How to properly hang icons in the house. Photos and basic rules

People who have only recently joined faith in God often have questions related to the design of their home iconostasis. In accordance with the centuries-old Orthodox tradition, in every house, be it a peasant hut or a boyar's mansion, icons were located in the corner, which was called red, and the presence of icons seemed to fill the house with a feeling of goodness and spiritual purity. Now this tradition is gradually being restored, which is of great importance, but new converts have many questions. Let's try to answer the most common questions about home iconostasis.

Icon - a lucky amulet

Through the icon we turn to God himself or to the Saints who intercede for us before the Creator. Sincere prayer can protect our home, help every person, and bring peace, happiness, and prosperity to the family.

In which corner should the images be placed? At all times in temples they were always located in the eastern part. In Christian houses, revered faces were also assigned the eastern corner and the wall nearby. In modern houses, the corner facing the East can be occupied by a TV or computer. This means that the images should be given a place where nothing will distract you from prayer, where it is convenient to bow.

If it is not possible to place several icons, then the images of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary should be given the most honorable place. They ask the Mother of God for health to the whole family, a kind, hard-working spouse, and the birth of children.

By praying before the image of the Savior, we save the family from all kinds of diseases. The icon, which depicts the crucified Jesus , protects from difficult trials and supports in difficult times.

The image of Jesus Christ and the crucifixion should be given the most honorable place in an apartment or house. The cross is placed above all images as a symbol of victory over the enemy.

Best location according to Feng Shui

Those who have decided to buy a new wall clock and don’t know where best to hang it should seek advice from the Chinese sages, who divide the entire home into eight sectors in accordance with the cardinal directions. True, their teaching applies only to mechanical models.

  • North. The sector is responsible for careers. An owner who hangs a clock mechanism on the north side of the house will quickly forget about failures at work and, perhaps, will soon advance in his career. For this arrangement, round or square-shaped devices made of metal with a black, gray or blue dial are better suited. For travel enthusiasts, it is better to occupy the wall facing northwest.
  • South. This side of the world is responsible for fame and universal recognition. Those who lack warmth and love should hang a clock on a wall facing south or southwest. In terms of design, products that are red, yellow or green, round or triangular in shape, or handmade, work well here.
  • West. On the western walls hang round or oval items in a metal case with a white or light gray dial. This has a positive effect on raising children, developing creativity, and promises good studies.
  • East. If you hang the clock on the east side, you can count on mutual understanding in the family. The ideal option is wooden or ceramic products with a round or wavy shape in purple, black or blue.

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So, by choosing a suitable place for your wall walkers, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, you can direct positive energy in the right direction.

Icons for home prayer

Every Christian should know icons for the home and their meaning. Every believer should also have in their home an image of the Holy Trinity, Guardian Angel, Nicholas the Wonderworker , saints named by members of the household and those saints whom the whole family honors.

The image depicting the Holy Trinity will bring peace and love to the family, help in difficult times, cleanse from sins, and remove a painful mood. This icon is the protector of home and person. Place it in a corner facing East or at the head.

Prayer before the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will help solve complex problems and heal from serious illnesses.

Many Orthodox Christians want to have an image - the Seven Shore Mother of God . Where to hang the Seven Shots icon?

This home amulet is most often placed above the door leading to the main room or opposite the entrance. It will protect not only from enemies and thieves, but also from gossip and scandals.


The most popular is the image of the Guardian Angel. He will definitely protect the person who bears his name. You can turn to him with all your hardships, ask for healing, salvation from sins. You can put it on a shrine in the room where the person who bears his name lives.

Universal rules for clock placement

The first thing to consider when buying a watch is the size and style of the room where it will be located. On a free, plain wall you can hang an unusually shaped clock with a bright design. Large antique ones will look good. They will become a striking accent in the interior. If the room is overloaded with furniture, shelves, paintings, then it is better to choose a simple clock with a clear shape (circle, square) and a laconic design to get rid of the feeling of clutter.

The height of the watch depends on the size. The general recommendation is to hang them slightly above eye level. However, large ones should still be placed higher than small ones. If you are buying a bright large clock for your room, first determine the place where it will hang. To make the decor look appropriate, it is advisable to leave at least 20 cm to the ceiling. If you don’t have that much space, it’s better to give preference to more compact models.

Appeal to Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow
The image of Matrona is in almost every home. And this is no coincidence! The Holy Elder helps in all the needs that a person can experience.

Where to hang the Matrona icon? The main rule is that it should stand in the eastern corner on a shelf in front of a burning lamp, and not hang.

