Feng Shui rules: how to properly use the energy of stones?

Crystal selection

There are a lot of natural semi-precious stones. To make your choice, you can listen to your inner voice. You can choose based on the horoscope, or you can simply evaluate the aesthetic qualities of the gem.

The most important condition is that the crystal must be natural and not have threatening shapes. You should not use a crystal that appears dull or has cracks. It will only bring stagnant energy into the house, devoid of freshness. And you must also like him personally.

When choosing a crystal, you need to focus on these signs. You can also entrust the choice to children. Their innate intuition works unerringly and they unconsciously like stones with strong positive energy.

Unprocessed rock crystal, which contains a so-called “phantom” - a crystal within a crystal, is especially valued. Inside such a stone you can see an unusual inclusion, cloudiness, inclusion. This mineral is rare, but its possession is believed to bring magical powers. Therefore, magicians and psychics in all centuries have hunted for such value.

Crystal Cleansing

Having brought such talismans into the house, they need to be cleansed of accumulated foreign energy. After all, these creations of the Earth have the ability to absorb any vibrations. This is why it is not recommended to allow strangers to take your crystals into their hands.

The energy emitted by a person is absorbed by the stones and then radiated back. But the thoughts and auras of people are not always pure and benevolent!

To effectively cleanse the stones, they must be placed in salt water for 7 days. You can fumigate them with incense to the sound of a protective mantra or prayer. Having cleansed the crystals in this way, it will not hurt to additionally charge them with sunlight. To do this, they are kept in the open sun for three hours.

This cleansing procedure must be repeated periodically. Especially if there was a serious quarrel in the house or unpleasant guests visited. But even if everything is calm and wonderful in the family, it is useful to wash the crystals every week - they will definitely reciprocate your care with sparkling light.

Where to place crystals in the house

“Magic” stones cannot be left on the floor. Their place is exclusively on a shelf, windowsill or table. The southwestern, northeastern and central areas of a room or apartment are ideal for natural gems. Accordingly, it is in these places that they have maximum strength.

If you place a large transparent crystal (for example, rock crystal) in the northeast, it will promote the acquisition of new knowledge and facilitate learning. For the health sector, located in the center of the apartment, the ideal talisman is a crystal ball.

For the southwest, the use of heart-shaped crystals is also very effective. However, you should not buy hearts in blue and green shades, as they always suggest a fleeting romance.

To attract love, it is better to use hearts made of clear, rose or red quartz. This talisman is also ideal for decorating a married bedroom according to Feng Shui.

By placing a druse of crystals in the southwestern part of the house, you can strengthen the love affection in a couple. If a person is single, this is a great way to attract a partner into your personal life. A bright crystal chandelier in the southwest room helps perfectly in the implementation of marriage plans.

There are a couple more places, regardless of the sector, where you can place the crystal for the benefit of yourself and other family members. These places include your son or daughter’s desk.

Such a talisman will stimulate the child’s mental and creative abilities on a subtle level and help him in learning. But for this purpose, it is advisable to choose an uncut mineral - it symbolically implies growth.

The second suitable place is the head of the bed. An intergrowth (that is, a druse) of a crystal gives the sleeping person bright dreams and helps to normalize sleep and get rid of nightmares.

The crystal must be placed in such a place that maximum sunlight or electric light falls on it. In good lighting, the crystal can be rotated from time to time, thus illuminating the ceiling, walls and all objects in the room. Rays of light refracted through the crystal give birth to amazing multi-colored rainbows or sunbeams - all this is good energy that will bring good luck to the house. This talisman should be hung on a red ribbon or thread.

The length of such a ribbon or thread must be a multiple of 9. That is, 9 cm, 18 cm or 27 cm. This is due to the fact that the number 9 is considered a sacred number in Feng Shui - it unites the power of earth and sky.

It is good to hang such a talisman in a window opening - best in the middle of the upper part. In sunny weather, the crystal will refract sunlight and fill the room with light and energy of all colors of the rainbow. It will also dissipate the energy that entered the house through the front door throughout the room and prevent it from leaving through the window.

Today, chandeliers that consist of a set of faceted small crystals are also used all over the world. Such chandeliers are hung in the central part of the room. In addition to the fact that a crystal chandelier generates positive energy, it is also capable of redirecting it to other rooms.

In an apartment where, for example, the bathroom or toilet door is located opposite the front door, it is useful to hang a crystal ball in front of the toilet/bathroom door - this will prevent the direct flow of “qi” through the toilet.

The only caveat in this case is that you do not need to place the crystal chandelier directly above the places that are intended for relaxation - this is due to the fact that in this case an excessive influx of active energy will be created in these places, which leads to a feeling of anxiety.

Crystals have the ability to harmonize many aspects of modern human life.

The talisman, which is located in the southwestern sector of the room, helps unmarried women meet a worthy life partner in their lives, while married couples significantly strengthen existing feelings and bring pure energy of family happiness and love into their relationship.

Source: tutfengshui.ru

Elements and energies - what are they?

The main principle of Feng Shui teaching is knowledge of Qi. This is the name given to the force that gave birth to all life on Earth. This is the highest, divine principle that flows freely through the Universe, constantly changing and yet remaining united and whole. Its existence is subject to cyclicity - energy moves from element to element. Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal constantly replace each other, they are inextricably linked. Moreover, each element has a symbolic meaning: for example, Water is the source that gives birth to all creatures, and then accepts them at the end of their life’s journey. Wood means growth and development, Fire means activity, Earth means balance, and Metal means aging and death.

For harmony to reign in your life, you need to surround yourself with all five elements. Each of them symbolizes a certain stage of existence, one or another area - hobbies, love, work, leisure or friendship. The absence of one of the energies will lead to imbalance, losses, illnesses and damage.

Where do you get this amazing power from? It is for this purpose that stones are used. They are a powerful natural talisman that has a strong influence on the movement of energy flows. These invisible but extremely important impulses that permeate everything around you regulate your mood, well-being, and can even influence the decisions you make.

Therefore, if you feel that something is missing in your life, try trying on jewelry with a specific gem , and also place an accessory made from it in your home. This action can have an amazing result - it can give you the determination and confidence necessary to implement your plans or, conversely, help you relax and calmly perceive everything that happens in the world.

