“Abundance check” of the Universe: a sample check, how the technique works, important tips and recommendations

Do you need a certain amount of money to fulfill your desire?

Do you want to buy a new laptop, or go on a trip?

And I know how to get a certain amount of money.

Do you know what an abundance check is?

You can receive any amount of money by writing a check to yourself. The Bank of Abundance of the Universe is limitless and always works for you.

The topic of writing an abundance check became very interesting to me and I started looking for stories of people for whom this check worked. And, you know, on various forums I came across a lot of comments from people that the abundance check really works!

Important! People received exactly the amounts they wished for. For some it worked the first time, for others it took time. But they all used this guide >>> Here is a comment from a girl who was struck by how responsible the Universe is in its work to make our desires come true:

I have goosebumps from what happened today...

Two months ago I filled out an abundance check for 500 thousand for my expenses. I wrote everything down specifically and correctly on the check. But the money didn't come.

A month ago I once again filled out a new check for 300 thousand to cover the debt and today I began to be disappointed in the fulfillment of my desires.

I started to think that I couldn’t do it, and at the same moment my Aunt wrote to me saying that she wanted to add 800 thousand to me to buy a car!

I'm shocked!

Isn't it true that the Universe creates miracles?

Continuing the story about how people attract hidden amounts with the help of an abundance check, I can’t help but tell you an amazing story from the inimitable actor Jim Carrey.

Jim Carrey wrote a check to the universe's abundance

Few people know that this incredibly successful actor, who has over 40 films to his credit, grew up in a dysfunctional and poor family.

Read more about how Jim Carrey changed his life with the power of thought in my article How to make your deepest desire come true: Jim Carrey's recipe

As an unknown aspiring actor, Carrey wrote himself a check for $10 million for his acting services and gave himself three years to actually earn that amount.

Jim dated the check he wrote out to the Bank of Plenty in December 1995 and carried it with him in his wallet at all times. Just before the date indicated in it, Jim learned that he would receive $10 million for his work in the film “Dumb and Dumber.”

Incredible, isn't it?

The Abundance Check Story by Jack Canfield

I hope you have already watched the movie The Secret?

This film is simply a storehouse of knowledge and the power of thought.

Let me remind you of an interesting story from Jack Canfield, author of the book “Chicken Soup for the Soul,” which he told in this film:

My father had a very negative attitude, he believed that rich people robbed everyone else, that anyone who had money would certainly deceive someone. So I grew up with a lot of superstitions about money: money spoils a person, good people are not rich, money does not grow on trees.

My father’s favorite saying was: “Do you think I’m a Rockefeller?”

So I grew up fully convinced that life is hard. It wasn't until I met W. Clement Stone that I began to change my views.

When I worked with Stone, he said:

“I want you to set a very big goal for yourself.” So that when you achieve it, you will be stunned and know that everything worked out only because I taught you how to do it.

I was making about eight thousand dollars a year at the time, so I immediately said:

— I want to receive one hundred thousand dollars a year.

I didn't have a single idea how to do this. I had no strategy, no opportunity, but I said to myself, “I have declared it, I have chosen to believe it, and I will act as if it has already happened.” That's what I did.

Here's one of the techniques that Clement Stone taught me: every day, close your eyes and imagine that the goal has already been achieved.

I drew a hundred thousand dollar bill and hung it on the ceiling.

This bill was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes in the morning, and it reminded me of my intention. Then I would close my eyes and visualize the hundred thousand dollar a year lifestyle and myself living it.

Interestingly, nothing special happened for about thirty days. I didn’t have any amazing ideas, no one offered me big money.

Four weeks later, I had a hundred thousand dollar idea.

It just came to my mind. I had a book already written, and suddenly I thought: “If I can sell four hundred thousand copies of my book at twenty-five cents apiece, that will be exactly one hundred thousand dollars.”

The book was written a long time ago, but such an idea never occurred to me.

(One of the secrets is that when an inspired thought comes to you, you need to believe it and act on it.)

I had absolutely no idea how to sell four hundred thousand copies of a book.

But then I saw the National Enquirer magazine in the supermarket. I've seen it millions of times, but it blended into the background - and then suddenly jumped into the foreground. I thought, “If the readers of this magazine know about my book, then, of course, there will be four hundred thousand people who will buy it.”

