Artificial flowers at home: a bad omen or a baseless superstition

» Feng Shui » Flower arrangement according to Feng Shui



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Feng Shui helps to achieve complete harmony with the surrounding world, in particular with nature. Also, the practice of Feng Shui helps a person to activate all the forces of space, which will help change life for the better. What do living or non-living flowers mean according to Feng Shui and what is their purpose?

Feng Shui flower arrangement

Balance of feminine and masculine

An ancient Eastern Chinese practice claims that living plants in the house have powerful energy. They are aimed at improving the life of the owner and helping to achieve well-being, so they must be used in the interior of the apartment.

If you decide to install indoor Feng Shui flowers in your home, then you need to know about each of the plants.

If you choose a flower with sharp leaves and a variegated color, then it will always carry the energy of the Yin principle. Soft, smooth and pastel-colored leaves are present in flowers that have a Yang origin.

Masculine flowers always try to grow taller. That is, their main stem will be directed upward. Plants with a feminine principle always gain size in the horizontal plane and only permanently set lateral leaves.

Begonia: the flower of businessmen and lovers

Begonia received its name in the 17th century in honor of the botanist who studied it. His name was M. Begon. There are more than 400 species of this plant, but three are the most popular. Let's consider the meaning of each type of begonia according to Feng Shui.

Royal begonia

Evergreen bushes with beautiful flowers. They should be placed on the northern windows of those houses that are famous for their hospitality. Begonia is a natural energy filter - no matter what your guests come with, the plant will pass all the energy through itself and give out only positive energy. That is why it is very good for living rooms.

It should also be noted that begonia helps to speed up the pace of your life, and all this will look very harmonious. It also simply needs to be placed in a house where people suffer from frequent bronchitis or simply have a heavy smoker.

Begonia everblooming

A more capricious plant, but very beautiful. This type of begonia should be placed in a house where melancholic or very sentimental people live. Its energy helps control emotions and prevents the progression of depression. If there are troubles or a dark streak in your life, try telling all this to a flower. You will immediately feel relief.

This type is well suited for offices, developing intuition and sensitivity. Such begonia can help overcome indecision and confusion in words at the right moment, as well as the fear of beginning (no matter what - business, recognition, etc.).

Tuberous begonia

Flower of harmony and peace. If installed indoors, it will promote reconciliation, especially among spouses, as well as reduce conflicts between children and parents. It is this type of begonia that can be found among psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. With its help you can get answers to difficult questions or relieve mental stress.

Where to place begonia

This flower should not be placed next to cacti or other similar indoor flowers. Also make sure that the begonia does not stand in a straight line between the doors or window, as it will not have the effect for which it was purchased.

It is advisable to plant a plant with pink, orange and red flowers in one large pot. This will help activate feelings and improve sex life.

How to care for begonia

Although royal begonia is a moisture-loving plant, it cannot be sprayed, as moisture leaves spots on the leaves of the flower that look like burns. She also does not like dark rooms. If you decide to purchase an everflowering begonia, then it needs to create a humid tropical jungle climate.

Tuberous begonia is the most capricious. It should be watered at the same time, but not too wet. It is advisable to keep it in semi-darkness; there should be no drafts in the room, but it should be regularly ventilated.

The influence of colors

In order to most effectively improve your own life and attract certain life events into it, it is important to find out how certain flowers will influence you:

