Doors of happiness according to Feng Shui - how to eliminate the influence of poor placement in the house, valuable tips

According to Feng Shui, entrance play a vital role in the overall atmosphere of the house. There should be no obstacles to the full movement of energy flows.

Some of them have a positive impact on a person, while others, on the contrary, are completely negative. It is important that the energy channels are not cluttered, otherwise stagnation occurs.

Entrance doors serve as a link to the outside world in every residential building. It is through this place that all energy circulates – both external and internal.

Following the advice of Feng Shui experts, you can choose the right doors - this will help solve many current problems.

Feng Shui meaning of front door

When building a house, the position of the front door in Feng Shui is determined by the rule of four animals. According to it, in front of the building there should be a Red Phoenix zone, which corresponds to the southern direction. What should you pay attention to when building a home in order to ensure comfort and prosperity?

Feng Shui entrance door

Not only the location of the front door is important, but also what is in front of the house. The more free space around the building, the better the circulation of qi energy will be. It is necessary to take into account the presence of reflectors, which include the following:

  • gabled roofs;
  • television antennas;
  • gutters;
  • sharp corners of neighboring houses;
  • road forks;
  • narrow passages;
  • lamp posts.

According to Feng Shui, all these objects are capable of concentrating negative sha qi. For those who care about the well-being of their home, it is important to ensure that such energy flows are not directed towards the entrance to the house. For already constructed buildings, various Feng Shui techniques are used to neutralize the negative impact.

The front door is a kind of barrier that protects the inhabitants of the house from unwanted influences. It should look aesthetically pleasing and be durable enough. The front door should open inward, this is how it will let positive shen qi into the house and retain it. Windows, if they are located near doorways or opposite, are covered with curtains. Indoor plants also allow you to retain the flow of energy.

As for the size, a medium-sized entrance door would be preferable. A large opening will create problems of a material nature, and a small one will lead to quarrels between household members. It is important that the door is in good condition, without creaks or distortions of the canvas. It is important to promptly change or repair jammed locks and lubricate the hinges.

Remember that when building a turnkey house, you need to take into account all these nuances at the stage of drawing up the project. Contact only professionals who will take into account all your wishes:

Feng Shui rules for the toilet, bathroom: paintings and flowers

There are definitely flowers and paintings in the bathroom and toilet room, but there are certain nuances that are important to know and take into account.

  • The microclimate of the bathroom, high humidity - all this is ideal for some plants , so placing them in such rooms can and should be done.
  • In this case, the plants will purify the air and improve the energy in the room.
  • If you want to please yourself with fresh flowers in the bathroom, give preference to those that love a lot of moisture and do not need sunlight, since most often in such a room there is either none or very little of it.

Plants in the bathroom

  • Flowers in the toilet, according to Feng Shui monsteras, dracaenas, various exotic and tropical plants fit perfectly into the bathroom and toilet which will be ideally suited to the microclimate created in such rooms.
  • As for paintings, they are not only possible, but even necessary to be hung in the bathroom and toilet area. However, it is important to understand that for a small room one painting will be enough, for a large room - two.
  • Feng Shui paintings with a marine theme , depicting ships, seas, oceans, glaciers, sea animals, etc., as well as all paintings in blue, green, light blue, and gray tones, are perfect for

Marine style in the bathroom

But paintings depicting the sun, desert, beaches (very sunny paintings), fire, etc. are not only not suitable for these rooms, but are prohibited, since they will cause a conflict between two elements.

  • Also limit yourself to using red, yellow, orange, sand, and burgundy shades to decorate your bathroom and toilet.

What influences the direction of the front door of a house?

According to the rules of Feng Shui, any room is divided into nine sectors, according to the cardinal directions. Each zone, defined by the Bagua octagon, is responsible for certain aspects of human life. The technique involves connecting the cardinal directions with the elements of the Chinese horoscope: Earth, Wood, Metal, Water and Fire. Using a lopan compass and a bagua grid, you can determine which zone the front door belongs to.

Door facing north

The northern direction corresponds to the element of Water. This zone is responsible for career growth. The location of the entrance door to the north gives calm, regularity, and tranquility to all the inhabitants of the house. The flip side of this arrangement can be apathy and lethargy. To avoid this, you should add some southern (fire) energy, for example by placing a couple of bright red or yellow decorative elements.

Door - northwest

In the traditional Feng Shui system, the direction of the front door to the northwest, as well as the sector adjacent to it, is associated with the eldest man or head of the family. This entry position helps strengthen his leadership position and the general atmosphere of respect in the family. The zone is also responsible for the successful acquisition of knowledge. The northwest corresponds to the element of Earth.

