Kalanchoe - the most common signs and superstitions for the home

Flower meaning

The plant symbolizes peace of mind, harmony and concentration. Sorcerers and witches prepared protective infusions with the juice of the plant, and healers used it for medicinal purposes. The flower absorbs a person’s frustrations and pain and bestows happiness and well-being.

Kalanchoe is a talisman against troubles, evil and magical influences. Resists damage, love spells, slander. But a home flower is not able to resist poisonous infusions brewed from another similar plant. If a charmed Kalanchoe appears in the house, the second one will not be able to absorb the negative impact.

According to signs, you cannot give this flower to a family where a wedding has recently ended or a baby has been born.

This can harm the newlyweds or the baby, and bring misfortune. But for a family with an older child, such a plant will come in handy.

Health effects

The succulent has healing properties. Its juice has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and regenerating effects. How to use it:

  • juice from the leaves is used to lubricate gums for gingivitis;
  • nose drops for sinusitis;
  • treat cracked nipples in nursing mothers;
  • the tincture is used to gargle for sore throat;
  • apply applications with flower juice to wounds and bedsores.

Kalanchoe-based ointments are widely used in dermatology. They treat acne, boils, psoriasis and other skin diseases. In gynecology, diluted succulent juice is used for douching for erosions.

Can I keep it at home?

According to signs, Kalanchoe means wealth, luck and prosperity. The flower has healing and magical properties. Esotericists recommend placing it in a house where there are sick or very old people. The plant improves their condition, gives strength and energy.

Superstitious people do not advise newlyweds to have this flower. This will lead to trivial quarrels, minor misunderstandings that will accumulate and can develop into a major conflict. There is a superstition that Kalanchoe is an unwanted “guest” in a house where a child has recently been born. If you believe the signs, the flower slows down the baby’s development and complicates care and upbringing, although there are no objective reasons for this.

The energy of Kalanchoe can influence the internal state. Next to the plant, cleansing occurs from negativity, feelings of guilt and loss. A brawler finds peace of mind, a nervous person feels calm, and an upset or tired person receives an influx of vital energy. Therefore, a pot of bright exotic fruit from Madagascar will be useful in the home of a person suffering from depression.

The plant is completely safe for people, but can harm pets and small children. The juice contains substances that, if ingested, can cause poisoning. It is necessary to limit children and pets' access to the flower so that they cannot taste it.

Reasons for lack of flowering and other problems during cultivation

Winter waterlogging of the soil often causes rot to damage the plant, so you need to follow the watering regime during the dormant stage and carry out preventive treatments with fungicides.

Of the pests, mealybugs, which are located on foliage and stems, are especially dangerous. To combat, mechanical cleaning of the aerial parts with alcohol tincture of garlic or calendula is used. Quite often, beginning gardeners are faced with a lack of flowering. The reason for this situation is a violation of care, as well as a lack of sunlight and incorrect temperature conditions.

Feng Shui meaning

The plant represents the element of fire. It is best to place it on a windowsill on the south side. A light-loving flower, saturated with the energy of the sun, minimizes conflicts, enhances concentration and increases performance. It will give off heat and absorb negativity.

According to Feng Shui, one plant in an apartment is not enough; it is advisable to place a bush in each room.

Kalanchoe is useful for the home and its inhabitants. According to signs, it gives energy and charges the atmosphere in the room. A tired body receives an influx of strength and recovers faster if a person sits next to a plant for a while.

Proponents of Feng Shui philosophy offer three options for placing a flower:

  • the far left corner of the home - to attract abundance, prosperity and financial success;
  • the southern part of the room is for replenishing energy, safely relieving negativity and combating stress;
  • on the desktop to the left of the monitor - to restore strength and vigor, increase productivity.

Esotericists advise placing the plant in a room with a sick person. It will purify the air, give strength and help not to lose heart.

Kalanchoe: signs and superstitions among the people

The plant absorbs negative energy when intentionally influenced by the owner. According to superstitions, witches often grow Kalanchoe. For this reason, you should not swear or complain about life next to a flowering bush. It will store accumulated negativity, which can have a bad effect on both the appearance of the plant and the condition of the owner.