  1. Tulips are considered to be symbols of happiness and success. In European countries they are associated with Women's Day. They have a positive effect on feminine energy. In China or Japan, gifted tulips have a slightly different meaning. If you give them to a person, it means wishing him quick wealth. It is recommended to place such living plants in the south-eastern part of the house. This will improve family relationships.
  2. Geranium. It is often used to get rid of tense situations and bring more positivity and humor into your life. It should be placed in the southern part of the room.
  3. Azalea. This flower influences a person's determination. If you don't have the courage to do something, place an azalea in your home. In just a few days you will notice its positive impact.
  4. Fern has a positive effect on the pessimistic inclinations of its owner. If he is present in your home, then you will never again go to extremes and feel negativity in your soul.
  5. Ivy is characterized by the fact that it destroys all negative energy from the house.
  6. Munstera helps you gather your thoughts and perform those actions that previously seemed impossible.
  7. Orchid is often used to destroy negative thoughts. That is, if you often suffer from depressive tendencies, then this flower will help get rid of them. The ideal place for her is the living room.
  8. Dracaena is used to bring optimistic thoughts into your life and never think about bad things again.
  9. Calla helps improve health. Quite often they try to keep her near a sick person. As a rule, after a few days his health improves and he gets better.
  10. Peach flowers are the best helpers in establishing connections between spouses. It is believed that they can even help get rid of disputes and contradictions.
  11. Guzmania helps to attract romance into the life of a spouse or couple.
  12. Lotus flowers help improve health, so they should be placed in a special health sector. The lotus is also a symbol of longevity.
  13. Poppies are used to improve relationships between lovers. According to Feng Shui experts, if you place a poppy next to your bed, your intimate life will improve. Poppy can also help improve mental work.
  14. Wet Vanka, in other words balsam, has significant significance in a person’s life. It is used to attract joy into the home and is also called a symbol of wealth, so it is recommended to keep Vanka near the toilet to attract profit.

Many people believe that according to Feng Shui, flowers for home well-being can be artificial. They influence a person as positively as living ones. It is better to have permanent beautiful artificial bouquets than limp, but alive ones.

Is it possible to neutralize the effects of bad omens?

The effect of some bad omens can be reduced to zero with the help of artificial flowers. For example, with frequent scandals in the house, disagreements, quarrels, living flowers quickly fade, and artificial plants will absorb all the negative energy and reduce tension.

In order for happiness to come to the family, you need to periodically remove dust from them, thereby removing negative energy.

Where should dead flowers stand?

To prevent artificial flowers from taking energy away from a person, you need to know where to put them.

For artificial flowers to bring happiness to your home, you need to know where to place them

They are placed:

  • In the kitchen. It is the best place for flowers made from artificial materials.
  • In the bathroom. Water has a beneficial effect on energy, and bad omens associated with such colors are not relevant in bathrooms. Here you can place plastic, fabric, ceramic flowers, flower-shaped soap.
  • In the living room. Originally made flowers from lye or other materials will look beautiful in it.
  • In the hall. Artificial reeds opposite the entrance doors will rid the house of the negative energy of visitors.

The teachings of Feng Shui do not prevent the placement of non-living plants in the bedroom.


Every flower has its place

Cactus is recommended for use by those people who work in the field of education or engineering, because this flower helps to collect thoughts and improve logical thinking. It is recommended to place it in a place located in the northern part of the room.

If you are an emotional person who cannot cope with your emotions, then place a cactus near your bed. In just a few days you will be able to see a positive result. But feng shui experts advise not to get carried away with such plants. A large number of cacti in the house can negatively affect the number of your friends.

Geranium: flower of energetic harmony

Pelargonium (most often this plant is called geranium) is not a demanding, but very useful indoor flower. It has unique properties, producing substances that protect against malignant tumors in the body.

The energetic properties of geranium are quite powerful. The plant can give a person vigor and give him strength in times of need. You just need to sit next to him for a little while. Also, in the case of strong negative emotions, geranium helps to soften them and restore harmony, both with oneself and between people.

Pelargonium can prevent the onset of the disease, you just need to pay attention to it. If it blooms strongly and luxuriantly, then someone in your household is releasing negative energy, which it absorbs. Take a closer look at your family.

Where to place pelargonium according to Feng Shui

But according to Feng Shui, geraniums should be placed in the southeastern sector of the apartment or garden. This way she can help her owners in life. If you are the owner of a private house, then plant the plant near the main entrance on both sides. This way it will prevent negative energy from entering the house.

It is not recommended to place it close to the bed, as geranium has a strong smell of essential oils (to avoid allergic reactions)

Chinese rose

The Chinese rose should be used by those people who work in the creative field. It helps overcome outbursts of aggression and laziness. It is also believed to help you tune into your work process and increase your intuition. As a result, your productivity will increase several times and you will achieve prosperity faster.

The ideal place for it is in the office or in the southern part of the office. But a pomegranate tree should be bought by spouses who have been together for many years. This tree will help you improve your intimate life and add spark to your relationship. Quite often girls use it to attract love into their lives. You need to keep it near the bed.

Is it possible to store dry roses at home?