Choosing a door relative to the rear of the house

Entrance from the northeast

The energy of the northeast is quite active and favorable for representatives of the younger generation if they study or engage in scientific research. However, more mature family members may experience discomfort and suffer from insomnia. In this case, it is worth using objects that reflect and dissipate a strong energy flow, for example, crystals.

Door facing east

The rising sun imbues this side of the world with ebullient energy. The direction is ideal for young people who are just starting out in life and want to climb the career ladder. This location of the front door is considered the most favorable in Feng Shui, as it helps improve the health of the people living in the house and ensures business success. The element Wood corresponds to the East.

If the door faces southeast

This direction of the front door, according to Feng Shui, contributes to the accumulation of material wealth. The process is slow but steady. A family living in such a house will never experience need. The Earth element, corresponding to the southeast, is quite conservative and best suits middle-aged and older people. Young people can liven up the area with home plants. It should be taken into account that the southeastern direction is favorable for those who work on long-term projects.

Door facing south

In the Middle Kingdom, all residential buildings were traditionally built with a south-facing façade. According to Feng Shui, this direction of the front door contributes to gaining fame, helps to establish connections and lead an active social life. The element Fire, corresponding to the southern direction, enhances the energy of the inhabitants of the home. Those who dream of a more relaxing pastime are advised to soften its effect by adding symbols of Water. This could be a painting depicting a pond, or an indoor fountain.

Door that faces southwest

The southwestern direction favors love and romantic feelings. This zone is responsible for a prosperous family life and a successful search for a marriage partner. However, it is worth considering that excessive passion for romance can negatively affect your financial condition.

West door

The Western direction in traditional Feng Shui is responsible for the younger generation. It can be recommended to families who dream of having healthy, numerous offspring, or to those who already have a baby. The Western zone also patronizes people with a creative streak, not only artists, musicians or painters, but also those who only dream of developing their abilities. The corresponding element is Metal.

If the entrance is from the northwest

The northwest side is considered a traveler's zone and is favorable for people whose business involves travel. In addition, the energy of the northwest ensures reliable patronage of high-ranking people and success in establishing communication ties with business partners.

Feng Shui door shape

Other nuances

In addition to the points described above, Feng Shui of the front door for an apartment includes other issues. This is especially true when the owners do not have the opportunity to change the location of the entrance or replace the door itself with a more suitable color and shape.

The most popular items that can correct the unfavorable passage of currents are bells and wind chimes. For example, you can place them on the path of energy to the exit, that is, between the front door and the interior door or inside such a triangle.

With the help of bells and wind chimes, you can correct the passage of energy flows

If the exit faces the direction of secret arrows, you can neutralize their influence with the help of decor. The best options are vases, fresh flowers, curtains. The best obstacle to the outflow of chi energy is a screen. At the same time, it is important to ensure that no obstacles are created for its entry into the apartment space. That is, there should be no foreign objects in front of the threshold. The fact is that energy accumulation occurs outside the apartment. It can be strengthened, but it is important not to create barriers to its passage. You can hang a horseshoe or a Chinese lantern outside, for example, but some other items can work as a reflector.

Particular attention should be paid to the issue related to garbage. You cannot leave it near the threshold or dump it in front of the door. This is fraught with financial difficulties, and in general spoils the impression, including aesthetically.

When entering the house you should find yourself in a bright, spacious room. Make sure you have good lighting. It is also important to come home in a good mood and leave everything bad at the door. This will have a positive effect not only on the Feng Shui of the apartment, but also on your emotional state. The remaining issues, as you can see, are quite fixable.

The location of the front door and its shape according to Feng Shui

The shape of the door leaf corresponds to the location of the doors in the house relative to the cardinal directions. According to Feng Shui, it is determined by the element that corresponds to each zone. Pointed forms correspond to the element of fire. The canvas can be decorated with diagonally intersecting slats, zigzag lines and even stars.

The elements of Earth correspond to clear, verified forms of small sizes. Such an entrance door may in appearance resemble a chocolate bar divided into equal small squares.

The element of water is characterized by streamlined, rounded shapes. They should be associated with a river or sea. These can be oval elements, soft wavy lines.

Strict elongated forms correspond to the element of Wood. The door leaf can be decorated with rectangular inserts, the lower base of which is much narrower than the side one.

