How to make Chinese bells with your own hands: 15 brilliant ideas

The bell symbolizes the beginning of a new year - academic or calendar, as well as the end of studies, entry into a new, student life. Therefore, a souvenir in the form of a bell will be relevant for many moments in the life of a child and even an adult, and if you make it yourself, you will get an interesting and original surprise gift.

How to make a bell with your own hands

Bell from a cup

There are many options for making souvenir bells. One of the most interesting ways to make a bell with your own hands for September 1 is to use a ready-made small bell souvenir and a beautiful tea cup with a handle.

Craft materials

We tie a thin cord to the bell.

We tie a string to the bell

Glue its tip to the bottom of the cup from the inside.

Glue the lace to the bottom

From the outside, we glue a cord more tightly to the bottom, from which the bowl will be suspended.

We tie the lace on the outside with a bright wide satin ribbon.

Attach a ribbon bow

Bell from a cup

This bell will do a good job of ringing the first bell of the school year.

Bell made from a plastic glass

The simplest and most effective way to make a bell is from a plastic cup. Using sharp scissors, make two holes in the cup.

Make two holes in the cup

Using a spray can, cover the cup with red paint. When the paint is dry, color the cup with a gold marker.

Color the cup with paint and marker

We will need a small bell with a hole, which can be purchased at craft stores. We insert a stiff wire into the hole and twist it several times.

Bell on a wire

Insert the bell on the wire into the holes. The bell should hang low enough in the glass. To fix the bell, twist the wire at the top of the cup.

Insert and fix the bell on the wire

Apply glue to the top and bottom of the cup and sprinkle with glitter.

Sprinkle with glitter

We decorate our craft with a ribbon tied in a bow. Our bell is ready!

Bell made from a plastic glass

Where to hang the talisman?

The basic rules by which talismans are located prohibit hanging them above areas of rest, sleep, work or eating. It is not advisable to place wind chimes above people's heads, since the constant ringing of bells can be distracting and annoying.

The area in which we hang wind chimes is a long corridor with a lot of air currents, a door, a restroom. According to Feng Shui, we hang bells on windows from which negative energy elements are visible - the corners of buildings, a lonely tree or wires.

Paper bells

Some may find the idea of ​​a paper bell interesting. We glue a small iron bell and colored ribbons to it. This bell can be used to decorate the classroom.

Paper bell with ribbons

Very elegant bells are made from a folded disposable plate. Cover the plate with golden paint and fold it in twos, as shown in the photo. The craft should be decorated with a red bow.

Bells from a disposable plate

Watch the video on how to make beautiful paper bells:

Typically, Chinese wind chimes, or so-called wind chimes, are made from hanging tubes, sticks, bells made of wood or metal. They are hung outdoors and serve as an excellent decoration for the front entrance, terrace, balcony or garden. Thanks to the wind, the bells produce various melodic sounds. It is quite possible to make them yourself from any available materials. Coastal wind chimes Many people have shells at home that they brought back from vacation. So why not use them to create unique bells? You'll need a cute branch, some clear thread, and something you can use to make holes in the shells.

Bells from pencils You can also make bells from writing utensils. For example, use a ruler as a base and hang colored pencils on it.

Wind chimes: do it yourself (video)

Original product made from a plastic pot and lids

If you have bottle caps and a plastic flower pot in your house (and everyone has one), then you can quickly, literally within half an hour, make a musical accessory with your own hands, and it will not only be cute and effective, but also make original sounds in the wind.

The production process is quite simple, and to complete it you will need only 30 minutes of time, 5-6 pieces of strong thread or fishing line, 50 cm long, several dozen bottle caps, as well as a plastic flower pot and a piece of string for hanging. First of all, punch holes evenly in the pot, upside down, around the entire circumference, for 4-5-6 or more pieces of fishing line that you have prepared. Next, sequentially put bottle caps on the thread or fishing line (in which there are already holes made with a needle or awl), 2-3 cm apart, or even more chaotically. To prevent the lids from slipping, we tie knots on both sides of each of them. Now that a certain number of threads with caps are ready, carefully thread them through the holes in the plastic flower pot and tie them. On the other side of the pot we make a suspension, for example, from twine.

That's it, the wind chime is ready, but you can always get a little more creative, for example, by hanging beads and bells on the edges of the fishing line with caps.

Making wind chimes from bells and shells

All that is needed to create the next talisman is a small dry and strong twig, shells, bells and threads. Next, everything is done in exactly the same way as in the production of an accessory from keys, only you don’t need to paint anything, and on each strong thread we put not a key, but sequentially shells and bells, or in any other order convenient for you.

The result is a magnificent talisman, which can only be distinguished from a store-bought one by quality, since a self-made product often turns out much better than store-bought stamps.

The history of the talisman

Ancient scientists of the Celestial Empire believed that wind chimes could bring harmony to the house and create a favorable living environment. A bell pendant was hung in the place where it was necessary to improve family relationships, stabilize financial affairs and increase the flow of Qi energy. This scheme was applied even in relation to state rulers: harmony had to be properly adjusted so that the management of the people was carried out in the right direction, there was no poverty, uprisings and natural disasters. In the same way, “wind music” worked in any family.

The Chinese have a legend about a sage who wanted to give people the voice of the wind by sealing it in bamboo stems. To do this, he appealed to the Spirit of the Winds, asking him to sing his most beautiful song. The spirit did not agree at first, but, having learned that air is an element without which people cannot live even a minute, it sang beautifully and drawn-out. The sage immediately caught his voice in bamboo sticks. Returning home, he made talismans and gave them to people, who from then on could enjoy music at any time and were reliably protected from the negative energy of Sha.