In addition to “dark” emotions, the flower also collects good ones: it concentrates favorable energy and generously shares it with the residents of the apartment. Attracts welcome guests to the home and repels unwanted ones. Signs and superstitions about Kalanchoe operate from the first touch of the owner to the flower.

The plant cleanses the aura and frees space from heavy energy.

A flowering bush brings peace and improves relationships even between irreconcilable enemies.

For harmony in the family

Family protection is the main mystical property of Kalanchoe. If the flower withered, died or became ill, it means that it received a magical blow directed against the owner. The plant absorbs:

  • love spell;
  • damage;
  • crown of celibacy;
  • serious illnesses.

If a family gets a Kalanchoe, it is fortunate. A pregnant girl should carefully care for the flower. According to legend, the more time she spends next to a flowering bush, the better her mood will be. Nausea and mood swings will disappear.

Protection from negativity

In the case of directed negativity, the plant will take the blow on itself, protecting the owner. To clean the house, you need to water the Kalanchoe with water that has been left in the room for at least a day.

If tension is felt in the air, then it is recommended to move the pot with the bush to the “problem” room or place. According to signs, this will help clear the space.

To make a strong protective amulet, pour a dried Kalanchoe flower with epoxy resin and thread a charmed rubber thread. This is how one gets one of the most powerful amulets against the evil eye, damage and love spells.

From diseases

The plant is used in the treatment of colds, viral and respiratory diseases. Tinctures, compresses and drops are prepared from the juice and leaves. But even without direct interaction, Kalanchoe eliminates harm caused to the owner by other people.

The main thing is that the plant is purchased and not given as a gift. According to legend, you cannot accept Kalanchoe as a gift; it is “bought back” for a coin.

The pot is placed by the patient's bed and watered as needed. The soil should not be allowed to dry out. The plant promotes speedy recovery, gives strength and energy. Within a couple of days the condition will improve.

Kalanchoe is a symbol of healing and vitality.

Flower as a spoilage detector

By the appearance of the plant you can understand whether there is a negative magical effect on the residents of the apartment:

  • Kalanchoe is actively growing, blooming, and is not susceptible to disease or drying out, which means that a favorable atmosphere and peace reign in the house, all residents and family members are safe.
  • The bush has dried up, died, gotten sick, or withered in a matter of days—damage has been caused to the premises or a family member. Kalanchoe, thanks to its magical properties, took on a negative effect on itself.

The dead plant is immediately taken out of the room and thrown away, preferably along with the pot. The soil should also be thrown away, as it accumulates negativity from the leaves and roots.

For children

The flower is useful because it actively cleanses space. The child's mood improves. Efficiency and diligence increase, and the desire to learn appears.

The benefits of Kalanchoe in a children's room are obvious - the child is not lazy, he gets more done. If the flower has withered, it means it’s time to take care of the prevention of colds and vaccinations. A flowering plant predicts success in school and future profession for a child.

Magical properties and how to make a talisman

The effect of the succulent is noticeable if there are a lot of irritated, negative people in the room. The plant neutralizes aggression. When you are near him, disputes and scandals stop on their own.

Kalanchoe prevents the performance of magical rituals to induce damage, the evil eye, or a love spell. It preserves good luck and prevents negative energy from filling the space. If the room is already “infected”, the succulent will clean it.

The flowers of this plant can be used to make an effective amulet. To do this, it must be dried and filled with epoxy resin. The amulet is worn on a rubber thread under clothing. Precious stones or metals cannot be added. Some of the magical properties are lost from this.

Kalanchoe has bloomed - a sign that brings happiness to the house

The interpretation of superstitions about flowering Kalanchoe depends on where the pot with the bush is located:

  • If it blooms on the windowsill, it means that great happiness will soon come to the house, an event will occur that will leave behind many pleasant memories.
  • Flowers appear in the kitchen - wealth and financial flows will increase. This is a signal that it is time to move up the career ladder.
  • Kalanchoe blooms in the newlyweds' room - according to signs, this means an imminent pregnancy.
  • Near the place where a pregnant woman often sits - to a quick birth without complications and the appearance of a healthy baby.
  • In a child’s room - to a glorious future, success in professional activity.
  • Next to a sick person - to recovery, receiving help from doctors.
  • In the hallway - it’s time to prepare for the visit of long-awaited guests who will change their usual way of life.
  • A blooming Kalanchoe on the desktop symbolizes the correctly chosen path and field of activity.