The elements of Metal are more suitable for dynamic, fancy forms that combine rigor and smooth lines. Unlike previous options, where doors should be of a traditional rectangular shape, the doorway in such houses can be made in the shape of an arch.

In all cases, natural durable wood is suitable as a material for the front door. It is best to use oak or ash. Many city residents are forced to install iron doors as protection from intruders. But you can also choose a suitable design for them. In addition, metal is quite suitable for the element of the same name.

Where should the canvas open?

It is considered best to open the sash towards the nearest wall. This helps create a feeling of open space. When opening in the opposite direction, it seems that you are entering a buried space, which causes a feeling of inconvenience.

If the front door is mounted directly opposite the back exit, then the Chi energy passes directly through the corridor and leaves the house.

To delay the beneficial flow, it is recommended to create a protective barrier on its path. For this purpose the following is used:

  • mirror;
  • screen;
  • decorative lattice.

Sometimes it is difficult to install a suitable obstacle. To prevent the passage of Qi energy, the second canvas (black entrance) is covered with a curtain. It is not at all necessary to hang a heavy velvet curtain; it will be replaced by an ordinary tulle curtain with an original pattern.

If the first thing you see when entering a room is the corner of the wall, this situation is unfavorable for both residents and guests of the house. The following will help to extinguish the negative influence:

  • plant;
  • beautiful ornament;
  • decorative screen.

Excellent location of the entrance to the bedroom

What color should the front door be according to Feng Shui?

To choose the color of the front door, you can also use the bagua grid. Each sector of the home has its own shades.

Side of the worldRecommended shadeUndesirable colors
Southeastgreen, purplewhite
Southredblack blue
Southwestyellow, pink, beige
Westsilver, gold, copperblue, red, black
Northwestsilver, gold, copperblue, red, black
Northblack bluebrown, green
Northeastbeige, brown, yellowgreen

To reduce fiery energy, colors corresponding to the earth element or northeast are used as an additional color for the southern sector.

Mirror installation

According to Feng Shui, it is forbidden to place mirrors in front of the front door. It is believed that you will drive positive energy away from the house. Mirrors begin to absorb all the good things that are reflected in them.

If you install mirrors opposite the front door or interior door, the health of the residents will significantly worsen. There may also be problems with finances, luck and success in your endeavors. It is best to place mirror surfaces on the side of the front door so that only the rooms of the house are reflected.

How to correct incorrect door placement?

In most cases, modern people do not have the opportunity to choose a room that would ideally meet all the requirements of Feng Shui. It is impossible to change the location of the front door, windows or bathroom. But some techniques allow you to neutralize the negative consequences.

You can reduce problems by:

  • folding partitions;
  • rugs with suitable patterns;
  • talismans;
  • houseplants.

Between the bathroom and the hallway you can hang a bright thread curtain or put up a light screen.

Toilet doorway

The toilet door is of significant importance in the Feng Shui system. You should not install it opposite the front door. It is believed that by doing this you will attract negativity and failure. Also, you should not place it in front of the living room, because... the owners will often be nervous and worried.

If you put the kitchen table towards the toilet, then you will constantly be haunted by problems with the digestive system.

The position of the toilet opposite the bedroom leads to restless sleep. You should not place an aquarium with fish next to the door to the toilet. On the one hand, such a talisman can bring financial independence, but its position near the toilet leads to troubles in the business sphere.

Feng Shui talismans for the front door

Energy accumulates before entering and only after that it enters the room. Therefore, it is important that there are no obstacles to its passage. The space in front of the door should not be cluttered with unnecessary objects. To attract energy, you can hang Chinese lanterns or a horseshoe above the door. It is not advisable to place the remaining talismans on the street side; they will act as a reflector.

Bell or "chime of the wind"

The bell, from the point of view of Feng Shui, is nothing more than a “wind catcher”. It is believed that this talisman gives the inhabitants of the house pleasant emotions and cleanses the home of negativity. The correct bell has an internal cavity and a long tongue. It is attached to a pendant made of red thread. Often bells are combined with Chinese coins. Such talismans can be used by those who want to attract wealth.

Bells made from several tubes, which are commonly called “wind chimes,” are also well suited for the front door. The compositions differ in the number of pendants that determine their purpose. “Wind music” with five tubes dispels negative energy, while a six- or seven-tube one enhances the effect of a geographic zone and attracts positive flows.