There are several rules that will enhance the effect of precious stones. For example, the effect of them will be more noticeable if the pendants are strung on a chain or cord so that they are opposite the solar plexus. And the figurines must be placed on the side of the world that is protected by their element.

So, let's take a closer look at each of the energies.

Hanging Crystals

Crystal drops and balls hanging on a red thread or rope under the ceiling or along a window have an excellent energetic effect. In this case, the crystals shimmering in the sunlight will add positive energy to the room.

But there is a small nuance in this matter. The length of the thread should be 9, 18 or 27 cm (that is, a multiple of 9). It is believed that the number 9 unites heavenly and earthly forces, and therefore enhances the effect of the crystal.

With the same success, quartz can be used to neutralize negative energy. For example, it is useful to hang a cut crystal ball in front of the balcony door in the bedroom. It will dissipate the flow of negative Qi coming through the additional door in the room. When we lived in a one-room apartment, I had a crystal hanging in front of the balcony door for a long time, since due to limited space there was a sleeping place opposite.

Light for crystals

Having “settled” transparent gems in your room, you need to create very good natural or artificial lighting for them. Reflecting on the edges of transparent stones, the light creates positive Qi, and the power of the crystals increases.

Usually, houses filled with sunshine and full of rainbows are happy houses. Their inhabitants always have many friends and many opportunities for pleasant communication.

By choosing a suitable place for the crystals, you can relax and not constantly think about whether the talisman is working or not. After some time, crystals in the house will definitely attract what you want and change your life for the better!

Source: r-kopilka.ru

Activation of talisman crystals

In order to, so to speak, “turn on” the positive effects of this talisman, you first need to cleanse it of unknown energy - to do this, just put the crystal in water with salt for 7 days.

After the cleansing procedure, it must be charged with its own energy.

To do this, just hold the crystal in your hand, bring it to the heart cup or to the “third eye” area, which is located between the eyebrows. At the same time, you must be in a good mood and constantly think about one or another of your desires. It is advisable to do this procedure every month.

The negative energy that accumulates in the stones can reach its limit and destroy the talisman. In order for Feng Shui crystals to work fully and actively, they must be cleaned regularly. The appearance of the stones will help you understand when crystals need to be cleansed. If they no longer sparkle as before, it is worth cleaning. The same should be done after a quarrel in the family.

The best period for this procedure is the new moon. You need to take a container of water, dilute a few teaspoons of salt in it and place magical objects there for a day.

Then you need to rinse the stones under running cold water and leave to dry. Then you should hold the stones in your hands, focusing on your desires, and after that put them in their places.

You can get rid of the energy debris that amulets collect with the help of herbs or earth. Talismans are buried in the ground for a while or placed in a vessel with aromatic plants.

Crystals should not be given to other people. The thoughts of a stranger, which are read by a stone, can interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Source: pofenshuyu.com

Crystals in Feng Shui

Crystals of absolutely any configuration are used as Feng Shui talismans: a crystal pyramid, a crystal ball, paired crystal eggs and a prism. Nowadays, lamps and chandeliers are widely used, which also activate the positive energy of an apartment or house and improve its circulation.

The ideal material is rock crystal, which has truly amazing healing and magical properties.

It is believed that rock crystal crystals bring health and longevity, protect against negative energy, protect the owner from infertility, significantly improve memory, promote concentration, and also enhance human energy. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find a crystal that has the correct shape; in addition, it is a very expensive pleasure.

It is for this reason that lenses and crystals that are made from glass with a special composition are most often used today.

Pieces of glass that are mechanically cut with high quality accurately convey the natural crystalline structure. The sound after striking a good crystal lasts on one note for about 3-4 seconds and only after that it gradually decreases.

Bohemian crystal and Swarovski crystal are recognized all over the world as the best crystal products in terms of their ability to refract and then scatter light. The composition of Swarovski crystal chandeliers necessarily includes silver - this gives the products not only wonderful properties in terms of light refraction, but also creates, from the point of view of Feng Shui, optimal conditions for performing additional energetic cleansing of any room.

How to choose a stone

A person can independently determine with a high degree of probability which stone is suitable for him. After all, the main principle of Feng Shui is to teach a person to live in harmony with nature, and this means living in harmony with himself. This is especially true for such an important moment in our lives as what you carry with you. Agree, very often we choose stones or products made from them not only as jewelry, but also in the form of amulets and talismans. At the same time, we do not take into account the chemical composition of the stone. The ancients knew which stones to wear in case of a particular illness. But only the enlightened moved in this world; much was kept in the strictest confidence and passed on only to a select few.

You need to have with you the stone that you chose for yourself, which somehow touched your soul, managed to attract attention to itself. When looking at this stone or a product made from it, peace and tranquility should fill your body and soul, your inner state should improve, an irresistible force will force you to have this stone with you. If, when you meet some stone, similar metamorphoses occur in your state, this is your stone, for you it is alive. Feel free to purchase it and enjoy the feelings it evokes in you! When you approach such a stone or have it with you, you will understand it and feel its life and power. Living stone will influence your well-being, heal you and protect you from negative energy, which, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, circulates around you along with positive energy. Living stones provide an influx of additional energy, especially when a person’s normal energy balance is disturbed.

Proof of the correct approach of the ancient Chinese to the special world of stones is the fact that currently new methods of treatment using stones are emerging - lithotherapy methods, as well as a new direction of quantum medicine - crystal therapy, which studies the healing effects of vibrations of metals and stones on human health.

Stones correspond to certain elements. For example, jasper belongs to the element “Earth”, but specifically red jasper belongs to the element “Fire”. Pyrite belongs to the element of “fire”. Selenite, belomorite are “Water” stones.

Feng Shui crystals: types

As a rule, crystals differ by type of origin:

  • Natural (of natural origin)
  • Artificial (man-grown)
  • Impact origin (cristobalite and tridymite, found in meteorites, on earth - in volcanic lava)
  • Glass or crystal

Of course, the most powerful crystals are those created by nature itself, as they accumulate, store and transmit the powerful energy of the Earth. They have a positive effect on people. In Feng Shui they are called “wisdom crystals.”