What is Kalanchoe blooming, what it looks like, how it blooms: description

flowering Kalanchoe in pots
Kalanchoe in our latitudes are hybrids of plants from Madagascar. It belongs to the succulent family Crassulaceae. In total, more than 200 of its species are known.

Flowering Kalanchoe has gained maximum distribution and popularity in varieties such as:

  • Blossfeld
  • pinnate
  • Daigremont
  • single-flowered

External parameters of the plant:

  • low up to 30 cm
  • the leaves are large, fleshy, elastic, oval in shape with a serrated edge
  • flowers are small, connected in inflorescences
  • flower shape - tube with 4 petals
  • during the flowering period, cover the surface of the plant with a dense carpet
  • range - from white to rich red

Signs about plant diseases

During illness, Kalanchoe is used as a supporting and strengthening agent. The juice is diluted with water, gargled or dripped into the nose with a pipette.

If the plant itself is sick, it means there is no order and peace in the house.

There are specific reasons why Kalanchoe could dry out:

  • cheating spouse;
  • negative magical effects;
  • severe depression;
  • an incurable illness in a household member that has not been diagnosed.

The reasons can be much more prosaic - insufficient watering, too poor soil in the pot, shady side, harmful insects, damage to the rhizome. First, you should pay attention to the natural causes of wilting or drying out.

Kalanchoe - the personification of spiritual comfort

The literal translation of the name of a succulent from Chinese is what falls, grows. This indicates the extraordinary resilience of the plant. In its homeland, it can be found in the rocky desert and on rocks; it does not require fertile soil and easily tolerates drought and temperature changes.


In Madagascar, Kalanchoe is given as a gift to people who want to achieve their goal at any cost in order to increase strength and stamina.

According to Eastern sages, the meaning of a flower in the house is that it helps to concentrate attention on the main problem. Thanks to him, all household members will improve relationships with others, achieve mutual understanding, gain peace of mind and become more balanced.

Superstitions for women

Kalanchoe in the house symbolizes well-being for a woman, preserves her health and emotional peace. The plant helps to concentrate on the good, relieves thoughts about the burden of everyday life, and supports the tender feelings of the spouse for the woman.

It is useful for a young girl to keep Kalanchoe in her room. According to signs, it will protect her from evil tongues, gossip and love spells, ward off unwanted suitors and attract a worthy man.

If a pregnant girl grows Kalanchoe and transplants the shoots, this means a happy pregnancy and a successful birth. For an unmarried lady, this same sign predicts an early marriage and addition to the family.

Kalanchoe is a powerful magical plant, unpretentious in care and maintenance. It will protect the family from troubles, maintain peace and harmony. A beautiful flowering bush will become a reliable home talisman.

Features of care

When growing Kalanchoe at home, it is very important to follow all the rules of care. Otherwise, the bush will become weak and may die.


Kalanchoe should be watered sparingly. The succulent does not tolerate overwatering well.

Watering frequency is no more than once every 5-6 days. However, you need to make sure that the lump of soil does not dry out too much, otherwise it may harm the sensitive roots.

In summer, the succulent needs regular spraying with warm water. However, the procedure should be carried out carefully so as not to harm the buds.


For abundant flowering it needs good, regular feeding. For Kalanchoe you need to use complex substances.

Fertilizing is applied every 2 weeks. In winter, from December to February, fertilizing is not carried out.


To ensure that Kalanchoe regularly pleases with its appearance, it is transplanted into a new container once a year.

To do this, you need to properly prepare the nutrient mixture by mixing in equal proportions:

  • turf;
  • humus;
  • coarse sand.

All components are roasted in an oven at a temperature of 70 degrees and only after that are used to transplant the succulent. The container for Kalanchoe is selected a few cm larger than the previous one.

It also shows good growth performance in commercial succulent substrate and most common flower soil.

At the time of replanting, it is a good idea to propagate immediately. In order to get new indoor flowers, faded shoots are cut.

Roots appear very quickly if you use Kornevin. New seedlings must be watered every 3 days, and care must be taken to prevent root rot.

More about caring for Kalanchoe at home

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