin diseases, fungal infections, allergic reactions.


Elevated blood sugar levels in a diabetic patient negatively affect all organs, including the skin. Due to improper metabolism, the skin does not receive the necessary nutrition, as a result of which it loses its elasticity, peeling appears, and its protective function is impaired. Yellowish plaques (diabetic xanthoma) and reddish-brown blisters (diabetic dermatopathy) may appear on the legs of a diabetic patient, which are very painful and itchy.


Every third patient with lymphogranulomatosis notes the presence of painful, persistent, unbearable itching, which leads to abrasions and infection. This is due to impaired skin nutrition and the appearance of dryness, peeling, alopecia, and hyperkeratosis.


The reason why the legs below the knees itch in patients with jaundice is due to an increase in the level of bile salts in the plasma. Salts have a cytotoxic effect on cells, destroying their lipid membranes. Also, the reason why the patient itches may be medications that are used during the treatment of jaundice.

Renal dysfunction

The appearance of itching in kidney diseases is associated with the accumulation of toxins and urea in the patient’s blood. The patient experiences increased dry skin due to decreased activity of the sweat glands. The patient also itches when biochemical processes are disrupted during hemodialysis.


Nervous shocks, stressful situations, and phobias can lead to itching or even eczema. This is exactly the body’s response to a nervous shock. Scabies may appear immediately or after some time.

An unbalanced diet can lead to severe dry skin below the knees, flaking and itching. Also, food quite often recently provokes allergic reactions in the form of redness and rashes on the skin. A child may develop an allergy during the transition to artificial nutrition or complementary feeding. If rashes, redness, or peeling appear on the skin of the child’s feet, the irritant should be excluded.

Skin diseases

Rash on leg

There are a huge number of skin diseases that cause itchy legs below the knee. The most common are:

  • Neurodermatitis, or lichen planus, appears on the skin as small red areas.
  • Contact and atopic dermatitis are manifestations of an allergic skin reaction. Appears on areas of the skin in the form of redness and blisters at points of contact with the allergen.
  • Psoriasis is chronic. Appears on the skin as outlined, reddened areas with whitish scales.
  • Seborrhea, a disease associated with disruption of the sebaceous glands. There are dry, oily and mixed seborrhea.

Fungal infections

A fungus that gets on an injured area of ​​skin can cause a severe allergic reaction with redness and itching. You should seek help in diagnosis and treatment from a specialist.

Even the most ordinary things at first glance can cause an allergic reaction in the form of itching. If an adult's legs below the knees itch in the evening, you may be allergic to socks or shoes made from low-quality materials. Even hypothermia can cause allergies with rashes and redness that make your knees itchy.

A small child who walks on a synthetic surface with his knees can also get an allergic reaction.

Pets and household chemicals can cause allergic rashes in areas of contact with the irritant.

You can check if you are allergic to cosmetic products by applying the product to the crook of your arm or the back of your knees.

Causes of itching in the knees that are not related to signs:

  • Arthritis
  • Arthrosis
  • Allergic reaction
  • Bursitis
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Diabetes
  • Lichen

If you experience itching in one of your knees for a long time, and after a long walk you experience minor pain in this area, contact your local doctor. Because this may indicate possible chronic inflammation or arthritis.

Itchy knee

As you can see, itching in the knee area warns of possible troubles, as well as positive news. Our forecasts will help you prepare for failures or possible good events.

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