Wind chime for the front door


As already mentioned, this talisman is placed on the outside of the door. It is designed to bring good luck and happiness into the house, and also serves as a talisman. The Slavs generally believe that only a found horseshoe has this property. However, Feng Shui experts assure that this is not so. The souvenir can be purchased in the store. The main thing is that it pleases the eye and pleases the inhabitants of the house. A horseshoe placed with its ends down attracts success. Hanging with its horns up, it will become a protection against negativity.

The size of the hallway is very important

Attracting money to your home depends on the size of the hallway. A small corridor does not contribute to large financial revenues along with the arrival of visitors. But adherents of Taoist teachings were able to find a way out of the situation using a number of secret techniques:

  1. Getting rid of junk. If there is a heap of everything unnecessary in the lobby, like a closet containing clothes for all seasons, outdated shoes and things that have not been used for the second and subsequent years, all this should be discarded and gotten rid of. Feng Shui of the hallway suggests the presence in this part of the house of only the items necessary for the current season.
  2. Extra space. Too large areas of the front room should also be avoided, since in this case excessively incoming flows will displace the energy of the inhabitants of the house, which can adversely affect their condition in the form of irritability and nervousness.

If the corridor is very large, adherents of the teaching recommend placing a bright object there to attract excess energy. She will be chained directly to him, and not change the existing order in someone else's house.

What should not be placed in front of the entrance?

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

If we talk about the position of the front door relative to other rooms in an apartment or house, it is considered unfavorable to have it opposite the bathroom. Supporters of the teachings of Feng Shui argue that in this case, the health and finances of the apartment’s inhabitants will literally flow down the drain. A similar effect is observed when window openings are located opposite the door.

Mirrors in the hallway

Most of us cannot imagine a hallway without a mirror. It is simply necessary here to fix your hair before going out, put on a hat or coat. Many people install full-length mirrors in hallways and hallways. From the point of view of Feng Shui practitioners, placing a reflective surface directly opposite the door is undesirable. It is believed that such a house will lose luck and its residents will not have good health. The mirror will turn the flow of sha qi in the opposite direction and it will leave the house without penetrating into other rooms.

In order, on the contrary, to increase the flow of energy, it is recommended to place the reflective surface on the same wall as the door. If this is not possible, hang the mirror on the side wall. In this way, you can redirect the flows and reduce the negative impact of sha qi.

Mirror in the hallway

Blind wall

Solid high fences, houses that are larger in number than your building, as well as natural elevations (mountains or hills) can block energy flows. If the entrance is located opposite such obstacles, they will literally block the flow of qi energy. By the way, when located at the back of the house, these objects, on the contrary, act as protection.

Inside the home, the location of a solid wall opposite the front door is also considered unfavorable according to Feng Shui. This deficiency can be corrected by placing on the wall a painting or photo wallpaper depicting a flowering meadow, a field with a road. Decorative elements symbolizing the water element are inappropriate here.

Military theme

Feng Shui experts do not recommend placing decorative elements with an aggressive color in front of the main door. These include various types of weapons, images of warships or military equipment, and battle scenes. It is believed that they can scare away good luck and provoke a hostile attitude of others towards the owners of the house.

Stair location

If the entrance to an apartment is located opposite the stairs, this is considered an unfavorable sign for its residents. This location of the door prevents the free circulation of qi, which leads to financial problems, difficulties in personal life and career. In multi-storey buildings, the location of the apartment opposite the lift shaft is considered negative. In both cases, bright lighting of the area in front of the front door, protective amulets on the outside and scattering crystals inside the room will help to correct the flow of energy in both cases. It is best to fence off the stairs or elevator with some high obstacle.

If the door is poorly located, it is quite possible to take measures to ensure that this does not affect the lives of the owners of the house.

Feng Shui rules for the toilet, bathroom and toilet: decorative elements

The most important thing to remember when decorating a bathroom and toilet is that the element of Water rules in these rooms. This means that decorative elements should not cause a conflict of elements.

  • According to the rules of Feng Shui, never choose yellow, orange, or red colors to decorate these rooms, since these are the colors of the element of Fire.
  • It is better to give preference to white, blue, blue and all its shades with the exception of very dark ones, green, etc. Also, the color of the toilet can be delicate, pastel.

Give preference to white and pastel

  • You can use various figurines and decorative elements that symbolize cold.
  • It is important not to overdo it with decorating the rooms, since we have already said that the most important things for such rooms are simplicity, cleanliness and practicality.

Simplicity and purity are important

  • There is definitely no need to fill all the shelves with figurines of ships, or cover all the walls with paintings depicting water.
  • The most important thing is balance . If you want to emphasize that the element of Water dominates in this room, choose a few decorative elements and limit yourself to them.
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