The crystals used in Feng Shui come in different shapes.

  1. Round and ovoid. Good for the family sector - they bring peace and harmony to the house, get rid of swearing and quarrels. Knowledge sectors - crystal globes - help in studying. Love sectors - bring love and stability in relationships. Balls made of yellow cetrine or lime spar perfectly attract material wealth into the house.
  2. Pointed. These can be any pointed crystals, as well as cones or pyramids. They perfectly absorb or dissipate negative energy, turning it into positive.

In the form of leaves on artificial trees. In Feng Shui, such trees with crystals are considered a symbol of strong family relationships, health and prosperity. The tree itself, rooted in the ground and growing upward, symbolizes income growth and stability.

  • A tree with amethyst leaves will give family happiness and prosperity.
  • A tree with quartz leaves is a symbol of romance in a relationship. Attracts love, heals the soul, teaches you to forgive and helps you overcome failures.
  • A tree with tiger eye leaves will protect you from rash actions, grant protection from dangers, as well as from damage and the evil eye.

Tree with leaves made of crystal, amethyst, carnelian, citrine and coral, suitable for any sector

Stones to attract love

  • Apatite - helps to be kinder, more attentive, more friendly.
  • Emerald is a stone of love and devotion, opens and activates the heart chakra, helps create harmony in all areas of life.
  • Rose quartz helps to open up to love, raise self-esteem, and appreciate yourself.
  • Rutile quartz – strengthens relationships.
  • Pink tourmaline - opens the heart chakra, helps you feel joy and enthusiasm, attracts love and happiness.

The power of crystals according to feng shui

Amethyst is a type of quartz. The color is usually purple, but can range from dark purple to pale pink. This Feng Shui crystal is very good for attracting wealth and strengthening relationships between spouses.

If you place it under the marital bed “at your feet,” it will symbolically strengthen your union. An excellent sector in the house for placing amethyst is the southwest.

Since ancient times, this stone has been credited with healing properties. It is believed that if you place amethyst between the eyebrows, it will relieve nervous tension and calm a person. Effectively helps in the fight against insomnia.

Rock crystal is another type of quartz. A great helper for clearing space. It passes negative energy through itself, turning it into positive energy, and distributes it throughout the room. It is recommended to place crystal crystals in the center of the room, near a window, or in areas with stagnant energy.

If you want to not only cleanse the space, but also improve other aspects of life, for example, attract love, improve a woman’s health, install crystal in the southwest of the apartment.

Beautiful talismans and at the same time home decorations - crystal chandeliers, floor lamps with crystal pendants and other interior items.

Artificial crystal. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase rock crystal because of its considerable cost, then you can use high-quality cut glass crystals for the above actions.

If the mechanical cutting is done well, then the structure of such a crystal will be as close as possible to a natural stone.

There are quite a lot of different crystal and glass figurines that can be used in the same way.

Aventurine comes in a variety of colors, but the most popular and commonly used is green. In Feng Shui, it is believed that this crystal helps in material terms, personal growth and career advancement.

Agate (preferably red) is very good for both women and men. It will give women the joy of motherhood, and help men with problems with potency and sexual desire. Protects against adultery.

Citrine. Another Feng Shui crystal bestows financial well-being and prosperity. Brings joy and has a positive effect on health.

When choosing a crystal, carefully inspect it, the main thing is that there are no cracks or chips, this can lead to incorrect refraction of light passing through the crystal. And accordingly, it can lead not to positive, but negative results. It is also very important to keep the crystal clean; do not allow dust to accumulate on it.

Source: vash-fenshyu.ru

Metal – abundance, counting wealth, summing up

This element appears in autumn and late evening. Its cardinal directions are west and northwest, and its colors are gray, white, gold and silver. Shapes and symbols of energy - circles, ovals and crescents, bells, coins, figurines cast from various metals. In addition, it is supported by any electrical and mechanical devices - from a radio to a clock with a pendulum, as well as weapons.

The psychological meaning of Metal is entrepreneurship, material security, success in financial affairs . Its presence stimulates sociability, business activity, creativity, and promotes new contacts and business endeavors. Therefore, to strengthen your success, wear alexandrite, aventurine, heliodor, tourmaline, pyrite, and pearls.

But if this energy becomes too much, it can push you to imprudent, frivolous actions, self-destruction and decline. To avoid this effect, use hematite, garnet, carnelian, ruby, carnelian, spinel.

The symbolism of crystal in the teachings of Feng Shui

Since ancient times, people have used Feng Shui crystals to protect against negative energy and attract good luck into their homes.

According to ancient Chinese philosophy about the unity of man and the world around him, mysterious polyhedra have magical properties.

It is not without reason that in the homes of Feng Shui followers you can see crystal chandeliers, trees with leaves made of multi-colored crystals, Swarovski figurines or animal figurines decorated with precious stones.

What do crystals symbolize in feng shui?

It is necessary to use stones as a talisman depending on what they symbolize. Rose quartz is a crystal that symbolizes love, tenderness, and care. Wisdom and restraint are associated with amethyst, which is capable of changing shade depending on the direction of light falling on it.

Jade is considered a symbol of perfection, power and cosmic power.

Optimism radiates from lemon-yellow citrine, which is associated with business success and financial wealth. In Feng Shui, rock crystal is a symbol of modesty, fidelity and chastity.

Size and shape matter. Round and oval crystal products will help improve relationships with your partner, geometric shapes with sharp edges can transform negative energy into positive energy, and crystal balls will help improve your financial situation. It is believed that the larger the crystal, the stronger and more effective it is.

Stones of Yin and Yang energies

Everything that exists is endowed with energy consisting of two opposite poles: Yang - stimulating male and Yin - calming female. Men's stones are indicated for the development of activity, self-confidence, perseverance, courage, physical strength, and leadership abilities. Women's - for the development of softness, intuition, calmness, prudence, femininity, sexuality, maternal instinct. In any case, the importance of stones of Yin and Yang energies in Eastern philosophy is very high.