  • The image should be opposite the entrance on the right hand;
  • When entering a room, a person should see exactly this image;
  • Only church books or objects can be placed near the image.

There is a special day when prayer to Matronushka has great power. This is the day of remembrance of the saint - May 2.

Posting photos using the bagua compass

One way to help you in this case and decide where best to place your photos is to use a Ba Gua compass. Ba Gua is a module of your home's energy system, superimposed on the house plan. It establishes certain relationships between different rooms in your home and different aspects of your life. By placing photographs in different places, you can activate a certain energy in a person's life. For example, if you want to make a career for yourself, then you should place your photo in the “career” space (sector) of your home.

If you want to deepen your love relationship, then try placing your own photo next to the photo of your lover in the sector responsible for any relationships with other people in your home. You can use the same principles to define such sectors in each room of your house or even your desk, and you can do this with the guidance of ba gua. For example, the best place for a photo of your loved one on your desktop will be in the far right corner, where the sector of relationships with other people will be located.

© Ogudin Valentin

Home prayer

How to pray at home in front of an icon? Prayer at home is almost no different from prayer in church.

The only difference is that at home you can remember people of any religion. In church it is customary to pray mentally, and at home - out loud. You must begin prayer fully dressed. Women must wear a headscarf, dress or skirt.

Prayers can be short, in your own words or written in the Prayer Book. Long prayers are reserved for priests.

Your Prayer Book should include:

  • morning and evening prayers;
  • daytime (before the start and end of any task, before and after eating food, etc.);
  • canons by day of the week and “Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ”;
  • Akathists (“To Our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ”, “To the Most Holy Theotokos”, etc.);
  • “Following to Holy Communion...” and prayers read after it.

In addition to the Prayer Book, every believer should have a Psalter . You need to read 150 psalms in a week. But to read the Psalter, you should take a blessing from the priest.

How much should you pray? This is determined by the person himself. If you don’t have the strength or time, then be sure to read “Our Father” in the morning, “Have mercy on me, O God...” (the fiftieth psalm) and the “Creed”, and in the evening - the prayer of St. John Chrysostom, “May God rise again...” and “Confession of sins.” everyday." It is imperative to read prayer words before and after meals. If you can't read while standing, sit down and pray.

At home you must pray in complete silence, in front of icons, with deep bows to the waist or on your knees, making the sign of the cross. The prayer word through strength, if there is no strength, will also be heard.

What does Feng Shui say about clocks?

Feng Shui (an ancient Chinese teaching on how to live in harmony with the outside world) considers watches to be a sacred object, since they have the power to measure an element invisible and beyond human control - time. It is believed that if placed correctly, a clock can improve the energy of a home and have a beneficial effect on people. But it is worth mentioning that we are talking exclusively about mechanical or sand devices, and not about electronic ones. It is better to leave gadgets in the office or study, and not place them in residential areas. Here are some more useful tips:

  • It is best to place the clock in those rooms where household members spend a lot of time doing active things: in the kitchen, in the living room, in the office. There they create a favorable atmosphere, promote increased activity and energy.
  • For the same reasons, you should not place a clock in the bedroom - after all, this is a place of rest, peace and quiet. As a last resort, it is recommended to choose a small alarm clock with a silent mechanism.
  • The living room is the best place for a home clock. The largest and most elegant clock in the house is usually placed there.
  • The Chinese believe that too many hours in the house can lead to confusion and spoil the owner's character. And if they show different times, then chaos cannot be avoided.
  • A clock placed in the hall or hallway will help improve the atmosphere in the house. The main thing is not to hang them opposite the front door.
  • A large round clock in the children's room will help the child to be more collected. You can’t argue with this: it will be easier for the baby to determine the time using them.

Where to place images

Icons in the kitchen

It is customary to place an icon depicting the Last Supper . By praying in front of her you receive a blessing for cooking. In addition, it brings peace to the believer who suffers from a strong fall.

You can also place other icons in the kitchen: the Mother of God, the Savior, the Holy Trinity . The kitchen is the place where the whole family gathers. In every Orthodox family, it is customary to read small prayers before and after meals, so there should be at least a small iconostasis.

Above the table you can place the face of Euphrosynus of Palestine . This saint visited heaven alive. He selflessly distributed food to all those in need. Before eating, you can also offer a prayer to this saint, then your food will become much healthier. The saint will bless the food on the table.

An icon must hang in the living room, protecting the house and the whole family. This could be the Kazan Mother of God or the face of the Lord Pantocrator . The face with the Lord is located on the right, and the Most Holy Theotokos is on the left.