How to make wind chimes (video)

Classic bamboo option

And finally, a classical wind chime made from bamboo, or our first product made from metal tubes, which was created in the likeness of bamboo.

The creation process is completely identical, and therefore there will be only one description. Of course, it’s not easy to get bamboo, but it’s quite possible if you have the desire. Next, everything else is collected that is useful for creating a classic Feng Shui element - twine, beads, a wooden washer and planks.

A suspension is immediately created, the base of which will be a wooden cross (for four bamboo tubes) or any other wooden element for the amount of bamboo you need. A suspension of strong twine is tied to it from above, from the bottom, or through special drilled holes, a fishing line with bamboo tubes and beads. In the center you need to hang a wooden washer from the base, against which the bamboo tubes will beat during the breeze and make sounds. The whole process takes only a few hours, and only for the reason that it will be necessary to make holes in the base of the accessory and the wooden washer for threads or fishing line. Also, while the drill is still in your hands, you need to immediately drill holes in the bamboo elements, but very carefully and with a thin drill. After that, just tie up all the elements and secure them.

Even if you don’t believe in positive energy and Eastern culture, try to approach work with a good mood, the necessary amount of time, and new ideas. This will help with wind chimes.

Do-it-yourself wind chimes are a reality , and you can be convinced of this already at the moment when you make the first talisman and decorate your dacha with it, be it a gazebo or even a beautiful tree in the garden. Original and very pleasant sounds that will give you pleasure every day, will often remind you of your work, and will also attract you to repeat your new achievement and make another accessory.

How not to make a mistake with your choice

It is believed that Chinese bells, when placed and used correctly, are capable of transforming subtle energy flows. Today, to make “wind chimes”, they use metal, wood and porcelain, complementing the composition with all kinds of decorations and figurines.

In most cases, a wooden air bell is an original work and is made from bamboo. Craftsmen determine the sound note by lightly tapping a bamboo stick and accurately select the required set of other parts for the amulet. Thanks to this, the bells produce beautiful and harmonious sounds.

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The choice of model will depend on the result that the person purchasing the talisman wants to get. If a family is moving into a new home, it would be a good idea to find out the history of its former inhabitants. It is possible that they could leave behind a lot of negative energy if, for example, a person there recently died or was sick. To get rid of negativity, you should pick up a “singing bowl” or “wind chime” and walk around the apartment three times clockwise.

When buying, you need to listen to how the bells sound. If the sound turns out to be pleasant to the ear, then the talisman is likely to be a good assistant to the owner in various life situations.

How to make wind chimes with your own hands

For this you only need desire and imagination, the rest is a matter of time and practice. Having produced your first talisman, putting a piece of your soul, good mood and positive emotions into it, you, of course, can stop, but you can also continue to create, because there are simply countless options for a talisman.

From tin cans

A popular Feng Shui accessory for a summer house can be made from tin cans, roughly speaking, from garbage, which will now be used for good. To create this element you will not need much - tin cans of different sizes, thin strong thread or twine, paint, decorations in the form of beads or plastic plates.

Next, everything is simple - you paint clean tin cans in different colors to make the accessory more fun, and tie the cans at different heights from the base, securing them with knots on ropes. You can also decorate the ropes with beads, coins, plates, and so on. The result is a rather nice-looking product that makes an interesting sound as it sways in the wind. Believe me, it will also become the subject of heated discussions and jokes in the company of friends.

From clay pots

To do this, you will need 3-5 clay flower pots, preferably small in size, so that the accessory does not turn out to be huge. Next, take a strong twine, at the end of which a bead is tied or a large knot is tied to support the first clay pot. The pot is threaded through the hole onto the other end of the string and lowered down to the bead or knot. Now, stepping back 5-7 cm from it so that the next pot does not completely cover the previous one, tie a knot again and secure the bead. We put on the next pot, and so on.

First, you can paint the pots in cheerful colors, attach more cute large beads between them, which you can use to decorate the string after you put the last clay pot on it. We recommend doing everything accurately and consistently, hanging the smallest pot first, and then increasing their size upwards.

From pencils and an old ruler

Even a child can do such a product. You will only need 10-15 pencils and one ruler. Every 1.5-2 cm, small holes are punched in the ruler, you can even follow the markings exactly. Next, a strong thread or thin fishing line is pulled through the hole, which is tied around the pencil at a distance of several centimeters from the ruler. By sequentially securing all the pencils to the ruler and making a suspension in the middle or on both sides, you get a simple musical talisman.

Sometimes it can be difficult to tie a pencil without the thread slipping off. In this case, you can pass the thread through an elastic band, which is often found at the end of a pencil, or you can make shallow cuts along the pencil with a knife or blade.

From old keys

The simplest accessory, which is very interesting in appearance, and is capable of providing the surrounding space with pleasant sounds during any blow of the wind. It’s very simple to create such an accessory for decorating a dacha; you just need to set aside about an hour for it and put together everything you need. You will need a strong dry twig, 5-7 keys, strong thread and multi-colored paints. First, you paint the twig in any color you like, cheerful and positive, and while it dries, tie the keys to pieces of thread, which should be the same size. Next, tie the keys with threads to a branch, at the same distance from each other, make a simple suspension on the other side, and you're done. All that remains is to paint the keys themselves and the threads along which they descend from the branch.

From spoons and forks

In fact, this is an unprecedented miracle, the method of production of which we only recently learned. In order to make wind chimes with your own hands from forks and spoons, you need to take a fork and bend its teeth in different directions, and punch a hole in the handle of the fork for hanging. Now, on each figuratively curved clove, we tie identical pieces of thin fishing line, approximately 10-15 cm each, decorate the fishing line with beads of our favorite color, and tie spoons that are no longer needed in the household to the ends of the fishing line. The result is an extremely original piece that can be hung anywhere.

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