Stones with Yang energy include: aventurine, red and brown agate, alexandrite, diamond, beryl, heliolite, hematite, rock crystal, garnet, emerald, calcite, carnelian, cat's eye, morganite, morion, jade, obsidian, onyx, blue opal and fire, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, ruby, carnelian, sodalite, hawk's eye, tiger's eye, topaz, tourmaline, chrysoberyl, peridot, zircon, citrine, spinel, amber, red jasper, opaque yellow and orange.

Stones with Yin energy include: black, yellow, moss and satin agate, adularia, azurite, aquamarine, amazonite, amethyst, turquoise, wax opal, jet, heliotrope, jadeite, pearl, serpentine, cacholong, coral, labradorite, lapis lazuli, malachite , milky quartz, honey jade, red obsidian, mother-of-pearl, rauchtopaz, rose quartz, sapphire, sardonyx, sodalite, fluorite, shungite, chrysocolla, chrysoprase, charoite, black, green and brown jasper.


Which crystals to choose

The crystal itself chooses its owner, so when buying a stone it is important not only to pay attention to the beauty of the product, but also to be guided by intuition. The crystal that immediately caught your eye must be picked up and carefully examined in the light. Pleasant emotions, a sense of security, peace of mind are sensations that you should focus on.

Knowledge of the abilities that stones have is required. Their presence in any room contributes to the formation of the right climate.

Any Sha crystal will destroy or reflect this aggressive energy directed at a house or apartment and attract the beneficial life force of Qi.

Pale pink quartz will help you deal with love experiences and preserve family relationships.

Amethyst is suitable for those who seek to cleanse their space of negativity and fill it with calmness and warmth.

Rock crystal is valued for its ability to positively influence a person’s psychological state. Called a healing stone, jade emits renewing energy that promotes health.

Water – birth, sensitivity, new beginning

Water is considered one of the most powerful conductors of vital energy. Its effect is most pronounced in winter, as well as at night. The cardinal direction dedicated to this element is north. This natural power is symbolized by black and all shades of blue. It appears in sinuous, spiral and wavy forms. Symbols of Water are an aquarium with fish, a fountain, a mirror or transparent glass, as well as paintings depicting rivers, seas, and the ocean.

At the mental level, this element is responsible for emotional sensitivity. Having learned to control it, you will be able to make intuitively correct decisions, which will certainly lead to financial success and prosperity. In addition, Water can give you new ideas, business plans, and bold projects. To attract her favor, the magic of blue and light blue stones is used - aquamarine, turquoise, beryl, sapphires, opals and fluorite.

An excess of this element leads to poor health, stagnation in business, apathy and passivity. You can weaken its influence by surrounding yourself with things made from amethyst, rock crystal, topaz, jade, flint, amber and jasper.

Examples of the best location in the house

The center of the room is the place where the magic feng shui crystals should be located. Solar or electric light falling on the stones promotes the penetration and enhances the effect of positive energy. You can hang the product on a cord at the top of the window opening.

With the help of the sun's rays, the stone will fill the home with bright light, thanks to which a favorable emotional atmosphere will reign around.

You should definitely purchase and place a chandelier with crystal details in the central part of the apartment. This crystal is a symbol of perfect virtue and will redirect positive energy into all rooms.

It is not recommended to hang such a lighting device above the bed; activating energy in a place of rest will lead to a feeling of anxiety.

Crystal balls, various figurines, and pyramids can be used as decoration on shelves, bedside tables, windowsills, or in flower pots.

The best place for smoky topaz, which can protect the inhabitants of the house and inspire new achievements, is a children's room or office.

Near the front door, a tiger's eye will protect you from negative energy and attract good luck.

For shiny pyrite, you should choose a place next to the talismans of wealth - this will ensure a strong financial position for the family.

Black tourmaline can be used to combat anxieties and fears by placing it in the corners of the apartment where you receive guests. For its unique beauty and variety of useful qualities, carnelian is loved, for which the best place in the house is the family area.

Fire – action, passion, involvement in events

The time dedicated to Fire is summer and midday. Its cardinal direction is considered to be south, its color is all shades of red and orange, and its shape is triangular and pointed shapes. This element is designated by objects such as a pyramid, a tower, fireplaces and any other sources of heat - candles, lamps, lamps, smoking sticks. In addition, you can attract him into your life with the help of thematic paintings and photographs.

Fire is considered an intellectual and at the same time sensual element. It can either push you to an invention or discovery, or become the reason for a new love affair. But all actions that are performed under the influence of this energy are distinguished by passion, high motivation, and emotional intensity. Do you want to feel similar experiences? Minerals such as garnet, carnelian, rose quartz, sardonyx, carnelian, spinel, scarlet and crimson amber will help you.

Fire is a strong element. Therefore, even a slight excess of it can lead to increased excitability, irritability, aggression, and inability to control oneself. “Water” gems – aquamarine, belomorite, sapphire, selenite, opal and fluorite – will help you cope with such manifestations.

Using Crystals in Feng Shui

The most commonly used in Feng Shui are round or egg-shaped crystals that favor family relationships and knowledge, pyramids that remove negative energy, trees with leaves made of natural stones that attract certain types of luck, as well as ennobled crystals of natural shape, pointed towards the top, which can become powerful talismans.

Also, the earth element will be perfectly activated by the natural druse of a natural mineral.

When placing crystals in your apartment, try to expose them to plenty of sunlight or electric light. Crystals are often placed on a windowsill or on shelves equipped with lighting.

Always keep your crystals clean, handle them as gently as possible, and periodically clean them with salted water.

When choosing a particular mineral, you can also pay attention to which zodiac sign this or that stone is suitable for, which chakras it opens and which magical and healing properties it exhibits. However, I would like to warn you that you should not strictly follow the instructions. At certain points in your life, completely different minerals may be suitable for you. In this case, you should trust your intuition in choosing crystals.

The Power of Crystal Balls

In the Taoist direction of Feng Shui, special importance is given to the beauty and unusually beneficial effects of smooth and round crystals. In homes they ensure a calm flow of life. Round crystals are best used to activate dining rooms, living rooms and family rooms.

The teachings of Feng Shui say that round and smooth crystal balls made from natural rock crystals have special powers.