What icons can be placed in the hallway

Every day, leaving your home, you find yourself in a world of deception and various temptations. Before leaving, you need to pray to the heavenly protector, ask him to guide family members to good people and make the path easy and safe. When you return home, thank the Saint for his intercession. Hang the following images of saints above your front doors:

  • Image of the Intercession;
  • Iveron Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • Holy Trinity.

Choose an image that everyone in the household honors.

Icons for the bedroom

If a husband and wife live in a legal marriage and got married in a church, then it is recommended to hang the icon:

  • Mother of God
  • Jesus Christ
  • Healer Panteleimon
  • Nikolai Ugodnik
  • Spyridon of Trimifuntsky
  • Named images of saints
  • Peter and Fevronia - patrons of family happiness

For images, select a corner in the window where you can place a lamp and church candles along with the icons.

How to properly position a home iconostasis

As stated above, the number of icons does not matter, and you should not place images haphazardly (cover holes in wallpaper, for example). Icons should have their own bright and important place.

Thoughtless, empty collecting will give your iconostasis absolutely nothing. A few icons and a prayer from the heart are always stronger than a rich iconostasis with expensive icons in gold frames “for show”.

  • The iconostasis is created in the likeness of a church one. Definitely with a hierarchical arrangement of images: in the center is the Savior with the Mother of God (the Savior is to her right!), the Holy Trinity can be located in the same row (or above all the images). If there is no Trinity, a crucifix is ​​placed at the top of the iconostasis. All other images are subject to these key icons: to the right of the Savior is the image of John the Baptist. This triptych is the Deesis (approx. prayer, basis). Next come the saints, saints and other icons (for example, local saints or personal ones), which the Orthodox choose at their own request. Saints are not placed above the Deesis, the apostles, the Trinity.
  • A lamp is placed on the shelf of the iconostasis, which is lit on the eve and on the holidays themselves, on Sundays or during prayer.
  • Sometimes the images are decorated (as in the old days) with a deity. This is a narrow and long canvas towel with embroidery on the ends. Such idols covered the images from the sides and top, leaving only the faces.
  • The icon case is most suitable for the iconostasis - the images are better preserved in it, and the red corner stands out.
  • It does not matter whether the icon was painted by hand by an artist who received a blessing, whether it was purchased as a reproduction image, or cut out from an Orthodox calendar and pasted onto a solid base. The main thing is to consecrate the icon. Although, of course, a hand-painted image covered with linseed oil will always surpass a printed reproduction.
  • The choice of image style is a matter of taste. It could be Byzantine or Old Russian style - it doesn’t matter. As long as it’s not secular (academic is also not welcome). Now it has become fashionable to paint icons as one pleases, without the proper blessing, with a lot of elements “from one’s own”, etc. Such icons have a place anywhere - just not in the iconostasis. You shouldn't mix styles either.

And finally: never confuse the prototype and the image itself. We offer prayer not to the icon, but to the prototype.

Iconostasis for children's

So that children learn to pray, to ask the Lord and the saints for help, place the following faces:

  • Savior and Mother of God
  • Icon depicting a Guardian Angel
  • Nominal or dimensional icon. The measuring icon is ordered according to the height of the baby when he is born.
  • The personalized icon must contain the face of a saint named after the child. How to hang icons? Can be placed on the wall or at the head. The saint will preserve the health, peace and sleep of the child. The image of the Last Supper will also protect the peace of your baby.

Location of icons on the iconostasis

Knowing what icons you need to have at home, you should also arrange them correctly. The placement of icons on the home iconostasis is strictly regulated: the icons of the Savior, the Mother of God and the Holy Trinity must be located above all other icons.

If all the icons are on the same surface (for example, on a bedside table), then the icon of the Savior is placed in the center, the Mother of God and the Holy Trinity are placed on the sides of it, and all the others are placed slightly away from these main icons.

Images in the office for work

A talisman against envious people can be placed on your desktop. But the saint will help protect himself not only from envious people. If difficulties arise, inspiration disappears, you need to turn to the Saint, taking into account work activity, or put a face with the image of the Patriarch.

List with professions and their patrons:

  • to a trade worker .
  • Drivers and sailors should have icons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Sovereign Mother of God. They will bring good luck and help improve your financial situation.
  • Medical personnel will be protected at work by an icon with Luka Krymsky.
  • The scientific worker and teacher are patronized by the Mother of God of Kaluga.
  • An icon depicting the Mother of God Economissa will help make the government of a civil servant
  • The postal worker and diplomat will be protected by Archangel Gabriel.
  • All professions related to creativity will be brought material well-being and a successful career will be made by the Mother of God of the Blessed Sky.

