How to control water in real life with your hands in 1 day in a mug

It's no secret that water has strong energy flows. Previously, in ancient times, magic was a natural way of life, innate, but now, with the passage of time, it needs to be learned in a new way. It is clear that in the modern world, thanks to comfort, we have lost the opportunity to feel nature, and more likely to use it too. You can endlessly watch how a river moves, streams flow, but not everyone knows that it is water that can carry information, positive or negative. Let’s try to figure out how to make this energy useful.

How to learn to control water

It's no secret that water has strong energy flows. Previously, in ancient times, magic was a natural way of life, innate, but now, with the passage of time, it needs to be learned in a new way. It is clear that in the modern world, thanks to comfort, we have lost the opportunity to feel nature, and more likely to use it too. You can endlessly watch how a river moves, streams flow, but not everyone knows that it is water that can carry information, positive or negative. Let’s try to figure out how to make this energy useful.

Practices for managing water at home

A person is subconsciously programmed to control water; it is only necessary to remind him of this. As the object of magic itself, water can be seen in various water resources, and also, of course, vary in its power. For example, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and springs are a stationary source, and the most important power is carried by spring waters. Another source of energy includes precipitation in the form of rain, snow, hail; the more intense the precipitation, the more force it carries.

But unfortunately, recently the situation with the natural atmosphere has worsened and the rains are mostly acidic, they will not bring any benefit. The strongest returns are cold water, ice, and also a combination of steam and ice. Such a ritual as swimming in an ice hole or wiping with snow after a bath is familiar to many; this is an excellent way to replenish energy. The magical power of water mainly relates to healing, but sometimes it can also be used for defensive purposes.

So, let's look at the simplest practice at home. Take a basin and fill it with water, bring your thoughts into balance, raise your hands above the surface and feel its vibration. Ask her to repeat the movements of her hands, after a while it will work out as you wish. Then, ask to change the temperature, strain and everything will work out. Another way to conspire is to close your eyes so that nothing distracts you, stretch your arms over a container of water and imagine how, starting from your fingertips, your body fills with water and becomes transparent.

Imagine this process in detail; when your body is completely “filled,” turn your hands over and feel a cool stream flowing out of your fingers. Do this practice regularly, you merge with the elements themselves and become one. Thus, you will not only be filled with new energy, but also cleared of negative energy, give back to every drop all your accumulated experiences. Believe me, this has a very strong effect on your overall well-being.

Initiation ritual

The determination ritual can be carried out at any convenient time of day and phase of the moon. For this you will need:

Before performing the ritual, you must remain in the room completely alone, unplugging all electrical appliances and other external irritants that may distract from the action. Light a candle, and place earth, liquid and ashes at equal distances from it.

After this, you should mentally turn to the spirits of the elements present on the table. In your own words, you need to ask them for help in choosing exactly your direction in magic. While doing all this, carefully monitor the candle flame, since after a while it should point to the required element.

The direction in which the fire deviates will indicate exactly your element of nature, which will allow you to control yourself in the first place. If the flame remains burning evenly, then the element of the one performing the ritual is air. After the answer received, you should again turn to the spirits of nature with gratitude and complete the rite of determination.

So, the candle fire pointed to the liquid, therefore, it is worth studying the magic of water and starting to communicate with this liquid and getting to know yourself through it. The answer to the question of how to truly get the power of water will come with time.

Other elements

In addition to such a powerful particle of nature as water, there are three more, these are, of course, air, fire and earth. They can also be controlled, fed with energy, and spoken to. They are all different, but they have one thing in common: you need to act only to gain knowledge, respect, so that you are heard, let nature know, you respect it, you feel it.

All the described methods are aimed at making friends, first of all, with the natural elements. Do regular practices, meditation, don’t stop at just one element. Our human capabilities are limitless.

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Strengthening communication

To strengthen the natural connection with water, it is worth performing a ritual of communicating with liquid in nature at least once a year. Summer time, when the reservoirs are warm, is best suited for these purposes.