Placed in a group of six or nine in the family sector of the house, crystal balls create energy that promotes love relationships and ensures a smooth flow of life for the inhabitants of the house. At the same time, quarrels are reduced to a minimum, and soon become a thing of the past.

Luck accompanies business, and victory is already on the doorstep. Crystals symbolize the energy of Mother Earth, so they are also favorable for the lady of the house. Placed in the southwest sector, they bring amazing luck in family and romantic relationships.

To further enhance the power of the crystals, shine a bright light over them. Remember that in the southwest part of the house, crystals bring love and stability in relationships. A group of six crystal balls is considered especially beneficial.

Crystal balls with an engraved map of the world are great for studying and taking exams, especially if placed in the north-eastern part of the room. One crystal ball will be enough if your child does not require constant stimulation.

The choice of crystal type is a matter of taste, although clear crystals should be preferred. It is believed that balls made of yellow citrine and limespar are better than others in attracting material wealth. And any yellow stone symbolizes the power of earth energy.

The Power of Pointed Crystals

Natural crystals with pointed shapes, as well as cones and pyramids, are excellent harmonizers, dispersing or absorbing negative energy and transforming it into positive energy.

With the help of concentration, a pointed crystal can be turned into a powerful talisman. Reading mantras activates the extraordinary ability of psychic influence in the crystal and fills it with the protective energy of qi.

In order to make a crystal your talisman, activating its power, you need to cleanse it of the energy previously accumulated in it. To do this, you need to put the crystal in water with salt dissolved in it for 7 days. After cleansing, the crystal should be charged with its own energy.

To do this, hold it in your hand, bring it to the heart chakra or to the third eye area, located between the eyebrows.

At the same time, you need to be in a good mood and think about your cherished desire. It is advisable to do this simple procedure every month.

Each zodiac sign has a number of Feng Shui stones that favor it.

  • Aventurine is a suitable stone for Cancers and Leos. It is favorable for good spirits, maintaining a good mood and a clear mind. It will help cure skin and hair diseases.
  • Agate is favorable for the zodiac signs Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus and Gemini. This is a talisman of health and happiness, and it also prevents the appearance of lies and pretense in a person’s life, protects against betrayal, infidelity, and evil spells.
  • The Feng Shui stone Amazonite is favorable according to the horoscope for Sagittarius. This is a talisman of the hearth, suitable for housewives, it relieves human anxiety, gives optimism and good mood, and helps overcome uncertainty.
  • The Feng Shui stone amethyst is a talisman for the horoscope signs of Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Leo and Pisces. This Feng Shui stone helps relieve stress, maintains health, the functioning of the endocrine system, and brings harmony to the human mind. It helps a lot in meditation and also protects a person from everything bad.
  • Turquoise is favorable for the zodiac signs Taurus, Aquarius, Libra, Pisces, and Cancer. This is a Feng Shui stone of happiness; it carries the energy of victories, luck and success. It gives self-confidence in achieving goals, and also gives positive emotions to its owner.
  • The Feng Shui stone jet or black jasper is patronizing for the horoscope of Taurus, Capricorn and Gemini. She is a talisman for active, active and courageous people, helping them overcome fears, doubts, and insecurities. A very strong stone in daylight, it helps to overcome oblivion from unsuccessful love.
  • Hematite stone is favorable for Scorpios, which will bring them a lot of energy and additional vitality.
  • Hawkeye is a Feng Shui money stone (Leo, Capricorn, Libra, Gemini). It will protect the owner from failures in financial matters.
  • Tiger's eye is favorable for people involved in commerce and trade (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Leo, Capricorn). He will help eliminate competitors, especially in the media.
  • The cat's eye is favorable according to Feng Shui according to the zodiac sign of Capricorns, for whom it will help in preventing the evil eye and damage.
  • The coil for the sign of Sagittarius will be a source of powerful energy and will endow them with vitality.
  • The Malachite stone is suitable for the Feng Shui horoscope of Sagittarius and Scorpio, it will protect them from health problems and help restore strength.

Watch the video which stones suit your horoscope

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching that studies natural energy flows and their impact on human life. It is built on the principles of interaction of five basic elements - Water, Earth, Wood, Fire and Metal. The art of Feng Shui teaches us to change a situation for the better by transforming the surrounding space.

Minerals, as a source of positive energy, play an important role in Feng Shui. According to Chinese teaching, special zones are allocated in an apartment (house), which are arranged in a special way. Each zone of such a house should facilitate the free circulation of energy flow, filling those who live in this house or apartment with new positive emotions. By placing the energy of the stone in certain places in the apartment, according to the cardinal directions, we attract good luck to the desired area of ​​our life.

As an activator for each zone of an apartment (house), you can use stone figurines, individual stones, and geodes.

The main element of the wealth zone (southeast direction in the apartment)

are pyrite and marble. They bring stability to the financial world. Therefore, Feng Shui advises having a golden pyrite crystal in this area, reminiscent of a piece of metal, as well as a marble vase or marble figurine. It is good to place a citrine druse in the money zone.

To the glory zone (in the south)

Crystals belonging to the element of Fire are well suited. These can be rubies, garnet, carnelian, red jasper. Also suitable here are amethyst crystals, heliotrope, and hematite. Here you can place a pointed crystal, druses, pyramids or triangular figures of stone, placed with a sharp angle upward, as well as stone trees.

Rose quartz is very good for the marriage zone (southwest)

. Its pink rays attract love. It is good to place pink tourmaline in this zone, which also carries gentle vibrations of love, and a rock crystal druse will promote intuitive communication. Usually garnet, selenite and jade are also placed here.

In the center of the apartment

For general harmonization of life, it is recommended to place amethyst. Its violet rays cleanse us and our homes from negative energy. To improve health, jasper can be placed here. Adularia, selenite and fluorite in the center of the apartment will help soften situations; they very gently remove negative energy.

In the zone of knowledge and wisdom (in the northeast)

aquamarine, amethyst, beryl, rock crystal, dolomite, jasper are placed. These stones will contribute to successful studies and rapid acquisition of new knowledge. Stone figurines of a turtle and a snake are also placed here.

In the friend zone (in the northwest

) a piece of malachite is very useful. Its green energy will activate the energy of the zone, which will increase the flow of friends into your home.