Can it be used as a gift?

You must purchase the watch yourself, and not receive it as a gift. This postulate is still indisputable for the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. Any chronometer is considered a humiliating gift for the Chinese, especially for the older generation.

The sign of “giving a wristwatch” is considered bad by many other nations, but modern Europeans are less picky about gifts, so the coveted wrist, wall or floor watches received as a gift are not regarded as some kind of warning. Superstitious people can “buy off” evil fate by giving a small coin for a gift.

Answers on questions

Is it possible to take icons from the house of the deceased? Yes, you can! Place them side by side in your shrine. They should not be left in a collapsing house. Most often they are inherited.

The icon fell, what is it for? The Church does not recognize any superstitions. Strengthen it and don't think about anything. It was just poorly staged. Pick her up, kiss her, say a prayer, ask for forgiveness.

If images begin to fall very often, then invite a priest to consecrate your house.

Signs and superstitions associated with the plant

The following signs and superstitions are associated with “Women’s Happiness”::

  • If a young man gives his chosen one a spathiphyllum, and it quickly withers (even with good care), then these two will not be together.
  • If a blooming flower visually resembles a rounded tummy, then the owner of the flower should expect an early pregnancy.
  • When several buds bloom at the same time, this promises happiness and health for all household members.
  • If you plant a flower in the house where a married couple lives, the relationship between the spouses will become stronger and more harmonious (without quarrels and minor conflicts).

Spathiphyllum or “Women's Happiness” is a flower designed to give harmony and improve relationships between loved ones. However, a lot depends on what part of the house the plant is located in. It can be placed in any Bagua zone, depending on the needs of the owner and personal preferences/aspirations. The main thing is to provide the flower with proper care and attention, not forgetting about regular watering and fertilizing. Then spathiphyllum will delight household members with lush blooms and a charming atmosphere of happiness and comfort in the home for many years to come.

Where you can't make a shrine

Where should you not hang icons?

  1. Cannot be kept in the toilet or bathroom.
  2. Do not place it near any electronic equipment. These items will distract you from prayer, even when turned off.
  3. It is not recommended to place the goddess near the dressing table, or where there are toys, figurines, or non-ecclesiastical books.
  4. There should be no paintings near the shrine, even those with religious content, as well as posters with famous personalities.
  5. You can place them in the upper niches of furniture, but you cannot place souvenirs and photographs next to them.
  6. If you place it on the walls, then there should be nothing on them except images.

Dear friends, you must remember that without icons, home and family are not protected! You have learned what icons should be in the house, use your knowledge to protect your loved ones from misfortunes and illnesses!

Rules for caring for a family iconostasis

Always wipe off dust thoroughly and pick up cobwebs. In the red corner there should always be “red”, that is, beautiful, and this also means “clean”.

Do not hang icons in rooms with high humidity or very hot conditions. Here, the paint on the images can quickly crack and fade. A battery and a window are not the best neighbors for the red corner. Also, do not allow direct sunlight to illuminate the icons all day.

Even if, according to tradition, they need to be hung in the most illuminated place of the hut, no one has yet canceled the curtains on the windows (and embroidered towels are hung on icons for a reason).

Many people like to decorate icons with napkins and fresh (dried, artificial) flowers. But if you light a lamp near the images, all flammable objects should be removed.

Where to put a humidifier in a room

An air humidifier is a device that helps maintain optimal humidity in rooms, which is beneficial for human health. However, the efficiency of its operation directly depends on operating conditions.

General rules:

  • The device must be placed on a flat surface. Even with a slight tilt, it can perform its functions worse, and in an unstable position it is easy to tip over.
  • The device must be positioned at least 50 cm from the floor. It is best if it is separated from the floor by 1 m (except for special floor models). In this position, the steam emitted by it is dispersed in the air quite high and, falling down, moisturizes more evenly.
  • The distance between the device and walls or other vertical surfaces should be more than 30 cm. This will prevent white “fog” from settling on furniture and walls.
  • The stream of steam emitted by the device should be directed towards the center of the room. If it is directed at books, upholstered furniture, TV or other equipment, at best, stains may form on them, and at worst, your property will be damaged. Even using distilled, filtered or boiled water does not solve this problem.
  • The device should not be located near heating devices or a breather. The former increase the air temperature and reduce its humidity, while the latter increases the formation of condensation. Even if these devices are in the room, they must be at least 30 cm away from the humidifier.
  • The device that humidifies the air should be out of sight of children and animals. It is safe for both equipment and family members.

