Sunflowers in the house to attract happiness and wealth

If we talk about the sunflower plant, it is more similar to the sun than other flowers, which kids love to draw: in an album, on the sidewalk and even on a fence. And when you observe a sunflower in nature, you are surprised at how obediently it turns to follow the sun. There is even a beautiful legend about this, which tells how the daughter of the respected Ocean fell in love with Apollo. The feeling was not mutual. The girl suffered greatly from the inattention of her beloved, became sad, and turned into a sunflower. And he still remains faithful - he turns from sunrise to sunset after the sun. Therefore, it is a symbol of true love. The legend is passed on from mouth to mouth among people of all ages.

If a plant is revered in the house, it bestows peace and harmony.

Magical properties of sunflower

Believe it or not, this plant is full of magic:

  • If a woman is unable to give birth for a long time, she should more often click sunflower seeds - a symbol of fertility - on the waxing moon, imagining how the seed hatches and produces an embryo. They say the baby will be born soon.
  • The plant, like the sun, warms households with warmth and makes them kinder to each other. Staying as a bouquet in a vase on the windowsill, it absorbs the rays, transmitting invisibly warmth to others.
  • Feng Shui practitioners claim that the plant has protective properties: by rubbing a drop of oil on the bridge of your nose before leaving the house or waiting for guests, you can protect yourself from the evil eye and other misfortunes.
  • The more images in the house with the color of a sunflower, the sooner positive energy will pour in, like a little life, for the inhabitants: it will direct them on the right path, unravel their thoughts. This has long been noted in Chinese teaching and confirmed in practice.
  • Nine plants in any form (bouquet, applique, buttons, brooches, etc.) bring special luck and material success. You need to place flowers in the sector of wealth and prosperity. After some time, profit will come to your doorstep. How, you ask, does this process happen differently for everyone? Some are unexpectedly repaid, others are given a bonus, and others are given money. In any case, material luck will come and help solve important family problems.
  • Wallpaper with a flower helps to reveal creative potential and activate vital energy, which is so necessary for schoolchildren and students. By contemplating the plant, they cope better with tasks.
  • For newlyweds, the image of a sunflower means a symbol of tenderness and attraction to each other. Placed in the sector of couples and marriage, it helps to reveal love among lovers. In established couples, passion will sparkle with renewed vigor, and the relationship will become stronger.
  • In a children's room it is good to have a symbol in the form of a pair of toys; it will promote the baby's mood and obedience.
  • The sunflower, as a symbol of fire, drives away stagnation from any sector, whether it be an image or embroidery, for example.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the plant drives away evil spirits through its petals, like rays in the sun. Thanks to this, negative energy changes to positive, giving warmth and joy. A person’s anger and anger disappears, and peace comes.

Element of Sunflower according to Feng Shui

Photo: Alexandra Naumova

The yellow color and the seeds in the core belong to the element of Soil and symbolize the emperor and members of the imperial family, the strength of the clan, self-confidence and stability.

The solar qualities of the Sunflower belong to the element of Fire and symbolize success, fame, and prosperity. It is believed that the Sunflower clears space of negative energy and protects against envy.

The use of sunflower by ancient eastern peoples

Even the ancient Aztecs saw the ability of sunflower oil to have a beneficial effect on the skin. And the sunflower was perceived as the sun god. But only rich people could use oil for cosmetic purposes at that time. The Aztecs at that time did not yet know why it was so useful; they believed it was intended for the elite. The thing is that the oil contains vitamin E, which scientists studied much later. Now this is nothing new to us.

But the ancient Chinese believed in the help of sunflowers in “ordering” prophetic dreams. In this case, they put the color under the pillow, and in the morning they remembered what they dreamed about. And they found out other people’s secrets in the same way as prophetic dreams, but they put a flower on the person they were interested in. Curiosity was also characteristic of ancient people.

The ancient Mexicans attracted good luck and wealth by taking a bath with the petals of a solar plant, which, in their opinion, attracted the sun, and it gave people warmth, strength, and therefore success. The petals must be freshly plucked, otherwise the power will be weakened, almost dead, and there will be no effect.

What does the Sunflower symbolize?

The Sunflower flower symbolizes the Sun and all solar qualities. A huge flower of bright yellow color always turns towards the Sun and is very similar to it, it is larger than all other flowers and is visible from afar, like the Sun. The sunflower symbolizes vitality, health and longevity, joy and happiness, generosity and clarity of consciousness.

Sunflower seeds symbolize a large family. Each Sunflower seed is separate, but grows and ripens together with others, nourished by one common root - a symbol of a friendly family and the strength of the clan. The sunflower symbolizes strong family ties, a friendly and large family, mutual assistance, prosperity and abundance.

A bowl of Sunflower seeds is a symbol of prosperity. One Sunflower sprout produces 10,000 seeds and each seed produces a new sprout. The sunflower symbolizes wealth, prosperity, success, abundant results and prosperity.

Stories from life about the magic of sunflowers

There are dead ends in every person's life, and people believe differently. These girls believed in the power of Feng Shui talismans, and they only benefited from it. Here are their stories.