To activate the career zone

and success in business, adularia, rock crystal, fluorite, and calcite crystals are placed in the north of the apartment.

Also, to activate positive energy, stones can be used as amulets. Below is a small list of stones and their properties that will help you choose the right jewelry for every day:


- Provides protection and balance during periods of transition. Increases wisdom and helps you act and think at a higher level;


— brings good luck in education, helps to achieve desired goals at work (career growth);

Green emerald

- this stone is called the “crystal of abundance.” It enhances prosperity, patience. According to Feng Shui, it is appropriate to place these stones in the East, Southeast and South;


- this stone inspires the mind and helps in choosing the right decisions. Brings monetary luck and abundance;

Rose quartz

- Also known as the “stone of love,” rose quartz relieves sexual and emotional problems in relationships between partners, clears negative feelings such as anger, resentment and jealousy;


- This stone is usually used to protect travelers from any invisible danger.

Blue sapphire

- also called "blessing stone". Brings hope, faith and joy.


- brings financial growth and increased income. You can carry the crystal in a purse or wallet, citrine has the ability to bring wealth to its owner;


- used to protect health.

Some tips on how to choose the right stone:

To choose a stone for yourself, you first need to listen to your inner feelings that come when you see a particular stone or a product made of stones. If you have mixed feelings, use the tips below.

  1. Try to choose a bright sparkling stone rather than a small and dull one. Do not use stones with cracks or broken edges - they are considered to bring bad luck. If you damage a stone while you are already at home, replace it with another one. If the chips or cracks are quite natural and you like them, then there is nothing wrong with that; in this case, the stone carries the positive energy you need.
  2. Use only the stone you like. You should feel a special connection with the stone. If you don’t feel any feelings when you see even a very beautiful stone, don’t take it.
  3. The stone should be shaped like a circle or square. These shapes are suitable for everyone. Only people whose elements are Fire and Earth (identify your element) can benefit from triangular stones symbolizing Fire - that is, pyramids can be used.
  4. Choose a strong stone - the stronger it is, the greater the supply of favorable energy it has.
  5. Choose a medium sized stone. Stones that are too large can destroy with their energy, and stones that are too small do not have sufficient strength.

The meaning of the Jasper talisman.

Like other stones, jasper has its own symbolism - it means beauty, grace and wealth. In addition, jasper was chosen as a talisman by people seeking to learn something new and discover something unknown, that is, scientists and researchers.

It is generally accepted that jasper is able to accumulate positive energy and then transfer it to the owner. An oval-shaped stone cleanses a person’s energy, and a ball-shaped jasper serves as an energy conductor, that is, it supplies energy to the human body.

Jasper is a stone that can not only give you protection from all sorts of troubles, but also destroy various dangerous magical entities in the surrounding space. However, this stone protects not only its owner, but also those close to him.

If among the people dear to you there are those who categorically refuse to believe in the magical properties of jasper, then place a small pebble in his pocket, and it will quietly provide protection.

This Feng Shui stone is an excellent protection against damage and the evil eye, and protects against the forces of evil. In addition, this stone makes a person bolder and more self-confident. The talisman gives the owner eloquence and health, making him richer. Some claim that jasper can restore lost memory to a person.

Among other things, jasper prevents the occurrence of certain diseases, such as infertility, hypotension and bleeding. Previously, people believed that jasper could relieve pain arising from bruises and diseases of the stomach and intestines. By the way, the stone still has this effect.

No other stone can remove all negative energy from the human body - only jasper can do this.

History of jasper stone.

Jasper stone was known to primitive people, who used it as a material for their tools. Already in ancient times and the Middle Ages, various small-sized jewelry began to be made from jasper. Only in the 18th and 19th centuries did jasper begin to be used to make large jewelry, since it was at this time that special machines were invented. By the way, the Russian Empire became famous for its palace decor and jewelry made of jasper.

Today the whole world uses jasper as a material for various crafts, because it is not only distinguished by its beauty, but also by its low price.

Activation of the Feng Shui talisman jasper.

The best place to place a jasper talisman is a home office or library, because this stone improves mental activity. If you place jasper next to computer equipment, it will protect not only from negative energy, but also from radiation. In addition, this talisman will help you feel more courageous and purposeful.

If a person close to you is far away, but you want to protect him from the effects of negativity, then place a photograph of the person in a frame made of jasper, or place a small pebble next to it. Or better yet, just give this person any jasper craft so that he will always be protected.

Jasper color and its meaning.

The color of this stone varies, but the beneficial properties of jasper appear regardless of it. A stone of any color will improve your well-being and tone up.

A red talisman best protects a person from the effects of negative factors. It also has the ability to reflect negative energy from its owner, returning it to the ill-wisher.

Green jasper gives peace of mind and tranquility, brings peace and tranquility to life.

The brown color of the stone will help you concentrate on the task at hand, pulling you out of your imaginary world.

Multi-colored jasper talismans will allow you to get rid of annoying problems and troubles. In addition, various jewelry made from stones of this color will support you during difficult periods of life, help you adapt to new conditions, suggest solutions to problems and allow you to get out of difficult situations with dignity. Multi-colored jasper promotes the development of talents given by nature and the achievement of goals.

The myth of jasper.

A long time ago, the Chinese believed that a jasper talisman placed at the head of the bed of a stupid person or a bad student would help the former to become smarter and the latter to study much better.

The most effective Feng Shui amulets made from jasper.

Absolutely any products made from jasper can become talismans: various bowls, boxes, vases, animal figurines. The latter, by the way, turn into double amulets. Figurines of various animals are themselves symbols of good luck, love and wealth, and when made from jasper, they increase their power. When choosing a talisman, the color of the stone is very important.

Jasper color and zodiac sign.

As a rule, Feng Shui talismans are chosen depending on the desired gift of fate, but a talisman made from jasper will enhance the effect if you select it for your zodiac sign. For Virgos, it is best to purchase jasper in red and red-black colors. Yellow jasper suits absolutely all signs if worn at work, since this color of the stone helps career growth and promises respect.

Taurus and Sagittarius should give preference to the green color of the talisman. By the way, it is better for Gemini, Pisces and Aries to refrain from purchasing jasper altogether, since it negatively affects their energy field.

