Viktor Yanukovych Jr. - duplicate, karma or accident?

Hmm, it’s a little strange that I have a tendency to describe the fate of people after their death, but this is the reality

Too many deaths lately

But, again, this is a good example for beginners in Bazi, looking at the cards, you can clearly see why certain events occur

Today we will talk about the son of the ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych Jr.

His date of birth is July 16, 1981

A little about the Lord of the Day - flexible, tactful and diplomatic when necessary, highly dependent on the environment, react strongly to it, self-esteem depends on others, travel favorably. Must use friends and connections to survive

The card is weak - Wood and Water are accordingly useful

Pillars of Luck – Metal on Wood

We get:

1. Collision of the Pillar of Luck with the Yearly Pillar of Victor - this period is listed as a Treacherous Clash - loss of trust in the circle of friends, relatives, backstabbing, metal damage, danger from impact, physical accidents that damage the neck, spine

2. Vertical of the Pillar of Luck - Metal cuts Wood - the same description

3. Metal in the NS of the Pillar of Luck cuts down the Tree in the month and the Lord of the Day - the description is the same

What we get is duplicated Metal-Wood 3 times

Apparently that’s why he changed his last name, but during this period he needed to drive the car very carefully (he loved cars, was an avid racer, master of sports in the “Motorsport” category)

That's not all, let's look at the date of death: March 20, 2015 at 19.00

What do we see?!

In the date of death there is a duplicate - the Yin Tree on the Goat - the year and day

Let's look at the map of Viktor Yanukovych Jr. - Day Pillar - Yin Tree on a Goat, Monthly Pillar - Yin Tree on a Goat - this is called a Duplicate

The same pillar is repeated four times, as a rule, a duplicate does not give anything good, and it is said that if a duplicate comes, then one person must leave and usually at this time they get a cat or a dog.

Plus in the date the destruction of the Earthly Branches is a direct immediate danger

It would seem that Wood is a useful element, but as I said before, an excess of even useful elements is unfavorable. A lot of Trees - a lot of friends, there were 6 of them in the car, the destruction of earthly branches - I think his friends encouraged him to go to Lake Baikal

And the result is death. Was it possible to avoid death?! I think this is a rhetorical question, there were too many collisions, perhaps during this period, if he had been more careful, he could have damaged his spine, but all this remains behind the scenes...

I think this is not an accident. His father brought too much evil - apparently this is retribution for the sins of the father, as a rule, children suffer

But it is still not completely clear whether it was Viktor Yanukovych Jr. who died?! Or did someone realize an event that was supposed to happen and deceive Fate?! Because Bazi card is only 1/3 luck. Looking at the Oracle of Qi Men Dong Jia, the card showed life. Therefore, I think all this talk about the figurehead during the fall of the car is apparently not in vain.

After all, the Bazi map must be looked at before the tragic events. It is good to know your Useful Elements, Useful Deity, Map Structure, Noble People, dangerous periods in life, Collisions, Punishments and much more, and then you will know in what period of time to be careful, when you need to be punctual, when you can take a step forward and declare yourself, etc.

Take care of your family and friends! Be kinder and more tolerant of each other!

Go through life with positivity!

Enjoy good luck with Feng Shui!

Love, Peaceful Sky, Goodness, Prosperity and Favorable Feng Shui to you!

(1) The art of Bazi is based on the old concept of fate and the theory of the five elements of Yin and Yang.

The old view of fate is that at the moment a person is born, his fate is already predetermined - good or bad, noble or base. It is always difficult to break out of the fixed pattern of life and all life activities are carried out within a fixed number until the end of life.

We recognize that man has his own destiny. At first glance, fate is inevitably caused by human action, subject to the dual constraints of natural and social laws that are established and objective. In reality, fate is the result of the accumulation and action of karma from past lives, and this is what is meant by “fate itself.” Rather than being an elusive and mysterious force, fate is an objective force that can be described and analyzed, with innate and acquired elements. Although the power of fate is enormous, even so enormous that it is beyond the control of man, it is at the same time recognizable and can be predicted by certain means. Therefore, as long as each of us believes in karma, acknowledges past lives and future lives, and then strengthens our own cultivation and struggle, our destiny can be changed within certain limits, and sometimes even reversed. This is the truth of the saying “seek your own destiny”!