Roses fill the house not only with aroma, but also with positive energy until it fades. A dried rose should be thrown away immediately before it becomes a source of negativity. And replace it with a fresh one.

If you carry dried red rose petals in a fabric bag, you can attract love luck into your life. White petals bring happiness in business, pink petals in friendship. And yellow petals mean a speedy recovery.

Keeping a dry rose from a loved one means a quick quarrel and breakup.

Withered roses in rotten water in a vase attract negativity.

Money Tree

The money tree has a positive effect on the financial side of life and helps you become rich. To enhance the effect, you need to hang red ribbons on all the branches and put a few coins of your country under the pot. Chamomiles are of significant importance in a person’s life, because they can bring well-being to the home atmosphere and help a person find true love.

It is better to place it in the western part of the house. Or where many people often gather.

Is it possible to store dried flowers at home?

Our ancestors decorated the red corner of the hut and the space around the icons with bundles and bunches of dry herbs and flowers. This was done for the following reasons:

  • This is how the red corner of the hut where the icons stood was decorated;
  • Aromatic herbs, even in dried form, improved the air in the room.

Dried medicinal herbs, such as oregano, lavender, thyme, wormwood, tansy, can and even should be placed in the house now. They fill the air not only with a pleasant aroma, but also inhibit the development and reproduction of pathogenic microbes.

There are also bad omens associated with dried flowers. They explain why you should not store dried flowers at home. It is believed that dried flowers in the house provoke illness, misfortune, betrayal, separation and even death. However, it is worth considering that this ban applies only to withered buds and inflorescences in a bouquet.

Expert advice

  1. You should never put flowers in the bedroom. It is believed that they enhance the energy of the beginning of Yang, which will negatively affect the family and intimate relationships of the couple. As a result, the feeling of love will gradually fade away.
  2. As soon as the plant begins to wither or dry out, it should be immediately taken outside the house. Otherwise, it will constantly absorb the positive energy of the room, which was addressed to you.
  3. Never place flowers on the floor. It's better to use regular stands or place them on cabinet shelves. By doing this you will only strengthen their powerful positive energy. Plants in pots do not need to be placed near the bed, because rotting processes are constantly occurring in the soil. They are the ones who can negatively affect your life.

Pros and cons of artificial flowers

Those who like to use artificial flowers to decorate their interiors will tell you that such flowers require virtually no care: they do not need to be watered, loosened the soil in the pot, or fertilized. In any city there is always a store with a wide range of fake, but very beautiful plants.

Large and small, bright and discreet shades, any composition for the most demanding customers. Artificial flowers do not require a special place; they can be placed anywhere.

Artificial flowers do not emit freshness and a pleasant aroma; the synthetic fabric of such plants will fade over time, become ugly and not very clean. Many of the materials from which they are made contain unsafe chemical dyes that will harm the health of both allergy sufferers and healthy people.

What opinion you will adhere to is up to you to decide!

What do flowers symbolize in the life of an ordinary person?

People attach great importance to indoor flowers. Plants fill the room with oxygen and living energy, making the house cozy and attractive.

Housewives usually select flowers so that they match the color scheme of the interior and have a pleasant smell. Also, flower lovers often pay attention to the influence of indoor plants.

So, according to some people, the money tree brings wealth, geranium protects against diseases, and blooming cyclamen helps get rid of nightmares. The red rose is considered a symbol of love, and the cactus signifies patience and constancy.

However, there are different interpretations of plants for the home in the world. They differ depending on the cultural and religious beliefs of a person, his place of residence and his nationality.

Let's sum it up

Thus, artificial flowers can add charm and zest to any room. Therefore, it is not in vain that designers and decorators use them when implementing professional projects. And if household members are not superstitious, then compositions made from artificial materials can be safely used at home as an alternative to potted plants and to create a cozy interior.

Each person must decide for himself how to relate to signs, and whether it is worth keeping artificial flowers at home. We cannot ignore the fact that such plants are dust collectors, and, therefore, a potential source of allergy development. And even the low-quality composition of the raw materials from which artificial flowers are made can cause harm to health.

We draw the following conclusion: now, knowing about these signs, everyone must decide individually for themselves whether they need to keep artificial flowers at home or should refrain from such decor.

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