Jasper has the best effect on the main chakra, which is responsible for the functioning of the human body. The chakra that is best affected by green jasper is responsible for the work of the heart, and the chakra is responsible for the solar plexus, which must be influenced by a talisman made of yellow jasper.

Feng Shui stone circles

The practice of the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui uses stone circles to accumulate cosmic power in difficult times for human energy. These stone circles, by transforming unfavorable periods into favorable periods for planning and decision-making, protect and inspire. You can place the circle anywhere in the garden or room. The size does not matter; it can be either very large or very small. The material for construction will be any stones: pebbles, crystals, gems or shells. The laying out method is individual for each element. The shape of the circle will be determined by the element of your year of birth. However, if you feel an intuitive attraction to a circle of another element, post it too, which means that at this stage it is necessary for you.

It’s good if the circle is in the sun for at least a few hours a day - this will protect it from exhaustion. The center of the circle can remain empty, acting as a point of concentration for meditation on the element, or filled with a talisman and the stone of the element of the person who laid it out. Stones in Feng Shui occupy far from the last place.

Lithotherapy with stones

Contemplation of stones affects the human condition. For example, contemplating a stone

Green colors improve performance, orange improves mood, lilac and violet cause melancholy, black and gray suppress internal emotions, transparent colors inspire.
is an unconventional medical practice based on the therapeutic properties of minerals and stones. The term comes from the Greek "lithos" stone and "therapeia" - treatment. This direction in medicine appeared in the 70s of the last century. But belief in the healing power of stones, including Chinese stone circles, was known much earlier. The most ancient civilizations widely used the healing properties of stones in their medical practice. The goal of lithotherapy is to improve health in a global sense. According to lithotherapy, each stone can affect one or more aspects of our mental or physical state.


The stone is carnelian, a type of chalcedony. Color: red, pink, yellow-orange. Widely used for making coats of arms and seals. Talisman: pine cone. The direction of the circle is south.

The stone is selenite (moonstone), an ornamental gypsum that takes on a satin appearance after polishing. White color. The contemplation of selenite is calming. The stone is quartz-silicon oxide. One of the most common minerals is also called smoky topaz. The color is dove-gray. Travel stone. The talisman of the Earth is cloves (spice). The direction of the circle is southwest or northeast.

Stone - rock crystal. The most powerful energy accumulator. Stone - diamond - a symbol of fidelity and constancy. Color: Both are often colorless. Rock crystal is used to make balls, pendants, and dishes. The natural talisman is olive (tree or seed). The direction of the circle is west.


Stone - amber - hardened resin of coniferous plants. In ancient China it symbolized courage. Amber literally means “soul of the tiger.” Color - from almost white to dark brown. All amber products have enjoyed extraordinary popularity at all times. The stone is lapis lazuli. Known to mankind for more than 7 thousand years. Gemstone lapis lazuli was revered in Eastern countries as a talisman of success, endowing the owner with the gift of foresight. Lapis lazuli guards guarded the hearts of the king mummies in the Egyptian pyramids. Color: rich cornflower blue with gold veins. Modern gardens use lapis lazuli balls in waterfalls. Natural talisman: lavender, four-leaf clover. The direction of the circle is north.


The stone is malachite (gem). In the east, there was a belief that a malachite plate with a sun disk carved on it brought its owner health, success in business and happiness in love. An extremely powerful and effective stone. No wonder it was used in palaces as a finishing material for interior decoration. Color: dark green with lambskin pattern.

The Power and Magnificence of Other Minerals

There is not a single era in the history of mankind that would not find charm in the multi-colored splendor of minerals. The semiprecious elite of the mineral kingdom is an example of the highest organization and harmony of proportions. Their exciting wonder delights everyone. Crystals, due to their inherent mathematical harmony, are revered as accumulators and focusers of special energies, influences and influences of different qualities. The versatility of rock crystal is amazing. Placing it in the center of your garden will fill the space with joy.

Jade is amazing in its strength, grandeur and beauty. Its history goes back more than 3 thousand years. In China, this stone was available only to emperors. The spotted jade monkey from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) has survived to this day. Jade is only acceptable for making miniatures. Its strength is so great that silicon-based abrasives are used to process it. The Stone of the Rulers of Heaven and the Emperors of China served as the seal of the emperor, and the jade jewelry of the nobles indicated their status at court. The silkiness of this stone is mesmerizing. Chinese brides are still given jade butterflies as a symbol of happy love. Color varies. Depends on the age of the stone: from almost black to almost white with an internal spectrum of brown, sand, green, olive. The more it shows through the green of young foliage, the higher its cost. Natural talisman: apple, pomegranate. The direction of the circle is east. The circle is left untouched as long as its owner intuitively feels the need for it. The stones are placed in a box, having previously been wrapped in silk. Pyrite (golden crystal) will provide prosperity. Red jasper and ruby ​​will help you overcome all obstacles on the path to glory. If you want to avoid conflicts, fluorite will be your ally. Marble onyx will take away negative energy. Malachite will help in business. Turquoise will bring friends and companions. Crystals re-radiate and enhance the waves of high harmony they perceive, acting as a catalyst. All that remains is to realize that the generator is the person himself. Only he is able to extract the beauty of the images originally hidden in the stone.

About the negative side of the stone

Radioactive, poisonous stones and minerals, as well as toxic liquids and gases contained in rocks, can have a physical negative impact on people. For example, natural natural zircon may have a high background radiation. All turbid and defective zircons must be checked with a dosimeter. However, if you plan to use stones on the site, it is recommended that before purchasing them, check them with a dosimeter for the presence of a radioactive background.

Feng Shui is a centuries-old teaching that helps people not only acquire knowledge about their body, energy flows in the Universe, but also focuses on everything that surrounds us in this world. According to Feng Shui, absolutely everything matters, especially what is dear to us and what we love. Precious and semi-precious stones also have their significance in ancient Chinese teachings. They have their own unique energy, endow us with their magical powers and can have both positive and negative effects on their owners.

Without a doubt, each of us loves precious minerals and jewelry with them. However, not everyone knows what stones mean according to Feng Shui.

and how they should be placed in the house or worn in accordance with their magical and healing properties.