You need to buy 13 candles in the church and take some attractive container from home without cracks or scratches and come to the shore of the natural reservoir at night. At midnight you should undress and enter the water to the depth to which your growth will allow and stay there as long as possible. Then, returning to the shore and without dressing, light 13 church candles, placing them in a circle.

How to learn to control water: basic aspects of training

Let's be honest, we all once wanted to learn how to control at least one of the elements. Water, earth, air and fire beckon with the possibilities that open up when learning this type of magic. Imagine that the elements are under your control! There are so many interesting and useful things you can do! Do you think this is all just a dream?

But did you know that it is quite possible to master this technique on your own? We are sure that we didn’t even guess, but in this article we will try to explain to you what you need to do for this. Ready to master water management? Then read this material quickly!

How to learn Ice and Water magic

The complete opposite of the element of Fire is Water, symbolizing the natural but unpredictable course of life. In a single system, natural power is very important for performing various rituals. To master the magic of Water and Ice, it is necessary to undergo a complete cleansing of the body and mind. Water is a creative force that gives energy for new achievements and for solving various problems.

Earthbenders - hardness and power

To become an earthbender requires special persistence. Art is not for everyone. Even after the initiation ceremony, you should not expect that the spirits of the earth will become merciful in the coming days. These forces do not forgive mistakes: to truly join the earthbenders, you will have to arm yourself with perseverance and perseverance. If the magician is not sure of his desire, it is better not to undertake the ritual, so as not to anger the spirits who will subsequently take revenge.

How to perform a ritual

Mother, damp earth, I trust in you! Spirits of the earth, come to me, become witnesses of my formation! Answer my call! Grant me firmness and confidence, perseverance and masculinity. Become my protectors and helpers. Don't let you stumble and go astray from your chosen path!

Then they touch the ground with their hand and take a little in their hand. The collected earth is wrapped in a scarf - this is a magician’s amulet that he carries with him. It is better to leave some of this soil near the house, and wrap the other half securely and carry it in your bag.

After the call, spirits must come to witness the reincarnation. If the entities agree to help, the magician will feel an energy flow.

What is called water magic?

Water and its form Ice is a powerful force: it belongs to one of the balanced elements - there are 4 of them. The magic lies in the fact that pure liquid is the most universal conductor of energy. It preserves the energy of words, and as a result makes them healing or destructive.

Water, as an element, has its own carriers - certain conductors. The elements have their own color scheme, reflected in the direction of the light. The elements have elementals: certain entities invisible to the naked eye. Elementals are magical creatures that give strength to humans. In essence, they are similar to material conductors, but they are stronger. Only a highly developed personality is able to use an invisible essence to master the power of pure liquid.

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Spirits of water Undine - elementals of the element of Water

Magic works with the elements directly or by transforming its energy through magical attributes. Water power is the hardest to work with. It changes, and its changes are not always immediately noticeable. To become a magician, you need to understand the power of Water, its variability, its inevitable transformation.

In real life, working with pure liquid is complicated by the fact that the perception of the resulting force is not as simple as that of Fire or Earth . The remaining elements are on lower planes of perception. To control natural power and cast magic through it, you will have to develop your worldview and expand your perception of the world.

Impact on humans

In nature there is a universal Cross of the elements. It consists of 4 equal parts - Fire, Water, also known as Ice, Air and Earth. Every force creates, destroys, conducts or transforms. Together they create a single balance.

There are 2 energies in the world - female and male: Yin and Yang. The elements are also divided into 2 types. Feminine energy is capable of filling, and masculine energy is capable of creating and doing anything in the outside world. The Yin elements are Earth and Water, and the Yang elements are Fire and Air. Distribution allows you to understand what forces the magician calls upon and for what purposes he will need them.

Is it possible to be an airbender in reality?

You can ask the air to become an intercessor and patron of a magician. The main advantage of the element is the power to see the future. If a magician reaches the pinnacle of witchcraft, the future can be changed.

Carrying out the initiation ritual

Spirits of the air! I call you! Come before me! Grant the power to see and know what is unknown to others. Grant strength and power! Become my patrons, protect and protect from enemies!