Determining the hour of birth of a man who has two children

In 1978, an earthen Horse man born on 04/21/1957 was in the Tiger period. It looks like he could have gotten married during this period, because his personality element is water, and his wife’s element is fire, fueled by wood. In 1979, the earthen Goat exhibited the same tact of the Tiger. But here marriage is already unlikely for a man with the personality element water. After all, his wife is fire, suppressed by the earth.

Pillars of the destiny of a man born on 04/21/1957

In 2015 of the wooden Goat, this man was in the earth's tact on the Dog, which was not exactly conducive to marriage. If we assume that Jeanne’s husband was born on April 20, 1957, then the result will be the same. That is, this information will not help determine the hour of birth of the husband of the woman who requested a free consultation using Ba Tzu.

Pillars of the destiny of a man born on April 20, 1957

For a man with the personality element, children represent the element that destroys his personality. In this case it is land. A man born on April 20, 1957, was in the Tiger period in 1980 of the metal Monkey. The energy of this period is not conducive to the birth of children. And in 1984, the wooden Rat, Zhanna’s husband was in the period of water on the Bull. The land of the Bull is able to support the land of his children. And so his second son was born. In the case of the date of birth 04/21/1957 the result is the same. Here again there is no clue to determine the hour of birth.

Pillars of luck for a man born on 04/21/1957

In 1989 Earth Snake, this man found work abroad. Then he was in the Ox period, if we analyze both dates of birth 04/20/1957 and 04/21/1957. Most likely, this man’s weak light of the Snake became the starting point for obtaining, as he then probably believed, a promising job. Fire is his money element. Therefore, in years, periods, months, days, hours and in the directions of fire, this man will experience financial success. He chose a “fiery” profession - electrical engineer. This means she is able to feed him.

Pillars of luck for a man born on April 20, 1957

For a person with the element of personality water, the Dog is the keeper of money. If Zhanna’s husband had been born on April 20, 1957, then he would have had a Dog in his pillars, and therefore money would not have flowed away from him until he looked for a new job. But he is spending the money he earns while looking for a new place. This is the main sign that helps determine the birthday of Zhanna’s husband - 04/21/1957.

Since this man, in theory, should not have had children, wives and money, then most likely, in his hour of birth there are elements that support the elements of children - earth, and wives and money - fire. Zhanna's husband has type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, and he also gets irritated over trifles. All this indicates the dominance of wood and flashes of fire. This information will help determine the hour of birth of this man.

The tree can be strengthened by water, which is sufficient in the chart of Jeanne’s husband and the tree, which is in the heavenly pillar of his month of birth and in the period of his birth. But in order for the dominance of the woody element to be observed, it must also be in the pillar of the hour. If it is the hour of the Tiger or the Rabbit, then two elements of wood are observed there. It would be worth assuming that Jeanne's husband was born in the hour of the Tiger. This animal creates a persistent tree with the Pig of its birthday.

To more accurately determine the hour of birth of this man, it is worth noting that it is easier for a person with the yin-water personality element to realize himself through the small tree - the energy of self-realization. But it’s difficult for him to do this through a large tree. That is why this man has interruptions in his work. Which confirms that he was born in the hour of the Tiger - Yang tree, and not in the hour of the Rabbit - Yin tree.

When wood energy meets metal energy, an energetic mechanism is formed in which rings of fire appear. That is, an active fire that can materialize into finances in the case of a man born on 04/21/1957. Yang Wood or Tiger is more flammable when in contact with metal than Yin Wood or Rabbit. This is another sign that allows you to determine the hour of birth of this man. Zhanna's husband was born at Tiger's two o'clock hour.

The Rooster metal is in the pillar of this man's year of birth. In 1989, he was in the tact of the Ox, which creates with the Rooster of his year of birth a strong metal capable of activating the strong tree of the pillars of destiny of this man, creating fire in the process. The key element in this case was the year of the Snake - an animal that represents for a person the element of water the opportunity to earn money. Therefore, Zhanna’s husband found a job in 1989.

When there is a lot of wood and the fire is active, earth can be created. It’s like a lot of branches in a fire, being struck by the fire, turning into ashes. This very land may represent children for Jeanne’s husband. In 1980, the metal Monkey tree, the energy tree of Zhanna’s wife, and the metal of the year formed a strong mechanism, creating fire. Because of this, the energy of his children increased - the land of the Dragon of his month of birth. Therefore, his first son was born.

Thus, it was possible to determine the hour of birth of Jeanne’s husband using Ba Tzu. He was born on 04/21/1957 during the two hours of the Tiger from 03:00 to 05:00.

Four pillars of the destiny of a man born on 04/21/1957 in the hour of the Tiger

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