About six weeks later I gave a lecture at Hunter College in New York to six hundred teachers. After the lecture, a woman came up to me and said:

— It was a great lecture. I want to interview you. This is my business card.

As it turned out, she was a freelance journalist writing for the National Enquirer.

The theme from "The Realm of the Supernatural" started playing in my head: "Wow, this thing really works!" The article came out and sales of the book skyrocketed.

I want to emphasize that I attracted these various events into my life, including a meeting with a journalist. Long story short, I didn't make a hundred thousand dollars that year—we only made ninety-two thousand three hundred and twenty-seven dollars. Do you think we got depressed and started saying:

-This does not work? No. We said:

-This is amazing!

My wife suggested:

“If it works for a hundred thousand dollars, maybe it will work for a million?”

And I answered:

- I don’t know, but I think so. Let's try.

My publisher paid me royalties for our first book, Chicken Soup for the Soul. He added a smiling face to his signature because it was the first million-dollar check he had ever written.

To attract money, you must focus on wealth.

It's impossible to bring more money into your life if you constantly worry about not having enough money because you think you don't have enough money. Focus on not having enough money and you will mentally create even more circumstances where you don't have enough money.

You need to think about wealth so that it comes to you.

You need to send a new signal with your thoughts, and these thoughts should say that you have plenty of money right now.

You need to turn to your imagination and believe that you already have the money you need. This is such a fun activity! You will notice that when you imagine yourself having a lot of money, you immediately begin to feel better, and as your mood lifts, money flows into your life like a river.

Jack Canfield's wonderful story inspired the team behind The Secret to create blank wish checks that you can use to raise any amount. Download this check from the link: check of abundance from the team of the film The Secret

How does this technique work?

Of course, the operating principle of a particular technique is very important for every person.

In fact, this is the factor that should interest you the least.

This is explained by the fact that the deeper we delve into the method itself, the more we begin to doubt it.

At this stage, any technique begins to lose its magical power. “Check of Abundance” is no exception. All a person using such a tool needs to know is how to fill it out correctly and when it needs to be done.

How to fill out an abundance check

So, let's look at all the nuances of filling out an abundance check in order to be more likely to receive the intended amount.

Abundance check: how to fill it out correctly?

Very simple.

All you need is a regular piece of paper and a pen.

You can issue a check manually, print it on your computer, or download it from the Internet. Whatever will be more convenient and easier for you.

Its essence, and especially its strength, will not change at all.

In this case, the power of energy will depend on the belief in the reality of the operation being carried out.

The connection with the Higher Powers will become much stronger if you sincerely believe in the feasibility of your desire.

Before we get into the step-by-step instructions for filling out the Universe Abundance Check, I want to share with you some important guidelines.

What amount can you write?

Your wishes are not limited, you can wish for absolutely any amount, the bank of abundance of the universe is filled with limitless possibilities. But the point is only for you to believe in the amount you are asking for.
Therefore, to begin with, I do not advise you to write large amounts on the check.

When you write your first amounts on an abundance check, listen to your inner feelings. Try to write down the amounts in the abundance check in ascending order. The amount at which you feel internal tension will be your “internal ceiling” when filling.

Write exactly this number, which causes slight tension.

You need to know exactly what you will spend your money on

You must be sure for what purposes the funds will be spent.

I wrote about this in detail here: The iPhone fell from the sky! My new money technique and its first results

Of course, we want a lot of money and it seems to us that figuring out how to spend it won’t be difficult, but as practice shows, this is not the case.

When people receive a large amount, they get lost and spend money on unnecessary things. It’s better to think everything through thoroughly and know your goals exactly. By controlling all your desires, you will speed up the process.

For example, you need money to buy a car or a laptop, write like that. Or are you dreaming of traveling to some country? Then let's apply for the required amount for this trip.

Instructions for filling out a check:

Now let’s get down to step-by-step instructions on how to fill out a Bank of the Universe check:

  1. In the PAYMENT
    , write your First and Last Name and write the amount in the white field.
  2. In the PAYMENT FOR
    , you can write what you are going to spend this money on or where to invest it.
  3. In the SIGNATURE
    write “Universe”
  4. If you wish, you can put the completed check in a secluded place and forget – you have made your order, the Universe will fulfill it.

If you wish, you can indicate the date of filling out the abundance check, indicate a specific monetary amount.