Feng Shui symbolism of trees with leaves made of stones

Trees with leaves made of natural stones symbolize strong family relationships, health and prosperity. A growing tree with roots deep in the ground is a symbol of stability and growth of your income. Placing this tree in the East promotes good health, rapid implementation of plans and the implementation of new projects.

  1. The amethyst tree is a popular symbol that brings harmony to family relationships and wealth.
  2. Quartz tree symbolizes romantic relationships. Quartz is considered a healer of internal wounds, helps to overcome losses, teaches forgiveness and attracts love.
  3. The jade tree awakens in a person the best feelings, noble dreams and the desire to create. Jade tree also strengthens vitality.
  4. The tiger's eye tree protects the owner from dangers, pacifies the pangs of jealousy, prevents rash acts, and also protects against damage and the evil eye.
  5. Aventurine wood intensifies a person’s positive emotions: it charges him with optimism, self-confidence, gives him clarity of mind and improves his mood.
  6. Carnelian wood helps to soften anger and eliminate disagreements. Carnelian makes its owner more benevolent, protects him from the machinations of enemies and gives the owner creative powers.

Tree – growth, creativity, development

This element is strongest in spring. In addition, it is activated in the morning, especially if you turn to the side of the world dedicated to it - the east or southeast. Symbols of the Tree are all shades and tones of green, rectangular, cylindrical and oblong shapes, indoor plants, paintings with images of forests, groves, trees, interior items carved from different types of wood, furniture made from wicker and even paper books!

This natural element controls a person’s creative abilities , his ability to express his personality in any activity. It will give you the joy of knowledge, achievement and development. In addition, this element ensures success in new endeavors. Therefore, if you feel that your work has become too routine and boring, try to bring as much Wood energy into your life as possible. Suitable talisman stones for this include emerald, malachite, moss agate, pieces of petrified wood, peridot and chrysoprase.

But be careful - the excessive presence of the elements can provoke uncontrollable changes, a lack of clear guidelines, stability and orderliness in your life. If this does happen, you can weaken the element by using products made from diamonds, alexandrites, aventurine, pyrite, tourmaline and pearls.

Powerful Rituals Performed with Crystals

To create positive energy in your home, try using one of the three rituals described below. They are not difficult, however, they need to be carried out with a kind heart and in a good mood.

Below are three rituals from the Taoist practice of feng shui , in which crystals are used to enhance the energy of the home.

Bury three crystals in the ground in front of the house, placing them at the corners of a triangle (this position is called a mountain peak), pointing outward. You can use crystal balls or a single pointed crystal. This is a very effective secret way to remove negative energy from your home.

Place seven pieces of sharpened crystals under the bed in the shape of an arrow, pointing towards the head of the bed. One central crystal forms the body of the arrow, and three crystals on each side form its tip and fletching.

Six crystals on your desktop will ensure your work is recognized. Place them in the far right corner of your desk to boost focus and creativity. If you engrave powerful spells on crystals, they will bring you good luck in any business endeavors.

Clear quartz

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First of all, this stone is used for cleansing. It can be placed in any area that you think needs harmonization and improvement. For example, located in the living room, this crystal will bring warmth and comfort to family relationships. A rounded stone will help transform negative energy from sharp corners or dimly lit areas of your home. You can and should experiment with quartz. Don't be afraid to move the crystal from place to place and trust your intuition.


The power of amethyst in feng shui

Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz that can range from dark purple to pale pink.

In the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, amethyst is treated with great respect. It is especially valued for attracting great wealth and strengthening marriage bonds.

An amethyst crystal placed under the bed at the foot of the bed symbolically binds the spouses to each other. Amethyst crystals are extremely effective in attracting material well-being.

To do this, it is enough to place them in the Southwestern sector of your home. Amethysts have the ability to transform negative energy into positive energy, and yin fluids into yang fluids.

Magical properties of amethyst

An amethyst crystal placed between the eyebrows calms the mind and helps achieve inner peace. It is believed that amethyst initiates the opening of the third eye - helps to immerse oneself in the subconscious area of ​​omniscience. Amethyst also gives a person insight, extinguishes mental pain, anxiety, and fills the aura with good intentions.

Medicinal properties

Modern lithotherapists believe that contemplation of amethysts relieves nervous irritation and induces calm, which is why amethyst is used to combat insomnia.

Effect on chakras

Amethyst affects the frontal chakra, which affects the organs of the head. It helps realize ideas and stimulates activity in the physical world.

The power of rock crystal (quartz)

Rock crystal, like amethyst, is a type of quartz.

Rhinestone in Feng Shui

Small faceted crystals of quartz or rock crystal have the ability to purify the surrounding energy, passing through negative qi energy, transforming it into positive energy and evenly distributing it throughout the room. It is best to place crystals near a window, in the central part of the room, or in areas where energy can stagnate.

Crystal promotes concentration and enhances human energy. Crystal has always been considered the stone of emperors and kings, a symbol of luxury and prosperity.

With the help of crystal, you can create not only an influx of positive energy, but also harmonize many aspects of our lives. For example, the southwestern sector of the apartment, which is responsible for family happiness, love, romantic relationships and a woman’s health, is controlled by the elements of the Earth, and the best way to activate the energy of the Earth is crystal. A floor lamp with crystal pendants in the southwestern sector of a living room or apartment will help unmarried women find a worthy life partner, and a married couple will strengthen their feelings and bring pure, active energy of love and family happiness into their relationship. And the more often you leave this lamp on, the more positive energy you will fill your life with.

Magical properties of quartz

Quartz is believed to influence the parietal and frontal chakras. The parietal chakra nourishes the glands of the brain, promotes the development of communication with higher powers. The frontal chakra influences the organs of the head. It helps to realize ideas and stimulates activity in the physical world.

Medicinal properties

Using rock crystal crystals you can relieve headaches and cope with stress. They are believed to help reduce fever.

Northeast. Wisdom zone.

In this zone it is worth placing jasper, aquamarine, dolomite, beryl and amethyst. It is these stones that will contribute to better assimilation of knowledge, development of mental abilities and wisdom.




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