When the spirits have arrived, the sorcerer once again makes a request, thanks them and bows deeply. Returning home, windows and doors must be opened to let spirits and the wind into the house, which is now a helper and protector.

How to Manage Water

Water is flowing, unbridled. Controlling the elements is not easy, but if the magician manages to find the right approach, his powers will be limitless. The process of learning how the elements work begins with the simplest practice - connection. It occurs at a certain point in time, with the fulfillment of important conditions.

Physical impact and certain exercises also allow you to connect to the power of Water. They allow you not only to learn Water magic, but also to prepare your body for the next stage - rituals with spells.

To gain the simplest benefits and master the power of the elements without extra costs, passive ones are used and the safest way is to wear special talismans. They are suitable for permanent use and do not harm their owner.

Connecting to the elements

The ritual of connecting to the elements is carried out only near an open reservoir - it is necessary that there is so-called living water nearby. The magician will learn rituals only in a secluded place where no one will interrupt his training. You will have to undress so that the water touches your body and covers most of it. An alternative, but not as effective, option is to take a bath. Connection to the elements will also occur, but the effect will be less pronounced.

After entering the water, the magician needs to talk to the water. A story about desires, problems, doubts is a good tool for harmonizing with the energy of the elements. A feeling of strength is the best preparation for the further part of the ritual.

The magician imagines how his body is gradually filled with strength. It passes through the feet, slowly rises up - each hand, fingers, back, neck, head are filled with it. When Water completely penetrates the body and gives up its energy, the magician sharply gives the first order - he says out loud that now the power of Water belongs completely to him. To have power, you can no longer ask for it, you have to have it with complete self-confidence.

When the power belongs to the magician, he sends it back to the outside world. The main rule of practice: first receive, then give. The energy must gradually leave the body. If the practice takes place in a pond, then you need to swim in it and relax your whole body.

Exercises for beginners

Simple exercises with the elements are the best practice for a beginner. Through them, magic works softly and safely. The water element quickly lends itself to manipulation. For simple practice, you need to speak water in a small volume. The magician chooses a glass of liquid. The container must be transparent and clean.

The right hand holds the glass, and the left covers it. The practitioner must feel his condition. He stands on his bare feet, holding and concentrating only on the glass of water. All his thoughts are directed to a single point. Then he turns to the elements, asking for help and support.

Water is charmed for any desire or purpose - cleansing, healing. The practitioner imagines how the flow of energy slowly passes through the container, how it saturates every molecule of water. Afterwards, he uses the liquid for its intended purpose: for washing, preparing food, cleaning a certain part of the body.

Simple rituals and spells

The magic of Water and Ice includes many rituals. They help you become a Water magician and use its power at any convenient time. Protective rituals are the most popular and effective. How to use clean liquid to protect yourself, your family, your home:

The spell must be learned by heart. Spell words:

“Black lakes, boundless edges - calm, indestructible. Give me strength, sanctify me with the Moon, give me strength, liberation. Diana, I call upon you strength, I pass it through myself.”

To learn how to control natural power, the spell is read at least 3 times. After this, the liquid is left overnight in a secluded place. The best option is if moonlight is directed at the liquid all night. Training and practice of the ritual takes place immediately, the effect is also visible the first time.

Start of training

Experienced magicians recommend first drinking a sufficient amount of clean, unboiled liquid every day. After some time, a person will feel its true taste, and he will really like it. You should listen to yourself and drink as much fluid as your body requires , without paying attention to generally accepted rules and regulations.

Every morning you can start with a simple ritual to master the magic of water, the training of which has already begun at home. Having woken up, you should take half a transparent glass glass - this condition is mandatory - unboiled raw liquid and say the following words to it for 5 minutes: “Water, water, heal me. Amen” or “I’ll drink some water and I’ll be healed right away. Amen". After which you should drink the contents of the glass.

Carrying out a similar ritual every morning, after a while you will notice visible improvements in the condition of the body. This will mean that the liquid element has heard you and is now cooperating with you. Now you know how to learn water magic in 5 minutes at home.