But also, to attract a specific amount, you should use this >>>

Is it necessary to put a stamp?

Until recently, legal entities were required by law to use seals and stamps in their work. But since 2021, everything has changed - now enterprises and organizations, as before and individual entrepreneurs, have every right not to stamp their documents using stamp products. The use of seals is necessary only in cases where this norm is established by the company’s internal regulations.

This rule also applies to checkbooks - they need to be stamped only when the card with sample signatures and seals contains an imprint of the company’s seal (if it is not there, then it is simply marked “b/p”, which means “without a seal”).

When should I fill out an abundance check?

You need to fill out the abundance check on the waxing Moon.

Ideally - on the New Moon, within 24 hours after it. This is the time of change of the lunar cycle, which is characterized by renewal and cleansing. It is believed that it is on the day of the New Moon that you can correct or correct your destiny and start a new life.

Once you've written the check, put it in a safe place and just put all thoughts about it out of your head until the next New Moon.

Find a special box for this.

Spent checks should be placed there and stored.

As a rule, the check works for exactly one lunar month - until the next new moon, but if during this period the wish did not come true, do not be upset, but it is already on its way to you and you need to wait a little longer.

It is important to know that every month you can fill out a new check, and it will definitely work. Just know that your application has been submitted and will be reviewed when your time comes. Do not disturb the Heavenly Office in vain and do not escalate the situation.

On the next New Moon, you can fill out a new Abundance Check, because you probably have other cherished desires.

After filling out the Abundance check, stay in high spirits for a while. Visualize with pleasure how you spend this amount, what pleasant sensations you experience at this moment.

With positive emotions you activate the Abundance Check, so don’t skimp on them! Rejoice, celebrate, celebrate.

And you shouldn’t expect a gift from above every day. Everything has its turn.

You may get what you want in a month, or you may have to wait a year.

It is better for the Higher Powers to know what a particular person needs and when.

Examples and photos

Rice. 3. Photo of a bank receipt from Alliance LLC

Rice. 4. Cash check and its counterfoil

Rice. 5. Rules for filling out a cash receipt

Rice. 6. This is what the front and back of a bank check looks like

Rice. 7. Photo example

Why might an abundance check fail?

In order for the abundance check to work accurately, let's make sure that we have no reason for not fulfilling it.

Reasons why the check does not work:

  1. You don’t believe in the reality of this method and think that it’s all a joke. In this case, of course, the Universe will not reciprocate your feelings and will also consider your appeal to be a stupid joke.
  2. You have already written a check, but have not received anything, perhaps you missed the chance that the Universe gave you. Sometimes what we order doesn't just fall into our hands, but is presented as an opportunity to make our dreams come true. For example, a person wants to buy a new car, fills out a check and after a few days he is invited to move to another job. Due to some fears or uncertainty, he refuses the offer. The Universe offered the man an option that would help him earn as much money as he needed for a new car, but he himself refused it.
  3. Your desire is not sincerely yours. Perhaps your dream was imposed on you by society or other sources.
  4. You yourself don't know what you want. More precisely, you know what you DON'T WANT. Look deeper into yourself, meditate, understand what you want and what you need money for.
  5. You are losing focus (I want this, and I want that, and wrap this up, please!). You want everything at once. Make a list of all your desires and work on each one separately, in order of importance.
  6. Your energy is completely blocked (accumulate grievances in your heart, constantly live in fears and anxious thoughts).

On this topic:

How to forgive offenses and raise your vibrations so that difficult desires come true - forgiveness meditation.

Have you checked everything, everything is fine with you, there are no reasons that prevent you from receiving the amount you need? Great! And in order to consolidate the result and 100% attract the desired amount, I recommend daily practicing the affirmations from this Guide to attracting big money>>> Now you know how to correctly draw up an abundance check. Use all the recommendations that I told you in this article. With a positive attitude and trust in the Universe, you can begin writing your abundance check. Good luck!


Checks are used as a means of payment abroad. In Ukraine and Russia this instrument is less popular. Its use causes a lot of problems for holders. Today, such types of bank checks as crossed and bearer are used. They repay offsets between legal entities. Freelancers who earn money from foreign resources receive personalized documents. But cashing them out is still quite difficult. Having paid a large percentage and waited about two months, the check holder may not receive payment at all.

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