Olga from Moscow shares with her friends in one of the women's online publications. She told how her husband and I once, when buying a large apartment, did not have enough money, and then they remembered the feng shui tips. They hung a photo with 9 sunflowers on the wall in the assistants' sector (you can draw it yourself). Success came unexpectedly and from different directions. Within a month, the required amount was collected, and after a couple of months the couple moved into a new apartment in a residential area.

Alina from Uzbekistan shares on the pages of her blog about family relationships. Several years ago they had a crisis, things were going towards divorce. A friend who used a hairdryer advised us to intensify the design of the apartment with sunflowers. The girl did just that. The images were everywhere where the friend pointed out, and constantly caught her husband’s eye. 20-25 days passed, the quarrels subsided, then disappeared completely, and peace was restored.

Lyudmila from St. Petersburg at one point in her life felt the need for money. I started looking for advice on magic, simoron and feng shui websites, found an interesting ritual and did it, but in my own way. Its essence is that you need to take a bath with sunflower petals. I didn’t have any petals on hand, so I bought soap in the required shape. A little time passed, the girl’s financial affairs improved.

And Valentina from Samara sat on a bench and fingered the petals with her fingers. Suddenly the girl had an idea to solve an old problem.

And there are many such examples. Feng Shui “works”, in particular, with the help of flowers.

Love and marriage

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, in order for embroidered paintings not only to decorate your home (apartment), but also to help in finding a soul mate or maintaining a harmonious relationship with an already found one, you should place them in the bedroom or the southwestern part of the house (in sector "Love and Marriage").

  • ANEMONES - symbolize sincerity;
  • PANSIES - happiness, the desire to always be close to your loved one;

  • ASTER - love and tenderness;
  • IRISES - faith and hope, promise for the future;
  • LILY OF THE LILY - humility, humility;
  • LILY - purity, yellow - gratitude;
  • MAGNOLIAS - dignity;
  • MACIES And POPPY FIELDS (and other flower fields) - to “male strength”;

  • YELLOW DADDLES - respect, “you are the only one”;
  • Forget-me-nots - true love;
  • ORCHIDS - perfection, refined beauty;
  • PEONIES are great for meeting your loved one. According to Feng Shui, peony is a flower of joy, a symbol of exquisite passion and carnal love. It is the most favorable symbol for young married couples. The image of a peony in the bedroom or in the Love sector is a wonderful talisman, but its beneficial effect is only relevant in the first years of marriage. When children are born and a young wife becomes a mother, peonies in the bedroom begin to symbolize infidelity. That is, it is better to embroider peonies for couples who do not yet have children, so as not to provoke infidelity in marriage. Therefore, after several years of a happy marriage, the embroidery should be replaced with another one;
  • ROSES red symbolize passionate and devoted love, pink and white - purity of thoughts, roses without thorns - love at first sight;

  • LILAC - beauty;
  • TULIPS - good luck, yellow - wishes for happiness in love;
  • VIOLETS - loyalty and virtue;
  • A PAIR of embroidered animals or birds - two doves, cranes, storks, ducks, wolves - contributes to meeting your soul mate, as well as family well-being;
  • A PAIR of people - a man and a woman - is a symbol of love and fidelity, ideally they should hold hands or kiss;
  • GOLDEN WEDDING RINGS on a red background will help speed up the wedding;
  • A UNICORN will help an unmarried girl get married in the near future.

Sunflower as a talisman

Observing private courtyards, you involuntarily come to the conclusion: those who have sunflowers growing under their windows or in their gardens are richer and kinder. But before, people had never even heard the word feng shui; it was simply always present in the design of their houses and grounds.

Or here's an example. Many families place unroasted sunflower seeds under the threshold of their home as a talisman. They protect household members from evil intent and damage.

Or this ritual, familiar to everyone since childhood, but not everyone attaches importance to it: when some unpleasant situation occurs, we run to the store and buy a bag of seeds. We clicked, dreamed, and after a day or two the problem disappeared. Either it wasn’t there at all, or they got too caught up in the little things. And the seeds helped figure this out. Followers of the fen advise performing the ritual on the waning moon, but it will work no matter what.

Your dream home

HOUSE will help you buy a house, cottage, or apartment . The house can be of any size, but it is still recommended to embroider the kind of house in which you would like to live. For some, this is a cozy house in the village, surrounded by flowers and trees, and for others, a luxurious mansion. Any building will help improve living conditions. But the basic principle of Feng Shui says: all thoughts materialize, what you strive for is what you get. Therefore, every time you look at the house of your dreams, you will experience positive emotions and get closer to your cherished goal. It is best to place this painting in the living room in a visible, well-lit place or in the south-eastern part of the house (in the “Wealth” sector).

Sunflower salad with cod liver

Photo: Aksakal/Depositphotos


  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 50–100 g olives;
  • 150 g cod liver;
  • 5–6 stalks of green onions;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • chips - to taste.


Boil hard-boiled eggs for 10 minutes, potatoes until tender.

Chop the cucumbers, olives and egg whites into small pieces. Mash the cod liver with a fork. Grate the yolks on a fine grater. Chop the onion.

Place potatoes with a couple of tablespoons of canned oil, cod liver, onions, cucumbers and egg whites in layers on a flat plate. Lubricate the top with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with yolks, make a large mesh of mayonnaise, garnish with olives and chips.

Do it for no reason

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