To learn the element, it is also recommended to visit bodies of water more often, listen to the sound of a river or a rushing mountain stream. It is necessary to bathe more in the natural reservoirs of this magical living liquid, or, in the absence of such an opportunity, take a shower or bath more often.

Masters of self-knowledge recommend that beginners study all states of liquid. In addition to observing the flowing liquid, it is also worth studying the behavior of steam and examining ice, penetrating with your gaze and consciousness inside an ice cube or a cube of frozen water.

How to learn to control water

Let's be honest, we all at least once wanted to learn how to control at least one of the elements. Water, earth, air and fire beckon with the possibilities that open up when learning this type of magic. Imagine that the elements are under your control! There are so many interesting and useful things you can do! Do you think this is all just a dream?

But did you know that it is quite possible to master this technique on your own? We are sure that we didn’t even guess, but in this article we will try to explain to you what you need to do for this. Ready to master water management? Then read this material quickly!


So you have learned how to learn to control water. This method of mastering water magic will allow you to do this. Please note that everything does not happen for nothing, so at the end of the article we decided to give some motivating tips:

  • Don't retreat! What you want always seems far away, although it is very close. Don't be afraid to fight for your happiness. A little more and everything will work out!
  • Don't be afraid to stumble! Yes, you will probably fall along the entire path, but any fall means another rise. Let it happen and move on!
  • Don't expect everything at once! The result is the fruit of the efforts and time spent on training. Wait and believe - then everything will definitely work out!
  • Don't listen to anyone! Believe only in yourself, because others may have a completely different opinion. All the ridicule and sidelong glances are just a reason to act harder. Don't lose hope, because everything will work out for you!

That's all! We hope we have helped you learn and understand the basic aspects of learning water magic! We believe in you! You will succeed!


How to learn to control water?

Here we come to the main topic of the article. Ready to learn the basics of water management? Then feel free to read!

(For your convenience, we have put the points in order. So let's start with the very basics and move on to bigger things)


Yes, it is definitely needed to control water. With its help, you will be able to more subtly feel your strengths and apply them to the water. The amulet will become your ambassador to the world of understanding your element. With them you will open the way to mastering water magic.

The amulet can be made from whatever is convenient, but the most successful options are from materials that can get wet. This includes wood and fabric. An amulet made from the second material will most fully reveal your potential, and the fact that you made it yourself will force the elements to pay attention to you as the future owner.

Don't forget that the water is not given into your hands, it will only allow you to control it. If you become arrogant and stop instilling trust in the elements, you can forget about further magic. Water is very sensitive, you cannot hide anything from it.

It is also worth considering that the element will only be subject to the crystal clear human soul. If you have done a lot of evil in your life, then do not expect submission from the water element. She will have to merge with you, but she obviously won’t want to accept so much dirt. Don't forget about it!


After the amulet, the order of conspiracies should be followed. This is a certain phrase or several phrases that should show the elements all your desire to become one with it.

There is nothing wrong with this, you just need one source of water. At least once a week, come to him and say the following: “Water, I ask you, feel me! I want to learn how to control you and use it only for good! Please give me a chance, I need it more than ever!” After this, you can bow to the water. Everything is ready, you have shown your respect. To improve the results, you can practice meditation near the water.


Use slow and smooth movements with your hands to regulate the movement of the water. At first it may be the slightest fluctuations. Don't worry, everything will be soon. Try moving water in space. If you do everything correctly, then it should calmly hover in front of your face.

Increase the speed of water movement. The faster, the higher the level of your skill. The final stage will be the speed at which the water cuts through the tree, but this will take time.

Final part

At the end, you must perform a ritual of union with water. It is best to do this in the bathroom or near a pond. Sit at a shallow depth so that the water covers your body just above your waist and talk to the water. It would seem that the invented answers will be the words of water, because this is how it talks to those who have mastered it. Be courteous and polite.

In response, water should give instructions to follow the path of peace and goodness. If you listen to it, you will soon become a master of water magic! Don’t even think about breaking your promise, because your ability is at stake!

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