As a rule, an air humidifier is used in residential and domestic premises with an area of ​​20-50 square meters. m. Accordingly, the larger the area, the larger the volume of the device should be. If in a small bedroom you can limit yourself to a device with a capacity of 500 ml, in a spacious living room it is recommended to use a model with a capacity of 90 liters.

Fill the tank with boiled, distilled or filtered water. If your device has an air purifying function, change the filters and attachments regularly.

Choosing a room to install a humidifier

Having figured out how to install a humidifier, proceed to choosing a suitable room for it.

Humidifier in the kitchen

This installation method is suitable if the room area is at least 20 square meters. m. The same situation applies if the kitchen is used for temporary care of seedlings. In this case, the device is placed on the windowsill, since plants already increase indoor air humidity.

In spacious kitchen-dining rooms, it is better to place the humidifier away from the sink and stove, preferably against the wall. The recommendation is also relevant for studio apartments in which the kitchen is combined with the living area.

Installing the appliance in a small kitchen may increase air humidity. This can lead to mold starting to appear in the corners, and parquet floors and kitchen facades starting to swell.

Humidifier in the living room

Usually the living room is the largest room in terms of area. In addition, this is where all family members most often gather. When installing a humidifier in it, the usual rules apply:

  • A high-performance floor humidifier is installed on a flat, moisture-resistant surface covered with tiles or linoleum. In case of improper use or breakdown, liquid may accumulate underneath it, which can ruin the floor covering.
  • Mobile units are installed on window sills, coffee tables, shelves or cabinets. In this case, it is advisable to place it so that the flow of steam is directed to the center of the room, and not to the furniture. Otherwise, surfaces may suffer from excessive moisture, and when using tap or boiled water, a white “fog” will settle on them.

By choosing the right place, you can create a microclimate in one of the most spacious and well-heated rooms that is suitable for all family members.

Humidifier in the bedroom or children's room

A person spends a significant part of the day in the bedroom. The same goes for the nursery, where the child not only sleeps, but also plays, reads, and does homework. In these rooms, the use of a humidifier is especially important. It will make dry air more humidified, creating a comfortable microclimate for sleep and recuperation.

To achieve the effect of using a humidifier, observe the following conditions:

  • Install the device away from your sleeping area.
  • Choose a device that is not too noisy or has a night mode.

For a young child’s room, you can choose a model in an unusual color or fancy design. It is important that the device is kept out of its reach. Some devices are equipped with multi-colored backlighting, so they can serve as a night light.

Humidifier in an office or student's room

These rooms are intended for work and study. They are equipped with bookcases, shelves and racks on which books, educational materials, computers and office equipment are stored. Therefore, it is important to monitor humidity parameters here. It should not be high, as this will disrupt the operation of computer equipment and lead to swelling of shelves and paper materials.

If the child not only does homework in the room, but also sleeps, you can install a small air humidifier. It is important that it does not stand on a desk or computer desk. It is better to install it away from the bed in the farthest corner or against the wall.

Humidifier in a winter garden or greenhouse

A device that will be placed in a room with a large number of plants must be chosen especially carefully. It is recommended to abandon the ultrasonic device in favor of the steam model. When installing it on a loggia, in a greenhouse or winter garden, think about the arrangement of plants. Moisture-loving plants should be closest to the humidifier; the rest can be placed around the room. The leaves of some types of indoor plants are not allowed to remain wet for long periods of time. To maintain the microclimate in this case, it is better to use adjustable models.

If a humidifier is installed in a greenhouse or winter garden, you also need to take care of ventilation. In rooms where the air is constantly humid and heavy, plants can begin to rot. This is especially true for small, poorly ventilated balconies.

Rooms that do not require a humidifier

Not all rooms need to constantly monitor air humidity. These include a bathroom, hallway, corridor. In toilets, bathrooms and combined bathrooms, the air is already quite humid. It is more important to consider the ventilation system in them. Hallways and corridors communicate with neighboring rooms, which allows them to maintain an optimal microclimate. In addition, with a small area, a household appliance will clutter them.

Dressing rooms deserve special attention. The air in them should also not be very humid. This can damage the structure of clothing made from natural fabrics, wool or fur.

Having decided which room needs humidification the most, you can easily select the appropriate humidifier and be able to ensure its long and effective operation.

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